Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

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Post by Softguitar » Thu Dec 17, 2015 11:07 am

[spoiler]Is Snoke really 7 feet tall or is he just a hologram...[/spoiler]
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Post by ScottyMcGee » Thu Dec 17, 2015 2:39 pm

[QUOTE="Softguitar, post: 1577866, member: 37690"]Saw the new one yesterday. A New Hope Part II.[/QUOTE]

I feared a bit that it would be just exactly that. I still have to see it. Knowing only just that I am going to predict that:

Rey and Finn find something on Jakku that will lead them to Luke/Leia/Han. Or maybe Finn himself is the driver of the plot by crashing on Jakku and having some information/object (in film terminology a "MacGuffin") that The First Order is after. Or maybe Finn IS the MacGuffin.

Lupita's character is said to be a pirate. Therefore she probably gets involved when Rey/Finn try to bargain with her over the MacGuffin.

Luke Skywalker teaches Rey and/or Finn about The Force and then is killed by Kylo Ren.

That space station in the background of the poster is another kind of Death Star-esque weapon and will be destroyed by the end of the film. (I was banking on it NOT being destroyed by the end of the film, but given the whole A New Hope Part II, well.)


Regardless, I am sure it will still be a fun romp and better than all the prequels combined.

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Post by spooky scary bearatons » Thu Dec 17, 2015 4:42 pm

[spoiler] i cried [/spoiler]
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Post by The Missing Link » Thu Dec 17, 2015 5:29 pm

[USER=37690]@Softguitar[/USER] - I had the same question at first too and then finally settled in the latter. But that decision ain't exactly easy to make given the context.

[USER=31048]@ScottyMcGee[/USER] - [spoiler]75%[/spoiler]

Also, major plot point discussion that I'm now struggling over...

[spoiler]Why the **** is there a map to Luke Skywalker!? If Luke made it, then why the **** is he in hiding? Why didn't he tell anyone where he was? If he didn't, how the hell does it exist? And why the hell is it in R2D2? How does the First Order already have a copy of the map of it was in R2D2? Is the map fragment in BB8 seriously just an unimaginative MacGuffin? Why did R2 not wake up until the end of the movie to reveal the map? Why isn't the First Order following the first, you know, 9/10 of the map and then just scouring the last 1/10 unknown Quadrant for Luke instead of finding map fragments leading to the Triumph Forks? Is this part of the plot, perhaps the CENTRAL ISSUE of the first 3/5th of the movie REALLY SO DAFT???[/spoiler]
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Post by Softguitar » Thu Dec 17, 2015 6:06 pm

[USER=19860]@The Mistletoeing Link[/USER]
[spoiler]They knew Luke was in a Jedi temple, they just didn't know where.

And maybe Luke used the Force on R2D2 and powered him up again since he wanted to be found? I don't know.[/spoiler]
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Post by The Missing Link » Thu Dec 17, 2015 6:22 pm


[spoiler]Yes, yes, all very clever but...

(a) You'd think that if he were in a Jedi temple that Rei wouldn't have found him, oh, on top of a mountain. (Seriously no sense of finality there). Granted, I'm sure one's there, and I'm sure it works, but you'd think that'd be the cinematic coup de grâce to finish off the movie.
(b) He broke the map into N pieces and somehow distributed them to people of vague importance so that he could be found. Which means that Luke found the temple, left the temple to give pieces of the map to people (e.g., Lor San Tekka), and then went back to the temple... without telling Leia at all where he was. All without explanation. Maybe that will be explained in VIII, but given that the fact that IV-V-VI and I-II-III tend to just handwave plot details between the movies, I doubt it'll ever be explained.[/spoiler]
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Post by Calamity Panfan » Fri Dec 18, 2015 11:15 am

Seeing it tonight but this is my guess about the identity of Kylo Ren:

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Post by ScottyMcGee » Fri Dec 18, 2015 1:14 pm

NOT READING ANY OF THE SPOILER TAGS. Won't read them until after I see the movie and it's killing me because my gf wants to see it with me and she won't be available until Tuesday.

But I rescind one prediction I said earlier because instead I think:

Han Solo will die. I said it before a couple times because Harrison Ford always wanted Han to die but Lucas was like "nah". So now with Lucas out of the picture I have a bad feeling Han will finally die. Also it would make more sense than Luke dying. Han appears to be the mentor/storyteller archetype for Rey and Finn as seen in the trailer, and those archetypes don't usually have a long lifespan. . .

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Post by Sim Kid » Fri Dec 18, 2015 11:36 pm

Han Solo dies. Kylo Ren kills him.

