Konnichiwa, Misanthropy-Sensei Vol. VII

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Post by Antisocial » Fri Mar 11, 2016 2:23 am

[QUOTE="Tazy Ten, post: 1588863, member: 19345"]Let's go with the mermaid "dressed" chick.[/QUOTE]


Purson: Whoa whoa, slow down there sailor--You sure you want her? Like I told you, she's a powerhouse with the attitude to match... You sure you got the balls to handle her?

Swallowing what I am ascertaining are my balled-up fears down my throat, looking through a sheen of sweat, I nodded yes. If there was any time to toughen up, it might as well be now. Purson's expression afterwards helped me through my decision.

Purson: Oooooh, wow... Y'know, I honestly didn't expect you to choose her. You always did strike me as kind of spineless, but I guess that's changing today!

Ignoring that, I continued listening to the rest...

Purson: My little Shoemi's growing up into a big boy! Finally taking life by the goddamn horns--Maybe you should upgrade to the Hercules brand rubbers while you're at it, eh?

Shoemi: I'll stick to what I got, thanks. Also, thanks a lot for helping me find someone...

Purson: What a coincidence, huh? You looking for someone while I'm looking for someone to be with those other someones... It's as if a higher power is wanting to get to the point as fast as possible! Anyway, big boy--I'll give her a call and you can meet her by tomorrow. How's that sound?

Shoemi: Yeah that's--waitwaitwaitwaitwait... Tomorrow? A-already?

Purson: Yup! Where we live, we got the time for everything. :wink:

I froze on the spot. I could at least ask for a bit of time to prepare, but as Shou said, hesitation breeds weakness... or some **** like that. I imagine if I try doing this fast, I'll have a better chance at succeeding. Which flies into the face of basic logic, but hey--we all got to live a little, right?

Shoemi: ...O-okay.

Purson: I can send her to your place, how's that sound?

Shoemi: I think it's more appropriate that I pick her up at her place.

Purson: Uh... well, where she lives... um... It's just a **** chore getting there, man. You gotta get through the border, sign papers and ****... It's probably better for her if I send her to your place.

Perplexed, I eventually figured that if that's how it works wherever they live, might as well not inconvenience everyone and go with her plan.

Shoemi: Oh. Well... alright. I guess.

Purson: Cool! Alright, she's gonna be so psyched--She's always wanted to see the mortal world!

Shoemi: ...

Purson: ..."Mortal world" is... an inside joke we share. Don't worry about it.

...Man, I've always hated it when people freely spout their inside jokes around me. I've always wanted to be in on the funny. I figure it's always some "you just had to be there" hilarious ****. That's like the best kind of relatable humor.

Purson: Anyway, if I can have your address and cell number... I'll fill you in on meeting times and other crap...

I exchanged info with her, she gave me Sirena's portrait and a couple pointers about my potential date (which, in all honesty, scared the everloving **** out of me), wished me goodbye and good luck. I was unsure whether she was sincere about the "good luck" part, but I gotta be optimistic. Well, the optimism didn't last long as my brother eventually met up with me near the store exit holding some boxes.


Shouyu: All geared up and ready?

Shoemi: Yup, I got my protection, and--wait... I said you were holding some boxes.

Shouyu: Look, will you stop that? Seriously--now I know what dad was talking about. Anyway, you got the protection--good...

Shoemi: ...And a girl.

Shouyu: ...Whoa WHOA. Already?! During your trek through the store?

Shoemi: Yeah, you know that cashier? You know, the one with the purple skin...

Shouyu: Oh, ****--HER?! You scored the weirdo demon-dressup chick?!

Shoemi: No no... She referred me to a girl that wanted someone to show her around our city. A friend of hers.

Shouyu: Huh. How she look?

I gave him the portrait. Given that it didn't show her lower ...dressed half, I figured he didn't have to know. And hopefully never will need to know or find out.

Shouyu: Hoo... DUDE--She got the brown skin! Those are the best ones, bro!

Shoemi: Hell yeah, they are!

Shouyu: Dude dude dude--let's not beat around the bush... When you meeting her?

Shoemi: Tomorrow night.

Shouyu: Wha--TOMORROW?--****, we gotta go. NOW. Let's get you prepped! Prepped so maybe you can eventually beat around the bush, if you feel me. :wink:

Oh, man... Even if she was up for it, if only I could. We sped home and Shou ran me through a crash course in women, as well as making myself more presentable, which sounded all too familiar--I've known him for years and I know how he rolls, but a refresher never hurt anyone. After an exhaustive day of mack daddy boot camp, I retired to bed.


As I laid in bed, Shou's advice echoed through my head like a goddamn hypnosis treatment. But one that stood out the most was getting a gift for Sirena to help with a first impression. But what? For some inexplicable reason, I felt limited to a handful of options, most including earlier suggestions by my family which were somewhat questionable. But since I've been lucky so far scoring the first real date I've had for a while (not like a WHILE while... I'm not like, a loser or anything) under the guidance of my kin, I felt it was right to follow their lead for once. I could seriously have this all just be one big learning experience.

