Originally posted by Falco53:
1) Although I still disagree, whether or not a plot is aesthetic is not my point. Let me put it like this: the art quality/style and music quality/style affect your perception of the characters and the story, but it does not affect the character. The art and music are there to accentuate certain parts. Just like how in a game the gameplay is more important than graphics and sound.
My point is that lpots are still aesthetic qualities, and since we're debating
my point more than yours, I think that's what coutns: you're forgetting that plots are just there to accentuate a character.
2) That which makes the character "cool" is how said character reacts to the situation he or she has been thrown into.
That would be true if we're speaking ideally, but in practice it's often just not the case. In a lot of cases - especially that of Bebop, from time to time - a character's "coolness" comes from the situation instead of how they react to it. An example of that would be Vicious, I guess: his reactions to any given situation are limited to dark brooding and quietly muttering symbolic threats, yet he is perceived as one of the greatest villains in anime.
This, of course, is in contrast to someone like Mad Pierrot, who made his episode all by himself and actually made Spike take the back seat.
3) That is why I don't like Cowboy Bebop as much everyone else (I like it, I just don't love it). Cowboy Bebop feels like a bunch of filler episodes thrown together.
...that wasn't what I was talking about.
Why did you bother numbering my "points" if they were all elaborating on the same thing?