The "Battle Royale" Concept

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The "Battle Royale" Concept


Post by Apollo the Just » Fri Apr 17, 2015 11:29 pm

Yo so I was just talking to a friend about this earlier and wanted to discuss with y'all. I'm not sure how many of you have seen Battle Royale but if you haven't you've probably heard ABOUT it-- it's the one where a bunch of kids are dumped on an island with explosive collars around their necks and are told to kill each other until there's only one left standing. Like, a bunch of other stuff happens too, but that's the scenario.

It's the kind of scenario that's been used a lot in all sorts of media. The Hunger Games does it, Dangan Ronpa does it, I'm drawing a blank here, but I'm sure we can all think of more examples.

What do you think about the scenario? Do you like how it was done in some interpretations versus others?

Like, for example, I vastly prefer Battle Royale over the Hunger Games in this respect. I get that they're using it to different ends and to tell different narratives but one thing that I prefer about Battle Royale is that all of the kids are introduced to you as equals, and it's only when they're put in this situation that heroes emerge; even people who end up killing don't look like monsters because you see what led them to become that and you are explicitly shown the alternative. The Hunger Games narrative ((as well as virtual novels that also employ this trope)) sets it up introducing a clear protagonist in mind and sometimes clear bad guys that bias you towards rooting for some people rather than seeing the whole thing as a tragedy? I know that's kind of the point, but I can't help but feel it sort of takes away from the humanity of the killers which is really interesting in storytelling.

Idk I was just thinking about this and i will be the first to admit I have a tendency toward "ORIGINAL IS BEST" mentality but I really like Battle Royale actually ((even though its effects are really dated iirc)) and I don't like it as much when the same setup is used but in a way that shows good guys and bad guys rather than normal people having different reactions to fear and pressure?

Thoughts ~~*~

Also I admit I haven't seen BR in like 5 years so if it's a terrible movie I'm giving too much credit by all means call me out but I really liked it and it **** me up in a way a lot of other interpretations of the same scenario havent
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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Sat Apr 18, 2015 12:02 am

I love Battle Royal, its concept and some which "copy" it but others just suck, like Hunger Games.

By the way, read the Battle Royal manga if you haven't. It's better in some ways.

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Post by Apollo the Just » Sat Apr 18, 2015 12:06 am

How so?
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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Sat Apr 18, 2015 12:14 am

Well, it's better to me. It's longer and more detailed, but also more brutal and gritty, if you can imagine. Plus you get attached to characters easier. It's sweet.

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Post by KhaieshaChai » Sat Apr 18, 2015 4:39 am

I agree, Battle Royale is phenomenal. The lighthouse scene is one of my favorite scenes in film, hands down. I haven't read the manga yet, but I have read the novel. I highly recommend reading the novel if you have the opportunity. It explains a lot of details that the movie does not. In fact, I really feel like the movie was filmed under the assumption that viewers had already read the book. You get TONS of back story on every person in the class and it really made me appreciate the movie even more.

I read about half of the first Hunger Games book but I haven't seen the movies. I liked what I read of the book, and I feel like I will enjoy the movie when I get around to it, but it just seems like an infantilized version of Battle Royale to me. I get the same vibe as I do from the Divergent and The Giver movies. They're good critiques of government and conformism...if you're in middle school. A lot of adults seem to eat these movies up, but really I feel like they're just too basic. We could really do a lot better, but they have to go with what sells and the unfortunate reality is that anything too dark or too intelligent is going to lose viewers.

I can't think of any good movies that are all that similar to Battle Royale. There is one called Runner. It's a huge parkour showcase where a bunch of "elite parkour practitioners" are kidnapped, fitted with Battle Royale collars, and told to race across the city. Whoever loses or tries to run away has their collar detonated. It was horrible and cheesy, but entertaining enough if you're in the mood.

There's also another Japanese film called Real Onigokko. I bunch of people end up in this city that is ruled by a dictator guy in a tower. It is an alternate reality of some kind, because one guy's sister can talk in the city but she is mute in real life. Every day, at a certain time, an alarm sounds. At this point, the "chase" starts. A bunch of guys in trench-coats and masks come out of the tower; there is one assigned to each resident of the city. They hunt down their target and try to kill them, so you have to evade them until the "chase" period ends. If you succeed, you are safe until the same time the next day. However, if someone gets killed, their "chaser" is assigned to someone else, so by the end of the movie the few remaining survivors have like 20 chasers after each of them. It's no masterpiece but the concept was really interesting to me.

Plus, KOTOKO did a music video for it! How can you not like that? XD

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Post by Marilink » Sat Apr 18, 2015 9:02 am

I prefer Hunger Games to Battle Royale. I get what you're saying aboutg the manufactured protagonist, but it never bothered me because I'm so used to books doing that. The message of HG just means a lot more to me. It's more "There's hope in this dark world," as opposed to BR's "Life sucks and then your friend stabs you in the throat."

I have no interest in Dangan Ronpa, though I've heard good things. The Battle Royale concept itself is in danger of getting stale, especially since Divergent is somewhat in that vein as well (except it's really bad). Anything else past this point will definitely seem like a knockoff.
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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Sat Apr 18, 2015 9:37 am

^ Hunger Games is so bland and simple though. It was better than Divergent for sure, something I regret watching at all, and it does have a better message so I can understand it has its merits.

Also, you need to get into Danganronpa, and though not exactly the same, Virtue's Last Reward (and 999).

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Post by Kil'jaeden » Sat Apr 18, 2015 10:12 am

The biggest question Battle Royale leaves is "why do this in the first place?" What purpose does making these students kill each other serve? I could not understand why. If anyone knows, explain it to me. Even Hunger Games gives an extensive background for the setting and why they have death games, even if it is also a stupid reason. Nothing like making people watch their children die to keep them from rebelling, right?