Before I drifted off to sleep, the question just kept running through my head, which must be dealt with before I could comfortably doze off...


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Post by LOOT » Fri Mar 11, 2016 2:32 am

well as we all know, black roses are symbols of dueling, not love, so that's out of the question

Randomized chocolates are okay, but it's like it says: randomized. if it ends up being a bunch of those awful artificial-cherry center ones then you're out of luck forever

A food processor is no, common sense tells us it makes no sense because as we all know it's more appealing to have food that is not processed

A fried fish... wow what an awful stereotype

now a SLEDGEHAMMER, that is something I can get behind. like, who can turn down a sledgehammer, it's the ultimate token of love! it shows you value a person's strength and respect it, so give them a giant hammer of destruction

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Post by Antisocial » Wed Mar 23, 2016 11:26 am


Sorry--no comic or continuation of my dumb dating sim arc here. Just bitching about having to move all my strips to another image hosting site. Again.

Apparently, comics have failed to load without multiple refreshing lately because Photobucket has turned into a dysfunctioning trainwreck en route to Total **** **** City. As it is no longer reliable, I'm moving all this crap to Imgur, starting with this thread. I just finished with it, so only 6 more threads and around 150 more pages to sort through! :smile: Hopefully Imgur's position as the "socially trendy" image hosting site is a testament to its potential permanence. Hopefully.

I'm only assuming this because I've noticed Photobucket links failing on me on multiple comps and carriers. If this has been happening for anyone else, let me know so you can give my tasking transfer more meaning.

I'll be straight with you--one of the reasons I stuck with Photobucket this long was because the titles of the strips were in the URLs, so peeps could appreciate my stupid wordplay with the titles. None of that anymore, but you can still see their names in the album here if you care.

So, that's it. No, I still won't host my stuff on a dedicated site. I have my reasons. But when that time comes, you'll all know.

Anyway, continuing with the attempted funny in the next post.

EDIT: It turns out after some research, the faulty images only affect the ones that are being auto-resized by VGF. Namely, the ones that are too big to fit on the page. I guess Photobucket can't handle that ****. Luckily that only accounts for every comic thread after the fifth one so I'll only have to work on one, thank Christ, since I started taking advantage of the auto-resizing at some point and started posting them full-res. Although, that thread happens to be locked so I'll need an admin to hook me up sometime in the future.

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Post by Valigarmander » Wed Mar 23, 2016 2:18 pm

Photobucket is pure assmeat.

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Post by Valigarmander » Sat Apr 02, 2016 12:22 am

Breast regards.

Unstacked: Emily Yurimitsu
Observant: Hinigata To
Dope on a rope: Shoemi Tsuboshin
PM Antisocial and tell him to hurry up with the next update: Shouyu Tsuboshin

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Post by Antisocial » Sun Apr 03, 2016 10:36 am

Insert real life crap as justification for the short break here.

[QUOTE="LOOT, post: 1589437, member: 21459"]now a SLEDGEHAMMER, that is something I can get behind. like, who can turn down a sledgehammer, it's the ultimate token of love! it shows you value a person's strength and respect it, so give them a giant hammer of destruction[/QUOTE]

I was probably half-asleep making such a decision, but I went with it. Gotta go with my gut. As I've said before, if it worked for dad, it HAS to work for me, right?

I had quite the tumultuous night. I was plagued with a nightmare I can't even bring myself to reiterate here; the sheer horror of it all was just too much. Even in the nightmare itself, the atrocity was enough to make my dream self commit suicide, upon which I woke up. Memories of such a nightmare so awful it felt like it lasted an entire month will probably stick with me forever.

I woke up with a fright, catapulting out of a bed like some cliche. Sweating bullets, I soon brought myself to recall that I have a date today. And I have to procure a gift for said date. Luckily, the gift I wanted is but a stone's throw away.

I freshened up and hauled myself downstairs to the kitchen.


The atmosphere felt... a lot easier than it was days prior. Then I noticed why.

Shoemi: Morning, mom.


Tomoki: Morning, sweetie!

Shoemi: ...Where's Shouyu?

Tomoki: Oh, him and Babe went out for breakfast. He figured he might as well put those coupons to good use before they expire today. He told me to wish you lots of luck with your date tonight, as I also do. He has a lot of faith in you, you know!

Shoemi: Okay... Dad too, right?

Tomoki: Well, he hasn't said much of anything but you know him. I know that he wishes you the best as well. You have everything ready?

Shoemi: Yeah--Shou got me prepped for everything. All the things I need are in my room, ready to be applied.

Tomoki: What about your gift?

Shoemi: ...Yeah, I have to ask dad about that.

Tomoki: Oh, lord... You're not giving your date a power tool, are you? I mean, I know your father did it to help win me over, but... Not all girls dig that...

Shoemi: ...Uh, I was thinking more of a sledgehammer.


Tomoki: ...We'll just have to wait and see how that works out, I guess. Given your date is apparently a "hardass" as you've described it, maybe... that would... win her over?

