by Justin Minas » Thu Feb 13, 2003 6:20 am
Ladies and Gentlemen, for this demonstration, I will use subjects Kamek and Zak. These people shall represent all people in same and/or similar situations.
Basic formula:
Kamek = Zak as Zak = HIM
You see, Zak, It highly amuses me when you are whining about people bashing, yet I see you doing it yourself. I highly despise you. I bet this Brandon kid has had a 10,000 times worse life than you. But yet, you still poke fun at him and bash him heavily. Why? Because you assume you have greater authority over him as kamek feels he has over you (But when Kamek is bashed he doesn't whine and cry for mom, which makes all the difference).
Which brings me to my next point. your whininess. You tell everyone how bad you life is, and all this stuff, assuming everyone else has had the glamerous life. Damnit no. There are many like you. I was once exactly the same way, and i bet many others have been. Quit trying to get pity for yourself, because it only sickens me when you say how bad your life is, when there are other, no doubt, have it alot was worse than you and I.
And to my next point. Your uptightness. You have to loosen up more, and don't be like "Oh my God Kamek! You said black, that's racist!" and "It makes me sad when you bash me and other people here, Kamek, your a meanie! Bash people like HIM, because he is so inferior to me, and so is Meg!"
Which leads me to my next point. Kamek has a good reason to tell people to shut up and stuff in his forum comic. Here's why:
Kamek's point of making the comic was to bash people. The people critisized it because it bashed people. People who critisized it like this, Kamek told them to STFU, because if you do not like it, deal with it. It was made to bash people. The crtisism he was looking for was "Oh, the humor was a bit off, graphics could have been improved slightly" That is constructive crtisism, and the kind he was looking for. If you are going to critisize it for its purpose it was made, Kamek chased people out of the topic, which is a very fine reason.
Zak, you need to take the porcupine out of your ass and don't be so uptight and so easily offended. You need to make your perspective on life alot more broader, and look at yourself and think a moment about what you are doing. If someone makes fun of you, don't get all hyper emotional about it. instead suck it up, and laugh it off (well, depends. If someone calls you like an ass hole , don't start laughing your brains out, that'll make you look alot dumber) then fight back with the language they use. Don't say "Oh, quit being so mean" It shows weakness, and people will only make fun of you more if you aren't stern and outspeaking. the person that calls you names objective is to offend you and make you whine about it. and they succeed, they keep doing it. What you need to do is ignore it, or fight back the way they did to you. If it fails, then I'm terribly sorry, I don't know what to do.
But I admire one thing, when you said that thing about Kamek deserves whatever or something. It shows you have dignity and don't change it.
And whew, I'm finished. Is someone reads that all, I give them 98754397597342 cookies.
[ February 13, 2003, 04:28 AM: Message edited by: PhilTheExtraGuy ]