Sliders (TV Series)

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Heroine of the Dragon
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Sliders (TV Series)


Post by Heroine of the Dragon » Thu Jan 13, 2022 5:18 am

Have you watched this series?
Who are your favourite characters?
What are your favourite episodes?

The show's titular characters are a group of people who travel ("slide") between different Earths in parallel universes via a vortex-like wormhole, activated by a handheld timer device. While the slide technology was intended to return them to their home universe, their premature use of the timer to escape a dangerous situation has caused the timer to lose track of the coordinates for their home universe.

Now, they are forced to slide between universes, spending anywhere from minutes to months there, waiting for the timer to count down to the next time they can open a vortex to a new universe, hoping it is their original one. Failing to use the vortex to slide at that point would mean they would be stuck in that universe for nearly three decades until they can open the vortex again.

She lives in the clouds and talks to the birds...

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Re: Sliders (TV Series)


Post by Booyakasha » Fri Jan 14, 2022 6:19 am

There were a few months when I was a kid when 'Sliders' was on the Sci-Fi Channel, and I'd watch it regularly. It was pretty good. Good enough that I bought it on DVD a few years back (...and then never watched it. I'm a clown, man).
boo--------------a real american weirdo

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