I had a feeling mom was skeptical about my date being receptive of such a gift. Nevertheless, she then pecked me on the cheek and said she trusts my instincts will pull me through this. I then brought my attention to dad.

Shoemi: Hey, dad. Can you help me with a gift? For my date?


Sho: Excuse me? Why're you asking me? That's your goddamn job.

Shoemi: No, I mean you can help me with getting me the gift I've decided to get her.

Sho: Oh, really? How the hell would I help with that?

Shoemi: I wanted to get her a sledgehammer.

Sho: ...

Dad's eyes pierced through mine. The suspicion was palpable. Up until I explained myself.

Sho: Boy, why the everloving F**K... would the girl want a sledgehammer?

Shoemi: I... just figured based on how she rolls, it'd be something she'd like? She happens to be a bodybuilder and I want to give her something that represents... her strength?

I don't think I was believing what was being excreted from my mouth either at that point. But then...


Sho: HA! Really, now? It's about time you settled for a woman like that! You could really benefit having a mate stronger than you, teaching you the value of strength, day-in, day-out!

Shoemi: Wha... Really?

Sho: YES! I know your brother brings in girls on a daily basis, but they're always ALWAYS stereotypical fragile-as-s**t girly-girls! Not necessarily a bad thing, but it's been a while since I've seen a girl who values FORCE over daintiness! If you honestly think this is the type of girl who'd value a goddamn SLEDGEHAMMER, then by god you've finally made me look forward to meeting her tonight!

Just then, dad threw himself off the table and into the backyard, where his tool shed (more like a tool garage, really) is. He came back brandishing one hell of a heavy-duty piece.

Sho: Take this!

He threw the f**king thing at me. I was lucky enough to actually catch it. I thought I was gonna die otherwise.


Sho: One of the best in my arsenal. Excellent craftsmanship, having seen a lot of work in its heyday, yet still going strong as if it were fresh out the goddamn oil bath! You give her that and no matter how the date goes tonight, she will remember it AND CHERISH IT FOREVER.

I started to actually believe this sledgehammer thing was a good idea. Maybe she will dig it. The idea of a hard-worked sledgehammer will probably get her wet like nobody's business. Or maybe she'll just refuse it and call me a weirdo--NO GOTTA BE OPTIMISTIC. SLEDGEHAMMER = SEX. GOT IT.

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Post by Antisocial » Sun Apr 03, 2016 10:37 am

Next thing I knew, morning and afternoon have passed, and evening struck. I'm washed, combed, dressed, musked, and packing a sledgehammer, sitting in the living room. Suddenly, waiting for Sirena's arrival, time went back to being reeeaaaalllyyyy slllooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwww...


When I'm nervous as f**k, it really helps to start diverting my attention to stuff I rarely ever notice. Such as our frameless wall-mounted TV dad splurged on recently. It weirds me out watching that thing sometimes. Stuff tends to look... TOO real. I start seeing weird **** like gradient shading, individual hairs, a lack of outlines, nostrils with... HAIRS coming out of them--UGH! Let's not dwell on that any longer.

All our entertainment boxes: DVD/Blu-ray players, routers, CD players, satellite... Oh, and the Wii U mom borrowed from Bomb's family. She figured she'd use it to try and get us to have some family game time since dad hates board games. Probably would've been cool if the games she got weren't boring as ****. C'mon, mom... Wii Party U? Jesus. I still remember Hinigata cackling her ass off when I told her. At least mom had fun with it when Bomb's mom decided to come over and play it with her. But you can bet your ass me and dad hightailed it the **** out of there for the rest of the day they were there.

There's the two photos mom put up on the desk... Our awkward family photo on the left, where my ***hole brother bunny-eared me. Not appropriate for a family photo, as we all agreed upon... Except mom, who thought it was hilarious and insisted we take it. Damn it, mom. We got a proper photo taken afterwards, but mom decided to put up the bunny one in our home while distributing the proper one to friends and family. At least there's that.

And there's my baby photo on the right. Mom thinks it's the cutest thing ever, with me trying to eat my rattler. DAMN IT, MOM. I really hope my date doesn't notice...



Ah, there we go. Just for tonight, anyway. Sorry, mom--Trying to make a good impression, here.


S**T S**T S**T

Okay, seriously... Calm down, idiot. Freaking out has never helped score before. I hate that I still have to tell myself that occasionally. I composed myself and headed for the door to let her in.


*Click click*

...TRYING to let her in.


Oh, no.

Shoemi: ...Sirena?

Sirena: Yes... You my date?

Shoemi: Yeah...

Sirena: You having trouble there, sport? Can't open a simple door, can you?

Shoemi: Uh... We've actually been having... some problems with this door.

Sirena: Seriously? Are you sure it's not just you?

Struggling to pull open the door, just like how I'm trying to pull through the apparent verbal emasculation, I attempted to justify this predicament.

Shoemi: Okay, so... The lock on this door has been... broken for a while, actually. We would've fixed it, but my dad spent a bulk of our money on a bitchin' TV recently, so...

