Now, I've been a Sonic Fan since Sonic The Hedgehog made its debut on the Mega Drive in 1991. One may go so far as to call me a Fanboy;I know I've definitely been one in the past. However, you will find no traces of Fanboy-ism in this review. It's not how I operate. Anyway, moving on.
When I first heard of Sonic Heroes, I was, without a shadow of a doubt, excited. Why wouldn't I be? A new Sonic game was being released; it was only natural for me to get excited. Of course, when I got more details, my anticipation level dropped dramatically. It involved this whole "teamwork"; concept. That, my friends, was a new gimmick, a thing that has ruined a lot of games in the past, and I'm sure will do so in the future.
I was, admittedly, quite shocked at Sonic Team. Why incorporate such a silly new style of gameplay into an already very successful game series with a system that works fantastically for it already? Whenever did you need three characters to navigate a Sonic level? Sonic could do it perfectly well (and with a lot of style) on his own in the 2D games, and equally as well after his transition to the third dimension. So, what's changed this time around to make it so difficult for the Sonic gang to navigate and complete an area without the aid of two of their friends?
The answer to that question is: Nothing. Nothing has changed at all that would make it any more difficult for Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Rouge, or any other character from the world of Sonic to get through the areas littered with conveniences that allow them to progress very easily.
Sonic Heroes is a game that sees you taking control of teams composed of three characters from the Sonic universe, to navigate certain areas, beat certain bad guys, and, as always, stop some plot from causing disaster. There are a variety of teams, all with their own special abilities, but the basic goal is always the same. That is, run to somewhere or find something, and you end it. All of this would be fine, except for the one problem:
The new system. Sonic games have always really been about speed, getting to the end of a topsy-turvy, crazy level as fast as you can, without losing your life-sustaining rings, and beating the boss at the end. This, as many of you readers will know very well, is the Sonic Magic. The basic yet highly addictive concept that made all of the Sonic games so fantastic and worth playing all the time. The problem started, really, from the transition to 3D, and the Sonic Adventure games. These games threw out the speed factor to incorporate adventuring and exploration sides of the Sonic world, which was, as people have noted, a bad move.
Sonic Heroes is a game that has attempted to remedy this problem by removing such a heavy adventuring influence, and re-injecting the same speed gaming that made the 2D Sonic games a true gem of a gaming experience. It is good to see that Sonic Team learned from their mistakes;or did they? While they have indeed succeeded in removing adventure and adding speed, they've failed in achieving the same Sonic atmosphere that made the series so good. With three characters running around all at once, it's totally impossible to get the same thrill of dashing through a level, blasting badniks, and moving on right away.
At pretty much any point, with any team, you are able to switch around the character of whom you have primary control. This is so that certain tasks can be completed which the other two characters in your team are unable to do. So, we have strategizing going on, making the game less fun already. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for a good strategy game, I'd just rather the element worked, and wasn't clumsily thrown into a Sonic game. You can't have planning and strategy while also having speed. The two do not co-exist with one another, unless you play the same level over and over again, memorize the layout, and what appears where. Where's the fun in doing that? It's not there at all.
Graphics-wise, the game is a nice touch, and a nice improvement. It's a slight (but only very slight) improvement on the Sonic Adventure games, and it still retains all of the vibrant colours and unique designs that I've always admired from Sonic Team in all Sonic games. The areas are indeed, well designed, still holding the key elements of all Sonic areas, ledges, springs, loop-the-loops, etc. As for the characters, they are a joy to control (when you're not tearing your hair out at how useless or annoying they're being), and I'm sure if this game were a movie, I'd watch it. I must stress though, that this is one of the three redeeming features this game has, yet even combined, the three do not redeem it well enough, and as such, do not prevent it from getting the score I have 'awarded' it.
Moving onto Audio, this game has its good and bad points. The sounds in general are clear, crisp, and go well with the settings. It is at this point, that I said I would find myself on Sound-Test mode all day, listening to the songs because they're so catchy and fantastic. However, this could not be further from the truth.
Now, we see the not-so-welcome return of the character theme tunes, but this time, it's all based off teams. How fantastic. Oh, and the songs are even worse than from the Adventure games. To me, they’re an overly emotional mix of words that simply do not suit who the characters are, and certainly do not suit the Sonic genre whatsoever. My other gripe in terms of sounds is the voice acting. Horrible. Simply horrible. Thats all I have to say on the matter, and I shall now move on before I say things I may well regret in the future. Moving swiftly on
The multiplayer mode, surprisingly enough, is not one of the games redeeming features. Sonic games have always been more focused on Single player fun, and this game is no exception. The Multiplayer mode, while it does have quite a few neat little extras, modes, character skins, etc, still wears thin faster than a piece of string on fire. It is very entertaining at some points though, and I say you can definitely have a very fun time with more than 2 players. Doesn’t quite match up to the likes of Mario kart, but it’s still a decent multiplayer, overall.
