Mortal Kombat....... (Mature 17+)

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Mortal Kombat....... (Mature 17+)


Post by Heroine of the Dragon » Wed Sep 08, 2021 8:06 pm

How many of the MK games have you played?
Which was the very first MK game you played?
Which are your favourites?
Which are your least favourite characters?
Which is your favourite secret character?
Do you have any favourite 'Easter eggs'?

1992 Mortal Kombat
1993 Mortal Kombat II
1995 Mortal Kombat 3
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
1996 Mortal Kombat Trilogy
1997 Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero
Mortal Kombat 4
1999 Mortal Kombat Gold
2000 Mortal Kombat: Special Forces
2001 Mortal Kombat Advance
2002 Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance
2003 Mortal Kombat: Tournament Edition
2004 Mortal Kombat: Deception
2005 Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks
2006 Mortal Kombat: Armageddon
Mortal Kombat: Unchained
2007 Ultimate Mortal Kombat
2008 Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe
2011 Mortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection
2012 Mortal Kombat: Komplete Edition
2015 Mortal Kombat X
2016 Mortal Kombat XL
2019 Mortal Kombat 11
2020 Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath
Mortal Kombat 11: Ultimate


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Re: Mortal Kombat....... (Mature 17+)


Post by CaptHayfever » Wed Sep 08, 2021 8:51 pm

I've only played the original (on a PC) & X (on an Xbox hooked up to a theater projector). The controls were a lot easier in X.

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Re: Mortal Kombat....... (Mature 17+)


Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Wed Sep 08, 2021 9:30 pm

Hm, I can't remember which was the first I played. It was definitely MK1 or MK2 for SNES. I'm assuming it was MK2 because I was around 7 or 8 at the time (responsible parenting, huh) and that's when it released.

I've played the original trilogy, as well as Deadly Alliance and Mortal Kombat (2011). I think that's about it.

I don't really care for the series, I prefer Primal Rage and Killer Instinct far more for my gory fighting game fix.

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Re: Mortal Kombat....... (Mature 17+)


Post by Shane » Wed Sep 08, 2021 11:25 pm

I had Mortal Kombat Trilogy because N64 had no games. I never really got the appeal. I pretty much ignored it on the SNES despite its "shocking" content, and haven't looked at it since the N64 either. I always thought it played second fiddle to Street Fighter, and now I don't really play fighting games. I've seen some videos about the recent ones, though, and the 16-bit versions were G-rated by comparison.
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Re: Mortal Kombat....... (Mature 17+)


Post by Heroine of the Dragon » Mon Sep 20, 2021 12:39 am

^does this help @Oskar Perez?

The steps below provide a quick and simple walkthrough to open all the major areas of the Krypt - you can explore the smaller rooms once you find Skeleton Keys.

Open the two chests to proceed out of the starting room.

Pick up the Hammer Key Item from the table straight in front of you and smash through the wall in front that leads to the Courtyard and the fake wall to the right that leads to the Dead Woods.

Go outside to the Courtyard, work your way round to the left and past the Kronika Time Vault machine. Smash the wall nearby (990,3849) to open an entrance to a smaller area with a gong.

Hit the gong with the hammer to open a new pathway leading to the Forge and Bridge.

Work your way round to the right and towards the Shrine (-3573,-6976). Pay 1000 Koins in exchange for either the Kronica's Amulet or Gem of the Living.

Head towards the entrance of Goro's Lair and a meteor will come crashing down from above.

Smash the meteor with the hammer to collect either Kronica's Amulet or Gem of the Living.

For the next step you will need the Amulet of Earthrealm's protector which is a reward from the Towers of Time tutorial. If you haven't completed the Towers of Time tutorial yet then exit the Krypt and return afterwards.

Interact with the Raiden statue (958,-6801) that smashed when the meteor came down. Pick up the Thunder God's Shattered Staff (Raiden's Staff Key Item).

Head down the stairs to the left of Goro's entrance to the platform below. There is a gong here. Hit it with the hammer to open a pathway back to the starting area.

Now head towards the Dragon Puzzle (-5178,-7681) on the wall (see map for reference). To solve this puzzle, simply pull the right lever once and left lever once to align the plates. If done correctly a secret entrance will open that leads to the Cavern and onto the Wooden Bridge.

Return to the area where you hit the first gong and open the locked door (1562,5268) using the Gem of the Living.

Explore this new area until you reach the Vault. Use the levers to open the right hand room and pick up the Cracked Horn of Motaro (Key Item) from the pedestal.

Return to Goro's Entrance and use the Key Item to open the door.

Head down into Goro's Lair and explore onwards, taking the right hand pathway first which eventually leads to The Jails and Kenshi's Blindfold (Key Item). See map above for location.

Using the Blindfold, check for the hidden wall out of the room, smash it whilst wearing the Blindfold to escape.

Backtrack now to take the other tunnel that leads to the Armory, where Scorpion's Spear is located. The spear is next to one of the pillars and is glowing with fire. Coordinates are: -7057, -5242. It can be hard to spot but use the map above for reference as to which room it's in.

Now that you have the Spear, you can go back to the Wooden Bridge (that you opened after completing the Dragon Puzzle) for some more chests but you might want to save this for later.

