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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:59 am

Dragon Ball Super Episode 60

Characters had some fun moments but it was kinda filler, though there was a significant revelation about Black, but they only gave a half answer. There's a Trunks/Mai scene CL probably won't like.

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Post by Apollo the Just » Mon Oct 03, 2016 12:35 am

^ Your instinct is probably right, but tbh at this point I'm resigned to them making that awful ship a thing. Whatever.

...I'm so behind on DBS. At least that means I get to splurge, which is good. I've just been so distracted with my husband/one and only Apollo Justice.

I haven't watched anything recently except for Spirit of Justice OST videos, which I have watched a lot of. Ok, maybe not really watching so much as listening, but they're videos, so they count. "A Cornered Heart" has cornered my heart.
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Post by Booyakasha » Mon Oct 03, 2016 10:39 pm

So, MKE Film Festival is going on. Nothing new really lit a fire under me this time, but I couldn't pass up an opportunity to see 'Metropolis' on the silver screen, especially given they found that 'lost' twenty-five minutes of film. Plus live orchestral accompaniment, plus at the Oriental. Heck of a film. That scene where Maria, Freder and Josaphat save the children in the workers' city gets me every time.

People kept laughing at things that aren't supposed to be funny. Movie was great---------crowd gets a 6/10, the uncultured swine.
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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Mon Oct 03, 2016 10:56 pm

DBZ: Battle of Gods.

This could have been nearly perfect if the original voice actors were all present and there was more than 5 minutes of fighting.

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Mon Oct 10, 2016 5:30 pm

Dragon Ball Super Episode 61

Trunks just bumped himself up a notch on the cool meter at the end of the episode. Vegeta's been pretty much getting no spotlight but at least Goku had a moment.

It's so damn good. Yay.

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Post by Apollo the Just » Mon Oct 10, 2016 6:06 pm

oh man, you said the T-word,, god damn it now i need to catch up god damn it ****


most recent thing I've watched is the screen of my 3DS, as I stare at this **** piece of garbage slider puzzle ********.
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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Sun Oct 16, 2016 4:56 pm

Dragon Ball Super Episode 62

Starts off with lots of action, but it doesn't last long. The episode has a lot going on but mostly it's about Goku learning the Mafuba. Good humor, interesting character interactions, and a bit of a cliff hanger (Gowasu is going to do something because he feels responsible but it is very vague as to what his intentions are). I enjoyed it a lot.

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Post by Booyakasha » Mon Oct 17, 2016 11:51 am

Rewatched SU------'Bismuth' earlier for the nth time.

Only thing mysterious to me about this episode is why it's considered episode 100. Like, however you slice it, it is either ep 3.20 or ep 3.20 & 3.21 mushed together. Seasons 1 and 2 combined were seventy-eight episodes. Ergo this is either ep 98 or eps 98 & 99. Wait, is the pilot part of it? Shouldn't be. It's neat, but it's not canonical-----------directly contradicts established continuity. Just what's goin on here (*folds arms, looking around suspiciously*) (*suddenly eyes irhp*) (*irhp winks*) (*boo blushes adorably and runs out of the room*)
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Post by Deku Tree » Tue Oct 18, 2016 12:35 am

Just watched the first episode of Mr. Robot. The beginning was a lot like the first episode of Dexter.
[spoiler]Got a gifted dude with trouble connecting with people, got an episode beginning with vigilante justice against a pedophile, and then an encounter with a kindred spirit that he's intrigued by, but it's his job is to stop.[/spoiler]
The Christian Slater group gave me an Assassins Creed feel.
Some of the hacker action scenes were kinda dumb in a typical Hollywood way. Boss man at the cyber security firm could use some better writing.
Pretty interested to keep watching, though. And I'm really loving the music.

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Post by CaptHayfever » Tue Oct 18, 2016 9:36 am

Power Rangers Dino Thunder episode 19: "Lost & Found in Translation"

The episode that dares to say, "Dear anyone who says Power Rangers is too goofy: Compared to the source material, we're doing Schindler's List." They say this by having the Rangers watch a real Super Sentai episode. It's kinda brilliant, really.

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Sun Oct 23, 2016 5:13 am

Dragon Ball Super Episode 63.

An episode almost entirely composed of action, which was nice. There was a funny scene with Trunks & Yajirobe, I'm really liking the little interactions between characters like these.

Vegeta finally threw out his "I'm the prince" line as he wrecked Black. One thing bothering me so far is Goku not using Kaioken; if he used it just for a tournament against Hit then why not against Black? Heck, doesn't Black know all of Goku's techniques, so why isn't he using it?

Oh well. Next episode has Fusion making a return, pretty predictable but somehow still interesting.

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Post by Apollo the Just » Sun Oct 23, 2016 5:47 am


Holy **** y'all. I'm in love. In case you couldn't tell by virtue of this video game is all I can talk about right now.

First of all, it's SUPER refreshing to have an ENTIRELY new Ace Attorney cast. We haven't had anything remotely like this since the very first installment, and sort of Apollo Justice. Not that I don't love the recurring main series characters, because I do. And not that the main series installments don't do a fantastic job of introducing new lovable characters each time. But I haven't fallen in love with a whole new cast in so long, and I missed this feeling.

I'm obsessed with the soundtrack. I love it so much. It's just as good as the PLvPW OST, which is in my top 3 of all time.

I also REALLY loved how it **** went IN regarding a recurring series topic other installments have kind of shied away from.

