40 Movies for 2015

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Post by CaptHayfever » Fri Sep 18, 2015 12:45 am

Movies: 28/40

Mockingjay pt 1 (17 Sep) - 8/10

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Post by Lorettaberry01 » Thu Sep 24, 2015 2:14 am

Every person has great excitement to watch new movie and its trailers.I have also watched new movies and it's some trailers released on 2015.But am also liked only animation's movie's like big hero six,penguins of Madagascar and inside out.Really all of those movies is very interesting and entertaining.I like these movies very much.

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Post by CaptHayfever » Thu Sep 24, 2015 4:16 am

Movies: 29/40

Birdman (24 Sept) - 9/10. Would Oscar again.

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Post by Spritedude » Tue Sep 29, 2015 9:31 am

Movies 53/40

Italic/bold - First time viewing
Yellow - Watched in theaters (in 2015)
Rio 2 - 7/10
Taken 3 - 5/10
American Sniper - 8/10
Foxcatcher - 8/10
The Theory of Everything - 9/10
Edge of Tomorrow - 9/10
Godzilla (2014) - 9/10
Guardians of The Galaxy - 9.5/10
Project Almanac - 5.5/10
Jupiter Ascending - 6.5/10
Kingsman: The Secret Service - 10/10
The Interview - 6.5/10
The Fluffy Movie - 7/10
Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse - 6/10
The Fugitive - 8/10
Super - 7.5/10
Chappie - 7.5/10
Southern Comfort (2001) - 7/10
The Raid 2 - 9/10
Run All Night - 6.5/10
Snowpiercer - 9/10
Insurgent - 7/10
Still Alice - 8/10
Monty Python and The Holy Grail - 8/10
The Gunman - 5/10
Oldboy - 7/10
Furious 7 - 7.5/10
Ex Machina - 8.5/10
Avengers: Age of Ultron - 8.5/10
X-Men: Days of Future Past - 8/10
Mad Max: Fury Road - 10/10
Tommorowland - 7.5/10
San Andreas - 6/10
Jurassic World - 9/10
Monsters University - 7.5/10
Life of Pi - 9/10
The Incredibles - 10/10
Terminator Genisys - 7/10
Ant-Man - 8/10
Pixels - 4.5/10
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation - 8/10
Dredd - 9/10
Fantastic Four (2015) - 2/10
The Gift - 7.5/10
Zombieland - 8.5/10
American Ultra - 8/10
The Thing (1982) - 9/10
No Escape - 6.5/10
The Iron Giant - 10/10
The Perfect Guy - 5/10
Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials - 6.5/10
(Meh. Not a terrible movie, it's just the fact that it serves as a sequel and not much else. The Maze Runner could've been a great standalone movie, but they had to go with the ending that made way for sequels. That's all this is, an unnecessary continuation.)

Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl - 8.5/10
(Funny enough, the quote "You'd best start believing in ghost stories Miss Turner, you're in one!" is one of my favorite movie quotes just from hearing it in the trailer. It took me this long to actually watch the movie, but I really enjoyed it. I'm in a pirate mood now, maybe I'll go play Assassin's Creed IV.)

The Fly (1986) - 8/10
(The internet told me I'd like this since I liked The Thing so much, and, well, I did. Body horror/transformation stuff like this always appeals to me in such a horribly visceral way.)

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Post by Booyakasha » Thu Oct 01, 2015 4:37 pm

Guys, I saw 'Turbo Kid', and it's one of my favourites in the whole world.