Sirena: Gotcha. So I guess the date's over?

Shoemi: NO!--Okay, um...


Sirena: ...Do you all care for this door?

Shoemi: Well, we have been talking about replacing it, recently... Not just the lock, which we assume wasn't even built properly, but the whole door... It's been pretty weathered, so--




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Post by Red » Sun Apr 03, 2016 10:57 am

Scream like a man!

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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Sun Apr 03, 2016 12:46 pm

... I want to hear this "really stupid, but apropos pun".

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Post by Valigarmander » Sun Apr 03, 2016 1:06 pm

Start smashing things with the hammer.

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Post by Jere » Sun Apr 03, 2016 5:04 pm

Beep Boop absolutely not a bot!

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Post by Antisocial » Tue Apr 12, 2016 2:23 am

Sorry--No puns for you guys. Mushman has deemed it so.

For anyone who's already missing actual comics, we're a bit around halfway through to the conclusion of this thing. Just tolerate it a bit more. IT'S CALLED CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT DAMN IT

[QUOTE="Red, post: 1591548, member: 34678"]Scream like a man![/QUOTE]


I think it goes without saying that I didn't really expect that. I mean, mom and dad have been talking about replacing this door but never really got around to it. That very fact somewhat alleviates the "holy ****" factor from this whole situation. Don't know what to tell them when they finally see this but that's not high priority at the moment.


Sirena: Wow. That's a pretty... interesting scream you got there. Like you were trying so hard to not make it sound high-pitched.

Something about that statement kind of set me off. It's probably me channeling dad, but...

Shoemi: Hey, look--C'mon! I offered to show you around our city, and you're already putting me down plus you destroyed our door! Can you give me a break, please!

F**k. I think I just beefed this whole thing. That's it. I'm single forever now. Goddamn it.

Sirena: ...I guess I am being a bit harsh for a blind date. You're right--I'm sorry... It's been a long time since I went out with somebody.

Holy balls--I got respected! When's the last time that happened?!

Shoemi: That's more than fine.

Sirena: Oh--and sorry about your door, as well. I mean, you just said you all were thinking about replacing it, so--

Shoemi: *Forced laugh* ...Don't worry about it. At least now we have a more obvious reason to.

Sirena: Heh. Yeah.

Oh, man. I actually made her laugh a bit! This date is going awesomely already! Maybe I can actually--NO. Take it slow, Shoemi. Take it real slow. Remember what dad said. Wait, did he even say that? Oh, Jesus--I might be already coming up with my own advice! Is this what being an adult feels like?

Okay, whatever--let's focus. I quickly rush over to the den and shove my professionally gift-wrapped sledgehammer under the couch so I can wait for the perfect time to present it. Now, let's unlock the door and let her i--...oh right.

Let's grab a piece of the wood, swing the door open and let her in.


She's hot.

Probably not that big of a shock for anyone else, but man... It's not often I get to experience the real deal looking just like what I saw from the pictures (another reason why I try not to let my brother set me up with anyone anymore), but then...


I'll be straight here--In the back of my mind, I was hoping that the whole mermaid thing was just Purson **** with me. But there it was. Stepping into my house... Um, hopping into my house.

The fish half looked really convincing. Amazing what people can do with makeup nowadays. It was almost mesmerizing. And it was probably the first time I've actually paid a long period of attention to a part of a girl that wasn't the usual.

I cast my concern about the mermaid thing aside for now and focused on her.


Sirena: Yo. I figured you'd be paying more attention to the human half, but hey--whatever gets you going.

S***. I said... FOCUSED ON HER.

Shoemi: Ahyohmppuhh-uh yeah hi sorry... Hello. It's nice to finally meet you, Sirena!

Sirena: Likewise, I guess. Again, sorry about the door. I tend to do things like that back where I live. I should've figured such may not fly here.

Shoemi: Again, don't worry about it.

Sirena: Alright. So, you're... Shoo-me? Is that right?

Shoemi: Uh, yeah... It's pronounced SHOW-me.

Sirena: Oh, sorry. ...Really? That's the correct way?

Shoemi: Well, that's what I've been always told, anyway.

Sirena: I'll keep that in mind.



Son of a bitch--an awkward moment. This is what I was afraid of. I mean, you can't really blame me--my date has a goddamn mermaid fetish. And I don't. It takes a while to let that sink in.

I mean, say ANYTHING, man! Quit soliloquizing and **** say something NOW.


Or maybe she can say something?


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Post by Jere » Tue Apr 12, 2016 3:03 am

Well better start finding out what she wants to do for the evening!
Beep Boop absolutely not a bot!

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Post by Antisocial » Sat May 28, 2016 11:20 pm

My grandmother hasn't been doing so well for the past few weeks, as she has been in constant pain since they tried to treat her a month back with her failing joints and all, so I haven't felt like doing much else besides take care of her in the meantime.

She has been improving just a bit recently, but still. Now I constantly have this lingering dread, hoping she doesn't leave us so soon after her husband and my grandfather a year prior. It's been a year already? Jesus.

