My Little Pony Movie Trailer.

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My Little Pony Movie Trailer.


Post by VG_Addict » Mon Jul 03, 2017 5:01 pm

How long has it been since we had a thread about MLP?

Anyway, the trailer for the MLP movie came out a few days ago.

What do you think? Are you gonna go see it when it comes out October 6?

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Post by Booyakasha » Tue Jul 04, 2017 2:08 am

Well, I'm not going to go see it in theatre, because even if this biz has been a little demystified, I'm not going to be the guy sitting in a children's movie without kids of his own with him. That's generally seen as creepy. Much more importantly, I despise going to movie theatres, because there is nothing that spoils the cinema experience more than having it with two hundred people you don't know, and especially if most of them are going to be shrieking dirty smelly screaming kids with shrill laughs and drippy noses and just general disgustingness.

(In the abstract, I kind of hate people. I mean, actual persons can be wonderful. I love persons with all my heart. But, you know, hypothetically, a toddler could drop his soda directly onto my head, soaking me in whatever horrible sugary goop he was slurping up into his wretched toothless maw, and I would just have to laugh good-naturedly and say 'it's okay', instead of doing a Stone-Cold Stunner on both the kid's parents and then pointing and laughing in demoniacal glee at the look of terror on the kid's ugly stupid little face. That'd be impolite. I'd rather just steer clear of the whole situation. Yeah. Boo the '"Splendid Isolation", by Warren Zevon, is the best song in the world' guy.)

As for watching it when it hits DVD, though, heck yes I'm interested. The animation looks really, really nice (whether it's Flash-animation or not is academic--------------I simply prefer traditional 2D animation to the current 3D trend). There's clearly some high production values at work here, and I'm always eager to support any project with some good old-fashioned TLC to it.

Like, if this isn't a carrot for me to actually take on my pony backlog, I don't know what would be.
boo--------------a real american weirdo

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Post by Red » Tue Jul 04, 2017 3:16 pm

I considered making a thread about thism but I wasn't sure if there would be much interest.

I'm pretty excited.

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