Poll: Dubbed or Subbed

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Poll: Dubbed or Subbed

They both suck.I hate anime.You all suck.Die.
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They both suck.I hate anime.You all suck.Die.
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They both suck.I hate anime.You all suck.Die.
They both suck.I hate anime.You all suck.Die.
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They both suck.I hate anime.You all suck.Die.
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They both suck.I hate anime.You all suck.Die.
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Total votes: 4

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Post by imported_c_jks » Tue Mar 09, 2004 3:55 am

I'd prefer if it were dubbed, since I don't have to stare at the bottom of the screen all the time. Subbed is fine, but sometimes, things are better heard, because emotions can sometimes only be felt by hearing a voice.
The NRA says \"Guns don\'t kill people, people kill people\"...but I think the gun helps. I don\'t think someone going around yelling \"BANG!\" is going to kill too many people.

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Post by Falco53 » Tue Mar 09, 2004 4:21 pm

^Sometimes there is a reason for the accents. Do you think all Japanese people speak with the same accentuation? Uh-huh. I would much rather watch a show in which every character sounds alike than a show that has characters of distinction.

Originally posted by SilverWind:
Japanese voices seem to generally convey more genuine emotion, and a wider range of emotions; hey, seiyuus are much more respected over there. That, and since I grew up hearing and speaking an asian language, the tone and such may be more familiar to me than say, a person who has never heard Japanese in their lives before watching anime. Anyways, I don't so much need to know the meaning of the words they are saying than the emotions that shine through. ^^
LoL. I've been arguing with a friend of mine about this recently. His reasons are generally the same as yours. Except he did not grow up speaking an asian language. He considers himself to be a refined, artsy person. I prefer dubbing personally because I can relate to a character better when I can understand what he is saying. How the crap do I know what words he's putting the emphasis on if I don't even know what he's saying? My friend also has a racist belief that Japanese people are superior to everyone else.
</font><blockquote><font size=\"1\" face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">quote:</font><hr /><font size=\"2\" face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">Originally posted by Captain Carter:
<strong> Oh yes, and the fact you used a Strong Bad quote gives you so much more credibility .
</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size=\"2\" face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">

Dee Emm
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Post by Dee Emm » Tue Mar 09, 2004 6:41 pm

Depends on the animé. I like dubbed, unless the voice actors suck. Spirited Away was good in japanese (they even edited some in the DVD US release), and the US voice actors were, for the most part, good as well.

Trigun, I liked dubbed, but subbed I like much better. The voice actors are great. Except for Milly. =/

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Post by Zavval » Tue Mar 09, 2004 7:04 pm

I'll watch subbed if I have to, but only if I have to. The only time I EVER prefer subbed is when the voices don't fall in sync with the lip movements. Doesn't happen to often anymore, but that just drives me insane.

Cap'n Boo from Timbuktu
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Post by Cap'n Boo from Timbuktu » Wed Mar 10, 2004 1:16 am

Depends, really. Most of the stuff I import is subbed only, so there isn't the option. I also tend to buy used, so my collection is a mishmash of subbed and dubbed. As for when the choice is actually mine to make...again, it depends. In most cases, I prefer subbing (no particular reason), but there are a few exceptions (most notably 'Those Who Hunt Elves' and 'Excel Saga'; the translators went the extra mile and localised the humour somewhat, in addition to bringing out brilliant/hilariously over-the-top voice talent).

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Post by give me food » Thu Mar 11, 2004 11:05 pm

Regarding subtitles, I used to be one of those moronic "LOL HARDKORE" Anime fans who hated dubs because they were apparently butchered masterpieces.

Now, I'm pretty open to anything. I'm partial to dubbed [but uncut] work, or dubbed with subtitles [so as to discern the original statements].

People who hate dubs just because they're dubs...are morons. I have run into my fair share of people who say that, and when I ask why, they give me the same repetitive excuse over and over again.
<i>relax, we understand j00</i>

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