Kylo Ren also has magical teleportation powers - somehow, after killing Han Solo, he manages to run outside a huge bunker and somehow ends up right in front of Finn and Rey. How in the **** did he get there so fast?! Also exactly why could they not look at the blank spot of the map?[/spoiler]

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Post by X-3 » Fri Dec 18, 2015 11:49 pm

This kind of goes without saying, but be careful about spoilers until you watch the film. People around the internet are eager to sprinkle them in wherever they can. If you're trying to go in completely blind, good luck.

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Post by Sim Kid » Fri Dec 18, 2015 11:52 pm


Leia does NOT Have cinnamon buns in her hair!

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Post by The Missing Link » Sat Dec 19, 2015 12:17 am

Spoiler: Snape kills Frodo.
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Post by Calamity Panfan » Sat Dec 19, 2015 12:55 am

[QUOTE="X-3, post: 1578113, member: 27765"]This kind of goes without saying, but be careful about spoilers until you watch the film. People around the internet are eager to sprinkle them in wherever they can. If you're trying to go in completely blind, good luck.[/QUOTE]

I got spoiled by the google searchbar auto-filling a major plot point when i was trying to search a picture of one of the characters
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Post by X-3 » Sat Dec 19, 2015 1:44 am

Even the suits at Google want to spoil this movie for you!

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Post by ScottyMcGee » Sat Dec 19, 2015 1:59 am

So my friend in Brooklyn just saw the movie tonight in NYC and guess who was in the crowd secretly and didn't get up to announce himself until the movie was over?

John **** Boyega.

She filmed him thanking everyone and saying "May the Force be with you"

so jelly right now.

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Sat Dec 19, 2015 2:31 am

If I noticed him I'd indirectly talk crap about his acting like I didn't know he was there. "Wow, where'd they get this guy?" Hopefully I could get hit and sue.

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Sat Dec 19, 2015 7:20 pm

this was a pretty dope movie. Probably gonna see it again. Might have more thoughts later but I loved it.

Though it's not even the best franchise reboot of the year, Mad Max still #1 forever.
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Post by Swordmaster Link » Sat Dec 19, 2015 8:05 pm

Saw this last night - I mostly agree with TML's thoughts on it, minus the nitpicky plot stuff. I mean, it's Star Wars...some ridiculousness is built in, that's just part of the charm. :p I really enjoyed myself but you could really map it out as following ANH beat-by-beat. Which is fine, because my bar going into it was "as long as it's better than the prequels I'll be satisfied", which I was.

What kind of unnerves me the most about the hype surrounding this movie is that, now that it's out, the general consensus among critics seems to be "well this movie has flaws but that's ok cause the new characters are cool and it's star wars!!11"...I'm thinking (read: hoping) that this sentiment dies down a bit once the nostalgia high has worn off a bit. Overall I'd say it's right inbetween the prequels and the original movies, I'd still rather watch any of the latter before re-watching this. But hey, solid popcorn flick and great humor. There were several scenes that had most of the theater laughing/cheering, which was pretty awesome. Loved Finn for the most part, and I was more ho-hum about Rey than most people it seems.

As for the big thing:

[spoiler]I accidentally had Han Solo's death spoiled for me, but all in all I wasn't that miffed by it in hindsight, because as you're watching the movie it becomes painfully obvious that it's going to happen. What I'm disappointed with was the execution here...this was the perfect opportunity to flesh out Kylo Ren's character just a bit more to really pique interest going into Episode VIII with some family history or something aside from "ur weak dad". It just felt like an underwhelming way to send Han off, which is a shame because I thought Harrison Ford did a great job in the wasn't like Crystal Skull where he was just an old dude playing Indiana Jones. He really can play Han effortlessly.[/spoiler]

Oh, and there is one thing I have to be nit-picky about:

[spoiler]Look I don't mind having Kylo Ren being this emotionally vulnerable, erratic makes him stand out and not just be Vader 2.0. BUT regardless of his injury/emotional state, it's ridiculous that the climax went down the way it did. Or at the very least, the bit about him needing more training should've been mentioned BEFORE that fight.[/spoiler]

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Post by Deepfake » Sat Dec 19, 2015 8:55 pm

^ It's not like it was ever going to be anything but fanfiction, at least it's not going to erode the credibility of the existing films like a Lucas production would. I don't really have high expectations for SW, though. Ford carried the first trilogy almost exclusively.
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Post by Marilink » Sat Dec 19, 2015 9:09 pm

Killer movie. Loved the whole thing.
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