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Post by Wyborn » Mon Apr 12, 2004 9:19 pm

Saw it. Cheesy at points, but a very fun movie to watch. It didn't exactly hold a Lovecraftian air to it...but those certain creatures were pretty obviously based on Cthulhu. It was kinda funny
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Post by A Genius » Mon Apr 12, 2004 10:01 pm

Best Part of The Hulk: The explosion... of crap!!! You know what I mean, (Unless you haven't seen it (lucky dog), in which case you can't even begin to fathom it) although my description was kind of vague. Remember when the guy who was beaten up by the Hulk and returned with crutches was running away? THAT explosion.

-A Genius (That was off-topic, but I had to say it.)

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Post by Wyborn » Tue Apr 13, 2004 6:19 pm

It's not hard to understand - I know all of the characters my brother described to me. It's just very, very, very stupid. Taken in contect of the characters it's even more stupid because not all of them came from the same period. (Dorian Gray and Captain Nemo? MY ASS)
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Post by theflyingfish » Tue Apr 13, 2004 11:35 pm

Originally posted by skemper:
I also liked the Hulk. I liked how the focus was more on the characters and humanity rather than the action. But it did plod along kind of slowly.
That was pretty much my opinion on it. I have yet to hear a valid reason on why it was so bad from anyone. About the only thing that I've ever heard said about it was the CGI Hulk didn't look real, as if that's a good reason to completely hate a movie.

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Post by skemper » Wed Apr 14, 2004 12:53 pm

Originally posted by Vinz Clortho:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> allowing a good Jimmy Hendricks CD to fill the voids in between.
Jimi Hendrix. For shame, 'Tan. </font>[/QUOTE]^why?

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Post by theflyingfish » Fri Apr 16, 2004 11:14 pm

Originally posted by CodieKitty:
If I recally correctly, the only joke in the entire movie was the exploding frogs comment. I wasn't expecting the movie to be like the Three Stooges, but I'd like something to make me chuckle at least once an hour.
You wouldn't go to see a movie like Braveheart and expect to see a comedy, would you? Not every comic book movie has to be campy and light-hearted.
Everybody wants to see the hero beat up a powerful super villian who wants the world, or to end it. The Hulk beats up... GASP! HIS INSANE FATHER!
I liked that part, actually. It made the fight not just a physical beat-em-up, but gave it some emotion and depth. Having the villian not be pure evil but simply driven by an insane obsession was a good touch, IMO.
The only reason I understood the ending was because somebody at FO's explained it before I even saw it.
Yeah, the ending was confusing, but that's just typical of Ang Lee. I didn't think it was too bad though, because if you thought about it you could come to a reasonable conclusion (unlike other movies where a twist ending is grated on to the end just to shock you, but then falls apart the minute you really begin to think about it).
I think one major reason everybody hated it is that it only had three things in common with the comics:

1. Bruce Banner is the Hulk
2. When Bruce gets angry, Bruce turns into the Hulk and smashes stuff
3. Betty Ross is Bruce's girlfriend.

I've never read the comic book, but everyone said the movie was way off.
I haven't read the comics either, and like I've said before in other threads, that may have been part of the reason I was able to enjoy the movie. I wasn't focusing the entire time on the inconsistencies between the comics and the film. And although I'd usually prefer for a movie to remain true to it's source material, it doesn't discredit the movie if it strays from the premise of the original source.

I won't deny that the movie had some flaws (like mentioned earlier, it dragged at places, particularly the massive helicopter fight in the desert), but it also had a lot of depth and intelligence. It wasn't just a shallow superhero flick; it's focus was more on the characters and the storyline.

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Post by A Genius » Sat Apr 17, 2004 10:13 pm

I'll say this about the Hulk: It was tremenoudly boring at the begining (And I don't like using that phrase to describe movies, but I can't avoid it here. Don't try to tell me it was necessary to establish the plot and characters ot anything else. They could've been established later without ruining anything, and it wold not have been difficult.), confusing at the end (My theory how Bruce not only survived the nuclear explosion at the end, but ended up in South America, several countries away from where he started (or was he in Africa? Someone refresh me on this): It isn't the Hulk that we see at the end of the movie, it's just a random guy.), but I did like the stuff in the middle.

I'm not going to push it if you liked the movie, though. It's not like anything I say is going to make you like the movie less.

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