There's one final character Key Item we need to get while we're down here - Ermac's Amulet. Follow the narrow pathway that leads away from Goro's Dining Hall (pull metal chains to open) and take the elevator up to the Lower Pit (see map for route).

Once there, Ermac will dramatically fall from the pit and become impaled on the spikes below. Inspect his body to recover Ermac's Amulet (Key Item).

By now you might have collected over 2000 Soul Fragments and might be tempted to repair the bridge across the Pit? Forget about this unless you only want a new Heart chest to explore.

Now return to Goro's Lair, head to Goro's Dining room and use a Skeleton Key on the metal door at coordinates: 1196, 3467.

Dodge the swinging axe traps and head to the Torture Halls area, open the metal gate using a Skeleton Key at coordinates 2792, 6447.

Use Kenshi's Blindfold to see the secret wall in this cell and smash through it with the hammer. Once inside, locate Reptile's statue and interact to cause a small cutscene and Reptile will run away.

Return to the Torture Halls underground, head straight passed the cell where you encountered Reptile and take the left pathway towards a door at coordinates: 5233, 4884. Using Raiden's Staff item (Thunder God's Shattered Staff), open the locked door leading to a room full of fire.

There are many swinging traps in here but we're only interested in one chest for now. Cross the platform, and take the left platform. Open the 20,000 Koin chest (7453, 3189) to collect the Dragon Amulet.

For the next step we must leave the Krypt temporarily. Play Tower mode and perform 10 x Fatalities, 10 x Brutalities, 10 x Mercies (by holding LT/RT and pressing down three times when Finish Him text appears, do not block the entire match). Each of these milestones will reward: Mind of the One Being, Soul of the One Being, Heart of the One Being.

Return to the Krypt and Goro's Lair underground. Near the elevator and the first room is a locked door (3540, -6174) on the right that requires three gems to open. Use the Mind of the One Being, Soul of the One Being, Heart of the One Being to open this door. It leads to a chest that costs 80,000 Koins to open.

Open the 80,000 Koin chest to collect the Heart of Blaze (Key Item), you will need this for a puzzle.

This step is optional at this stage but well worth doing. Return above ground, go to The Sacrifice area (-781, -13554). Pull the puzzle lever and place the Heart of Blaze item in the cage. Pull lever again and then harpoon cage with Spear. The reward is hundreds of Soul Fragments.

Now go to the Mountain Pass near the Forge. Use the Dragon Amulet to open the locked door (-5142, -2234).

Pull the chain on the left to open the extra room then head down the wooden stairs to the Kytinn Hive area. Using the levers, rotate the Hive puzzle until the three empty slots appear, interact to place the required Key Items in the empty slots. The three items you require are: Kronikas Amulet, Shinnok's Amulet and Cetrion's Amulet.

You will already have Kronika's Amulet from the early steps of the walkthrough but to get Shinnok's Amulet you must use the Forge. The recipe for the Amulet of Shinnok is: Ensorcelled Demon’s Heart, Encorcelled Gem of Trapped Souls (green diamond with a skull) and Ensorcelled Eye of a Dragon. Let's get these ingredients now.

Return to the Dead Woods when ready and open the 10,000 Soul chest in the trees. This will give you the Encorcelled Gem of Trapped Souls. If you're having trouble getting 10K Souls, try playing Tower mode with the CPU playing for and use Konsumables that multiply rewards.

The other two ingredients, Ensorcelled Demon’s Heart and Ensorcelled Eye of a Dragon, come from a random reward and killing spiders respectively.
When ready, return to the Forge and craft Shinnok's Amulet by spending 1500 Souls and 60,000 Koins.

The final part of the Hive puzzle requires Cetrion's Amulet. This one is time consuming to get. Return to Tower Mode (Klassic or Towers of Time) and perform 50 x fatalities on Cetrion. This gives you a head, return to the Krypt and place the head on the Warrior's Shrine, outside of Goro's entrance (opposite where you interacted with Raiden's statue.

Now return to the Hive puzzle and place the three items you acquired in the previous steps. A new doorway will open leading deeper into the Hive area.

Now that you're familiar with the Severed Head reward for 50 fatalities, you can work towards collecting all 25 character heads by performing 50 fatalities on each of them. Successfully placing all 25 heads on the Warrior Shrine spikes will open the secret Shang Tsung Throne Room and two Treasure Cache rooms. The individual Head rewards are fantastic by themselves but with access to these secret areas there are additional chest rewards to collect that include character Intro's and Victories. ... guide.aspx

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Re: Mortal Kombat....... (Mature 17+)


Post by Booyakasha » Tue Sep 21, 2021 2:08 pm

Hotster is a world-renowned Mortal Kombat champ. You should have seen her in action at Evo 2019, man.
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Re: Mortal Kombat....... (Mature 17+)


Post by LexDiamonds81 » Sat Jun 22, 2024 12:00 pm

MK2 for SNES is the absolute best here - end of discussion!

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Re: Mortal Kombat....... (Mature 17+)


Post by Booyakasha » Sat Jun 22, 2024 7:50 pm

Hotster absolutely murdalised Woolie, man. Made Daigo cry. The audience couldn't believe what they was seeing.
boo--------------a real american weirdo

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