And to nobody's surprise, Pixels is a terrible movie

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Post by Swordmaster Link » Sat Jul 25, 2015 1:51 am

I used to think that video game movies would be the next trend after the comic book thing wore off (it still might be)...but honestly, at this point I feel like games themselves have somewhat surpassed movies as a storytelling medium, at the highest level.

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Post by Random User » Sat Jul 25, 2015 1:52 am

I knew I was forgetting something.

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Post by LOOT » Sat Jul 25, 2015 2:04 am

[QUOTE="Revenant User, post: 1547956, member: 35827"]There has never been a good video game movie, and there will probably never be a good video game movie.[/QUOTE]
Professor Layton
Street Fighter II
Fatal Fury is supposed to be really good
Mortal Kombat (okay more guilty than anything shut up)
Halo Legends
Pokemon, although that may not count since it's anime but 2000 and Lucario and the Mystery of Mew were really, really good to me.

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Post by Swordmaster Link » Sat Jul 25, 2015 2:06 am

Yeah I assumed he meant live action


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Post by Calamity Panfan » Sat Jul 25, 2015 2:08 am

mortal kombat is such a fun movie
and that's the waaaaaaaaaay the news goes

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Post by Deepfake » Sat Jul 25, 2015 3:01 am

It may be trash but I will defend Double Dragon to the death :crossedarms:

I muttered 'light as a board, stiff as a feather' for 2 days straight and now I've ascended, ;aughing at olympus and zeus is crying

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Post by Swordmaster Link » Sat Jul 25, 2015 3:03 am

Oh man I didn't even realize there was a Double Dragon movie

Can I pretend I didn't see that? Seriously

*listens to Double Dragon II music*

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Sat Jul 25, 2015 4:19 am

Eventually somebody is going to make a great video game movie, and a great manga/anime based film, and then we'll have a hell of a decade ahead of us. Eventually.

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Post by Swordmaster Link » Sat Jul 25, 2015 4:21 am

After DB Evolution, I don't think a major movie studio is gonna touch that kind of material for a good while (unless there is a pending project I'm unaware of at he moment, which is more than likely)

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Post by Valigarmander » Sat Jul 25, 2015 4:24 am

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Sat Jul 25, 2015 4:26 am

^^ All anybody has to do is realize that Dragon Ball Evolution simply wasn't handled well and they'll have no fear. Crappy video game movies never scared anyone off. Just off the top of my head there is Death Note, Akira, and Bleach, if they're still happening. There is no way Bleach will be done correctly, but Death Note holds some promise. Akira could be a CGI beauty, I imagine something like Tron but for Akira instead.

Also, Attack on Titan would be cool. I know there's a Japanese one but I don't really count non-Hollywood, so hopefully that gets picked up.

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Post by LOOT » Sat Jul 25, 2015 4:27 am

oh that's from this month even that's a good sign

Wreck-It Ralph 2 is supposed to have Mario even, so hopefully it isn't a cash-in a la Frozen 2

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Sat Jul 25, 2015 4:28 am

[QUOTE="Loot, post: 1548047, member: 21459"]oh that's from this month even that's a good sign

Wreck-It Ralph 2 is supposed to have Mario even, so hopefully it isn't a cash-in a la Frozen 2[/QUOTE]

The biggest problem for me was it really relied on cameos and parodies rather than actually dealing with video games and their characters. I hope they fix that issue.

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Post by LOOT » Sat Jul 25, 2015 4:33 am

I didn't think so. They had a lot of guests like Ken/Ryu, Sonic, Bowser, but never actually relied on anyone except at most Q-Bert as a sort of "forgotten games" character, but they focused primarily on the three settings: Fix-It Felix Jr., Hero's Duty, and Sugar Rush, and a bit in the actual arcade, and dealing with the characters in each setting (Fix-It Felix having NPCs that jumped around and worshiped Felix while hating Ralph excessively, the serious attitudes in Hero's Duty, and the snotty kids/sugary lifestyle in Sugar Rush).

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Post by X-3 » Sat Jul 25, 2015 4:44 am

[QUOTE="Swordmaster Link, post: 1548040, member: 15648"]After DB Evolution, I don't think a major movie studio is gonna touch that kind of material for a good while (unless there is a pending project I'm unaware of at he moment, which is more than likely)[/QUOTE]

Ghost in the Shell

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Sat Jul 25, 2015 4:45 am

yeah i don't see how wreck-it ralph depended on cameos at all.

it was definitely waaaaay more about Ralph and Vanellope than HEY LOOK IT'S SONIC
and that's the waaaaaaaaaay the news goes

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Post by Booyakasha » Sat Jul 25, 2015 8:37 am

[QUOTE="Loot, post: 1547964, member: 21459"]Street Fighter II[/QUOTE]

That fight between Chun-Li and Vega is one of my favourite things in all anime. (Anyone who prefers the original music to KMFDM--'Ultra' is...certainly entitled to his own opinion. And possibly a total dweebenheimer, as well.)
boo--------------a real american weirdo

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Post by Swordmaster Link » Sat Jul 25, 2015 10:05 am

Ah yes, totally forgot about GITS. My bad.

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Post by CaptHayfever » Sat Jul 25, 2015 11:20 am

I count Scott Pilgrim as a video game movie.

And remember, "I'm-a Luigi, number one!"

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Post by ScottyMcGee » Sat Jul 25, 2015 11:52 am

[QUOTE="CaptHayfever, post: 1547926, member: 25169"]The inciting incident of the plot--aliens misinterpreting video games sent into space & attacking the origin planet--was totally ripped off from The Ellimist Chronicles. That book is excellent; read it instead of watching Pixels.

And remember, "I'm-Aximili, number one!"[/QUOTE]

I totally forgot about that book. I don't even remember where I put it. I remember having no idea what was going on but since all my friends and I were into Animorphs they had read it too and talked about it and I was like "Yeah man!" and they'd ask me about a certain plot point that went over my head so I just said "Yeah man!"

[QUOTE="Revenant User, post: 1547956, member: 35827"] and there will probably never be a good video game movie.[/QUOTE]


I don't know if I would count Pixels as a video game movie, more just a movie about video games/with video game elements. To me a "video game movie" is adapting a specific game (plot and concept and characters) into a film. IMO the only times they were close to making genuinely good video game movies were the Tomb Raider movies. I remember seeing Prince of Persia but I honestly forgot most of it. I'd have to see it again. I guess I would consider Wreck-It Ralph a video game movie because it's about video games just not really video games that are out in real life (Although they have released actual Wreck-It Ralph arcade games since). I wouldn't consider Scott Pilgrim a video game movie but rather a movie told in the style of a video game.

You can make a good film out out anything if you simply know how to make a good film. A while ago I used to be a bit crabby about all these remakes and sequels and movies about the seemingly most insignificant things like Battleship. But you know - you can make a movie about anything. That's the magic of art. It's not the content that you should judge; it's the quality of the movie. For example I know they're going to make a movie about Peeps - as in the yellow marshmallow birds. Okay, weird, sure. Sure I can't imagine how I could make a movie out of that BUT someone obviously did and we'll see how that turns out.

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