Movies 11/40-----------

Big Hero 6 - 01/01/15 - 10/10
The Birdman - 01/04/15 - 10+/10
The Grand Budapest Hotel - 01/21/15 - 10/10
Margot the Furnace - 03/12/15 - 7/10
The Book of Life - 05/26/15 - 6/10
Disney's Hercules - 05/31/15 - 7/10
Mortdecai - 06/01/15 - 9/10
Inside Out - 06/22/15 - 8/10
Khumba - 06/22/15 - 7.5/10
Home - 06/26/15 - 8/10
Turbo Kid - 09/30/15 - a million billion/10

It was amazing. The presentation, the storytelling, the acting was great. They deliberately went as over-the-top dumb and cheesy as possible, but they did it absolutely in earnest, perfectly, and it worked. It was beautiful, and extraordinarily charming, which is a strange thing to say about one of the goriest movies I've seen this side of 'Riki-Oh', but I'll stand by it. They did practical effects for as much of it as was humanly possible. They got Michael goldang Ironside to portray the villain, and he Ironsided the sh*t out of it, man. I want to go see this movie again in-theatre right this second, and I can't.

'Turbo Kid' is the movie 'Kung Fury' wishes it could be. I cannot recommend it highly enough. Like, this is a movie for people who love bad movies, but love rad movies even more.

If I'd been six when I first saw this, I'd have wanted to be Turbo Kid when I grew up. Like how I wanted to be Pete Venkman, or John MacLaine.
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Post by CaptHayfever » Thu Oct 01, 2015 11:21 pm

Movies: 30/40

The Lego Movie (1 Oct) - 9/10

And remember, "I'm-a Luigi, number one!"

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Post by CaptHayfever » Sun Oct 04, 2015 2:50 pm

Movies: 31/40

Big Hero 6 (3 Oct) - 8/10
That was delightful. :) A little rushed in the 2nd half, though.

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Post by Spritedude » Thu Oct 15, 2015 11:39 pm

Movies 59/40

Italic/bold - First time viewing
Yellow - Watched in theaters (in 2015)
Rio 2 - 7/10
Taken 3 - 5/10
American Sniper - 8/10
Foxcatcher - 8/10
The Theory of Everything - 9/10
Edge of Tomorrow - 9/10
Godzilla (2014) - 9/10
Guardians of The Galaxy - 9.5/10
Project Almanac - 5.5/10
Jupiter Ascending - 6.5/10
Kingsman: The Secret Service - 10/10
The Interview - 6.5/10
The Fluffy Movie - 7/10
Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse - 6/10
The Fugitive - 8/10
Super - 7.5/10
Chappie - 7.5/10
Southern Comfort (2001) - 7/10
The Raid 2 - 9/10
Run All Night - 6.5/10
Snowpiercer - 9/10
Insurgent - 7/10
Still Alice - 8/10
Monty Python and The Holy Grail - 8/10
The Gunman - 5/10
Oldboy - 7/10
Furious 7 - 7.5/10
Ex Machina - 8.5/10
Avengers: Age of Ultron - 8.5/10
X-Men: Days of Future Past - 8/10
Mad Max: Fury Road - 10/10
Tommorowland - 7.5/10
San Andreas - 6/10
Jurassic World - 9/10
Monsters University - 7.5/10
Life of Pi - 9/10
The Incredibles - 10/10
Terminator Genisys - 7/10
Ant-Man - 8/10
Pixels - 4.5/10
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation - 8/10
Dredd - 9/10
Fantastic Four (2015) - 2/10
The Gift - 7.5/10
Zombieland - 8.5/10
American Ultra - 8/10
The Thing (1982) - 9/10
No Escape - 6.5/10
The Iron Giant - 10/10
The Perfect Guy - 5/10
Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials - 6.5/10
Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl - 8.5/10
The Fly (1986) - 8/10
The Martian - 9/10
I'm glad this movie wasn't just a slow, depressing survival story like it could've been. Yeah, it's about a guy stranded alone on a planet, but it's handled so humanly (is that a word?). The main character feels real. He shows determination, frustration, he makes jokes despite being in such a hopeless situation. It makes me care about him so much more. It turned out to be a surprisingly fun, not to mention scientifically accurate *coughinterstellarcough*, hard science fiction movie.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest -7.5/10
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End - 7/10
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides - 6.5/10
Eh. I kind of had the same problem with these as I did with the Transformers movies. Too much action, too much plot, too many characters. They just felt bloated, and they dragged on for way too long. The first Pirates was a fun swashbuckling adventure with a hint of supernatural, they didn't have to turn it into a huge fantasy epic.

