Movies with a dash in front are ones I've seen before.
into the woods - new years day - 8/10
-Scooby doo wrestlemania mystery - January 4th - 7maybe8/10
-School of rock - every day - infinity/10
it's such a beautiful day - January 5th, 8th, and 9th (took me a while to finish it XD) - IDon'tEvenKnowWhatToThink/10
-Bruce almighty - January 15th - 8/10
-Road to el dorado - January 16th - 9/10
-labyrinth - January 17th - 9/10
cool runnings (think that was the name) - January 17th - 7.5/10
-star trek ('09 I think)- January 24th - 8/10
-the amazing spider man - January 24th - wow I forgot how mediocre this film was XD 5/10
-Flushed away - January 26th - nostalgia omfg, and the movie is still really amazing and hilarious 9/10
-Harry potter and the goblet of fire - late January sometime, 27th maybbbbe - 7.9(idk why but an 8 feels wrong)/10 terrrrribly boring start but once it picks up damn does it pick up, and that graveyard scene was holy ****, but takes forever to get there.
Identity thief - somewhere between, maybe the same day as harry potter maybe the day after one of those 2 - 7.5/10 the acting was great, love both of the leads a tonnnn and it was pretty funny, but it did get annoying and the ending was quite predictable, and the logic was really reallly annoying most of all.
~(seen half before)Dodgeball underdog story (or something like that) - January 28th (right before the new sunny and man seeking woman B) ) - 6/10 idk theres something off about it, I appreciated it's humour but it was never llol (literally lol) funny.
The interview - January 29th - 9/10 this film was hilarious, in it too
-the heat - late January sometime - still as funny as the day it came out 8/10
-Divergent - late January sometime - 3.5/10 whoa this movie is so boring, it's like trying to hard to top hunger games XD shoulda had Jennifer lawrence
-Agent cody banks - February 2nd - 8.5/10 whoa a lot of nostalgia
-little shop of horrors - February 2nd - haven't seen this in 2 years and still know it all by heart XD 10/10 best musical movie, and 2nd best musical overall (1st is into the woods) imo (unless you consider school of rock a musical, then that tops everything).
-superman/batman apacpolypse - February 2nd - 5/10 idk what it is about this one, I don't like it but I don't dislike it either it's just true neutral I guess XD
-the way way back - February 2nd-3rd (it went past midnight
Dukes of hazard - February 4th - 7/10 it was ight, logic was a bit ****ed tho idk
-In time - February 4th - 7.5/10 I reeeealy love the concept of this movie, but there are a lot of holes in the logic and unexplained annoyances, and it ends too fast.
-master of disguise - February 5th - forever one of my favorite movies 10/10
-agent Cody banks 2 - February 5th - love this movie, better than the original in every way and the original was pretty awesome 9/10
Hancock - February 5th- can't rate
Frank - February 6th - 8.5/10 this movie was pretty powerful like idek
-Kangaroo Jack - February 6th - a lot of nostalgia but ehhhh 6/10
-Wolf of Wall Street - February 10th - love this movie so much, hadn't seen it since the day it came out but it's still amazing 9/10
Alan partridge - February 12th - 5/10 nothing really above average at all, it was ok but eh.
-scooby doo frankencreepy - February 21st - 8.5/10 this was a pretty great one, a little different, and the ending omg
Scooby doo moon monster madness - February 23rd - finally arrived, this one had a different tone than most other of the modern scooby doo movies, it liked to drag a buncha scenes on, it was actually quite funny, the begining was way to abrupt, but I really love how they still had something in the plot they had to fix after they caught the baddie, and pretty good development on the side characters 8/10
Adventures in the sin bin - February 24th - 8/10 way different than I expected, and it's got Bo Burnham AND Michael Seater OMG it's like a dream omg