by Booyakasha » Fri Jul 09, 2021 4:36 am
Off that list, I've played 'Pac-Man' and 'Galaga' on actual arcade machines. Also 'Tapper' and 'Ms Pac-Man'. The rest I played as ports. 'Galaga' was the favourite.
One of my lunatic friends brought a 'Super Mario Bros' cabinet up to camp one summer. It was a neat thing to try out, but I couldn't really get the hang of using an arcade-style joystick instead of a D-pad.
I always loved co-op beat-em-ups. I bought 'X-Men', 'The Simpsons' and 'TMNT' when they got released to XBLA, and then none of them ended up making the backwards-compatibility list for XOne, which is pretty flippin weak. Like, those three are kind of perfect hangout games for guys in their thirties, and out of everything they could have ported, those didn't make the cut. I don't get it. (At least 'Chronicles of Mystara' is on there.)
Favourite arcade cabinets were always those SNK four-cart units. Not many places had them, but the ones that did were usually run by someone who knew a good game from a hole in the ground, so you could generally count on a Metal Slug, a Samurai Shodown, and either a King of Fighters or Fatal Fury. Yeah.
'Soul Edge' is what convinced me to get a Playstation, and, if I hadn't already been planning on getting a Dreamcast for 'Power Stone', playing 'Crazy Taxi' and 'Hydro Thunder' in the arcade would have won me over.
I loved pinball, but I was never overly picky and choosy----------the more intricate the better. Extra flippers and crazy ramps and chutes were a big plus.
boo--------------a real american weirdo