Toad's Kingdom is being Attacked!

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Toad's Kingdom is being Attacked!


Post by Toadman2.EXE » Mon Jan 05, 2004 11:11 am

Well heres the situation kid. Well there is this king, an adventures king. And a prophet told me that on his next adventure he would be killed! Well now its up you me and all Toad's army forces to save him. He won't listen to me. So maybe you can talk it over with him and make him believe me. So i will tell the story to tell you whats going on ok? Well it all started in the Desert of Tears. A princess by the name of Androma had a son. She named this child Toad. He grew up to be a strong fungi. Well he battled and battled for the kingdom he grew up in. Until they fell. To the mighty Shyguys. Their only hope was to surrender, or go off and make another kingdom. So they hated the shyguys so off they went to make another fortress. But soon the shyguys found out about the Toad Kingdom. So they sent a scout to see the military forces. He got killed as soon as he even got 10 feet away from the military base. Soon the Toads dicided to start and end a war aginst the shyguys. They knew they would be diffeated. And they were! Because they sent all there military to space camp. Exept for one force. Many shyguys died. But the Toads were victorious! Then after a ton were killed the Toads raided the city. They dicided to take every thing the wanted. Now the shyguys want revenge. Well there is all the basic facts. Now, go to the sighnup form to start your adventure! [img]tongue.gif[/img]
