by Booyakasha » Wed Aug 03, 2016 1:11 pm
SU--------episode "Crack the Whip". It was really good, but kind of rough, too.
[spoiler]Stevonnie took some names----------gave Jasper the surprise of her life, I shouldn't wonder. And seeing Stevonnie, wielding Rose's sword and shield, riding Lion into battle, that was rad as hell. I wondered if we'd ever see that, and it was baller.
That said...don't mind telling you, I didn't enjoy watching Jasper beat merry hell out of Amethyst whilst mocking her cruelly, and I really didn't like seeing Amethyst looking all down at the end because she couldn't help out more in the fight. I mean, the writing was good and all, and I like that Jasper's a credible threat (she wouldn't be an interesting villain if all she had was punching----------she's got plans, she can play head-games, man), but that doesn't make it nice to watch, any more than seein Vader chop Luke's hand off is. You know? Man.
[EDIT: Man. You know...far be it for me to complain. Like, I'd rather be gettin new SU every day than having a four-month hiatus. That said...two a week would have been okay, you know? Not just as a hiatus stopgap---------like, two a week, that would give us a minute to breathe, here. To digest this biz. We're coming up on season's end, and having four fifths of the season drop in the space of a single month don't allow for much build-up, man. Like, they were sowing the seeds of the season two finale/season three premiere as early as Steven Bomb #2 (we first hear about the Cluster in "Keeping it Together", as I recall, yeah? Officially S2E8, that one was). I have no idea where things are going. Jasper is a looming presence of late---------possibly the season finale sees her dealt with. Like who the hell knows.[/spoiler]
boo--------------a real american weirdo