I don't think I like Keanu Reeves himself, but I like his taste in films. Bill and Ted (the first one) and John Wick 2 are both awesome.
Here are my fav shots from Keanu films:
The Matrix
The heroes are cornered into the wall itself. The composition (dominated by empty black space on either side) does a lot to express how trapped they are. Plus, the fact that they are hiding between the walls speaks to The Matrix's themes about reality versus perception.
John Wick 2
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D7YjYVxWkAA ... name=large
John Wick has this weird almost-fantasy setting where hidden organizations shoot each other out right under our noses. This shot in particular gets that across in a single image. Some people use this hallway to access parts of a shopping mall; John Wick uses it as just another arena.