Matrix Revolutions

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AJ Middleton
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Post by AJ Middleton » Sun Nov 09, 2003 2:50 am

And I don't see how anyone can possibly come close to understanding it.
Why did I expect that?
I agree with Bolt.
Why did I NOT expect that?
Oh, plus, some of those added characters, like the French Guy, made no sense to me for why they were even in the movie. Or that girl in Revolutions.
His name is the Merovingian! His name alone was enough to spark a lot of interest in Reloaded. The Merovingians were a group of kings who thought they were related to Christ, but they were really bad. Like fallen a former "The One?" And Persephone, the wife of Hades, the daughter of the goddess Demeter, in Greek mythology. Ok, so she sits next to the Merovingian in the Hell Club. Ohh, that was great. SO MUCH going for them, but they ended up as nothing.
But I mean, my biggest pet peeve is that they NEVER really explained how the hell Neo could do all of that stuff in the real world
Yes they did. The Oracle said that being the One, he had a link to the Source, allowing him to have special powers.
and, even more annoying, how the HELL Smith could take over the mind of someone in the REAL world.
He took over Bane's mind in the Matrix, and when his mind was taken out, Smith was still in it.
I thought my roommate had a better explaination for both of those things at the end of Reloaded. He thought there was a 2nd Matrix, which was really the "Real World", and the real "Real World" was something outside even that. A shame they didn't do that, since it would have made more sense.
NO. NO NO NO. MATRIX IN A MATRIX SUCKS. The Wachowski brothers are too intelligent to ever bestow a thought on such an awful, cliched, twist. I'm so surprised that so many people actually thought that was the deal.
But still...they didn't need so many plot holes and so many silly "thrown in" characters. Like what the hell was the point of the "Train-man" or whoever. It was just getting silly after a while.
The Trainman is in Enter the Matrix, but that's it. That whole "between 2 worlds" thing wasn't explained all that well.
Oh, and how the hell COULD Smith fly? Hehe. My only explaination is that he took over so much of the Matrix, he could bend it's rules. But that doesn't even make much sense.
Well, he had the whole Matrix by that time. He could certainly bend the rules.

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Post by Deku Tree » Sun Nov 09, 2003 3:56 am

*spoilers, obviously*
Neo is connected to the source. The machines are connected to the source. Neo is able to screw up the machines as they are both wirelessly connected to the source and Neo has all those screw up programing with his mind powers.

The Agent Smith that was fighting Neo in the end was the one that was copied over the Oracle. He became really powerful through that, apparently including the ability to fly, prophecise, and such.

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Post by AJ Middleton » Sun Nov 09, 2003 1:01 pm

Did Neo die? We see him be raised to the source in a golden light, a light that clearly resembles the Gates of Heaven. But the light is how he "saw" things from his point of view.
Originally posted by Perrin Aybara:
[QB]That whole "link to the Source" was just silly. I mean, seriously. We are supposed to believe that the "real world" is the really the "real world". And in the "real world" I know and love, there are limitations. Everything else in the movie keep the "real world" real. That's what made it interesting. The "real world" was real and the Matrix was where crazy stuff can happen. It doesn't make any sense for Neo to do crazy stuff in the "real world". And the Oracle's one line explaination was just cheap. "Oh, well, you can do that stuff just because you're linked to the Source. La de da." I mean seriously. Give us more to work with here.
Are we supposed to believe that machines could actually become smart enough to hook up every human in the world to a pretty efficient computer program that satisfys the mind while killing them at the same time? Are we suppose to believe that human energy can power machines that don't seem to have been programed by anyone. Hey Jay? SCIENCE FICTION. It's called "suspension of disbelief." None of it is real. This isn't the real world you know and love; it's the dystopian real world of the Washowski Brothers. Neo, being special, has a direct connection to the Source. The machines have a direct connection to the Source. Therefore, Neo has a direct connection to the machines. The Oracle took enough time to explain it. (If you look at the Source as God and Neo as Jesus, it all makes more sense.)
Same goes with Smith. He's still just a damn computer program. And I don't see how a computer program can "upload" into biological flesh. The agents could do it in the Matrix because it's all one big computer program. But real life is real life, and I expect it to be fiction in the real world, not fantasy.
The hackers are all part of the Matrix when they jack in. A bullet, a program, can kill the mind, even though it's not "real." Agents don't really take over a mind as much as push it out of the way. Smith, being a virus, can completely take over a person in the Matrix, which it taking over their mind. It's just like how a fall can still kill, or a bullet from a gun. I don't see how that's so hard to understand.

