Mad Max: Fury Road

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Post by Apiary Tazy » Tue May 26, 2015 7:15 am

I respect that you don't want to see the film, IRHP. Based on what you've seen and heard of it you have formed your own opinion. However, and you can take my opinion with a grain of salt if you want to, I believe "feminist propaganda" is just people mistaking the forest for the trees. You don't have to watch the movie in theaters if you don't want to, but I would recommend checking it out if you get the chance later on.

Also **** Moviebob.

[SPOILER="Talking with Panfan"]
Wu-Tang Panfan, post: 1535240, member: 29448 wrote:First off, calling the movie "propaganda" assumes that the movie has a message, and even considering all the "who killed the world?" stuff, I really don't think this movie has much of a message beyond "WOAH LOOK AT THIS RAD **** HAPPENING." The "who killed the world?" just gives us more of a look of the motives of the female characters in the movie and gives them more backstory. If you come out of the movie saying "wow i can't believe how much this movie pandered to feminazis and SJWs" instead of "HOLY **** THERE WAS A DUDE PLAYING A FLAMETHROWING GUITAR ON A TRUCK MADE OF AMPLIFIERS" you probably read way too much into action movies. Not to say these types movies can't have underlying messages but their main focus is entertainment (Avatar might have underlying environmentalist messages but the movie is still more about HOLY **** THE 3D EVERYTHING IS SO PRETTY than it is about saving the planet) and even if you don't agree with the "politics" of the movie you can still enjoy it a lot.
I kind of missed that. In fact I was confused what "Who killed the world" was about because I'm used to a movie's message being shoved in my face, but overtly slid under my gaze. Jenocide believed that it was criticizing the War Boy's actions directly and I was expecting the main bad guy to have a direct tie into how the world ended and that the question was going to lead to a big reveal. Didn't happen, and I didn't mind it either.
Second, it's a good thing the movie focused on Furiosa instead of Max. I'd be saying the same thing if the movie focused on a character of either sex instead of Max so long as they were interesting. This isn't to diss Max, but he's not all that interesting. He's just a dude driven by survival and haunted by his past. Max is used as a character to see the crazy, ****ed-up dystopian society through, and that's how he works best. And to the critics who say "THE MOVIE IS CALLED MAD MAX BUT IT'S ABOUT SOMEBODY ELSE," it's not like this is a rare thing in movies/books/games/culture at all! It's been done for years! Saying that a movie called Mad Max being about another character is false advertising is like saying that Zelda games falsely advertise because the main character is Link. I wouldn't even say Furiosa's the main character. The main character of this movie is the world that the characters inhabit, and the characters simply flesh out the world and add to its incredible detail.
I've never seen more than five minutes of any other Mad Max movie, so I can't say if they reduced his role or not. Still, I think they gave everyone a bit of character from the women Furiosa was bringing to the Green Place to the Warlord's son as he celebrates that he has a dead brother "perfect in every way". It was a very minimalistic plot so every moment seemed to count and I liked it for that.
Third, and this is why I spoilered my argument. Yes, you can see the messages of "Who killed the world?" all over and that might scream MEN ARE BAD MONSTERS to a lot of people. They said this because they were going to go to this perfect utopian society of women. But guess what? THE SOCIETY OF WOMEN FAILED AND NEARLY DIED OFF. There were like what, 6 of them left when Max, Furiosa and the gang caught up with them? And the majority of THOSE women died in the final fight. So if the movie is saying that society would be better if women were in charge, then it doesn't do a good job. If anything it says that there needs to be collaboration between the two.
Don't forget that when we're introduced to them they're no better than any other group of scumbag bandits. They're using one of their own as bait so they can rob someone. If Furiosa hadn't announced her ties there's still a chance they might've still been attacked.

Also I want to say that I loved how they handled that. They showed this one scene and made it look like atmosphere leading into the next scene. Then the characters say "You passed the Green Place" "Oh, that place with the crows?" and make you remember what would have otherwise been padding? AMAZING.
Which leads me to my next point, the women play a large part in the movie, but the people screaming "FEMINIST PROPAGANDA" seem to ignore the acts of Max and Nux throughout the film. The women probably would've all died if not for the help of Max and Nux. So to say "this movie has no respect for men" ignores TWO OF THE ****ING MAIN CHARACTERS COMPLETELY
Yeah, just because Max and Nux don't get high kill counts doesn't mean they just sat on their hands. I would actually go so far as to say that the movie doesn't feel planned. Like, no one is given a set number of "baddies" to kill. Stuff just happens and it keeps happening until the movie ends. I like that about Fury Road. It didn't care about being a movie. It was just a series of events strung together. It didn't try to assemble a higher meaning to it all.

Here's hoping I didn't mess up the code for this post.

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Tue May 26, 2015 7:35 am

^ I guess I can check it out later, I just don't necessarily want to support it. I don't watch movies in theater anyway, usually.

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Sat May 30, 2015 4:16 pm

and that's the waaaaaaaaaay the news goes

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Post by LOOT » Sat May 30, 2015 4:58 pm


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Post by Deepfake » Sun May 31, 2015 1:14 am

I don't want to watch return of the jedi because I can't stand this anti-sex-slave rhetoric can't men be men anymore
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Post by Apiary Tazy » Sun May 31, 2015 1:21 am

Yes, sarcasm is indeed hee-hawlarious.

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Post by Deepfake » Sun May 31, 2015 5:25 am

Look out, here comes the humor police. Don't worry officer, I'm licensed to carry.
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Post by Apiary Tazy » Sun May 31, 2015 6:43 am

I don't know.

