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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Thu Jan 12, 2017 6:13 pm

is this what it feels like to be triggered

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Post by Galefore » Fri Jan 13, 2017 9:35 am

Rewatched the "Total Rickall" episode of Rick and Morty. Still one of the most brilliantly executed concept episodes and **** funny, goddamn, I had almost forgotten that that show **** gets me.

Also caught Fargo. The film, I mean, not the TV show. I mean, what can I say that hasn't been said? Magnificently done movie. I love this kind of film, and it features PETER STORMARE whom I always enjoy (he's been the highlight of some awful, awful films and here he gets to shine among a great cast). That scene where Steve Buscemi is breathing red mist into the snow in a (as spoiler free as possible) super intense scene near the end? Gave me chills. I've been getting lucky with my good-ass movie watching lately.

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Post by Apollo the Just » Fri Jan 13, 2017 2:43 pm

I watched a couple things:

- Broly The Legendary Super Saiyan Abridged. 10/10. I was laughing so hard the entire time.

- PM:TTYD speedrun at AGDQ. I am so so so glad the Flavio incentive was met because it was **** glorious.

- New Breath of the Wild trailer. Game looks **** incredible. I'm really excited because it literally looks like everything I love about Twilight Princess is now the focus of this game. Eh about the voice acting but I'll get over it.

- the Sonic Mania trailer. Like, I somehow managed to not see this even though it's been out for like 5 months. I didn't care until they announced it was for Switch. I'm so excited to play as Tails and actually get to go fast again for the first time in like 18 years
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Post by Galefore » Fri Jan 13, 2017 4:01 pm

^just watched dem trailers too, Mario Breath of the Wild also looks hype, and I was really enraptured watching the whole thing. and then i started crying because my brain decided to toss the gut-punch of "i bet iwata would have been proud" and my heart, my heart

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Sat Jan 14, 2017 9:57 pm

Dragon Ball Super Episode 74

The first half was really good, definitely some of the best filler. Pretty much could be used as a type of "proof of concept" for a Saiyaman spin-off, I'd watch the hell out of it. Second half sort of fell apart but oh well.

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Post by Apollo the Just » Sat Jan 14, 2017 10:18 pm

^ did..... DID YOU SAY SAIYAMAN......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Sat Jan 14, 2017 10:21 pm

youre gonna love this ep cl srsly

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Post by Booyakasha » Sun Jan 15, 2017 2:06 pm

Watched the rest of Steven Bomb #5, several times over.

...think this might be the best SBomb to date. #2 was a little unfocused, #3 was kind of a bummer, and #4 zeroed in on Peridot. #5 rather had it all-----------focus on the main cast, continuous story, plenty of world-building, and loads of fun bits.
holly blue agate is rad

It was really sweet, seein all of Amethyst's fellow kindergarteners homeying up to her. Like, especially after S3, wherein Jasper took every opportunity to tear Amethyst down------------it was nice to see some gems out there accept Amethyst without question, right. Yeah.
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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Sun Jan 15, 2017 4:37 pm

Dragon Ball Super Episode 2 (English)

I forgot that the series started off with such high production values; I think the fight between the alien tribe and dinosaur, and then the transformed alien vs Beerus actually look better than almost any other fight scenes in the series. Decent episode.

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Post by Random User » Sun Jan 15, 2017 4:51 pm

I watched one of those Final Fantasy VII OVAs. On the Way to a Smile: Case of Denzel. It was meh, but the post earlier about Final Fantasy VII's development got me interested in some of the supplementary content.

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Post by Galefore » Tue Jan 17, 2017 7:20 am

Okay, watched a bunch of things I wanna talk about last night so here goes:

Ugetsu. I finally watched this seminal piece of Japanese film. I'm glad I saved it, as I feel it might have been lost on a more impatient me. It's a flowing, atmospheric film that actually has some very eerie moments. It's also just flat- out gorgeous to look at.

I also caught an episode of Horace and Pete, a web series Louis CK did last year. I have to say, though I was almost not able to give it the time it needed to start to feel genuinely engrossing, it ended up being one of the coolest things I've seen pulled off lately. Structured and acted like a stage production, there's some very theatre- specific things happening here that are carefully blended into on-screen moments. There's little vocal stutters that give it the feel of a live show. It's very unique, and so much story is told in just an hour. I'm very impressed with this.

And then the first two episodes of the Netflix Series of Unfortunate Events series. Though I'm not, admittedly, someone who read every book in this series, I did have it in my childhood and it's great to see this series nail the feel of the books so well. I was a little afraid they'd dial Olaf back TOO much fearing a repeat of Jim Carey's performance, but he is over the top in a much more Grunkle Stan- but- actually- evil way here and it works so well. The writing is good, the set pieces are suitably gloomy. I'm excited for more.

