Lifeless Weaboos Unite

The place to discuss other entertainment such as movies, television, art, literature, and music.
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Lifeless Weaboos Unite


Post by Apollo the Just » Tue Feb 14, 2012 8:00 pm

ok not really. More like "people who have little enough of a life to be caught up to one or more multi-hundred-episode series, unite."

Anyone like that here? I'm almost caught up to the Detective Conan anime-- on episode six hundred and something or other. And I am caught up to One Piece, which is at five hundred and whatever. I tried a few other long series but didn't manage to make it through them because I decided I really didn't care.

I kind of like these long series because you know there's a lot there so if you get obsessed with one there's a long road before you get at the OH NOES I HAS 2 WAIT A WEEK B4 DA NEXT EPISODE HALP phase. On the other hand, they are very very prone to fillers. And lots of them. And 20-episode bossfights.

I like Conan because at least all of its arcs and stories are usually tied up in between one and five episodes so you don't have the epic episode-long villain monologues. However, there are countless cases of "we don't want to catch up to the manga so here have a random murder to solve that has zero to do with plot."

One Piece is just guilty of the five zillion episode long story arcs. But I love it.

any peeps out there who are as crazy as me come on i know you must exist :{C
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Post by SephirothKirby » Tue Feb 14, 2012 8:10 pm

I would want to watch One Piece if I could reliably sort out all of the filler.

Conan is a damn good series, though. I keep telling myself I will watch them all, but I never will.

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Post by Apollo the Just » Tue Feb 14, 2012 8:14 pm

^ It's understandable. I put it down for a few months in the 400s when there was literally NO PLOT for EIGHTY EPISODES STRAIGHT.

Just eighty.... random.... vacation murders. Those get old after a while.

But when the plot IS there or when the murder IS interesting/new or when Heiji or any of the police detectives are involved, it is totally awesome. Also childpunt. Episode 52. Best.

One Piece doesn't have that much filler so much as it has really really extended arcs. It's long because everything that happens takes thirty episodes to happen. Obviously filler is THERE... it wouldn't be an anime without it... but most of it is just dragged out painfully x{D

[I hear the manga solves the problem in both cases, which is why I've started reading in addition to watching]
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Post by Valigarmander » Tue Feb 14, 2012 8:53 pm

I decided to watch the entire Dragon Ball anime series, including 153 episodes of the original anime, 291 episodes of Z, and 64 episodes of GT.

I started in August, and I've gotten through about 12 episodes.

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Post by X-3 » Tue Feb 14, 2012 9:17 pm

I'm not really interested in series that go on for that long.

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Post by Jere » Tue Feb 14, 2012 9:28 pm

id like to see where most peole at my age thought pokemon jumped the shark still im a bit hesitant cause if i can't get a red line in a series i start making theories and stuff and it can drive me slightly mad.
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Post by Apollo the Just » Tue Feb 14, 2012 9:48 pm

I have honestly not seen that much of Pokemon. I really just watched it when it was on TV when I was little and then I decided to start catching 'em all on my own since Ash was doing a crappy job of it lawl

The opening is still the best thing ever


Val, that is IMPRESSIVE. I dunno if my 60-episodes-a-weekend-when-I-am-obsessed can compete with that. :{C
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Post by Antisocial » Tue Feb 14, 2012 11:36 pm


I don't watch anime, but I felt obligated to post in this thread due to the title.

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Post by Apollo the Just » Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:20 am

You are welcome here, comrade. desu.
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Post by Deepfake » Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:32 am

I think the longest series I've ever seen every single episode of was Trigun. The ones that just keep going on really start to drag their feet. Especially stuff like Inuyasha, where basically nothing happens but the main characters being dicks to one another for most of the episodes.
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Post by Bomby » Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:55 am

I'm only a marginal anime watcher, but this is one of my favorite songs right now and many of my biggest influences as a filmmaker are Japanese. Can I join the lifeless weaboo club? I mean, I know I'm more known for liking Chinese and Korean stuff but still...

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Post by Apollo the Just » Wed Feb 15, 2012 2:19 am

^ You are accepted as a member of the Lifeless Weaboos. I suppose. Since that song is pretty damn awesome.

^^ Inuyasha was a pretty terrible series. I watched a lot of it when I was younger, but I stopped once I started actually caring about plot in series. >_>

Like, One Piece and Conan are able to get away with being stupidly long because there's a lot of growth and change and plot twists and building going on that keeps you hooked on it. [strike]or just murders/explosions[/strike]

Inuyasha I felt was just a lot of the same, and that's why I got over it really quickly.
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Post by Rainbow Dash » Wed Feb 15, 2012 3:08 am

one piece protip: read the manga. it'll save you millions of time

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Post by Apollo the Just » Wed Feb 15, 2012 3:16 am

Yeah I did start doing that once I caught up to the anime and was like OMG I WANT MOAR SADFACE

Not only is the art a bit better [not talking about the style; that is what it is and I think it's awesome. Just that, as with almost every anime-manga relationship, the manga art is more detailed and cleaner] but the pacing is soooo much better. And from my experience the translations were better too lawl

I just like watching series, though, because even though the art and pacing may not be as good I like hearing the voices and the soundtrack and it is SO SATISFYING to watch Luffy beat the **** out of someone in motion. So honestly for full effect I do both >_>
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Post by Ace Mercury » Wed Feb 15, 2012 12:37 pm

For those long series, I only watched them if there was the dub on TV because I can't be arsed to download a hundred episodes of whatever from somewhere. Exceptions were Ruruoni Kenshin (because I didn't know any better) and Bleach (since my roommates were watching it at the time).

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Post by Rainbow Dash » Wed Feb 15, 2012 12:43 pm

yeah see i can only make myself watch short (26 episode) series

i should probably find the fights in one piece on youtube or something though

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Post by Apollo the Just » Wed Feb 15, 2012 5:31 pm

I can't be arsed to download them either. That's why I [strike]stream them[/strike] purchase them legally. You can't really get away with watching them as they appear every now and then on TV though since most of them have an overarching plot that you miss if you only tune in for a week's shenanigans at a time.

I guess it might work for Conan if you're just interested in random murders rather than plot, but for shows like One Piece so little happens in one sole episode that I'd never watch it an episode at a time, missing those in between. It wouldn't really work.

I guess if you're religious about it, but eh. I'm more of a hundreds-of-episodes-at-a-time splurger.
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Post by LOOT » Wed Feb 15, 2012 5:55 pm

Does Fist of the North Star count for series because there's like 150 episodes of the series not to mention the three-part special and the movies and then there's also a short prequel series also I like the punching and the people exploding

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Post by Apollo the Just » Wed Feb 15, 2012 7:13 pm

I know some people who give up after the 50's so we'll say three digits counts

Although if you want to be one of the cool kids you should start on One Piece. Because it's awesome. Or Conan. Because it is also awesome. jussayin
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Post by Rainbow Dash » Wed Feb 15, 2012 7:34 pm

some dude streamed conan in an irc i go to but the site he used died so i dont get to see more conan :(

maybe ill stream it myself someday

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