But the only reason I could get out of Battle Royale is that the government does it because it is evil.
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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Sat Apr 18, 2015 10:57 am

^ I believe it was a form of entertainment and punishment, IIRC.

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Post by Kil'jaeden » Sat Apr 18, 2015 11:07 am

But all they did was select a random class. Who is being punished? What did those students do to get chosen? I cannot recall anything in particular. I may have to check my copy again. Maybe it is hidden in the background.
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Post by I am nobody » Sat Apr 18, 2015 11:12 am

I haven't seen Battle Royale or read/seen The Hunger Games, but from my understanding, Danganronpa isn't really the same thing. It's about trying to get away with a single murder rather than eliminating everyone else - that's a consequence if the killer succeeds, but they can't personally kill more than two of the other characters. It has more in common with detective stories than forced combat, I'd say.

The Ship has a fairly similar concept in multiplayer, although the most played mode only assigns one target per player per round and isn't an elimination game. The single player is probably closer, but it's also terrible. It also uses adults rather than teenagers, for whatever that's worth.

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Post by Kil'jaeden » Sat Apr 18, 2015 11:17 am

Danganronpa goes like this: a bunch of people are trapped in some mysterious place. They are told that they can leave if they manage to get away with a murder. When a murder is committed, everyone has to gather and figure out who did it. If caught, the culprit is killed. If everyone gets it wrong, the culprit is free to leave and everyone else dies. There is a big courtroom presided over by an evil bear. And incentives to murder are given to spur people on to do it.

A better example of the Battle Royale concept in anime is Mirai Nikki, in that it is a (weird) no holds barred death game. And for other death games, we have Deadman Wonderland and Assassination Classroom. Still not quite the same thing as Battle Royale.

I like Battle Royale as a movie. I would not own it otherwise. It has got to be on a top list of "weird stuff from Japan" in my movies category. But as for why anything is happening, it is mysterious. Maybe that is the point. But it still just seems like "government is very evil", is the only discernible reason. And I don't know what was going on with the program director on the island(in the movie anyway), though I think I have some ideas on what the case may have been.
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Post by I am nobody » Sat Apr 18, 2015 11:21 am

[QUOTE="Kil'jaeden, post: 1530007, member: 26719"]Danganronpa goes like this: a bunch of people are trapped in some mysterious place. They are told that they can leave if they manage to get away with a murder. When a murder is committed, everyone has to gather and figure out who did it. If caught, the culprit is killed. If everyone gets it wrong, the culprit is free to leave and everyone else dies. There is a big courtroom presided over by an evil bear. And incentives to murder are given to spur people on to do it.

I know, I've played both of those. BR and THG are the ones I'm guessing about.

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Sat Apr 18, 2015 11:27 am

[QUOTE="Kil'jaeden, post: 1530005, member: 26719"]But all they did was select a random class. Who is being punished? What did those students do to get chosen? I cannot recall anything in particular. I may have to check my copy again. Maybe it is hidden in the background.[/QUOTE]

I think they were delinquents or underachievers, something along those lines. Those chose the class as an example or something. Been a while.[DOUBLEPOST=1429370874,1429370621][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh yeah, Deadman Wonderland was good. Future Diary is sorta like Battle Royal, too.

I never heard of Assassination Classroom, though. I'll check that out.

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Post by LOOT » Sat Apr 18, 2015 12:13 pm

Only type of this I've ever gotten into is the Zero Escape series, but I'm not sure the two games count as actually battling. Virtue's Last Reward, I guess that makes sense since it's also Prisoner's Dilemma.

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Post by Apollo the Just » Sat Apr 18, 2015 2:09 pm

Oh dang I can't believe I forgot about Mirai Nikki. There's a good series.

[USER=26651]@ML[/USER]: I got a lot more out of Battle Royale than "life sucks and then your friend stabs you in the throat." Like... It reminded me a little of what lord of the flies was trying to get at, except it was less ******** because there were believable forces that pushed people to extremes rather than 'all boys are gorillas who will kill each other if left alone.' It was interesting to see how seemingly petty things like cliques and boyfriends led to EXTREME RESPONSES AND MURDER in these circumstances. And how every single murder seems completely justifiable as a reaction to this circumstance when in normal situations it would be vile.

Also according to Wikipedia the director based it from his experiences working in a shop forced by the govt during wwii when something went wrong and a bunch of ppl died all bc of the govt. Not that that gives film background but food for thought
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Post by Kil'jaeden » Mon Apr 20, 2015 12:15 pm

What would you do in a Battle Royale scenario? Suicide, kill everyone else, try to attack the program itself, attempt to escape, or hide and wait to die?
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Post by Apiary Tazy » Mon Apr 20, 2015 1:37 pm

The Battle Royale concept makes it easy to have an "anyone can die" scenario. The best ones will give you a reason to care about most of the characters competing in it. I mean, we know that a large amount of them aren't gonna make it, but give me a reason to care damn it!

I'll be honest, I never really saw any of these, but I heard good things about Battle Royale and Hunger Games. They are novel concepts but it might only be a matter of time before the idea gets stale since others have already tried to latch on to the idea.

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Post by Apollo the Just » Mon Apr 20, 2015 5:35 pm

^^ I'd probably be that girl who takes her friend and makes him double suicide with her so she doesn't have to do it alone, tbh
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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Mon Apr 20, 2015 9:39 pm

[QUOTE="Kil'jaeden, post: 1530302, member: 26719"]What would you do in a Battle Royale scenario? Suicide, kill everyone else, try to attack the program itself, attempt to escape, or hide and wait to die?[/QUOTE]

The best course of action is to attempt to team up with willing participants to attack the program if escape is impossible, but if that also is impossible the only logical thing to do is kill everyone else.

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