Anyway, less bumming out—more cheering up.


[QUOTE="Jere, post: 1592360, member: 35148"]Well better start finding out what she wants to do for the evening![/QUOTE]
Casually, I put it upon her on what she wanted to do. After a couple seconds of mulling it over...

Sirena: Well, let's just cruise straight into the heart of your little city and just see where the night takes us? Because ****—I don't have a goddamn clue what the places to be are; I was just told by Purson that someone like you would know.

Shoemi: Oh. Well, in that case, why don't we start with--

Sirena: Actually now that I've thought about it, do you guys have like a beach we can go to?

Shoemi: ...Um, it's a little late for the beach isn't it?

Sirena: Dude, you asked where I wanted to go and I want to see your damn beach. What's the deal?

Shoemi: Okay, okay... I just figured maybe we'd go to the bar first or something...

Sirena: **** no—I hate bars. I mean, I like drinking, but bars are packed with ******* in my experience. What, are the bars different here?

Shoemi: …

Sirena: ...So, we're going to the beach?

Shoemi: Well, I spent quite a lot on this particular wardrobe plus various scents and accessories...


Sirena: Oh, so THAT's what that stank was. See, I didn't really want to say anything, but...

At that moment, I didn't really want to say anything either, but I just had to.

Shoemi: ANYWAY, I just figured maybe we could do something that... involved me staying in my suit? Because, as you can see, it's not really meant for beachgoing...


Sirena: Wow. You're a piece of work, aren't you? A real classy host. It's real damn important to gussy up for a night out, huh? Have you noticed what I'm wearing? A **** T-shirt with my gym's name on it. It basically translates to, “I don't give a ****, you self-centered chode; I want to go to the beach.” Or do you want to rescind what you asked earlier on what I wanted to do?

Tugging on my collar only because it was too tight and not to transparently mask my spike in anxiety, I remarked coolly:

Shoemi: Uh... No! Wh-where are my manners? Uh, sure we can go to the beach!

Still, I sure as hell didn't want to let my tux go to waste or Shou would have my ass for it. Not to mention a huge chunk of my savings. And then a lightbulb shined through... Y'know, an IDEA lightbulb. Yeah, I'm awesome at metaphors.

Shoemi: In fact, I'll take you to a popular boating spot near where the local river meets the ocean. We can have a nice boat ride with a stellar view of the city!

Sirena: Uh, sure mac—You can boat all you want. I want to swim. Because as a mermaid...... impersonator, I do enjoy a good swim as often as I can.

Shoemi: ...Well, at one point, you can join me in the boat so that I may bestow you a special surprise?...

Sirena: WHAT?! Where do you get off--?! **** pervert—I just MET you!

Shoemi: NO I MEAN—I have a present for you! Gift-wrapped! You know, something to remember me—I mean this visit by!

Sirena: ...Oh. I mean, you don't really have to but...

Shoemi: I insist.

From the look on her face, it almost seemed like she was a bit flustered... For like a fraction of a second. Maybe I'm just seeing things, but...

Sirena: Uh... Fine, I guess. But no funny stuff, alright?

Shoemi: This is all kinds of serious. It's what a gentleman does.


Sirena: Heh. Sure, man. Maybe after all that we can score something to eat?

Shoemi: Actually, my mom actually has a big dinner prepared for when we get back, so there's that.

Sirena: A home-cooked meal? Hell, I'm all for that! I was under the assumption that you people always ate out. I mean, based on what Purson said. That's actually really nice; I would love that!

Yes. Phenomenal work, Shoemi—You're reeling her in! ...Not because she dresses like a fish but because... um... Forget it.

Shoemi: Then, shall we be off?

Sirena: Wait--let me change real quick. I don't want to get this shirt wet. I brought another shirt that's more artist-friendl—I mean water-friendly.

Shoemi: Oh, alright. Well, our bathroom's down that hall over th--

I turn around to find her in the middle of already changing shirts. Right in front of me.

Sirena: ...****. I forgot you guys here are prudes about that sort of thing. Sorry.

Shoemi: Uh, uh, UH... *AHEM* ...D-don't worry about it.

Mental note: Probably no nudity taboo. Still, REMAIN A GENTLEMAN. DON'T SCREW THIS UP. We're still alone in this room, right? Oh, thank GOD.

Sirena: Yo—You alright? You're staring off into space again.


Sirena: Whoa, calm down there, sport.

Shoemi: Ah AHHH aaaphblblblblbshhhhall we be off then? *Cough* I'm fine. Let's go.

Sirena: ...

Obviously a clear case of culture clash. I'm gonna have to be on my toes for this one.

I offer to take her arm and walk... hop her to my car. But she just scoffs and jumps off outside on her own. Hmm... Maybe I should make a mental note on her independent streak.

Anyway, so gentleman that I am, I open the passenger door of my Camry to let her in. However, being a gentleman probably doesn't fly with someone like her as she suddenly blurts that she can open doors herself. Another mental note: Not a manners type of girl. So she straps herself into my car as someone without legs can somehow do and we're off to the mouth of the Nicay River.

