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Post by Galefore » Wed Dec 28, 2016 1:30 am

Forgetting Sarah Marshall. I'm pretty tough to please with mainstream American comedy because goddamn am I a pretentious ****, but I did really like this one. The acting works and the improv is tops, and honestly, it was a decent and not at all one-sided look at breakups. It's kitschy in places but eh, it's Hollywood. A solid one for sure.

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Wed Dec 28, 2016 4:09 pm

Hell or High Water (2016) was a really good western-y heist movie with a really talented cast. Not always crazy about when movies go all in on moral ambiguity/"EVERYBODY'S a piece of ****!" but I didn't mind it in this one.

Sisters (2015) was a basic party comedy with some really funny moments but I was kinda hoping for a bit better because it's Tina Fey and Amy Poehler.

Kubo and the Strings (2016) was **** excellent and I'm still kind of emotional. Cool, fun little story. Also Laika's animation is top notch as always.

Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping (2016) is a satire of pop star documentaries and pop music as a whole with Andy Samberg as a self-centered pop star. It's a lot like Lonely Island's albums. Some of the jokes have you busting out laughing (my goodness, the Macklemore parody "Equal Rights" had my dying) while other bits go on a little too long or are just kinda ehhhhh in general.
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Post by Apollo the Just » Sun Jan 01, 2017 1:07 am

Marathoned like 30 episodes of Sonic Boom today.

Sticks the Badger is probably one of my favorite Sonic characters from the entire franchise. I love her so much. Also, THE SELF-AWARE JOKES ARE INCREASINGLY ON POINT. I CANNOT BELIEVE I HEARD THE SHIP TERM "SONAMY" IN AN ACTUAL LICENSED TV SHOW OH MY GOD
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Post by Apollo the Just » Sun Jan 01, 2017 2:41 am

DP: watched a couple episodes of GT when I ran out of Sanic.

...... I should not have. Episode 40 is the worst thing I've ever seen. It literally killed me RIP goodbye that's it.

[spoiler]haha j k it didn't kill me it **** killed PICCOLO


So yeah happy **** new year this show ruined my life :,)
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Post by Apollo the Just » Thu Jan 05, 2017 1:21 am

Watched DBGT: A Hero's Legacy, since someone recommended I watch it after ep40 when it originally aired with the knowledge that it occurs later at the end of the series.

Loved it. So many callbacks to young Gohan, made me really emotional. Goku Jr is about the only Goku worth my time TBH... it was a really sweet movie (the scene with him praying over the 4-star dragon ball was so cute... ;__; )

Also I think it's cute that the 2nd ending song animation starts out with silhouettes of the 5 main married couples in the show: Goku and Chi Chi, Gohan and Videl, Goten and Trunks, Bulma and Vegeta, and 18 and Krillin. :smile:
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Post by Booyakasha » Thu Jan 05, 2017 2:38 am

So, Steven Bomb 5 leaked in its entirety. Watched the first ep--------"Steven's Dream".

[spoiler]...I really like Blue Diamond.[/spoiler]

These leaks,'d think someone over at CN would be rippin these leakers to shreds. I mean, can it possibly be an accident at this point, right.
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Post by Galefore » Thu Jan 05, 2017 2:16 pm

Heavy Metal, which is a weird one, because on the one hand the pulpiness and such appeals heavily, and it's a masterpiece of mixed art and animation. On the other hand, it does come off a little exploitive and that pulp attitude towards women felt more than dated. That said, I still think its artistic merits outweigh my criticisms and it was a great one to put on whilst I relax and have a smoke.

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Post by Booyakasha » Fri Jan 06, 2017 8:36 pm

^I like 'Heavy Metal' the magazine a lot. Used to buy it at the newsstand. Pretty good magazine.

...don't care overly much for the movie. Couple good bits----------rest is kind of crummy.
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Post by Apollo the Just » Fri Jan 06, 2017 9:49 pm

Watched a Luigi's Mansion speedrunner do a couple any% runs. He PB'd by like two seconds which was cool.
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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Sat Jan 07, 2017 11:03 pm

Some episode of DBZ Kai. The voice acting is bad.

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Post by Galefore » Sun Jan 08, 2017 3:30 am

^^^I feel ya. I just seem to have a soft spot for it.

Lone Wolf and Cub: Baby Cart in the River Styx

Wow. This one was incredible. I've seen the first film in this series, or at least a very large chunk of it, as the translation I watched was atrocious and it really took me out of it, but man... Everything I want in a Samurai action film is here. Mind you, this one is far less meditative than some of my favorite jidaigeki flicks, but it's full of stylish action, marvelous cinematography, and an actually interesting and colorful cast of villains. There's even that healthy dose of 70s camp here and there, with some unintentionally funny scenes (Ogami Itto's never-faltering grimace makes a great reaction shot to some truly over-the-top moments and the editing never fails to show it at the right moment to make me snicker) that didn't really detract, and honestly, they were kind of awesome in their own right. This is a good, bloody romp with beautiful direction and I'm glad to check it off my list of great jidaigeki films to binge.

