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Post by Deepfake » Tue Aug 09, 2016 7:42 am

Colossus, the Scarlet Spider, Venom, Gambit, Sunspot are probably the best names I can recall. Heroes aside, there is also Deathbird. I mean, come on.

Golden Age heroes have the worst names.
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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Tue Aug 09, 2016 7:50 am

carnage, real hero name there

"save me carnage"

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Post by Deepfake » Tue Aug 09, 2016 7:54 am

[QUOTE="I REALLY HATE POKEMON!, post: 1604645, member: 18119"]carnage, real hero name there

"save me carnage"[/QUOTE]
I had a brain failure there. Carnage is a great villain, though. Basically what happens when instead of a buff dude with a beef with Spider-Man gets a symbiote, instead a proper serial killer does. The Maximum Carnage series has him becoming the leader of a team of villains who are basically just trying to drive everyone insane. Best moment in Spider-Man history.
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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Tue Aug 09, 2016 8:08 am

Yeah, the symbiote stuff was always the most interesting to me. I especially liked when Spidey had the Venom suit.

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Post by Apollo the Just » Tue Aug 09, 2016 10:12 am

[QUOTE="Classic Panfan, post: 1604597, member: 29448"]the most recent non-Olympic, non-wrestling thing I watched was a bunch of the show Pizza Masters that's apparently from the Cooking Channel. The show is honestly awful. It's basically Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives except Guy Fieri is replaced by two Italian stereotypes and it's all about pizza. Except when it's not about pizza, which is often. There was an episode where the only pizza they ate was pizza they made themselves. The other restaurants they went to were for burgers and pastries and ****. They also like to go into detail about things that need no detail. Like they had to describe the entire process of making canned baked beans.[/QUOTE]

this is completely unrelated but my gf and i went to a diner in san francisco that guy fieri recommended on the show diners, drive-ins and dives. we went there specifically because we watched an episode and were like 'HEY THATS IN OUR AREA LETS GO.'

it was good.
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Post by Booyakasha » Tue Aug 09, 2016 11:37 am

Jubilee has one of the best superhero names, for my money. Like, it's pretty much her actual name, and it's sort of perfectly suited to her goofy power. 'I'm the party, and I've got the fireworks, baby.' Good old Jubes. She's such a rad evil little son of a bitch. I love her.

[EDIT: Rewatched last night's SU.
You know, Jasper's corruption was really kind of horrifying to watch, man.

Like, SU is my favourite show in the world just now, and yet a tiny little bit of me wants to stop watching it, just against the possibility of seeing more things like that, and, like, Steven's fight with Bismuth, Centy's slow de-evolution a couple episodes back, and that fusion-monster from "Keep It Together". It's messed up, man. It's not okay. Jeezy cree.

...of course, on the flipside of that we got Smoky Quartz, which was a pure delight. What a goofy galoot. Great personality, great design. Man. It was sweet that Steven and Amethyst fused just by hugging (man but Amethyst has needed a hug from...from just about anyone, last couple eps) and I have to admit, for all that Jasper's transformation was awful, it was really nice how Amethyst said 'c'mere, sis' whilst picking up Jasper's gem and bubbling it. Good episodes, as a whole.
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Post by Calamity Panfan » Wed Aug 10, 2016 12:02 am

I saw Suicide Squad and it is a heaping pile of garbage with a plot that insulted my intelligence. I'll go into spoilers in case you don't want it spoiled but you should honestly not see it because it's just a **** waste.

[spoiler]Whoever wrote the plot needs to never work again because he or she is the worst **** screenwriter in history.

What is Enchantress and her brothers' motivation? I guess they're upset that humans don't worship them anymore? They worship "technology" is the reason given but there's really no point.

So is Enchantress' machine just supposed to destroy the world? Is that what they want? Humans don't want to worship them so destroy it all?

Why did Dr. Moone, a Goddamn archaeologist, immediately decide to break the artifact she found in the cave? Is she the world's worst archaeologist?

Was Enchantress' brother's jar in which he was contained just sitting no a shelf and not secured like Enchantress' heart? What the ****?

Why can Enchantress live with her brother along even though she doesn't have her heart and it has been stabbed repeatedly?

The Suicide Squad doesn't get into the business of saving the world until Waller is taken. The original plan was just for Waller to escape, but the team was formed to combat metahuman activity. Why wasn't their initial mission to hunt Enchantress? Were they really all just planning on leaving and not fighting the **** thing destroying the world?

Batman is forming a Justice League and we know at least he, Wonder Woman and The Flash are in action. We see them fighting crime. They can capture Captain Boomerang and Killshot but the world is literally ending and they just stay the **** home?

Why are the backstories of everybody except Katana and Slipknot explained? Those two characters come out of nowhere.

Except why is Katana's backstory explained randomly in the middle of the plans to defeat Enchantress and her brother? That's way too late to explain a character's motivation.

Katana is established as an ally to Flag. Why does she ditch him along with the rest of the team?

Why does Jared Leto suck so much, and why does the Joker seem more like an off-putting gangster than an actual **** supervillain?

Why did we have to have a flashback of scenes we already saw at the beginning of the movie? Do they think we're so dumb that we forgot?

Does Deadshot really read that entire **** binder of information in like five seconds?

Why is Killer Croc a stereotypical black thug?

So a regular-ass bomb just destroys Enchantress' brother? Like all they needed to do was set off a bomb?

**** this **** movie
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Post by Deku Tree » Wed Aug 10, 2016 12:44 am

I just watched The Little Prince. I recommend it. Beautifully animated and a touching story.