Along the way, we exchange tidbits about ourselves. I don't need to go over the boring details of my life here (she didn't seem so interested anyway...), so I just focused on what she told me: Though her homeland is known as Botulis (never heard of it), she travels constantly all across the world with her best friend, Lime. Also known as the chick Purson told me about with the skin condition. She seemed pretty tight-lipped about most of the details of her life, so I didn't press further. Because when your date has a mermaid fetish, that's probably for the best. Man, I don't know what kind of ass-backwards country she lives in... I've never even HEARD of this Botulis. Sounds like some place out of a **** fantasy world... No—Let's not think that way of it. Gotta try to see eye-to-eye on this. Remember, it's just culture shock.

A nice conversation and several awkward pauses later, we arrive at Nicay Beach. It's pretty unrecognizable to me at night. I can't even remember the last time I was at the beach while it was dark. Have I ever? I certainly don't recall.


The moon is certainly quite welcoming of us this evening as its reflection glistening off the ocean straight into the horizon presents us the perfect romantic backdrop. Well, romantic if I'm lucky enough to sweep this mermaid with a hard exterior off her feet. ...Fins. Damn it!


Sirena: You weren't kidding about the beach being less popular at night. I wouldn't even have known it was a beach if you didn't tell me. Seriously—There's no one here?

Shoemi: Isn't that the best-case scenario? We have the whole place to ourselves!

Sirena: You have a point there, champ. And it sure looks pretty inviting. You sure you not up to a nice swim?

Shoemi: Not... really in a swimming mood, especially in these clothes... But I'm still set on joining you out there because I specifically chose this place as it has a spot to rent boats!

Sirena: Oh, aren't you the clever one. Where do you do that?

Shoemi: There's a shack a ways down the shore.

Sirena: Okay, then. You do that, and I'll meet you out there.

Shoemi: Hold up—You're going out there already?

Sirena: I haven't swam in a while and I'm itching for another dip and there's a body RIGHT THERE and I don't even know why I'm still talking to you, I'm gone.

And before I could respond, she's already jackrabbitting towards the shore like a hopscotch addict. I just stood there, watching her. Watching her vigorously hop towards shore as she's piscatory from the waist down, putting all sorts of conflicting thoughts coursing through my head on how someone could adequately live a mermaid lifestyle in a world like this. Nevertheless, I shrugged off my ignorance and continued towards the boat shack


I've never really rented a boat from here before, so truth be told, I was a bit taken aback by... particular things.

Shoemi: Hey, how much for... Um. How much for uhh...

Renter: ...Spit it out man, what is it?

Shoemi: Sorry... Um—How much for a boat rental?

Renter: $50 an hour.

Shoemi: Excuse me?! Those tiny wooden things, fifty bucks an hour?!

Renter: Buddy, with how little people actually boat here in lieu of other stuff, you should be lucky I still make enough to even keep having boat rentals be a thing, so deal with it.

Shoemi: Ugh... Fine. I... only have $20, though...

Renter: Eh. It looks like you're here on some fancy date with that girl over there judging by your stupidly fancy tux, so I'll cut you a break: I'll take the 20 and you can have a boat for half an hour.

Well, poo. I guess I'll have to make the most of it and give her the gift right away out there.

Shoemi: Uh... Well, I'll have to take it, I guess.

Renter: Good call. *takes money* Take the one already in the water at the end of the pier. Oars' already in it; just unknot, haul anchor and shove off.

Shoemi: Okay, thanks... Um... By the way... Are you... From around here?

Renter: What?

Shoemi: Because you look... unlike others from around here...

Renter: ...Look, mac—I'm seriously not in the mood to entertain your curiosity. Just take the boat before I take back my offer.

Man, our city attracts the strangest immigrants. But I wasn't about to force him to renege on the special deal he was giving me so I dropped the issue and headed toward the pier. I shakily boarded my little vessel, untied and unanchored, and shoved off.

...Oh right—I had to paddle myself. Goddamn these analog devices; can't ever get used to them. I take the oars and HOLY **** paddling with these things looks WAY easier on TV. I slowly but surely paddled to where Sirena was splashing about and GODDAMN IT THE GIFT. I almost forgot. I rowed towards near where the car was parked and quickly fetched the present while she was underwater, threw the thing into the the boat and shoved off again. Hopefully she didn't catch me transporting her surprise. Why must things always be so complicated?!

Eventually, my Herculean strength comes through and puts me in the middle of the bay. Sirena eventually spots me and surfaces.


Sirena: Hey, you made it. You alright there?

Shoemi: *pant pant* … *WHEEZE* ...N-never better! The... The... I was just... so awestruck by the moon's beauty that it... *cough* lit-literally took my breath away.

Sirena: Heh. Sure, man. Anyway, loving the water here. It's right around the perfect temperature!

Curious, once I catch my breath I lean over and touch the water to see what a perfect temperature for her is li--

Shoemi: AH!! Christ, that's the perfect temperature for you?! Do you live in the Arctic or something?!