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Sun Jan 08, 2017 1:35 pm

Dragon Ball Super Episode 1 (English)

Re-watching the series in English is kind of fun, I haven't watched any episodes multiple times so these are sort of fresh now that it has been over a year. I don't remember Piccolo being a creep, watching sorta jealously as Gohan walks with Videl. Also Power Scaling the snake Goten and Trunks fought makes it stronger than some villains like Raditz. Should've just pitted the animals against early enemies...

The acting was not bad, but definitely a step down from DBZ IMO. Could be nostalgia goggles but I don't think so.

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Post by Galefore » Tue Jan 10, 2017 12:40 am

Blood Simple - Loved it. There are so many creative shots and it's just... god, bleeding that **** atmosphere I love in neonoir. This one has a lot of more modern and action-packed films beat off of sheer style, and the **** yellow-hat assassin was a blast to watch. Glad I took the chance on this one.

Pete Holmes's new special Faces and Sounds also. I love Pete Holmes so this was an easy sell for me. It's a good special, perhaps not up there with some of the other specials released by his contemporaries this year, but still super satisfying and hilarious. I think Pete's confidence and personal voice have become his strongest points, and he's definitely very unique, energetic, and even positive while remaining skilled at doing a whole bunch **** more than what he jokingly demeans as just faces and sounds.

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Post by Random User » Tue Jan 10, 2017 6:44 am

I had heard that RWBY was getting better so I gave a few episodes in Chapter 4 a shot. It's not really that much better, and the terrible writing that went along with the rest of the show makes it even worse. There's just no world-building. Things like semblances and the grimm are never expanded upon or explained well. Aura seems like it's just plot armor that turns on and off at will. The fight scenes are poorly-made for the most part. Sometimes the only thing that kinda saves the terrible script is some ad-libbing. The voice actors are great and the character design is pretty good, so it's disappointing that the show itself is just so bad.

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Post by Apollo the Just » Tue Jan 10, 2017 2:32 pm

^ that's disappointing but unsurprising. I never watched that show bc despite loving the character designs I was afraid it would be underwhelming as a series.
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Post by Galefore » Wed Jan 11, 2017 2:54 am

House (1977 Japanese horror film) - This one was truly bizarre, but wow, what an experience. The framing device of the film - a monster ghost house attacks girls - is the only thing simple and ordinary about it. Everything that should be cheesy about it reads as unnerving, and the horror follows a nightmare logic that is truly dreamlike in that events happen in horrifying, sometimes non-linear succession. There are some truly chilling moments in this one, no cheap jump scares, just brilliant, inventive editing and effects and a truly trancelike narrative. It's like if Terry Gilliam's animations set up their own sister settlement beside Silent Hill. And I actually mean that as a positive thing.

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Post by Apollo the Just » Wed Jan 11, 2017 12:23 pm

I watched the Super Mario Sunshine speedrun race on AGDQ yesterday. It was so good. There was a decently wide gap between players until the very end when Bounceyboy choked on the last secret level, and then the race was tight as ****. Made it a really interesting watch. Much as I love seeing runners do their best, I also love seeing really close and exciting races. (Plus Bouncey still won, so :party3: )
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Post by Galefore » Thu Jan 12, 2017 1:23 pm

Time Bandits. I loved this one, and I can see myself watching it a second time just to see more of the little details. Gilliam crammed this one with visual flair and made an adventure film that flows like the Python films. It also has a surprising touch of depth. The comedy was charming and more wacky than anything, but I always applaud inventive use of visuals for laughs and of **** course Terry Gilliam has no issue with that. And dude, those effects? Super cool. I love the visual storytelling here. This one's a classic in my book.

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Post by Booyakasha » Thu Jan 12, 2017 2:24 pm

I believe Terry Gilliam may understand escapism better than any other filmmaker alive.
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Post by Galefore » Thu Jan 12, 2017 4:13 pm


Watched the new TFS Abrdged Movie. Finally, Broly. I like the TFS writing crew a lot, because often their characterizations of the main cast are either flat out better (Abridged Goku is much more of a lovable oaf than unabridged Goku) by virtue of playing up their quirks or at least funny enough to push them into a background role more comfortably than the unabridged version does. There's some really good moments in this one, so I'm certainly happy with it, though I think valid criticism can be made for the TFS writers riding on the back of a joke too long (I'm sure you'll know which ones I'm talking about if you watch the video) and kinda wearing it thin. Still, where the writing works, it works spectacularly and the big thing about the abridged series, that being that I enjoy it a lot more than the original series, continues to hold true.