[spoiler=seriously hella spoilers like huge spoilers]There are some cases in AA games where you defend a guilty client, usually because Maya is being held hostage, you know. But in the end the just verdict is always delivered.

DGS says **** THAT ****; on your first case in a foreign country you unknowingly present a crapload of forged evidence - yep, like in AJ, except you don't even have a hobo mentor to kind of rely on - and get a possible murderer off scott free. You have doubts but there's nothing you can do because you've presented the evidence despite your better judgement.

That made for SUCH a good narrative about what it means to ~believe in your client~, especially since it is later revealed WITH CERTAINTY that your client *did* do it. You got a guilty man acquitted. Like... that **** is unprecedented in this series. It took what AJ did and made it so much more impactful IMO.


......also this is unrelated but my boy Ryuu got accused of murder so that's a huge plus. [/spoiler]

Also the deduction segments were a literal dream come true, and I'm in love with Ryuunosuke. Only gripe is the pacing wasn't the best sometimes, and to my recollection there weren't any HUGE MIND BLOWING TWISTS in cases. 8/10, I would rank it just below Dual Destinies.

(Although watching someone else play was a little frustrating because sometimes you would know the answer before the player so you have to wait until they figure it out, or vice versa, but by the end whoever was playing had a groove going so it got much better in that respect.)
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Post by Booyakasha » Mon Oct 24, 2016 6:41 pm

MLPFIiM MAS episode -2.-1

...does this series even count as an abridgement any more? I mean, they use all their own assets now. Nothing from the pony show itself, aside from the character designs and the basic plots (*durr hurr hurr*). That said, the animation and art is really, really good, for a fan-thing. Like, screenshots look pretty dingdong close to mark, man.

Funny episode. Parody of MLPFiM ep 2.1, natch. Good biz.
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Post by ScottyMcGee » Tue Oct 25, 2016 9:50 am

The Mummy (1999)

I always loved that movie. However, one part really annoys me. It's like the one blemish that ruins some of it for me. It's a classic trope of the bad guy leaving his minions to kill the heroes instead of doing it himself. Imhotep corners Rick and company with a huge band of hypnotized followers. Imhotep then takes Evey and leaves the heroes alone to be killed by his followers.

But like by this time we know and have seen Imhotep's great powers. There is absolutely NO logical reason for Imhotep to NOT KILL THEM RIGHT THERE. He could literally flick a finger at them and they would die. A better scene would have been if Rick and company continued driving through the crowds and Evey just falls off and is taken away, and Rick and the others keep going before Imhotep kills them.

Stuff like that annoys me.

A lot.

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Sun Oct 30, 2016 7:06 am

Dragon Ball Super Episode 64

Something was off about episode, it was a good one but just felt like filler. Nothing amazing happened until the end. [spoiler]Fusion Zamazu[/spoiler] has a really badass design, can't wait to see him in action.

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Post by Random User » Sun Oct 30, 2016 12:02 pm

I watched Advent Children, that Final Fantasy VII movie. It was.... Eh. It wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be, but it wasn't good either.

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Post by Booyakasha » Sun Oct 30, 2016 1:26 pm

'Gasping'. Short film about an alcoholic trying to get clean. rings true. Wuff.
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Post by CaptHayfever » Sun Oct 30, 2016 9:31 pm

Jessica Jones #1.08: "AKA WWJD?"

Jessica gets the upper hand for once, Simpson almost blows it, Kilgrave almost blows him up. All of the A-plot stuff is golden. Hogarth's crappy divorce proceedings, however, are tedious & repetitive.

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Sat Nov 12, 2016 11:03 pm

Dragon Ball Super Episode 66

Battles were well done, transformations as well, and the bit of humor that was present was spot on like usual, but this arc has been so corny and it's all thanks to Trunks. He might be a cool character but his speeches are bottom barrel. Zamasu is definitely a broken record as well, but at least it's 100% in line with his character. Trunks became a f***in' sap. Maybe it's character development but I don't care; shut up Trunks. Still entertaining at least, but it was a disappointment overall.

btw [spoiler]why is Vegito always so short lived dammit[/spoiler]

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Post by Apollo the Just » Mon Nov 14, 2016 1:36 am

Marathoned like 7 Detective Conan movies yesterday. I **** love Detective Conan movies. They have a checklist of literally all the best things about the series:
  • Gratuitous special effects and doing **** for the "because it's cool"
  • Rad skateboard chase scenes
  • Explosions. I think something exploded in literally every movie we watched.
  • Significantly higher chance of seeing Kaitou Kid or the Black Organization than if you just watch a random episode
  • srsly the kaitou kid movies and the black organization movies are the best hands down
Basically Detective Conan Movies are a godsend. My favorite is still movie 14, but out of those we watched yesterday I have to say the Phantom of Baker Street had some real talk social commentary that is still painfully relevant, and was also a rad movie. I'm so here for that train top action ********. But I think my favorite early movie is the Magician of the Silver Sky, because Kaitou Kid. I am nothing if not predictable... I thought it was adorable how concerned he was about his bird. ;_;

(But also, shout outs to Countdown to Heaven for THE SICKEST SKATEBOARD PARKOUR TO DATE, and letting Ran be a badass action hero. That timing though... April 2001 movie about bombing "twin towers"... no wonder it wasn't immediately localized lmao........)


^ ooh, trunks is too sappy for you? **** yes sounds like I'm gonna love this arc when I get around to it :smile:
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