Mad Max: Fury Road

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Thu Jun 04, 2015 2:40 am

Lol hate crimes?

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Post by LOOT » Thu Jun 04, 2015 2:53 am

clearly that is the one point in my post to attack and therefore bring it down like a house of straw

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Thu Jun 04, 2015 3:17 am

[QUOTE="Loot, post: 1536376, member: 21459"]Hatred is selling on nothing more than controversy stirred up by literal neo-nazis in its development team[/quote]

It's selling because it's a refreshing relief from SJW crap, it's not toned down by the tears of the stupid and fragile minded control freaks. And also, ironically, because so many tried to get it banned and whined.

Is it a fact that they're Nazis?

[Quote=Loot]but besides the fact that it's a disturbing portrayal of hate-crimes ad-infinitum the game is really awful in everything else.[/Quote]

It's not perfect in the least. From A.I to graphics it's crap but core elements like gameplay and sound are basic but solid. It's certainly worth a play.

[Quote=Loot]The black-white graphics actually detracts a lot from it and makes navigating painful, the sounds are mediocre with the main character sounding like a 12 year old trying to make the most offensive one-liners they can think of, difficulty is cheap and can screw over half an hour progress just because, and somehow for a game that looks like it would at least benefit from a twin-stick controller, has absolutely terrible controller support so you're stick with keyboard-mouse which is still wonky[/Quote]

The black & white is fine in my book. I agree with the rest.

[Quote=Loot]also there's other dumb crap about it like the main character is a really lame Nathan Explosion but details[/Quote]

The main character is stupid in every respect. I could have made a better one in five minutes.

[Quote=Loot] ... ed-review/

The worst thing about this is the inflation of "SO GOOD" reviews on Steam. Ethics in gaming journalism!!![/QUOTE]

It's looking good. I watched LPs, read reviews. I just don't like playing on PC so I won't be playing any time soon. Not even sure mine could run it anyway. If it hit PlayStation I'd Platinum the thing.

Anyway, maybe now that I covered your whole post you can explain your terrible logic on Hatred being about "hate crimes." I mean, it is, but the group is "people

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Post by Apollo the Just » Thu Jun 04, 2015 11:39 pm

Hey just FYI, if this thread turns into an argument about nazis and the video game Hatred it will be locked, ok? I have nothing against debating portrayals of feminism and social justice in action movies but let's try to keep it on topic.


Speaking of Mad Max, I had a conversation with the gf who had seen it recently and she said that she thought it was really cool how the post-apocalyptic world was fleshed out in a way that isn't the same tired formula we've seen again and again. She said they used spray paint like war paint and different cultures evolved rather than just keeping the rugged 2015 jeans fashion look, which is always cool. Anyone have the same experience? I still haven't seen.
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Post by Calamity Panfan » Fri Jun 05, 2015 12:20 am

^ Yeah, the world of Mad Max is super fleshed out and I think it's the little details that really bring the movie to life. Like all the War Boys follow this religion with some sort of car-based deity (there's an altar made of steering wheels) as they try to earn their way to Valhalla.
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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Fri Jun 05, 2015 12:46 am

[QUOTE="CuccoLady, post: 1536563, member: 30977"]Hey just FYI, if this thread turns into an argument about nazis and the video game Hatred it will be locked, ok? I have nothing against debating portrayals of feminism and social justice in action movies but let's try to keep it on topic.[/QUOTE]

I originally mentioned Hatred in passing and didn't even bring up Nazis. I'm on topic.

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Post by Auron » Fri Jun 05, 2015 12:54 am

^^I also love how within the world of Mad Max, Max isn't really the main character. Rather he's more there as a witness to other people's stories like Furiosa's, much like the viewer is.

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Post by Deepfake » Fri Jun 05, 2015 1:20 am

Hatred is designed horribly.

