Goku: Who's stronger than him?!

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Post by PK FIRE! » Tue Jul 01, 2008 8:39 pm

Oh a big old counter attack eh IRHP? This should turn out to be very intresting.

Hmm where'd the littler flamer troll go? Probly off watching the tripe that's on MTV and using his brash personality, and faaux gangsta attitude to hide how insucure he is about his own sexual idenity. Heh should have used Mrs. Garrison for his PDN.

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Post by 1-up Salesman » Tue Jul 01, 2008 8:51 pm

lol 990 cool points

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Post by spooky scary bearatons » Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:15 pm

-=(Mr.420)=- wrote:Hello. I am a sweet and innocent little boy who doesn't wanna feel Masahiro's wrath. ^.^

Very wise.
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Post by 1-up Salesman » Tue Jul 01, 2008 10:55 pm

What's wise would be to stop posting, becuase every post he makes is just a stupid insult.

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Post by ZeldaGirl » Tue Jul 01, 2008 11:07 pm

Remember kiddies, you don't flame the trolls back. You report them.

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Post by Joker » Tue Jul 01, 2008 11:15 pm

I thought I did that :shrug:

How about a Magic Trick?? I'm going to make this pencil dissapear !

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Post by Erdawn Il Deus » Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:46 am

WOah. So much hatin on 4: 20.
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Post by 1-up Salesman » Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:22 am

I did report him.

Man, I'd hate to see Goku go up against Light Yagami from Deathnote. Though, Goku could obliterate him before he could write everything down.

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Post by PK FIRE! » Wed Jul 02, 2008 5:13 pm

You underestimate Light, he'd have Goku's name written down weeks before the fight with an exact cause of death probly something so elaborit and clever that Goku wouldn't know what hit him. Light may be crazy and think that he's a god but he's not stupid.

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Post by Joker » Wed Jul 02, 2008 5:14 pm

I REALLY HATE POKEMON! wrote:I made a huge ass reply on a PC...and it didn't go through. Be prepared to lose, I am looking at info on all the opposing characters and found many unmentioned weaknesses. Example, Dr. Fate sucks w/o his helmet. I'll reply in full later.

PSP is gay!
Be that as it may, but how the hell would Goku get the helmet off of him when Dr. Fate has the ability to simply use an astral pronjection form. Much like a ghost both energy and solid mass would pass right through. With Goku unable to touch or grab his helmet Dr. Fate can simply cast spells left and right to whoop on Goku.

Also saying that Dr. Fate sucks w/o his helmet is like saying Goku sucks with out his Ki energy. Take away the very source of Goku's power and all you have is a human with exceptional hand to hand fighting skills, at which point he would be on Batman's level albiet with out the Genuis of ol' batty.

Also Goku isn't very bright I've seen enough episodes where he's pretty much a thick headed clod.

How about a Magic Trick?? I'm going to make this pencil dissapear !

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:24 pm

Super Spirit Reply...Bomb...thing...

First, the rules I set in the beginning aren't definite. For example, if someone just INSISTS that it's not fair for Goku to fight Batman without leveling the field by any means nessacary or about it not being the "right way to do a death match", then you can argue with your own rules and I may engage a bit. But I won't really take into consideration for real that, since Batman wished for immortality on the Dragon Balls via Shenron's power that he can beat Goku.

I found this little piece of info here pertaining to Phoenix. "If the Phoenix Force is harmed or killed, it will form an "egg" of cosmic power, incubate in the White Hot Room, and hatch out completely healed." If this is true, there is no way to win, not for anyone. Tell me if I am wrong on this, if it can be completely defeated 100%. Otherwise, it's pretty unfair.

About Sentry and how he created this "Void" thing. You people act like living through being sent into the sun is ridiculous, even in fiction. Well, take this: "Breaking free from the illusion, the Sentry found that the Professor and Doctor Strange had been trying to keep the secret the Void knew from the Sentry through controlling him. Seeking out the Void, the Sentry discovered the secret: The secret serum that had granted the Sentry his powers would have worked on anyone. The Void argued that the world had enough trouble with one Sentry and one Void saving and killing people; it didn't need six and half billion more. Understanding everything, the Sentry hurled the Void into the sun. The Void warned Sentry that he would return, and when he did, he would kill everyone." Um, bad writing? I guess so.

Now directly about Sentry: "The only psychic abilities he had displayed so far is implanting his memories inside Paul Jenkins' mind and calming the fury of the Hulk." So far we can say this much: Sentry has virtually useless psychic powers. So it has to be a contest of physical combat and Goku has the edge with his long distance Ki attacks. Sure Sentry has that 2 second foreknowledge but his lack of speed would be his downfall since Goku can destroy large areas at once while keeping distance.

Light, as I pointed out a long time ago, is just the sort of character who can't be used. Like Ryuk. I can't fathom who could beat Ryuk, since he can't be damaged by anyone in the human world and can kill with a simple stroke of a pen...It's just not fair.

Luke Skywalker? Is this a joke?

The Hulk: He can jump really high cuz he gots da big muscles? Nice argument but in the tv shows, movies and cartoons I watched, armies can eventually wear him down. Ridiculously weak by DBZ standards, awfully slow and, from EVERYTHING I have ever witnessed about basic ol' green Hulk, he's a dumbass. He cannot fly, virtually a damned staple in Marvel's own universe and he has no projectiles. No, he can't win, he can't even affect Goku unless there's something (which I am sure I am not) I am missing about the Hulk. Oh, and the Madder he gets the stronger he gets? How about when he's dead before he's mad? When his particles disintigrate into nothingness? Or how about even if he could hurt Goku, what about the fact that he'd never touch a speed of light martial arts master? Hulk would never win. Prove to me he can by disproving what I said. Tell me how he can catch Goku or tell me I am wrong about armies tearing his ass up.