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Sat Jan 21, 2017 9:02 pm

Dragon Ball Super Episode 75

decent episode, but the trailer is cool because FEMALE BROLY WTF:


Everyone wanted a female Super Saiyan and Broly so they were just like "have them both idgaf"

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Post by Booyakasha » Sun Jan 22, 2017 11:30 am

Trailer for the stupid-ass 'Great Wall' movie.

Archer shooting off the wrong side of the bow like an idiot.
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Post by Galefore » Tue Jan 24, 2017 12:25 am

In The Loop.

Glad to see this one in full and not in clips. What can I day? This **** is both hilarious and incisive in its portrayal of political struggle and small moves making huge impacts. It's tight and incredibly convincing, with a cast made in heaven.

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Post by Booyakasha » Tue Jan 24, 2017 12:25 pm

'Rings' trailer. does nobody just try punching this little ghost bitch?

The only thing scary about her is that she's a gross ghost. Get over that, you should be fine. Just don't let her kill you, dude.

...I'm f*ckin strong, man. My job is literally to carry heavy objects around for forty hours-plus a week. I could punch some dumb ghost's dang head right round. Speed-bag her whilst whistling 'Sweet Georgia Brown'.

I mean, don't mistake me, I freely acknowledge I suck, but I wouldn't just stand there and take it, man. If punching didn't work, I'd get out the clip. If the clip didn't work, I'd go to the Ka-Bar (cold iron, right). If that didn't work, I'd get out my eagle and try to turn her (silver, right). If even that failed, I'd go to the pendant (golgothan crucifix, right). After that I'd turn tail and run my gay little ass off. Probably be screaming in abject terror the whole time. Going peepee in my pants, too. Why not run away. Does running away not work? That ghost seems to walk pretty slow.

Why do these dumbasses just sit there and die, man? It's so friggin dumb. Like, haul off and punch that ghost, or Freddy Krueger, or Jason Voorhees. Like, it's only your best shot at that point. Go down swinging. And like how rad would you feel if you knocked a monster out with one hit. That's, like, a guaranteed panty-peeler. 'I KOed Michael Myers.' Bladow.
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Post by X-3 » Tue Jan 24, 2017 12:59 pm

trying to punch a ghost in 2017 LUL

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Post by Booyakasha » Tue Jan 24, 2017 1:22 pm

What is dumber? Trying to punch a ghost, or not trying to punch a ghost? I ask you, friendo.

Suppose a ghost does a runner at you and tries to jam its wiener in your butt. You going to pretend you wouldn't try to fight it off with your fists, your sickles, anything you got to hand, man.

Like who the frick do you think you're fooling, motherfricker. Stop it. Stop. (*extraordinarily generous benevolent cross-chop*)
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Post by CaptHayfever » Tue Jan 24, 2017 2:33 pm

I mean, Mario can punch ghosts.

And remember, "I'm-a Luigi, number one!"

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Post by Galefore » Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:23 pm

Down By Law, the Jarmusch film. Tom Waits is a treasure, and I found this hardboiled deadpan comedy **** marvelous in its perfectly balanced combination of minimalist storytelling and great acting.

Lone Wolf and Cub: Baby Cart in Hades also. These movies were basically made for me. So good. So so good.

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Post by Galefore » Sat Jan 28, 2017 3:19 am

Several things.

First off, I rewatched A New Hope. Luke was... hm, a bit pitchy with some of those yelps of his, but I applaud this film still. Can't beat the warmth and nostalgia in those brilliant effects. It's always great to get to see the little nods to Japanese cinema and other classic films through a new eye now that I'm a bit more into film.

My lovely girlfriend binged some true crime, namely a series about stalkers I believe called Obsession: Dark Desires. It was a surprisingly artsy, very well presented series, just the victim recounting their story cut up by incredibly well made reenactment segments. They're even pretty good exercises in filmmaking, so it was an engrossing watch. I wish there had been more.

Tons of Siskel and Ebert At The Movies. Their reviews are so beautifully reasoned, but of course I love to watch these two banter and try to bite each other's heads off. It's heartwarming and God do I appreciate the influence both of them have had on me.

I've also watched a ton of Polygon stuff with the McElroys. I love their effortless banter. Good soft boys. Best soft boys.

And on a whim, I just watched Neal Brennan's new Netflix one man show. In it, he uses three mics and different sets to signify shifting moods and methods in his set, going from one liners, traditional stand-up, and then long, personal anecdotes about his life, career, and family. It's honest and confessional, and he's just a funny ****. There's a jarring tonal shift or two here and there, and he isn't the first to mix this confessional thing into the format of the traditional one man show (with Bo Burnham and Mike Birbiglia putting out super good and very similar specials, and comedians experimenting more and more with mixing media and form). It's another in a promising line of artistically free stand-up specials from Netflix, so I hope to enjoy more.

On a side note, I tried watching Reggie Watts' Spatial and couldn't get into it, even though I do enjoy his work and enjoyed his last special. I feel like he's sort of not doing anything new or interesting and I dunno, the first few minutes struck me more lazy and phoned in than anything. I'll give it another chance sometime.
