Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

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Post by Marilink » Mon Jan 04, 2016 3:08 pm

[QUOTE="Aluminum Deku Tree, post: 1579970, member: 18320"][Spoiler]Are they throwing out the idea that Anakin was prophecied to bring balance to the force?[/spoiler][/QUOTE]
[spoiler]Well, he did bring balance to the Force. At one point the Jedi outnumbered the Sith 100 to 1. After Anakin, the numbers were...balanced.[/spoiler]
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Post by Deku Tree » Mon Jan 04, 2016 3:13 pm

[QUOTE="Marilincarnation, post: 1579971, member: 23215"][spoiler]Well, he did bring balance to the Force. At one point the Jedi outnumbered the Sith 100 to 1. After Anakin, the numbers were...balanced.[/spoiler][/QUOTE]
Not how it works, man. The light and dark sides of the force aren't like a yin and yang. The dark side is inherently unbalancing. A body isn't balanced by having equal healthy cells and cancer cells.

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Post by Marilink » Mon Jan 04, 2016 3:31 pm

Well, that's how I've understood it for years now. You seem to know more about the universe--could you explain what Balancing the Force would entail?
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Post by CaptHayfever » Mon Jan 04, 2016 3:32 pm

[spoiler]Anakin brought balance to the Force by destroying both Sith (Palpatine & himself) at the end of Return of the Jedi. Snoke & Ren are a brand new imbalance.[/spoiler] Just because you beat skin cancer doesn't mean you can't get lung cancer.

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Post by Deku Tree » Mon Jan 04, 2016 4:00 pm

[Spoiler]It really takes the significance away from the chosen one bringing balance to the force if it's just going to be corrupted again a few years later. Always seemed like it suggested a "once and for all" fix. Not to mention Snoke claims to have witnessed the rise of the galactic empire, so he's not all new. Maybe Anakin still gets credit if his progeny finish the job, though.[/spoiler]

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Post by Valigarmander » Mon Jan 04, 2016 4:15 pm

[spoiler]Maybe the prophecy was wrong.

Why was everyone unquestioningly accepting a prophecy anyway?[/spoiler]

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Post by Deku Tree » Mon Jan 04, 2016 4:31 pm

[Spoiler]Possible. I used to like the idea that the Jedi misread an accurate prophecy that Anakin ultimately fulfills by the end of RotJ. It would be kinda funny if Episode 8 actually made the prequels retroactively worse by trivializing the prophecy entirely.[/spoiler]

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Post by Apiary Tazy » Mon Jan 04, 2016 7:33 pm

[SPOILER]What if Snoke is Palpatine?

It could happen.[/SPOILER]

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Post by Marilink » Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:00 pm

[spoiler]Snoke is almost definitely Darth Plagueis[/spoiler]
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Post by CaptHayfever » Tue Jan 05, 2016 1:29 am

^ makes more sense than ^^ because
[spoiler]According to literally everyone in a creative authority position at Lucasfilm, Palpatine is 100% dead.[/spoiler]

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Post by Apiary Tazy » Tue Jan 05, 2016 2:20 am

[SPOILER]But what if they make him Palpatine anyway?

Nah, I'm just being silly. :p [/SPOILER]

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Post by Valigarmander » Tue Jan 05, 2016 2:58 am

[spoiler]If I remember correctly, the old EU had Palpatine cloning himself as a contingency plan, and a number of those clones surviving his death in RotJ.

So it's not completely out of the question, although it's still completely stupid.[/spoiler]

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Post by ScottyMcGee » Wed Jan 06, 2016 1:27 am

Maybe Snoke is Darth Maul.

[SPOILER]Maybe Snoke is Qui-gon.[/SPOILER]

[SPOILER]Maybe Snoke is Rey's father. [/SPOILER]

[SPOILER]Maybe Snoke is Watto.[/SPOILER]

Maybe Snoke is your mother.

[SPOILER]Maybe Snoke is just a dumb name.[/SPOILER]

Maybe the prophecy was just a stupid plot device that should have never been shoehorned.

Maybe Rey is Jar Jar's grandkid.

Maybe its Maybelline.

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Post by Random User » Wed Jan 06, 2016 2:00 am

Just watched the film. I have to say, a lot less story-heavy than the other films, and way more action-oriented. Better than Phantom Menace, but not as good as A New Hope imo.

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Post by X-3 » Thu Jan 07, 2016 2:52 am

Just saw it. I really liked Finn and Poe. Rey seemed kind of boring in comparison, but I think the complaints about her have been overblown.

[spoiler]I'm guessing that she's Luke's daughter. He probably dumped her off in a desert without telling her anything because that's what happened to him and he figured it would build character.[/spoiler]

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Post by Apollo the Just » Mon Jan 11, 2016 8:34 pm

I just saw it! It was enjoyable. Was really nice to have a female protagonist, and I liked the score a lot. Had some complaints though--

[spoiler]My biggest issue is with Finn. I liked him as a character just fine, but literally what was the point of having him start out as a storm trooper? It was so unbelievable that he was a person brainwashed from birth to be the perfect soldier when he is this completely socially well-adjusted, funny guy immediately after meeting Poe. That could have been a REALLY, REALLY interesting character arc - seeing a stormtrooper go through that change - if it was believable in any way whatsoever. Instead it was a RIDICULOUS heel-face-turn 5 minutes into the movie.

Also speaking of storm troopers, what was with that Nazi scene? Was that necessary?

Like I guess they were trying to humanize the bad guys, but completely missed the mark, and then were like "nvm they're nazis now".

Still undecided on whether it's lame or absolutely hilarious that Darth Vader 2.0 is just an angsty scene kid who made an Original Character Do Not Steal that is tOTALLY DIFFERENT FROM DARTH VADER, OKAY. Leaning towards hilarious.[/spoiler]

In general I feel like there was a lot of way rushed development that would have been better if it was expanded over the course of the new trilogy rather than shoved into one movie. It was certainly a fun movie though, and it had light sabers, so I was satisfied.
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Post by Calamity Panfan » Mon Jan 11, 2016 8:50 pm

^ On your last point

[spoiler]I definitely think it's hilarious and not lame. Like Darth Vader was this immediately terrifying villain who was dark and mysterious and they set up a similar character but instead it's just this punkass kid who listened to too much rage against the machine and left his parents because they're so lame[/spoiler]
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Post by Apollo the Just » Mon Jan 11, 2016 8:57 pm

[spoiler]Darth Vader wears a mask so he can breathe and survive. Kylo Ren wears a mask for the aesthetic, it probably has built in speakers so he can listen to "in the end" by himself and no one can see him cry[/spoiler]
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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Mon Jan 11, 2016 10:01 pm

Feminist Frequency's review of this movie is disgusting. Not quite as bad as the RotTR review, in which the reviewer came off as both entirely unpleasable and unreasonable, but most of the criticisms seemed arbitrary. I haven't even seen the film but I still disagree.

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Post by Random User » Mon Jan 11, 2016 11:23 pm

I didn't take you as someone that watches Feminist Frequency.

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