I'll post more later.

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Post by spooky scary bearatons » Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:04 pm

See, this arguement will never be won due to one tiny factor.

All these characters are from seperate fictional universes.

It's hard to compare Goku to lets say, Pikachu or something like that, cause they don't exsist in the same fictional universe.
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Post by Apiary Tazy » Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:07 pm

Way to be a killjoy, Masa. :p

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Post by PK FIRE! » Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:29 pm

Every topic needs a killjoy that's just how the internet works.

Also just to annoy IRHP Ness anyone who can browbeat Giygas long enough for the spirtbomb like prayer comand to kick in has a fair shot at holding his own agaenst Goku, also I doubt that even Goku's thick skull would stand up agenst the dimend bat for long. Throw in Ness's SSB abilities and his in game powers and he'll give the living hairdo called Son goku something to fight.

PS I love being stubborn and argumentitiv it just so much fun!

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:33 pm

sopdinapjndfpasbhiklasdfj pkasdjo he can't fly???????

your logic is undeniable every character who cant fly must suck

What about the arguments about intelligent Hulk? Gray Hulk? And didn't you say something about source material? The movies, cartoons, and TV shows aren't the comics. And yes, armies can wear him down, because they are ****ing armies. Hundreds can wear him down. How is that a problem? A ****load of people with tons of high-tech equipment vs. one person.

The Phoenix itself cannot die, but one of the Phoenix Force can be defeated. We are talking about somebody under the control of the Phoenix against Goku.

And never ever compare the writers of Marvel Comics to Akira-****ing-Toriyama.

I'm sorry, I got a little overboard with this post, but damn, your main argument about the Hulk is that he can't fly. He can jump extremely high, Gray Hulk is intelligent.

And you seem to continue going on the "speed of light" thing. Remember the quote from DBWiki? Here it is again:

"Even though it is not exactly certain how fast Goku can travel, on several occasions, it has been suggested that Goku by the end of Dragon Ball Z, could move faster then the speed of light(this is subjective however, as Piccolo claimed that Raditz could move faster than the speed of light, and raditz was not nearly as powerful as goku at the end of DBZ). This however is flawed considering that the Z senshi themselves watch the light from someone's aura to see where they are during fast paced battles. Vegito was suggested to have the ability to move faster then light speed, considering that he told Super Buu that he had to feel the movement of his Ki because he wouldn't be able to see him with his eyes.
Some people argue that Goku was indeed faster then light-speed by the end of Dragon Ball Z, but could move instantaneously while using the Shunkan Ido. The Shunkan Ido translates directly into English as "Instantaneous movement", which suggests that the location change happens instantly, not at light speed."

So he's not "omg speed of light nobody can touch him"
and that's the waaaaaaaaaay the news goes

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Post by Swordmaster Link » Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:58 pm

Masahiro wrote:See, this arguement will never be won due to one tiny factor.

All these characters are from seperate fictional universes.

It's hard to compare Goku to lets say, Pikachu or something like that, cause they don't exsist in the same fictional universe.
I could've sworn I said something like this 15 pages ago or something.

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Post by Lurch1982 » Wed Jul 02, 2008 9:32 pm

Failing to address Lobo just further proves that Lobo wins.

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Post by Erdawn Il Deus » Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:09 pm

Well, my post just got erased. Yes. I am not re-writing it. I'm still going to say game, set, match, but instead of re-writing my ****ing essay I'm going to link you here: Powers and abilities of the Hulk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, and then here: Luke Skywalker - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki, and then instead of arguing for the Sentry I'm going to use the Hulk's argument to prove the Sentry destroys Goku by simple default logic. I am just not writing all that **** again. But there it is - proof set against absolutely nothing in terms of Goku-supporting evidence that suggests the Saiyajin even has a chance against either.
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Post by Blake » Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:39 pm

The funny thing about the speed of light argument is that Goku most likely cannot physically see and definitely cannot hear his opponent. There is probalby a specific speed and time listed somewhere in which neurons fire into the brain to transmit signals and such. Goku's reaction speed probably is not as fast as the speed of light since to my knowledge nothing is faster than the speed of light. Also, even if he can travel the speed of light, I don't believe it would be possible to accelerate so quickly and stop so abruptly for combat purposes.

So my very basic anatomy/psychological/physics conclude that Goku may have this awesome speed, but he cannot physically use this to 100% capacity in a battle that is going to be at close range (which in terms of light speed I can safely say if Goku is 100 miles away from his opponent).

I apologize if that post isn't accurate. I'm not energetic enough to research the proper terminology and stuff, just wanted to convey a few pieces of 'scientific' information that could possibly prevent Goku from using his abilities to his max.

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Post by Deku Tree » Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:22 pm

It seems to me that you seem to think Goku can survive the heat of the core of a star because there exist characters who have endured the heat of a star, and Goku can't be weaker than them so he MUST be able to survive the heat of a star.

Someone explain the Sentry simply existing 2 seconds ahead in the timeline to me. I don't quite understand the implications.
