Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney


Post by Heroine of the Dragon » Mon Feb 20, 2023 4:46 am

Have you played Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney?
Which are your favourite cases?

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is a visual novel adventure game where the player takes the role of Phoenix Wright, a rookie defense attorney, and attempts to defend their clients in five cases. These cases are played in a specific order. After finishing them, the player can re-play them in any order. Each case begins with an opening cinematic cutscene often depicting a murder; shortly thereafter, the player is given the job of defending the prime suspect in the case. The gameplay is divided into two sections, investigations and courtroom trials.

During investigations, which usually take place before or between trial sessions, the player gathers information and evidence by talking to characters such as their client, witnesses, and the police. The player can move a cursor to examine various things in the environment. By using a menu the player can move to different locations, examine evidence, and present evidence to other characters. By showing certain pieces of evidence to some witnesses, the player can access new information.
- ... e_Attorney

Which are your favourite characters?
- ... characters

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Re: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney


Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Mon Feb 20, 2023 6:30 pm

I did play it, and it's a good game. My favorite case is the one that takes place at the Gatewater Hotel (it's so unsubtle a reference that it almost comes back around to being clever). It's a good setting for an investigation, and I think the bellboy is funny.

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Re: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney


Post by Booyakasha » Tue Feb 21, 2023 12:36 pm

I played it, yes, but it was so long ago that all the cases kind of blur together.

...they put out a Phoenix Wright collection on XOne a few years back------------I bought it and swiftly forgot it existed. Maybe I should revisit the series all over again.
boo--------------a real american weirdo

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