I've become hyper sensitive to opinions ripped from internet comments these days. I could find poorly thought out comments on pretty much anything but I don't hoist that over people's heads like it's a plague on society.

But here have this Mad Max gif because I'm not in a best mood right now anyway.


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Post by Deepfake » Sun May 31, 2015 8:49 am

Actually I don't make fun of other people for their own benefit, hard as it may be to believe, I am usually just having a chuckle over their witlessness and feel like sharing it with my mates. Often times I make myself the target of my own scathing observations. I could give a damn whether or not someone thinks me dropping a Return reference is me "hoisting it over people's heads like it's a plague on society" but I'm thinking that's probably your bit so I'll stick to mine and leave you to it.
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Post by ScottyMcGee » Mon Jun 01, 2015 10:17 am

[QUOTE="Booyakasha, post: 1535223, member: 17381"]Boy, you know, I'm a little keen to see this, by sheer virtue of the RedLetterMedia guys saying it's one of the best action movies they've seen in years. I mean, I'd better hurry up and watch the originals, here (or had I better not? Or does it not matter a single toss? One ponders. Heck, it can't be hard to puzzle out what's going on. It's post-apocalyptic 'Borderlands'-ass biz-----------dun have to be a genius to figure out what's what, do you.) (You know, I'll watch the originals first-------got nothing to lose, and, you know, maybe they're rad!)[/QUOTE]

I just watched Mad Max yesterday for the first time. I recommend doing so. I haven't seen Road Warrior or Thunderdome yet but I doubt it matters. But still, as a "spiritual predecessor" I would recommend it. I like to see "the original vision" and "the vision now" back to back.

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Post by Auron » Mon Jun 01, 2015 5:10 pm

I just saw this today. I don't really have too many things to say, so I'll just summarize my thoughts in two points for now. 1) I thought the movie was really damn good. While some of the character and costume design may have been just a tad over the top for me, I thought the action sequences were really damn good. 2) I thought all of the feminist propaganda complaints and all of that nonsense are completely and utterly blown out of proportion. People try way too damn hard to find things to be offended by everything nowadays.

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Tue Jun 02, 2015 3:46 am

[QUOTE="Beard Physics, post: 1535814, member: 25415"]I don't want to watch return of the jedi because I can't stand this anti-sex-slave rhetoric can't men be men anymore[/QUOTE]

i disagree i find jedi return to be pro-sexing-slaves because it portrays it and therefore condones it

(thats a poke at sjw logic incase i was too vogue)

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Post by LOOT » Tue Jun 02, 2015 3:59 am

well we're work on your idea of logic some other time, how about we work on being condescending

that means "to look down upon", by the way

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Tue Jun 02, 2015 6:51 am

whats "upon"

is it a lazy way of saying youre up on something? quit using these fancy words my head hurts

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Post by Deepfake » Tue Jun 02, 2015 8:22 am

[QUOTE="I REALLY HATE POKEMON!, post: 1536004, member: 18119"]i disagree i find jedi return to be pro-sexing-slaves because it portrays it and therefore condones it[/QUOTE]
I will never comprehend how people prefer to assume everyone else is a complete idiot and will conflate harming plasticky video game npcs with real human beings. But then again, you'd better believe that if I ever got a real BFG9000 I'd use that thing.
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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Tue Jun 02, 2015 8:27 am

Yeah, it boggles the mind. Hatred is really catching flack with its stellar (I think this is the first time I used this word, it feels weird, I don't like it) sales bringing it back into the spotlight. People think portraying a rampaging killer is bad all of a sudden. Where has everyone been throughout...gaming?

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Post by Deepfake » Tue Jun 02, 2015 8:29 am

[QUOTE="I REALLY HATE POKEMON!, post: 1536036, member: 18119"]Yeah, it boggles the mind. Hatred is really catching flack with its stellar (I think this is the first time I used this word, it feels weird, I don't like it) sales bringing it back into the spotlight. People think portraying a rampaging killer is bad all of a sudden. Where has everyone been throughout...gaming?[/QUOTE]
Nobody ever told me why goombas are bad and therefore have to die. In fact, they don't. You just kill them anyway.
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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Tue Jun 02, 2015 8:31 am

There was a theory (Game Theory, I think) which explained that goomba actually aren't bad and Mario is murdering innocents every time he breaks a block, which is probably the first holocaust portrayed in gaming.

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Post by Apollo the Just » Wed Jun 03, 2015 12:10 am

I don't plan on seeing this in theaters but I do plan on seeing it when it comes on Netflix and I'm in the mood for brainless action madness. The movie has brainless action madness, nothing can go wrong.
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Post by LOOT » Thu Jun 04, 2015 2:18 am

Hatred is selling on nothing more than controversy stirred up by literal neo-nazis in its development team

but besides the fact that it's a disturbing portrayal of hate-crimes ad-infinitum the game is really awful in everything else. The black-white graphics actually detracts a lot from it and makes navigating painful, the sounds are mediocre with the main character sounding like a 12 year old trying to make the most offensive one-liners they can think of, difficulty is cheap and can screw over half an hour progress just because, and somehow for a game that looks like it would at least benefit from a twin-stick controller, has absolutely terrible controller support so you're stick with keyboard-mouse which is still wonky

also there's other dumb crap about it like the main character is a really lame Nathan Explosion but details ... ed-review/

The worst thing about this is the inflation of "SO GOOD" reviews on Steam. Ethics in gaming journalism!!!

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