Cliches you like/dislike.

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Cliches you like/dislike.


Post by VG_Addict » Tue Jan 24, 2017 9:29 pm

Are there any cliches in shows that you actually like? What about ones you dislike?

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Post by X-3 » Tue Jan 24, 2017 9:34 pm

"We're not so different, you and I."
"I'm nothing like you!"


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Post by I am nobody » Tue Jan 24, 2017 10:00 pm


If all these heroes actually didn't believe in coincidences, they'd have been committed for murdering a family of squirrels that looked at them for "too long, dammit" long before the plots ever got started. Absolute best case scenario is that they never have time to become a hero because they're too busy following literally every conspiracy theory, including the conspiracy theories about how there's too many coincidences in first-level conspiracy theories, and then the conspiracy theories about how there's too many coincidences in the conspiracy theories about how there's too many coincidences in the first-level conspiracy theories, and then the conspiracy theories about how there's too many coincidences in the conspiracy theories about how...

This isn't one of the handful of movies I've watched, so if the context secretly subverts this trope, just pretend I had a better clip. It was just a coincidence that nobody saved clips of all the other scenes like this. Or was it? Maybe the government erased all those videos so we'd watch this one, because they secretly bankrolled it in order to finance a campaign to make us all sterile.

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Post by Apollo the Just » Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:43 pm

I **** LOVE coming of age cliches. The scene where youthful protag makes a rash decision and The Friend^TM gets hurt as a result and protag is like "what have I done..... this is All My Fault" and has soulful character development/angst/etc. good ****
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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:51 pm

Power of friendship junk. A bit is okay, just don't take it overboard TRUNKS.

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Post by Apollo the Just » Wed Jan 25, 2017 2:05 am

Get the hell out of my forum IRHP.
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Post by X-3 » Wed Jan 25, 2017 5:07 am

You know what cliche objectively sucks though? "If you kill him you'll be just like him!" Half of the time the villain question is a cannibal who nukes orphanages, so it's kind of hollow wisdom.

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Post by Marilink » Wed Jan 25, 2017 6:16 am

^I actually came in here to say "If you kill him, you're no better" is a cliché that I like. I take issue with arbitrary moral relativism, so it's the kind of moral code that I think is worth considering/implementing. Sometimes it does get a little out of hand, but I think the principle is a good one.

I'm a sucker for coming of age tropes, like CL said. I could watch The Sandlot a million times because of that.
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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Wed Jan 25, 2017 6:32 am

Love interests in stories is old and boring. They need to spice it up or throw it out because within seconds of seeing a character I know their primary function. Make it more ambiguous. Naruto and Bleach did a fine job there, Dragon Ball did okay too (Yamcha was basically added just to be Bulma's boyfriend and it was sort of obvious but done in a really unique way, imo).

Oh, and characters not dying. There's nearly zero reason to care about events in fiction if there's minimal risk of character death or at least crippling (Speed Grapher REALLY did well in this regard). Dragon Ball, again, gets a lot of **** for this, especially Super since it is an interquel, but I think they remedied that with the Universe Survival Arc since you can't wish someone back if them and their entire universe is destroyed, haha.

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Post by Booyakasha » Wed Jan 25, 2017 1:36 pm

I can think of about ten or so WWII movies I like. Too many of them are just two hours of absolute wank. "Arrrgh!" "Oh my god, Smitty's hit!" "(*ragged coughing*) Guess them Nazis got me good, huh, Sarge?" "No! Don't you die on, me, soldier! That's an order!" "(*coughs again, more weakly*)'s so cold. So cold. Sarge, if I don't make it, would you...would you send this locket to my wife?" "You'll give it to her yourself, Smitty! (*turns to yell*) Where's that damn medic?" "(*retches blood and dies*)" "No! "Smitty! You Nazi bastards!" "He was gonna be a doctor!" "Permission to weep openly, Sarge." "Don't worry, Smitty. We'll pay them Huns back with interest."

Wow, really breaking the mold there. And we never saw it coming, because Smitty was talking just the night before about the letter he got from his wife, telling him she was expecting. Bleeuurrggghhhh.
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Post by ScottyMcGee » Wed Jan 25, 2017 1:46 pm

You know when there's a tense airplane/flying machine whatever scene and the hero dips into a canyon but like the camera stays there because the director wants to make you think they crashed? But then the hero pulls up at the very last second zooming out of the canyon?

Yeah that - I hate that. A lot.

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Post by Apollo the Just » Wed Jan 25, 2017 1:48 pm

Oh, that reminds me. I absolutely love gratuitous flying scenes. Like, in movies where someone first gets the ability to fly somehow and/or meets a dragon they can fly around on, and the next 5 minutes is a pretty and gratuitous flying scene with the wind ruffling their hair because they're Free and Alive. I live for that.

