Marth, prepare for...THE GAME OF CHAOS!

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Marth, prepare for...THE GAME OF CHAOS!


Post by Wahsapa » Wed Jun 02, 2004 8:08 pm


Name: Elia
Age: 20
Sex: Female
Description: Elia is a young woman, in search of adventure. Growing up in a noble house, she was tired of the rules and courtesis of noble life, so she left to adventure.
Race: Human
Class: Masta Blasta
Type: Light
HP: 150
EP: 75
ATK: 100
DEF: 75
M. ATK: 50
M. DEF: 75
AGL: 150
SPD: 125
Level: 1/100
Current XP: 0
XP needed for Level 2: 10
Gold: 50
Jewels: 0
Gems: 0


- Long Shot: Shoots a weapon with a great distance at a single target. The weapon must be able to be shot. SP: 1 (Range: 6 or less spaces, EP Cost: 3)

- Build-up 1: You gain extra accuracy, extra range, extra damage, and extra initiative for 3 turns. It costs a lot of EP, however. SP: 4 (EP Cost: 50)

Skill Points: 0


Weapon: None
Sheild: None
Armor: Fine Clothes. These sex-a-licious clothes fit Elina perfectly, almost too perfectly. They could probably sell for a lot, ESPECIALLY if she takes them off in front of the store merchant and THEN sells it to him. (No stat changes.)
Helmet: None
Gloves: None
Boots: Fine boots. These boots are short cut and are pretty damn sexy, if I say so myself. They look pretty expensive. (No stat changes.)
Accessory: Royal Amulet. It's a rather large amulet that bears the royal crest on it. You don't wear it because you fear people may notice you are of royal blood if you do wear it. It could sell for some serious $$$ :eek: (No stat changes.)

You don't carry any extra baggage at all.

- - - - - - - - - -

Here's what you can do:

City of Cheze

1) The Armory: You should always be prepared.
2) The Skill Shop: You can make skills and buy skill points here.
3) Battle League: Take the battles head on! ROAR!
4) Adventure: Take a little trip outside the city walls. Caution: Do not feed the aminals.

What would you like to do?

[ June 11, 2004, 12:37 PM: Message edited by: Yasa, Fist of Krosa ]

Posts: 2215
Joined: Thu May 06, 1999 1:00 am
Location: Southern California


Post by Wahsapa » Fri Jun 04, 2004 1:36 pm

You walk over to the skill shop, eager to train to get your first skill. You enter the shop and an old lady looks at you.

Mem: Ehehehe, you must be Elia. I am Mem, the skill shop trainer for the town of Cheze. I can see that you are a Masta Blasta. You have two options here at the skill shop.

1) You may choose pre-made skills that suite your class. These are generally low on SP. (I would recommend glancing at these skills first to make sure a skill you have in mind isn't already a class skill.)

2)You can make your own skill. This costs a bit more, but you can customize your skill to do anything you want. I will rate the skill and then determine how much SP you will need to train for the skill.

What would you like to do?

Posts: 2215
Joined: Thu May 06, 1999 1:00 am
Location: Southern California


Post by Wahsapa » Fri Jun 04, 2004 7:56 pm


Long Toss: Throws your weapon with a great distance at a single target. The weapon must be throwable. SP: 1 (Range: 6 or less spaces, EP Cost: 3)

Long Shot: Shoots a weapon with a great distance at a single target. The weapon must be able to be shot. SP: 1 (Range: 6 or less spaces, EP Cost: 3)

Build-up 1: You gain extra accuracy, extra range, extra damage, and extra initiative for 3 turns. It costs a lot of EP, however. SP: 4 (EP Cost: 50)

Energy Blast: You fire a small bolt of pure energy at a single target. SP: 5 (Damage: M. ATK +25 - M. DEF, Range: 7 or less spaces, EP Cost: 25)

Mem: Anything interest you?

[ June 08, 2004, 02:35 PM: Message edited by: Yasa, Fist of Krosa ]

Posts: 2215
Joined: Thu May 06, 1999 1:00 am
Location: Southern California


Post by Wahsapa » Fri Jun 11, 2004 1:36 pm

Mem: Oooh, good choices. That will be 5SP. Come back anytime you want.

You leave the skill shop and head over to the armory. You step in and you see a tall, strong looking man. He is covered in battle scars, so he looks like some war veteran. He appears to be the shopkeeper.

Vrad: I'm Vrad, what can I do you for? Go ahead and take a look around, and if you need anything, let me know.I'm also kind of interested in buying some of the things you own as well. Let me know what your willing to sell. Here are some weapons that you can use.


(Secondary) Spitball Launcher: A very basic weapon. It only has a 50% chance to hit, however it costs no endurance to use. If you hit somebody, they take no damage, but they have to take a turn to wipe it off of them and can't do anything that turn. Shooting Range: 3 or less spaces. 1GP (EP Cost: 0)

(Secondary) Throwing Knife: Simple throwing knives. Throwing Range: 4 or less spaces. 25GP (ATK +2, EP Cost: 2)

(Primary) Short Bow: A very simple bow to use, recommended for beginners. Shooting Range: 4 or less spaces. 50GP (ATK +3, EP Cost: 3)

(Primary) Crossbow: A strong bow, finely crafted and relatively expensive. It deals good damage, but it costs a bit of EP. Shooting Range: 4 or less spaces. 110GP (ATK +5, EP Cost: 4)


Padded Clothes: Some clothes with extra defense. Nothing special, really. 20GP (DEF +1)

Leather: Normal leather, pretty good for it's price. 50GP (DEF +3)

Double Padded Hardened Leather: Very good style and quality, however it's pretty pricy. 130GP (DEF + 8)


Strapped Buckler: Basice defense. It gets strapped to your arm so you can use a ranged weapon and this at the same time. 5% chance to completely block an attack, however, it will break if it takes too much damage. 80GP (DEF +2)





Vrad: See anything you like, or would like to sell?

(Note: Primary means it can only be used as your main weapon, and you can only have one primary equipped at once. Secondary means it can be used as primary or secondary. Having two secondaries equipped at once is okay. You can switch between primary and secondary anytime during combat.)

[ June 11, 2004, 12:40 PM: Message edited by: Yasa, Fist of Krosa ]
