Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

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Post by The Flattest Pancake » Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:20 am

I saw the movie yesterday. It was okay as far as I saw it. I fell asleep halfway through. My mom says it was pretty good.
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Post by Sean P Kelly » Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:37 am

Zeldaridleyizardachu wrote:[spoiler]ROBOTS TURNING INTO HUMANS


I'LL TELL YOU: IT DOESN'T. Especially in the Transformers universe. If they can turn into humans, then why the **** would they ever want to be anything else? You could get so much goddamn espionage done that way, but no. They prefer being gi-****ing-gantic cranes and ****. ****.

They can transform into humans, they can TELEPORT, they can survive on ****ing FROZEN PLANETS THAT DON'T HAVE A SUN

You know everything that you are complaining about IS established in the Transformers universe.

The "Transformer into Human" thing is based on Pretenders (Transformers that use an organic base). Look it up on Wikipedia.

Also the "Teleporation" is actually the use of Space Bridges and only Decepticons have that power. (once again look on Wikipedia)

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Post by Greenmarioman » Sun Jun 28, 2009 12:30 pm

Thanks for clearing that up Sean, but still, they just got three minor scenes and got smashed.

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Post by CaptHayfever » Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:33 pm

What the bleep does that guy say in the Spider-Man theme? I never could understand it, always sounded like "Spider-Love, Spider-Glove, radioactive Spider-Blood" or something.

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Post by Sean P Kelly » Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:02 am

^ I assume you are thinking of "Is he strong? Listen bud, he's got radioactive blood."

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Post by The Flattest Pancake » Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:52 am

Why are we talking about Spider-Man? And I agree with Sean. Although i'm not so sure about the, "Listen bud" part.
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Post by Sean P Kelly » Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:57 am

^ I specifically listened to the song before making the post.

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Post by The Flattest Pancake » Mon Jun 29, 2009 10:17 am

Oh. Okay. I couldn't remember the song.
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Post by Bad Dragonite » Mon Jun 29, 2009 10:34 am

CaptHayfever wrote:What the bleep does that guy say in the Spider-Man theme? I never could understand it, always sounded like "Spider-Love, Spider-Glove, radioactive Spider-Blood" or something.

And remember, "I'm-a Luigi, number one!"
Now, kids, this is what we call, "Getting off topic".
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Post by Maximum Spider » Mon Jun 29, 2009 10:38 am

vgfian wrote:Now, kids, this is what we call, "Getting off topic".
Cap can do whatever the hell he wants.

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Post by CaptHayfever » Mon Jun 29, 2009 1:00 pm

It's the same lyrics as the old song? Wow, I really couldn't make it out at all.
Okay, tangent done.

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Post by Lurch1982 » Thu Jul 02, 2009 8:46 pm

Michael Bay makes George Lucas racist stereotypes seem tame.

Better action sequences, but felt about an hour too long due to the extensive overuse of Bayshots (slow motion of cars driving up, planes taking off, military guys running around, etc) and a slapped together human story that opened up way too many tangents that were either unnecessary or wasted.

[spoiler]Devastator was a bitch imo. If you're a named character and the humans wipe you out, you officially suck. He was awesome until the point where one of the blackface Autobots (i think the one that didn't have the gold tooth) busted out of his mouth. Then the humans railgun him. Oh boy.

The final fight with the Fallen was retarded.

Actually, the best fight in the entire movie was Prime vs. Blackout/Starscream/Megatron in the forest.

Soundwave is awesome. The new form is great (satellite) and +15 for using Frank Welker's voice (-5 for not flanging his voice enough...sounded exactly like his Dr. Claw voice from Inspector Gadget). Ravage kicked ass too.

Robot design is slightly better this time around. They're actually discernible, though I still had a little bit of trouble in some parts telling Starscream from Megatron (just give one of them a few colored panels).

Jetfire was hit and miss. I didn't like that they literally made him a cranky, decrepit old man with a cane, but I did like when he started ripping things in half.

The entire university subplot should have just been cut. The moving scene was stupid, the dorm scenes set up crap that didn't go anywhere, and the Pretender was dumb for all of the same reasons T3 was patently retarded.

Prime's "death" was cheapened by making him instantly revivable.