Sirena: ...Did you just scream from touching cold water?

Shoemi: Out of... *ahem* ...Out of surprise. Because that's pretty cold.

Sirena: I guess you can say I was brought up on cold weather. Sure.

Shoemi: Right. Okay, look---I don't have much time with this boat, so can I ask you to come aboard so I can give you something? A... gift to remember our quint little city by?

Sirena: Geez, really? Seriously, you don't need to...

Shoemi: I insist. As it's something I put a lot of thought into making your visit memorable and I'm sure you'll appreciate it.

Sirena: …

She looks... REALLY skeptical. I know it's only been a couple hours but I'm sure I've endeared myself to her enough to be receptive of my gift. Remember... optimism!

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Post by Valigarmander » Sat May 28, 2016 11:31 pm

Gonna show her your fishing rod, eh? Gonna lure her over with your worm, eh? Eh? Eh? Eh?



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Post by Auron » Mon May 30, 2016 12:30 pm

Alerts, why have you betrayed me? I've missed like, a year's worth of this topic updating.

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Post by X-3 » Mon May 30, 2016 2:31 pm



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Post by Antisocial » Sun Jun 05, 2016 12:16 am

Intermission 1

Walking home: Kel Norbison, Sensa "Nabooru" Katae
6 points: Hinigata To
185 points (note: word not recognized by the Scrabble dictionary): Constantine Lin

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Post by Antisocial » Sun Jun 19, 2016 12:03 am

Sirena seemed to mull over the decision to receive me for a good half-minute or something until she ultimately decided that it wouldn't do much harm to take a nice gift for the road. Or, wherever the hell she lives. They gotta have roads, right?

Sirena: Alright, then. I suppose if you went through all this trouble...

I was startled for a bit as the boat started rocking violently, until I realized it was her trying to get in the boat. As gracefully as she could.

Shoemi: Whoa, WHOA! ...Let's not capsize the vessel, here! Capsizing is bad!

Sirena: What--are you a sailor or something?...

Shoemi: ...No, but--

Sirena: Then shut it!

I'm suddenly hit with flashbacks of Shouyu regaling me the legend of the fisherman who managed to hook himself a mermaid back when I was a wee little tot. I don't know if he meant it to be awe-inspiring, fetishizing, or he was just straight up trolling me, but it's a lot less romantic when it's happening in person.


Sirena: Okay, boy. I'm here in your dumb little dinghy--What do you got?

Shoemi: Oh! ...Uh, right. So, I just want to let you know that I put a lot of thought into this... I ultimately decided to find an appropriate gift to reflect your fondness for the concept of strength.

Sirena: Excuse me? Ha, ha! Alright, I'm intrigued. Let's have it.

Shoemi: ...Just a little something to remember this trip by.

I fumble for the gift... Which... Um... Oh ****. Where is it?...


Sirena: Hey.

Shoemi: Uh, uh... Just a moment!!!

Sirena: Is it this?

I whip my head up to find her already with the gift in her possession. Huh. I guess it slid over to where she is while I was **** around trying to paddle the boat. Awkward.

Shoemi: ...SURPRISE! It was under your seat all along! Ha! Ha, ha, ha...

Sirena: Wow. You sure know how to catch someone off guard. You actually made me think you lost it for a second.

Shoemi: Ha! Ha ha ha! ...*cough*...

Sirena: This is a pretty strangely-shaped gift you have here. Is this like, a hammer or something?

Shoemi: Uh... Only one way to find out!

She tears the wrapping open and holds the sledgehammer up. You know how when you give someone a gift and a their immediate response being a negative expression is like, the worst outcome you can think of? Well, that doesn't hold a candle to no expression at all.


Sirena: ...

Shoemi: ...Heh, heheheh... Um... You... You like it? It's a sledgehammer!

Sirena: ...

Shoemi: ...Y-you know... A symbol of strength? Like the old-school railroaders used to do???... Huh?...

Oh, man. Did it suddenly get a lot hotter out here or is it just me? I'm sure it's just me but denial always seems to help in these situations.

Sirena: ...Interesting gift. I'm... flattered? I'm pretty sure this means a lot more in your culture of something...

Shoemi: Oh, yes! Extremely! A symbol of strength, as I just said! Because you're a strong person yourself, right?

Sirena: ...I guess. Um...

As more bull**** was about to spew forth from my mouth, I make the spontaneous decision to stop talking so she can appropriately form a sincere reply.



...Seriously, though... Is it getting a lot hotter out here? Global warming and all that, right? What a world.

Sirena: ...Okay, let me be brutally honest about... this. I think it's--



Well. This is unfortunate. Or, more accurately--


Sirena: Son of a bitch!!! You guys have sharks here?!

Shoemi: Not often. I haven't seen nor heard of a shark here for a long time. And might I add, AAAAAUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Sirena: Will you shut up?! You're not helping the situation here!!