For instance, the character is on this screen:
And most strange of all, when playing in a window, each time it loaded something the window would creep its way down my desktop, as if trying to escape the monitor and slough itself off onto my keyboard.
</all anyone actually needs to know>[DOUBLEPOST=1433481631,1433481454][/DOUBLEPOST]
CuccoLady, post: 1536563, member: 30977 wrote:Speaking of Mad Max, I had a conversation with the gf who had seen it recently and she said that she thought it was really cool how the post-apocalyptic world was fleshed out in a way that isn't the same tired formula we've seen again and again. She said they used spray paint like war paint and different cultures evolved rather than just keeping the rugged 2015 jeans fashion look, which is always cool. Anyone have the same experience? I still haven't seen.
I really liked RAGE because of this, and it really did well with its whole 'bandit culture' themes, even if other people didn't understand it (because the game never directly addresses WHY the guys screaming at you and trying to murder you dress the way they dress)
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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Fri Jun 05, 2015 3:39 am

^ Maybe your standards are higher than mine but it seems to be designed generically. As for glitches, that's modern gaming now.

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Post by Deepfake » Fri Jun 05, 2015 8:55 am

[QUOTE="I REALLY HATE POKEMON!, post: 1536599, member: 18119"]^ Maybe your standards are higher than mine[/QUOTE]
Your standards are lower than 'able to distinguish character from background'?

Yet that's irrelevant as I can proclaim that universally to be awful design with absolute prejudice. Whether or not you accept a game that is made badly isn't an argument for it's quality. I love Ultima IX despite its being a broken mess, but then again even it has more character than h8red: 2xtreme murderist adventure.

If you want a good generic twinstick game with dark overtones, play Hunter: the Reckoning or something. At least it wasn't visually unintelligible.
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Post by Marilink » Fri Jun 05, 2015 12:57 pm

We should probably follow CL's advice and leave Hatred out of this thread.

In other news, my wife and I plan on seeing Mad Max tomorrow because how else do people celebrate their 1 year wedding anniversary? after all, it is the Fuel Anniversary, right?
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Post by Deepfake » Fri Jun 05, 2015 1:50 pm

^ Yeah, no prob. I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to talk about how it was not a good game.

I still have not seen this film yet, although I'm planning on next week I think. It will depend on if our friends want to go, although we've already talked about it.
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Post by Deepfake » Sun Jun 07, 2015 4:30 am

Okay, saw it today. This film was pretty much amazing. Story-wise it was pretty predictable, but it was so imaginative and consistent and filled with so many ludicrous stunts. Also, definitely took inspiration from the world of RAGE, which is definitely more than welcome and pretty cool in how RAGE was inspired by Mad Max.
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Post by Saria Dragon of the Rain Wilds » Sun Jun 07, 2015 5:38 am

... :shifty:

WITNESS ME[DOUBLEPOST=1433669925,1433669359][/DOUBLEPOST]SOUNDMACHINETRUCK was the greatest absurdity I've ever seen and I want more of it forever. My god. Only character in BRIGHT **** RED and he's wildly playing a flamethrowing twin-neck guitar in a bounce harness. HELL YES. GIANT DRUMS. PERSONALISED METAL ACCOMPANIMENT AT ALL TIMES. :headbang:

BOOM, EXPLODE, GUNFIRE GUNFIREGUNFIRE. The everything was so perfectly gratuitous, maddened action, fanaticism, fabulously cobbled vehicles, my god. Like, this isn't the greatest movie ever made, but it was so GOOD at exactly what it did. Also, stilt-walkers were unexpected and cool and I really wish they had more importance. The various gestures were really neat. Worship via V8-hands. Chrome mouth. Grabbing the memory of the dead from the air and holding it to their hearts. And all the little grumbles from Max. Good characterisation. PLEASING.

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Post by Saria Dragon of the Rain Wilds » Tue Jun 09, 2015 8:04 am

Nonsense, I have not yet begun to defile myself.

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