(Thanks How to Train Your Dragon & Big Hero 6)
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Post by ScottyMcGee » Wed Jan 25, 2017 1:51 pm

I hate it when secondary characters butt into the conversation and say, "You gotta see this!". You **** use WORDS. JUST SAY WHAT IT IS. They do this all the time in action movies and fantasy/sci-fi movies when something big approaches. Like if I was held up with the rebellion in a warehouse and I saw a tank coming I wouldn't waste time running over to my friends to say "Come see this for yourself" and we all run back outside. Bitch, I'd be like "**** THERES A HUGE ASS TANK COMING BATTLE STATIONS BATTLE STATIONS BWEEEP BWEEEP BWEEEP"

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Post by CaptHayfever » Wed Jan 25, 2017 1:56 pm

[QUOTE="I REALLY HATE PRESENTS!, post: 1619905, member: 18119"]Power of friendship junk. A bit is okay, just don't take it overboard TÈA.[/QUOTE] Fixed.

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Post by I am nobody » Wed Jan 25, 2017 4:46 pm

[QUOTE="ScottyMcGee, post: 1619982, member: 31048"]I hate it when secondary characters butt into the conversation and say, "You gotta see this!". You mother****er use WORDS. JUST SAY WHAT IT IS. They do this all the time in action movies and fantasy/sci-fi movies when something big approaches. Like if I was held up with the rebellion in a warehouse and I saw a tank coming I wouldn't waste time running over to my friends to say "Come see this for yourself" and we all run back outside. Bitch, I'd be like "MOTHER****ER THERES A HUGE ASS TANK COMING BATTLE STATIONS BATTLE STATIONS BWEEEP BWEEEP BWEEEP"[/QUOTE]


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Post by Apiary Tazy » Wed Jan 25, 2017 6:14 pm

[QUOTE= A Dinosaur Comic]
Captain, you'd better get down here.


Oh Captain, if only we had descriptive language; if only I could describe something using my words. But you know as well as I that I can only point and say, "lookit".[/QUOTE]

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Post by X-3 » Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:41 pm

The hero and villain shouting each other's names before/during the final battle is great. Bonus points if they bother yelling out full names.

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Post by I am nobody » Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:34 pm

Technically my hatred for all of these is entirely from games, (looking at you, Atlus) but I'm just going to assume anime is to blame for their origin so I can complain about them here:

1. One girl is super feminine and either cares greatly about the appearance of her chest or has an impossible amount of her body weight situated there. Another girl is either actively masculine/androgynous or at least much less feminine, and she appears to be somewhere between average and the first percentile in that same trait. Cue a medical examination for literally no reason, and the girls compare their measurements for even less reason. Jeepers! That second girl must secretly possess the strongest spine of any human ever! How embarrassing for the first girl! (Persona 4 and Devil Survivor 2, Atlus)

2. Somewhere between 40 and 60% of the way through the story, our heroes decide to visit a hot spring, which may or may not have conveniently appeared in an otherwise western world! They'll go in by gender, and the women's conversation will be almost entirely a comparison of mammary endowment. The pervy male character will suggest spying on them regardless of whether or not that happens. One group or another will overstay their time, resulting in both being in the spring at the same time, and the women will be really angry even if it was their fault! They may even summon an implausible amount of household objects to throw! (Persona 3 and 4, and you even slightly rewrote it for P3P female)

3. One of the main female characters can't cook, and we'll be reminded of that every 5 minutes. I'm not putting any more thought into this description, because that's as far as the writers ever go. (Letting you off for this one, Atlus, because for ****'s sake, Namco Bandai. Must this be in every Tales game? Sometimes more than once?) (but seriously, Atlus, you did this in Persona 4 three times. In one game!)

4. Ladder = "don't. look. up."

[spoiler]I'd probably die of an aneurysm if I ever watched a slice of life high school anime.[/spoiler]

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Post by Valigarmander » Tue Feb 14, 2017 2:58 am

Remorseless mass-murderer has a sudden change of heart and is "redeemed", and so all of their past actions are swiftly forgiven and forgotten about (see Darth Vader, Vegeta, etc.).

I get the point of redemption stories and I don't think all of them are bad, but it's kind of hard for me to accept a character's atonement when I remember they used to slaughter scores of innocent people on a regular basis.

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Tue Feb 14, 2017 3:05 am

[QUOTE="Valigarmander, post: 1622058, member: 30663"]Remorseless mass-murderer has a sudden change of heart and is "redeemed", and so all of their past actions are swiftly forgiven and forgotten about (see Darth Vader, Vegeta, etc.).[/QUOTE]

Actually it has been established that Vegeta, despite his change of heart, is going to hell when he dies. The Z Fighters slowly came around to him though.

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