Where do you fit in at your school?

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Me is cool
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Where do you fit in at your school?


Post by Me is cool » Wed Mar 26, 2003 8:34 pm

I used to be a nerd, but when one of the jocks brought a strange rock to school, I took out my rock Identifying kit and I was the only one who could tell that he had found a Sapphire, based on the results. Now I'm not a nerd, people like me, but i feel that they like me because I have a NES, SNES, N64, GB, GBC, GBA, GBASP (Buy it if you haven't already), and a GCN. Sorry about the bad grammer last night, I was posessed by the evil of SPAM.

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Post by Tonberry2k » Wed Mar 26, 2003 10:57 pm

I sit back and laugh at everyone. Nerds, Goths, and Jocks alike. They're all retarded entertainment.

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Post by Sim Kid » Wed Mar 26, 2003 11:03 pm

Originally posted by Edgar Roni Figaro:
I sit back and laugh at everyone. Nerds, Goths, and Jocks alike. They're all retarded entertainment.
I do the same thing, only with these funny n00bs too.

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Post by Mista Massimiliano » Wed Mar 26, 2003 11:09 pm

You should see the natural disasters I go through at my school/my awesome intelligent AND funny comments on other people/their work.

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Post by Antisocial » Wed Mar 26, 2003 11:19 pm

The Taciturn Loser I am. Yes, I am. :rolleyes:

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Post by LvK is grounded but may get on some » Wed Mar 26, 2003 11:29 pm

I'm the quiet guy that's actually pretty cool and bashes himself for his art too much. I get along with hippies, metalheads, and basically anyone who likes rock and roll.

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Post by Super Shy Guy » Wed Mar 26, 2003 11:48 pm

I don't label myself.

My friends(who could be called "jocks") say that I'm a "jock", because I play some sports, and hang with their crowd some. Meh. go figure. I pretty much hang out with a lot of people. I think I'm well liked, but I can get on the nerves of some people, but screw them, if you concern yourself with how others think of you you'll be their prisoner. I guess I'm a bit of a freak, huh?

So, basically I don't comform myself to the standards of these moronic social labels. I'm an individual, a different person, not part of a group that dress in the same retarded way(preps, goths, etc.), trying to BE different.
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Post by LvK is grounded but may get on some » Thu Mar 27, 2003 12:06 am

I'm just a junkie that tries to be individual.

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Post by Super Shy Guy » Thu Mar 27, 2003 12:08 am

Yeah... I guess that's all I am as well, when you boil down to it...

Perhaps I'm a hippie. Perhaps a freak. Perhaps a jock. Maybe some freakish hybrid? Bah, all this social science talk is making me confused.
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Post by spicy » Thu Mar 27, 2003 12:14 am

Strange enough to be a goth.Not pale/Don't own those cool clothes

Rebellious enough to be a punk.Think that spiked hair is stupid/Don't own a leather jacket

Not enough life in me to be a geek.Don't like Star Trek/Didn't memorize the Klingon language

I play tennis(Prep).Not popular enough/Don't like MTV

Bah,i'm just a mole.
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Rayman FREAK
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Post by Rayman FREAK » Thu Mar 27, 2003 12:24 am

I'm the one that doesn't talk. I keep my personal thoughts and my emotions to myself and eventually that will be my downfall. But for now, it's actually quite a preferrable lifestyle for me. The other people don't quite know what to think of me. I'm not picked on, but I'm not "in." Many of the friends that I had when I was young have gone on to become jocks, and I still talk to them, though not as much. That's kind of how my presence becomes known. From what I can discern, I assume that the other people think "Well, he's not a jack ass, and he doens't piss me off, so he's alright I guess." My closest friends right now are the most similar to me. People that don't talk much, but are sort of known about. Some of my friends are the complete opposite, but we still get along well because we understand one another's sense of humor and enjoy one another's company. And we're all "The Simpsons" buffs. We're obsessed. Most of us are into theater. That's anothe way my presence was known. I was in Hamlet a few months back and I did a heck of a lot of talking (and shouting (and demonic laughing!)). Most people can't believe that I can do that sort of stuff judging me by what they know of me. I still get requests to do my demonic laugh occasionally. If anybody wants to hear it, I'll send you a .wav file. So, that's pretty much all. Hot diggity dog.

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Post by CaptHayfever » Thu Mar 27, 2003 1:26 am

I'm an anomaly.

I fit into no one category.
I have friends in just about every category.
I also have enemies in just about every category.
I disprove billions of false generalizations about people just by existing.

I'm an anomaly. And I love it.

And remember, "I'm-a Luigi, number one!"

A Genius
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Post by A Genius » Thu Mar 27, 2003 1:38 am

I'm the quiet one. Yeah, that's about it. I also have a slight stutter in real life, but that has little to do with the topic itself.

-A Genius (I'm sure there's an actual term for "crowdophobia" (fear of crowds), but I don't know what it is, and I doubt anyone here knows, so I'll just say I'm crowdophbic and pass it off as an actual word.)

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Post by smacky » Thu Mar 27, 2003 1:54 am

Im hate my school. I just wanna burn it a down and piss on the remains.

Anyway..im usally quite and try to ignore everything...*chews pencil*

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Post by Fredfan » Thu Mar 27, 2003 3:21 am

There are two mes.

One is the quiet guy who doesn't talk to anyone and is smarter than practically everyone else in the class.

The other is the crazy guy who talks a lot and insults people all day. And if anyone needs info on TV, I'm the guy they go to (especially The Simpsons).

I guess I'm probably a nerd, but the "coolest" of the nerds if there is such a thing. I also lose points for my hideous appearance, but I don't really give a crap.

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Post by cell84 » Thu Mar 27, 2003 11:30 am

I'm just there...I'm not "Nerd" because 1. no ones ever called me that 2. I have friends that don't classify as "Nerd" I'm not "Jock" because I'm not really energetic I'm well....what I call "Cheese" for I don't talk alot, I am quite a bit smarter then the kids in my class, and I am a bit athletic but I don't exactly do the right thing in games...
\"When they call for me, I\'ll be sitting in my desk, with a gun in my hand, wearing a bulletproof vest, singing \'My my my, how the time does fly when you know you\'re gonna die by the end of the night!\' \"

Wonder Wario
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Post by Wonder Wario » Thu Mar 27, 2003 7:46 pm

I'm just my own self.

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Post by Introbulus » Thu Mar 27, 2003 8:15 pm

I'm a person. I live by eating and drinking. Every morning I wake up, and every night I go to sleep. Occasionally I cry, occasionally I have my moments of glory.

...Realistically, though, I just live and let live. I don't really have any "enemies" per-se, but some people can get on my nerves occasionally (though they're usually the people that get on everyone's nerves). I'd say that the closest classification you can give me is a "nerd".
Now why would you look down here, anyway?

*Wishes he could change his name to \"Bowser: Terrorizing you ever since you didn\'t vote for him in 2004\"

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Post by supperdish » Thu Mar 27, 2003 8:29 pm


I have a very overly-above IQ, so I get called a bookworm and walking encylopedia. (Hey, I'm 11.) I'm not the most popular, and have about 5-9 friends and 3-4 rivals/enimies. I do keep quiet alot, and bigger kids pick on me. I'm rather short, so people ignore me alot. Occasionaly, I'm the king of comedy, but my school is full of morons, so they go, "You're not funny." and "That's not funny, the word poopie-caca is". The girls think I'm not the most visually pleasing, but I do have 1... how to say... girlfriend, I guess. We're just not "together".