Starscream and Megatron had a little more interaction in this movie, and it worked. Too bad no other decepticon had a personality (Soundwave sort of did, but he was more of an eye-in-the-sky type of thing).

On the Autobot side, too much screentime wasted on the racist-robot twins, not enough on Sideswipe, Ironhide, Ratchet (one or two lines), Arcee, etc.

Nothing after the credits, just a few lame scenes during (none involving robots).

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Post by Marilink » Thu Jul 02, 2009 9:19 pm

Sean P Kelly wrote:[spoiler]
You know everything that you are complaining about IS established in the Transformers universe.

The "Transformer into Human" thing is based on Pretenders (Transformers that use an organic base). Look it up on Wikipedia.

Also the "Teleporation" is actually the use of Space Bridges and only Decepticons have that power. (once again look on Wikipedia)
Well you know what, cool. I can dig that. But how about you TELL US. EXPLAIN STUFF. Stop wasting time on humping and fart jokes and TELL THINGS.

I mean, what. RC got one line. Ironhide got...2? I don't even remember. Seriously, I don't remember anything about the autobots in this movie other than Prime and Bumblebee...and they just cheapened everything.

The opening scene: A military group and Autobots going throughout the world and searching out Decepticons. You know what? That should have been the whole movie. Also, sorry Michael Bay, but there's no way that guns could hurt giant ****ing robots...especially Devastator. Seriously.

Speaking of Devastator, the constructocons didn't get any screen time other than them combining! I mean, seriously, the coolest part of the constructocons is their personalities...but no, all we see is a Devastator sucking up things and getting beaten up by one of the TWINS. Speaking of the Twins, why didn't they explain anything about them either? Why are they twins? Why are they stupid? There's a story there, why not tell it?

They wasted screen times on stupid jokes and man-thongs and that stupid, stupid stupid roommate character, in stead of telling an actual Transformers story like they could have.

grah. I could go on, but I'm done.
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Post by Greenmarioman » Thu Jul 02, 2009 9:27 pm

Like I said before, it was bad, I agree, but it wasn't Transformers 2: Electric Boogaloo.

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Thu Jul 02, 2009 9:54 pm

I'm gonna watch the first tonight, hopefully I don't hate it.

Then my brother wants to go to this one sometime soon. I'm praying it's not as bad as I hear.
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Post by chibimod3 » Fri Jul 03, 2009 12:23 pm

Ok this movie wasn't all bad. I mean the story sucked and the characters were underdone and to put it simply a rail gun could probably take out a machine of metal. The action scenes kinda made up for the movie I mean in the one scene that had about 10 minutes of non-action I just went to the bathroom and got more popcorn. Its entertainment value is high to a regular guy but to a fan it just epic failed all over. To everyone in this forum who grew up watching the show and the toys and all that this is a huge disappointment. But as a movie try to think about it from a non fan's view. It'll get at least to decent. I mean come on Prime was taking on 3:1 odds. and fared quite well considering they were the top 3 Decepticons under Megatrons rule.

To sum it all up. The movies action made up for the crappy everything else. I'm not saying it's great and should win an Oscar but it was ok and worth watching.

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Post by Marilink » Fri Jul 03, 2009 12:52 pm

To me, the only good action scene was Prime fighting in the forest. Other than that, I'm gonna go to this quote:

[quote="Spoony]The action scenes were like taking a giant electromagnet into a junkyard"]

And it's so true. The forest scene was the only fight that I could tell what was going on, and that's what made it good. Other than that, the fights were just blurry shots of a ton of metal jostling back and forth, and I couldn't tell who was who. This might just be the fact that I hate the Bay-Formers design altogether, but I've heard this complaint from a lot of people.

Oh, and the final battle was like an hour long, with the least climactic climax I've seen to date.
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Post by Sean P Kelly » Fri Jul 03, 2009 6:15 pm

^ Actually, it was only half an hour (I know, since I checked my watch when it started)

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Post by Marilink » Fri Jul 03, 2009 6:49 pm

Well it sure as hell felt like an hour.
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Post by Calamity Panfan » Wed Jul 22, 2009 7:13 pm

Saw it yesterday to get out of my grandmother's house for a few hours. Wish I hadn't. It was awful. Get rid of the twins and the roommate and then we'll talk. But it'll still be a really long talk.
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