Video Game YouTube Channels

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Video Game YouTube Channels


Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Sat Jun 06, 2015 5:22 am

Didn't know where to put this, but move it if it's in the way.

Anyway, just like the title says, we talk about our favorite video game themed YouTube channels.

My top 10 list is pretty varied:

1. Cinemassacre. AVGN is probably what he is best known for but Board James is nearly as great, and James & Mike Mondays can be good, too. "Talk About Games" or just about anything on the channel without James is meh, though, IMO.

2. Did You Know Gaming. They're not always awesome and can inject their stupid opinions and views into episodes but you can't beat good trivia.

3. Clan of the Gray Wolf. 16-Bit Gems is really good, the rest isn't for me, but techies will get a kick out of The Way Games Work.

4. Wisecrack. 8-Bit Philosophy is generally interesting but short. Earthling Cinema isn't specifically about games but it's worth a mention.

5. Smosh Games. Nothing decent except Honest Game Trailers, IMO. Very funny stuff.

6. The Game Theorists. Game Theory is entertaining but questionably accurate.

7. Dorkly. 70% is funny, 30% has you looking for another video pretty fast.

8. Beta64. Small number of videos but top quality exploration of beta information.

9. ScrewAttack. Death Battle, One Minute Melee and maybe a couple others are worth it but it isn't totally about gaming, just seemingly mostly. It throws anime, comics and stuff in the mix.

10.Team Coco. Clueless Gamer is just the best 8/10 times, Conan is hilarious. Theyhave Monday Melee but I don't get into it as much at all.

So, what's your list look like?

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Post by Valigarmander » Sat Jun 06, 2015 5:34 am

I don't subscribe to many channels, but there are a few I've returned to multiple times. PinkKittyRose does a variety of LPs and I've watched a few in the past. I watched a number of Northernlion's Binding of Isaac plays. And then there's Did You Know? Gaming.

Apart from that, I can't think of any channels in particular I've paid much attention to,

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Post by Apiary Tazy » Sat Jun 06, 2015 6:36 am

You ever try ProtonJon?

He's uploading rather frequently these days and his LPs are very fun to watch regardless of the length sometimes.

I'd link more but I'm busy right now. Maybe later.

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Post by Booyakasha » Sat Jun 06, 2015 6:59 am

Achievement Hunter's awesome. I like Game Grumps a lot. Some of Normal Boots is great (I dig PeanutButterGamer, JonTron and Projared best). Caddicarus is funny. Game Society Pimps and Tyrannicon are good. AVGN is rad, of course.
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Post by Apiary Tazy » Sat Jun 06, 2015 9:55 am

Here's some more:

SomeCallMeJohnny is a really good review channel and even if you don't agree with his opinion he makes valid points. He doesn't spare the praise or the punches.

Kikoskia is another good one. He plays old games mostly, but he has a sense of humor about it and you'll usually have a good time watching either way. Also he's British and I really like a British accent.

Now for the more conventional. If you want to watch a game without someone cracking wise over it you can always check Cubex55/World of Longplays. There are a few channels like this, but this is the one I pay attention to. It not only has popular titles but also hilariously bad ones and more Big Fish Games than you'll know what to do with. Always a good time.

And you know what? Super Thorio Brothers. It's not like you don't know about that but let's call this a customer review. They play off each other very well, so much so that it makes them failing to complete tasks more endurable than most. It's like a less professional Two Best Friends Play if you're willing to give them a shot.

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Post by LOOT » Sat Jun 06, 2015 12:25 pm

[QUOTE="Tazy Ten, post: 1536798, member: 19345"]You ever try ProtonJon?

He's uploading rather frequently these days and his LPs are very fun to watch regardless of the length sometimes.

I'd link more but I'm busy right now. Maybe later.[/QUOTE]

Did he ever finish his Superman 64 LP, I remember it took him a year between two of the parts but then nothing else yet.

Vinesauce's Vinny has some good stuff. He used to do rom corruptions but then went into odd longplay games.

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Post by Apiary Tazy » Sat Jun 06, 2015 1:43 pm

^^ I think it's on hiatus until Yoshi's Island is finished. Or something like that.

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Post by Deepfake » Sat Jun 06, 2015 1:44 pm

If your list doesn't include Birgirpall or Vinny/vinesauce, you're doing it wrong.[DOUBLEPOST=1433612686,1433612603][/DOUBLEPOST][MEDIA=youtube]ss1njSFX_GU[/MEDIA]
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Post by Red » Sat Jun 06, 2015 1:45 pm

FarLandsorBust: KurtJMac walks to the ends of a Minecraft world in beta 1.7.3, along the way he's raising money for Child's Play charity, enjoying the scenery, and perhaps going a little bonkers. I've been following this channel from the start of his journey and it's been quite a ride so far. He also plays a variety of racing games and often does Indie game showcases.

VintageBeef: I found Beef when Kurt joined the Mindcrack server(a large Minecraft server that a bunch of Minecraft LPers play on together). He's got a very laid back personality, but he also gets excited about little things in games. There's a long list of games he's played, but currently he's LPing: The Forest, GTAV online, a Co-Op Minecraft adventure map, and Mario Kart 8 online.

Honestly I'd recommend just about anyone from the Mindcrack server.

Most of the other channels I follow are either friends(VGF and otherwise), semi inactive, or more music related. Unless you guys are interest in theFallout:Equestria game.

And now I get to plug Epiventure, a collaborative channel I've been working on with a bunch of friends, currently it's mostly clips of funny stuff that happened while we were playing various games. I am pretty proud of the short GTA V film we were able to come together to make though. Two of us are pretty inactive in general and the rest of us don't have a lot time to get together and play(much less record) due to timezones and work/school schedules, but for now we are putting out a video once a week. I'm the one doing most of the talking at the end of the trailer.