I have to look past the fact that the girl sneaks off to spend time with a peculiar old man that the mother doesn't know, and that's a potentially dangerous thing to endorse, though.

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Wed Aug 10, 2016 2:23 am

Oh man forgot a huge one

[spoiler]Suicide Squad takes place after Batman v. Superman. In that movie, Batman takes files from Lex Luthor regarding fellow metahumans, particularly Aquaman, The Flash, Wonder Woman and Cyborg. He finds both Wonder Woman and The Flash in the film, which means he can likely find Cyborg and Aquaman as well. In the post-credits scene, Waller and Bruce Wayne have a meeting. Wayne agrees to provide protection for Waller in exchange for a folder that contains information on metahumans, particularly Enchantress, The Flash and Aquaman.

Enchantress is already dead, Batman has made contact with The Flash and likely can find Aquaman as well. Why does he need this information? There's no reason. Plus, Waller talks about how she doesn't need to make friends because she has the power of creating leverage, and then reveals that she knows that Wayne is Batman. Why did she have to exchange anything then? Couldn't Waller just use that knowledge to make Wayne provide protection instead of exchanging the folder?

Also, this means that Waller knew there were metahumans other than bad guys she could use for her project and went with the unstable Suicide Squad, the creation of which almost led to the destruction of the world. Plus, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and The Flash are way more powerful than the team she made up. Who do you think would do better in a fight: the team of guy who's good at shooting stuff, a dude with boomerangs and a crazy woman with a baseball bat, or people with actual superpowers? She's the dumbest person on earth. Even if the superheroes didn't agree to it I'm sure she could've found leverage over it.[/spoiler]
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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Wed Aug 10, 2016 2:41 am

Suicide Squad seems like it panders to douchebags. Joker looks like he's fused with Twilight guys. No thanks.

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Post by X-3 » Wed Aug 10, 2016 3:00 am

But he's the scariest Joker yet! Have you even heard his Joker voice?!

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Wed Aug 10, 2016 3:02 am

I was blinded by his appearance, I fled before I could go deaf, too.

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Wed Aug 10, 2016 3:12 am

it's almost scary how little he's actually in the movie
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Post by Booyakasha » Thu Aug 11, 2016 3:36 am

...should have just started puttin 'New SU' at the start all my posts a month ago, man.
Really hope the Gems snag up all them poor dumdum Ruby rubes. Poof and bubble 'em, or let em join up on the winnin side, or even just set em loose, like they did with Lapis and Peridot. Anything's better than just abandoning them to drift through space for all eternity, right. Rose Quartz officially killed Pink Diamond.

Not entirely sure how to feel about that. Ordinarily I wouldn't think less of her for it, death being a natural consequence of war. Only the Homeworld Gems clearly consider it a huge deal. One has to wonder whether Rose actually did anything really bad (she certainly seems to think she has, if her heart-to-heart with Greg at the end of "We Need to Talk" is anything to go by), or whether this truly is justifiable. It's interesting, man.
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Post by Apollo the Just » Thu Aug 11, 2016 11:54 am

[QUOTE="Classic Panfan, post: 1604747, member: 29448"]Why did we have to have a flashback of scenes we already saw at the beginning of the movie? Do they think we're so dumb that we forgot?[/QUOTE]

[didn't spoiler it even tho it was in ur spoiler tag bc this particular point isn't a spoiler]

This is completely unrelated to Suicide Squad because I have no desire to ever see that movie ever, but this is exactly how I feel about Tales of Symphonia 2.

Remember that scene where we told you that courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality? Probably, because that scene happened 5 minutes ago. Let's flash back to it anyway.

And then again. Four times. In the first hour of gameplay. HOW STUPID DOES THIS GAME THINK I AM???????


Last thing I watched was another preview for Kubo and the Two Strings. I'm seeing it opening day next friday. i am so ready
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Post by ScottyMcGee » Fri Aug 12, 2016 9:42 am

Here's something totally obscure that I bet nobody has ever seen. Scorpio - with Burt Lancaster and Alain Delon.

My mom was always a huge fan of Alain Delon, the French actor. She bought a movie online and it was a pretty good spy movie but the editing was off. They would cut to random moments and didn't flow well. All around - okay.

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Post by Booyakasha » Sat Aug 13, 2016 2:53 pm

I know RedLetterMedia's approach to humour isn't for everyone, only this made me laugh really hard. It's their interpretation of the controversy surrounding the new Ghostbusters flick.
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Post by Deku Tree » Sat Aug 13, 2016 3:19 pm

im a men

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Post by Booyakasha » Sat Aug 13, 2016 4:01 pm

'I'm not surprised he's eating it. It is very phallic.'
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Post by Booyakasha » Sun Aug 14, 2016 8:45 am

So. That unaired 'Gravity Falls' pilot got leaked in full and uploaded to YouTube. Kind of interesting look at what might have been. The animation and character designs were a little off, on top of which Wendy and Soos don't appear. Also, it was only twelve minutes. Aside from that, pretty much just a simplified version of the first episode.

The song 'In The Summertime' by Mungo Jerry plays over the montage of Dipper spying on Mabel and Norman. It was weird to hear licensed music in a Disney property just for no reason. One wonders if it was just a placeholder-------presumably the pilot was never meant to see the light of day. (EDIT:On the other hand, it might just have been a clever choice of music. The song is, after all, about having fun with pals and gals in the summer, which is what Mabel and Norman are doing-----------granted, the part of the song that actually plays over the sequence is purely instrumental, but I think most people familiar with the song would nod in approval.)
boo--------------a real american weirdo