Replayability level is low. Very low. I found no urge to play this game again, and the usual challenge of Emblems and A ranks to get mediocre rewards is still not enough to keep me coming back to the game.
As for whether you should Rent or Buy, I say avoid like the plague. If you really are that desperate to see if I’m wrong or not though, I suggest renting the game first.
Final Verdict: If you’re not a Sonic Fan, this won’t change your view. If you are a Sonic Fan, this game is a disappointment. However, if you’re a fanboy who’d play this game no matter what it was like, I’d say nothing of it, because my Review would not influence you at all.. The game is disappointing overall, its only redeeming features being the slight graphical improvements, the half-decent gameplay, and Metallix (Metal Sonic to all of you wrong people). I say Metallix is a redeeming feature, only because I like him though. Bit biased, but whatever.
While it is a long review, you can obviously see that he has much to learn about the game himself. If you are going to review, you should at least play more than just the first few minutes of the game. (I saw quite a few stupid reviews of people who gave various hints that they didn't even beat half the game)
Whenever did you need three characters to navigate a Sonic level?
Ever heard that expression "There is no 'I' in the word 'team'"?
So, what's changed this time around to make it so difficult for the Sonic gang to navigate and complete an area without the aid of two of their friends?
Ever wonder why Tails couldn't help you in the first sonic games? Here, he does.
The answer to that question is: Nothing. Nothing has changed at all that would make it any difficult for Sonic, Tails, Kuckles, Shadow, Rougue, or any other character in the sonic uinverse.
So how would Knuckles be able to fly over a 35 foot gap or shimmy up a pole?
There are a variety of teams, all with their own special abilities, but the basic goal is always the same.
There, he just gave a major hint that he hasn't even played the entire game.
The problem started, really, from the transition to 3D, and the Sonic Adventure games. These games threw out the speed factor to incorporate adventuring and exploration sides of the Sonic world, which was, as people have noted, a bad move.
That was Sega trying something new. This game has enough "speed through the loop-the-loops" already, and the others do too.
With three characters running around all at once, it's totally impossible to get the same thrill of dashing through a level, blasting badniks, and moving on right away.
He says that like the characters aren't programmed to follow you.
At pretty much any point, with any team, you are able to switch around the character of whom you have primary control. This is so that certain tasks can be completed which the other two characters in your team are unable to do.
That sorta sounds like he's saying the other characters are just programmed to stand there going "Duuuuuuuh" when you find robots.
So, we have strategizing going on, making the game less fun already.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for a good strategy game, I'd just rather the element worked, and wasn't clumsily thrown into a Sonic game.
...You know, not all of us like just repeating the same process over and over again.
You can't have planning and strategy while also having speed
We have those gates that automatically change the leader and STOPPING for that reason.
Now, we see the not-so-welcome return of the character theme tunes, but this time, it's all based off teams.
Would you rather Sega thinks up 12 different tunes?
To me, they’re an overly emotional mix of words that simply do not suit who the characters are, and certainly do not suit the Sonic genre whatsoever.
Here, he gives us another hint that he's yet to finish the game.
My other gripe in terms of sounds is the voice acting. Horrible. Simply horrible.
Really? I think there's a bug in my game and almost everybody else's game that makes the Voice Acting sound like they actually fit the characters.
Replayability level is low. Very low. I found no urge to play this game again, and the usual challenge of Emblems and A ranks to get mediocre rewards is still not enough to keep me coming back to the game
And here is yet ANOTHER hint that he's yet to finish the game. Did you know that there are CHAOS EMERALDS to gather, getting "a" ranks and emblems with EVERY TEAM? Those are replayability.
If you are a Sonic Fan, this game is a disappointment.
For some reason, I'm a Sonic Fan and I didn't find it disappointing, and alot of Sonic Fans I know realyl liked the game. the only thing I was disappointed about was that Sega's still failed to fix those repetitive loop-the-loop sequences and camera control.
However, if you’re a fanboy who’d play this game no matter what it was like, I’d say nothing of it, because my Review would not influence you at all.
That's sorta redundant isn't it? It wouldn't influence me at all since you HAVEN'T EVEN FINISHED PLAYING THE DAMN GAME!!!