Sphere - 5/10
I only watched this cause I just finished reading the book. It was pretty true to the story but I'm not sure it translated very well to screen, it had a lot of pacing issues.

What Dreams May Come - 7/10
So uh, despite not being a religious person, this movie managed to make me cry. Depression and suicide are subjects that hit pretty close to home for me and I guess this movie struck a chord. Usually when a movie manages to make me produce tears it automatically gets a good score from me, but, looking at it afterwards, it was just... okay. A lot of great visuals, but the story was really basic. Guy and girl love each other, guy dies, girl kills herself, he rescues her from hell (literally by just waltzing in there and finding her), the end. Not much else to it.

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Fri Oct 16, 2015 12:18 am

i really don't care for the pirates sequels at all, even though the first one is one of my faves.

i've seen a bunch of movies since my last post but don't feel like going back in my memory banks to figure it out, especially because I already hit 60/40.

Only movie I've seen that is new to me though is The Martian, which I really liked. Cast was great and it's definitely Ridley Scott's best movie since... probably Gladiator. I had some nitpicks though, and while I laughed I thought the whole "Matt Damon is a smartass" could've been a little toned down, honestly.
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Post by CaptHayfever » Sat Oct 17, 2015 12:07 am

Movies: 32/40

Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets (16 Oct) - 6/10
It's a'ight. Nothing flashy. Better than the confusing hyperspeed whirlwind that is Order of the Phoenix.

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Post by Booyakasha » Tue Oct 27, 2015 9:19 am


Movies 12/40-----------

Big Hero 6 - 01/01/15 - 10/10
The Birdman - 01/04/15 - 10+/10
The Grand Budapest Hotel - 01/21/15 - 10/10
Margot the Furnace - 03/12/15 - 7/10
The Book of Life - 05/26/15 - 6/10
Disney's Hercules - 05/31/15 - 7/10
Mortdecai - 06/01/15 - 9/10
Inside Out - 06/22/15 - 8/10
Khumba - 06/22/15 - 7.5/10
Home - 06/26/15 - 8/10
Turbo Kid - 09/30/15 - a million billion/10
Iron Girl - 10/27/15 - 3/10

Sexy cyborg lady does tame kung-fu on weak-ass bad guys in boring post-apocalypse. Occasionally gets her bosoms out, which would be okay, if only she didn't look uncomfortably similar to Running Girl from 'Battle Royale'.

Man, but this sucked. I wanted to like it. I really did. I have such low standards. But when you have a super-powered cyborg punch somebody, and he says 'ow! why did you punch me' instead of violently kasploding, that's kind of unacceptible. (Maybe 'Turbo Kid' has ruined stupid post-apocalypse movies for me.)
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Post by CaptHayfever » Thu Oct 29, 2015 2:06 am

Movies: 33/40

Chronicle (28 Oct) - 7/10
Dane DeHaan is creepy.

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Post by CaptHayfever » Sun Nov 01, 2015 6:14 pm

Movies: 34/40

Mr. Peabody & Sherman (31 Oct/1 Nov) - 7/10
Serviceable. Definitely a high water mark among the old-cartoon-remakes. Great voice work. The extra spin on a dog adopting a human was interesting.

And remember, "I'm-a Luigi, number one!"

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Post by Spritedude » Sun Nov 08, 2015 7:58 am

^^Any time I see a movie with him I always think "Oh cool, Andrew- I mean Dane DeHaan is in this".