Clearly, I wasn't. But how else can you explain in a moment like this that screaming starts being involuntary? Like breathing or heartbeats? I knew I should paid better attention in biology class.


Sirena: Goddamn it! It's like this always happens, no matter where I swim!!

Shoemi: You--You attract sharks??!

Sirena: They mistake me for seals!! What can you do about that?!

At this moment, I'm still screaming internally and externally, but if I had the capacity to think at this very moment, I'd describe the way the shark kept butting into the front of the boat, making the ride currently feel like a lowrider with some sick hydraulics. If something wasn't done soon, we'd probably be a bit ****. You know that shark attacks are actually really stupid rare in contrast to their reputation? Man, I knew I should've bought that lotto ticket at Ralph's the other day.

Sirena: ...AH!... If only I had something to... Deter this ****... Oh! ****! Wait...

In this instance, I probably don't have to tell you what occurred next.




...So, yeah. That happened. In conclusion,



Shoemi: mmmmmmmhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm

Suddenly, like a cucumber, I was able to maintain my cool. Because cucumbers are known for such. Cool like a cucumb--I don't even know what the **** I'm saying anymore on the account that we just survived that scene in Jaws where--spoilers--Quint slides into the shark's gaping maw of death. I'm never watching that movie ever again. At least until I forget about this entire encounter.

After the shark's fin was completely out of sight, we just collected ourselves in that rickety boat in the middle of the bay. That glimmer of hope that I've been piggybacking on the whole night suddenly goes out. Nothing else to do but... Um...

Shoemi: ...Goddamn it. Goddamn it. I really just... I really just wanted to have a nice date for once, you know? I've always been known as that pervert who can't score a girl to save his life and just once...Just once I thought--...No, not score as in get laid, but I mean...At least make a girl enjoy herself when I took her out... Just... Ugh. I'm really sorry about all this, I--

Sirena: Shut up.

Shoemi: ...

Sirena: Give me a second to talk about...


Sirena: How **** AWESOME that felt!! WHOO!!!

Shoemi: ...

Shoemi: ...I beg your pardon?

Sirena: I mean, granted, I've tussled with sharks before unarmed, but to completely OWN one like that with a weapon like this?! Holy ****! Holy ****! I don't know why it felt good, but HOT DAMN I HAMMERED A **** SHARK AND PUSSIFIED IT WITH ONE BLOW! I feel INVINCIBLE WITH THIS THING! I need more things to smash! How about this boat?!

Shoemi: NO--Not the boat, please!!

After convincing her to not smash up everything within her vicinity until she got off her little adrenaline high, I decided to bring up the subject again...

Shoemi: ...So, now that that's out of the way, what do you think about the gift?

Sirena: Oh, right! Uh, heh heh... I think I like it. I mean I just needed the right context in order for me to appreciate it, I suppose. :blush3:

Shoemi: Ha, right... Okay, that's cool.

Sirena: ...



Sirena: You... meant all that about you being the guy who can't get a girl, right?

Shoemi: ...*cough*...How about we... Let get back to shore, okay? C'mon, let's--

Sirena: HEY.

Shoemi: ...

Sirena: I just want to let you know this is... probably the best "date" I've been on... I mean, even before the whole shark thing. Just because of the fact you kept your hands to yourself and, you know, didn't act like a total douche. Heh, I guess that says a lot about where I live, huh? Gentlemen aren't exactly flourishing there.

Shoemi: Really?... I mean--*ahem*...Of course! I was brought up as a gentleman, and a gentle--

Sirena: You can stop frontin', Shoemi. You're still an okay guy, regardless. From what I've seen so far, anyway. :wink:

Shoemi: Well, there's more where that came from!

Suddenly, my phone rings.

Shoemi: ...S-sorry. Hold on.

Sirena: Go ahead.

Shoemi: Hello?

Tomoki: Shoe? ...How's the date going? :smile:

Shoemi: ...Mom! Seriously? In the middle of my date??

Tomoki: I did tell you I was going to let you know when you two can come back for dinner so we can all meet her, remember?

Shoemi: ...Oh, right.

I sorta lost all track of time after the boating, the convincing, the gifting and the almost-dying that it was already almost 8:00. I cover the phone and address Sirena about dinner at my place.

Shoemi: ...I... forgot to let you know that we're supposed to come back to my place because my mom wanted to invite you to... meet my family over dinner.

Sirena: Wow. You forgot that?

Shoemi: I was BUSY trying to not screw this all up!

Sirena: Well, you didn't!

Shoemi: ...You're... You're right. I didn't.

Sirena: ...Anyway, a home-cooked meal? Hell yeah, I would love that! Busting up sharks hardcore sure works up an appetite!

Trying to mask my fear of her overexcitement while holding a goddamn sledgehammer, I confirm our final plans for the night with dinner at my place. Surely it can't get any worse, right? There're no sharks at home! I hope!

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Post by CaptHayfever » Sun Jun 19, 2016 12:13 am

Dinner is shark steak. Sirena loves it. Shoemi actually gets a 2nd date.

And remember, "I'm-a Luigi, number one!"

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