But, alas Jay, we all know how you are with thought-provoking plot points. ;)

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Post by AJ Middleton » Sun Nov 09, 2003 3:02 pm

^Interesting. I saw it as coming into the Kingdom of Heaven. Oh well, rebirth, Heaven, same gist.

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Post by imported_Parrakarry » Sun Nov 09, 2003 4:50 pm

My opinion, as was Jay's roommate, was the Matrix within a Matrix. From the way the Architect talked, I was absolutely SURE of it, too. "Choose x males and x females to repopulate Zion." Why the hell would they WANT Zion? They want to DESTROY Zion and have all humans under their control. Therefore, I figured the Architect was some god-like figure who knew about both Matrices, and what was outside them. This hypothesis was further bolstered by the fact that Neo blew up the squiddies. However... all we got was a vague "Yeah, the source code and stuff. Uh-huh." Tell me, O wise and wonderful Bolt, if it was the "source code" of the Matrix that gave Neo his powers, why COULD he use them outside of the Matrix? Yes, I understand that the squiddies were connected to the source (although that's pretty stupid of the enemies to do that), but surely the bombs launched from the warships weren't? And even if they WERE, why could Neo see after being blinded? It wasn't really sight, not necessarily, but he could still "see" in a sense...

Way, way too vague to be an awesome movie... still a good one. Once the plot's cleared up with the next movie, everything'll be all good.
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Post by AJ Middleton » Sun Nov 09, 2003 5:30 pm

You missed a very important point that the Architect made; Zion is necessary for stability. As with everything, there will always be the deviations. Most people will accept the Matrix, but others will rebel. And, in order to achieve stability, those who rebel need somewhere to go-- Zion. The rejects are kicked out and are systematically disposed of whenever they become too much of a trouble. Remember, the Zion before Neo's (the 6th, right?) lasted only 3 days.

Neo was mentally and physically connected to the Matrix. Remember, these aren't ordinary people. They aren't born in a womb, and they all can handle having needles stuck into their body and brains. Mentally, Neo was designed with the "flaw" that allowed him to control the Matrix. Physically, he had a stronger link to the Source. This link allowed him to use the powers that the Source had, including stopping machines. The bombs are still machines. Neo's like a god on earth...

I figure he could still see because of his powers as well. Notice how he can only see machine energy, because it's all a part of him.

The symbolism of Neo in Revolutions is over the top-- he is Jesus. The Source is like God and Neo is Jesus. Born from the Source, he has abilities from it. I'm sure his blind sight means something too. Get it?

Revolutions is so laden in symbolism that if you don't get it, you won't fully appreciate the story.

[ November 09, 2003, 03:32 PM: Message edited by: BoltDragoon ]

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Post by Lurch1982 » Sun Nov 09, 2003 7:11 pm

Bolt, you missed a very important point the oracle made...the architect is full of it.
He was designed to balance the equation in any form, while the oracle was designed to unbalance it (hence why she sacrificed herself to give her "powers" to Agent Smith and thus unbalance the entire equation).

Its too much of a stretch in the story to say that Neo was engineered to have psychic powers. They never really give a clear explanation to that, aside from he's "connected" to the source. That means a whole lot of nothing. Like many of the other plot "twists" in revolutions, that is a lame cop-out used instead of a good story.

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Post by Lurch1982 » Sun Nov 09, 2003 7:18 pm

They were filmed at the same time during that time period. Revolutions was at the tail-end of post production when Reloaded hit the theatres.

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Post by WEAPON » Sun Nov 09, 2003 7:43 pm

I liked it.

That is all.

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AJ Middleton
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Post by AJ Middleton » Sun Nov 09, 2003 7:59 pm

Originally posted by Lurch1982:
Bolt, you missed a very important point the oracle made...the architect is full of it.
No, I didn't miss that. I don't think she meant that the Architect was 100% wrong. She even agreed on the whole choice thing herself. Mainly, the Oracle said he was wrong about Zion being destroyed if Neo didn't pick people to recreate it.
Its too much of a stretch in the story to say that Neo was engineered to have psychic powers.
Not psychic powers. He's just part of the Source.

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