Movies 66/40

Italic/bold - First time viewing
Yellow - Watched in theaters (in 2015)
Rio 2 - 7/10
Taken 3 - 5/10
American Sniper - 8/10
Foxcatcher - 8/10
The Theory of Everything - 9/10
Edge of Tomorrow - 9/10
Godzilla (2014) - 9/10
Guardians of The Galaxy - 9.5/10
Project Almanac - 5.5/10
Jupiter Ascending - 6.5/10
Kingsman: The Secret Service - 10/10
The Interview - 6.5/10
The Fluffy Movie - 7/10
Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse - 6/10
The Fugitive - 8/10
Super - 7.5/10
Chappie - 7.5/10
Southern Comfort (2001) - 7/10
The Raid 2 - 9/10
Run All Night - 6.5/10
Snowpiercer - 9/10
Insurgent - 7/10
Still Alice - 8/10
Monty Python and The Holy Grail - 8/10
The Gunman - 5/10
Oldboy - 7/10
Furious 7 - 7.5/10
Ex Machina - 8.5/10
Avengers: Age of Ultron - 8.5/10
X-Men: Days of Future Past - 8/10
Mad Max: Fury Road - 10/10
Tommorowland - 7.5/10
San Andreas - 6/10
Jurassic World - 9/10
Monsters University - 7.5/10
Life of Pi - 9/10
The Incredibles - 10/10
Terminator Genisys - 7/10
Ant-Man - 8/10
Pixels - 4.5/10
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation - 8/10
Dredd - 9/10
Fantastic Four (2015) - 2/10
The Gift - 7.5/10
Zombieland - 8.5/10
American Ultra - 8/10
The Thing (1982) - 9/10
No Escape - 6.5/10
The Iron Giant - 10/10
The Perfect Guy - 5/10
Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials - 6.5/10
Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl - 8.5/10
The Fly (1986) - 8/10
The Martian - 9/10
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest -7.5/10
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End - 7/10
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides - 6.5/10
Sphere - 5/10
What Dreams May Come - 7/10
The Princess Bride - 8.5/10
(As awesome and quotable as ever.)

Wild Wild West - 3.5/10
(I watched this knowing it would be terrible, but I was curious to see what kind of steampunk elements it had, which admittedly were kinda neat.)

The Last Witch Hunter - 6/10
(Just a generic action-fantasy. Pretty boring honestly. I guess it's at least kinda cool to see Vin Diesel trying something different, alluding to his more nerdy side.)

Sicario - 9/10
(A haunting look at the war against the Mexican drug cartels. Wonderfully realistic and unsettling. I can see this winning some Oscars.)

Ride Along - 4.5/10
(Eh. I laughed maybe twice. Kevin Hart is a funny guy but those exaggerated reactions of his get old pretty quick.)

Hot Fuzz - 7.5/10
(A little... British for my tastes, but I was entertained by most of it, and I loved all the poking fun at buddy cop genre cliches.)

Spectre - 7/10
(Never been too big on James Bond but I found it enjoyable enough for an action film, even if it was a bit straightforward.)

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Post by CaptHayfever » Sun Nov 08, 2015 8:46 pm

I meant the actor himself is creepy. Like, I knew right away Harry would become the bad guy in Amazing Spidey 2 because of how freaking creepy he was in his first scene there, even before he was supposed to be.

Movies: 36/40

The Martian (6 Nov) - 9/10. Brilliant completion to the "Great Space Movies" trilogy (after Gravity & Interstellar).
Inside Out (8 Nov) - 8/10. So emotional!

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Post by CaptHayfever » Sat Nov 14, 2015 4:49 am

Movies: 37/40

Rigoletto (13 Nov) - 5/10. Cute, but a little dull & choppy.

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Post by CaptHayfever » Sun Nov 15, 2015 3:17 pm

Movies: 38/40

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (14 Nov) - 9/10.

And remember, "I'm-a Luigi, number one!"

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Post by Booyakasha » Tue Nov 17, 2015 10:09 pm


Movies 14/40-----------

Big Hero 6 - 01/01/15 - 10/10
The Birdman - 01/04/15 - 10+/10
The Grand Budapest Hotel - 01/21/15 - 10/10
Margot the Furnace - 03/12/15 - 7/10
The Book of Life - 05/26/15 - 6/10
Disney's Hercules - 05/31/15 - 7/10
Mortdecai - 06/01/15 - 9/10
Inside Out - 06/22/15 - 8/10
Khumba - 06/22/15 - 7.5/10
Home - 06/26/15 - 8/10
Turbo Kid - 09/30/15 - a million billion/10
Iron Girl - 10/27/15 - 3/10
Pixels - 11/17/15 - 1/10
SPECTRE - 11/18/15 - 9/10

'Pixels'-----Total sh*tpile. What an ugly, pathetic mess. There is nothing good in this thing.

