by Booyakasha » Tue Dec 29, 2015 12:19 pm
[QUOTE="Marilincarnation, post: 1578905, member: 23215"]^Star Trek and Star Wars have always been tonally different, though. I don't think you need to have that fear. I'd recommend going to see it.[/QUOTE]
I'm not worried SW is gonna turn into Star Trek; I'm worried the new films are going to be merely competent. Like, Abrams' first Trek flick had its flaws, but I felt things. Opening sequence made me tear up even on second viewing. Second Trek flick I barely remember. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great, either, and that's what concerns me.
I want a really good Star Wars film, and I'm not sure it's in the cards at this point. Like, it doesn't even have to be perfect---------I mean, if I can get a few sublime, resonant moments. Like Luke watching the sunset in ANH, or Han telling Chewie to save his strength right before he gets frozen in ESB, or that whole Vader unmasked sequence in RotJ--------I've been hungering for this since I was a stupid little kid. I don't want to walk out of another SW flick sighing.
boo--------------a real american weirdo