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Post by DarkZero » Sat Jun 06, 2015 3:13 pm

I'm subscribed to:
  • Most of the Normal Boots crew (JonTron, ProJared, PBG, DYK Gaming, Satchbag; everyone but The Completionist and Continue? but now that I think about it why aren't I?)
  • Game Grumps
  • Caddicarus
  • The Game Theorists (a bit of a guilty pleasure)
  • Extra Credits
  • GameXplain
Technically almost all of my subscriptions are video game related content, mostly VGM covers and Smash tourneys, but I'm sticking to the ideas of what a video game channel entails.
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Post by Random User » Sat Jun 06, 2015 3:41 pm

I, too, am subbed to almost all of the Normal Boots crew, save Satchbag and Continue?

The Game Theorists is also something I watch every now and then.

I've also subbed to any Vinesauce member that has a channel.

Shoddycast is also a nice watch, I love watching lore videos on Fallout and Elder Scrolls in general.

And last on my list is penguinz0. He's a great guy and pretty funny, too. I am subbed to a few other gaming channels, but I don't watch them as frequently.

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Post by Shane » Sat Jun 06, 2015 4:36 pm

Cinemassacre. Agreed, I don't bother with anything that does not have James. AVGN is practically dead now, though. I do watch James & Mike Mondays, but the special guests they keep having aren't helping.

Gaming Historian. Interesting to take a look back, often at stuff I never knew about.

quill18 for strategy/sim gaming let's plays. He's not currently doing anything that interests me much.

I've watched some Northernlion vids, but I don't have the interest in Binding of Isaac that takes over most of the channel to subscribe.
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Post by Booyakasha » Sat Jun 06, 2015 6:36 pm

Forgot about the Best Friends Zaibatsu and JimQuisition. Good stuff. Used to be really into Zero Punctuation, but, you know...diminishing returns, kind of. [EDIT: ...barely needs saying that Cr1tikal is off the hook.]
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Post by Deku Tree » Sat Jun 06, 2015 6:37 pm

Mostly Birgirpall and Screw Attack. Might check out some of these others.

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Post by glux » Sat Jun 06, 2015 8:34 pm

Rooster Teeth; creators of Red vs Blue.
Achievement Hunter; the gaming division Rooster Teeth.
FunHaus; also owned by Rooster Teeth. Formerly known as Inside Gaming.
Ray Narvaez Jr. aka Brownman; former employee of Achievement Hunter/RoosterTeeth. He left to be a full-time streamer. He uploads most, if not all, of his streams to his YouTube channel.

Of course our very own SuperThorioBros, and (shameless plug) ME.

Other tops that I don't really watch anymore are:
Chuggaaconroy; practically a strictly Nintendo channel.
TheRunawayGuys; a collab between Chuggaaconroy, NintendoCapriSun, and Proton Jon.
Tobuscus; who has admittedly gotten a tad bit too obnoxious for me.

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Post by CaptHayfever » Sat Jun 06, 2015 10:38 pm

Not counting VGFers. (^ :tongue: )

The Runaway Guys - Everything except Mario Party, Fortune Street, & Wheel of Fortune
--Jon's SMW romhacks & Smash videos
--Chugga's Mother & Paper Mario series LPs
--NCS's Zelda II & Super Luigi LPs

Retsupurae - Slowbeef & Diabetus are the MST3K of Let's Play.

Run Button - So far exclusively for their two big projects "Let's Play 20 Years of Sonic" & "Let's Play 30 Years of Mario".

Pokecapn - He's done a lot of the latter-day Sonic games, including the original 06 LP.

...I actually have a kinda perverse fascination with Sonic 06 LPs. I've also seen the Game Grumps one & the Super Gaming Bros one (which stars SomeCallMeJohnny).

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Post by glux » Sat Jun 06, 2015 10:54 pm

No one said not to count them. HA. Loophole.

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Post by LOOT » Sun Jun 07, 2015 2:48 am

retsupurae has gotten real lax on their actual riffs in the last couple years. Kickstarter stuff is pretty good but otherwise it's focused mostly on Sonic 06 and I already watched an 06 LP before (apparently slowbeef is under the impression that since no '06 playthrough is the same I would want to watch the game multiple times uhhhhh go back to SD Snatcher, scrub)

But yeah Pokecapn and crew's LP of Sonic 06 is pretty good, on the subject of Let's Plays I also recommend Docfuture's Sonic 2 Special Edition, Zorak's Pokemon Quartz, and the Metroid LP's by slowbeef/Diabetus. (Meccaprime is supposed to be decent too from what I hear)

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Post by Galefore » Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:21 am

My list looks something like this:

Best Friends Zaibatsu: Been watching these guys for years. I love their stuff, though I definitely don't watch ALL of it. There's several different dynamics between each member so it's hard NOT to find at least one run by these dudes that's likable.
Game Grumps: Every once in a while. I prefer to watch their content abridged, but every now and again I catch a run I really really like, like the recent Super Mario 64 run.
Vinesauce: Particularly Vinny, KY, Rev, and Joel. I like the edited videos, but catching a stream is always fun.
Jontron: I love his delivery and editing style. He's the top "review" style guy in my mind. He can be a little over-the-top and annoying (as evidenced by his time on Grumps), but he's definitely overall an excellent comedian and film editor.
Cr1tikal: You can't beat that deadpan delivery. His stuff can be a bit repetitive but often he surprises you with his quick wit.

I thought I had more but tbh that's about it. I watch speedrunners occasionally, though I'm not so partial to anyone in particular.

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Post by Random User » Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:24 am

^Speaking of which, I just subbed to you recently. You have fun things to watch.

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