Like, 'Futurama' did pretty much this exact same plot, and it packed more charm, wit and laughs into about seven minutes than this thing managed in a hundred. There's no excuse for this trash.

Serves me right for being dumb enough to rent it.

'SPECTRE'-----good movie. Fitting end to Craig's tenure as Bond.

Man. That fight between Bond and Batista on the train was one of the most brutal things I can remember in a Bond flick. Closest anything came before this was the Bond/Trevalyan fight on top of the antenna at the end of 'Goldeneye'.

Kind of feel like I should have rewatched 'Casino Royale' and 'Quantum of Solace' before going in. There's never really been a multi-film arc like this in the franchise to this point.
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Post by CaptHayfever » Sat Nov 21, 2015 4:24 am

Movies: 41/40

Clerks (19 Nov) - 9/10
Friendship's Field (20 Nov) - 6/10
Mockingjay pt 2 (20 Nov) - 8/10

[spoiler=That list again:]
Bold = In a theater (6)
* = First time viewing (25)

Iron Man 3 (1 Jan) - 7/10
Into the Woods (1 Jan) - 7/10*
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (16 Feb) - 7/10*
Rocket Attack USA (17 Feb) - 1/10*
The Slime People (19 Jan) - 1/10*
Village of the Giants (19 Jan) - 3/10*
The Deadly Mantis (23 Jan) - 2/10*
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (7 Feb) - 6/10*
Stranger Than Fiction (14 Feb) - 10/10
Paper Heart (14 Feb) - 7/10
Safety Not Guaranteed (15 Feb) - 8/10*
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2/3 Mar) - 7/10
The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (3 Mar) - 8/10
UHF (13 Mar) - 10/10
Wimbledon (13 Mar) - 7/10
The Producers [2005] (18 Mar) - 7/10
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (9 Apr) - 8/10
Silver Linings Playbook (10 Apr) - 8/10*
Avengers: Age of Ultron (1 May) - 9/10*
Across the Universe (2 May) - 7/10
Star Wars: Episode 1: The Phantom Menace (9 May) - 4/10
Kermit's Swamp Years (early June) - 6/10*
Ant-Man (24 Jul) - 7/10*
Head (6 Aug) - 10/10
Newsies (7 Aug) - 7/10
The Hunger Games (8 Aug) - 7/10*
Catching Fire (9 Aug) - 8/10*
Mockingjay pt 1 (17 Sep) - 8/10*
Birdman (24 Sept) - 9/10*
The Lego Movie (1 Oct) - 9/10
Big Hero 6 (3 Oct) - 8/10*
Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets (16 Oct) - 6/10
Chronicle (28 Oct) - 7/10*
Mr. Peabody & Sherman (31 Oct/1 Nov) - 7/10*
The Martian (6 Nov) - 9/10*
Inside Out (8 Nov) - 8/10*
Rigoletto (13 Nov) - 5/10*
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (14 Nov) - 9/10*
Clerks (19 Nov) - 9/10
Friendship's Field (20 Nov) - 6/10*
Mockingjay pt 2 (20 Nov) - 8/10*[/spoiler]

And remember, "I'm-a Luigi, number one!"

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Post by CaptHayfever » Thu Nov 26, 2015 3:34 pm

Movies: 45/40

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (23 Nov) - 6/10. S'alright. Kinda silly, though.
Dogma (24 Nov) - 9/10. Ladyfriend likes it now too. :smile:
Master Ninja 1 (25 Nov) - 4/10. Not wholly incompetent, better than the average MST fare.
Paper Towns (26 Nov) - 7/10. Dear Lord, I hate movie trailers that make good films look like they'll suck.

And remember, "I'm-a Luigi, number one!"

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