40 Movies for 2015

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Post by Thanous » Tue Feb 24, 2015 2:45 pm

Movies 32/40 (I think I counted correctly)
Movies with a dash in front are ones I've seen before.
into the woods - new years day - 8/10
-Scooby doo wrestlemania mystery - January 4th - 7maybe8/10
-School of rock - every day - infinity/10
it's such a beautiful day - January 5th, 8th, and 9th (took me a while to finish it XD) - IDon'tEvenKnowWhatToThink/10
-Bruce almighty - January 15th - 8/10
-Road to el dorado - January 16th - 9/10
-labyrinth - January 17th - 9/10
cool runnings (think that was the name) - January 17th - 7.5/10
-star trek ('09 I think)- January 24th - 8/10
-the amazing spider man - January 24th - wow I forgot how mediocre this film was XD 5/10
-Flushed away - January 26th - nostalgia omfg, and the movie is still really amazing and hilarious 9/10
-Harry potter and the goblet of fire - late January sometime, 27th maybbbbe - 7.9(idk why but an 8 feels wrong)/10 terrrrribly boring start but once it picks up damn does it pick up, and that graveyard scene was holy ****, but takes forever to get there.
Identity thief - somewhere between, maybe the same day as harry potter maybe the day after one of those 2 - 7.5/10 the acting was great, love both of the leads a tonnnn and it was pretty funny, but it did get annoying and the ending was quite predictable, and the logic was really reallly annoying most of all.
~(seen half before)Dodgeball underdog story (or something like that) - January 28th (right before the new sunny and man seeking woman B) ) - 6/10 idk theres something off about it, I appreciated it's humour but it was never llol (literally lol) funny.
The interview - January 29th - 9/10 this film was hilarious, in it too :tongue:
-the heat - late January sometime - still as funny as the day it came out 8/10
-Divergent - late January sometime - 3.5/10 whoa this movie is so boring, it's like trying to hard to top hunger games XD shoulda had Jennifer lawrence :tongue: (he says, everytime he sees a movie with Shailene Woodley in it lmao) and the plot was really hard to follow and confusing like omfg. Pretty tho, and I liked the characters names a lot.
-Agent cody banks - February 2nd - 8.5/10 whoa a lot of nostalgia
-little shop of horrors - February 2nd - haven't seen this in 2 years and still know it all by heart XD 10/10 best musical movie, and 2nd best musical overall (1st is into the woods) imo (unless you consider school of rock a musical, then that tops everything).
-superman/batman apacpolypse - February 2nd - 5/10 idk what it is about this one, I don't like it but I don't dislike it either it's just true neutral I guess XD
-the way way back - February 2nd-3rd (it went past midnight :tongue: ) - this movie is amazing, like idek why I like it so much just do 9.9/10 not perfect but very very very near.
Dukes of hazard - February 4th - 7/10 it was ight, logic was a bit ****ed tho idk
-In time - February 4th - 7.5/10 I reeeealy love the concept of this movie, but there are a lot of holes in the logic and unexplained annoyances, and it ends too fast.
-master of disguise - February 5th - forever one of my favorite movies 10/10
-agent Cody banks 2 - February 5th - love this movie, better than the original in every way and the original was pretty awesome 9/10
Hancock - February 5th- can't rate
Frank - February 6th - 8.5/10 this movie was pretty powerful like idek
-Kangaroo Jack - February 6th - a lot of nostalgia but ehhhh 6/10
-Wolf of Wall Street - February 10th - love this movie so much, hadn't seen it since the day it came out but it's still amazing 9/10
Alan partridge - February 12th - 5/10 nothing really above average at all, it was ok but eh.
-scooby doo frankencreepy - February 21st - 8.5/10 this was a pretty great one, a little different, and the ending omg
Scooby doo moon monster madness - February 23rd - finally arrived, this one had a different tone than most other of the modern scooby doo movies, it liked to drag a buncha scenes on, it was actually quite funny, the begining was way to abrupt, but I really love how they still had something in the plot they had to fix after they caught the baddie, and pretty good development on the side characters 8/10
Adventures in the sin bin - February 24th - 8/10 way different than I expected, and it's got Bo Burnham AND Michael Seater OMG it's like a dream omg

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Tue Feb 24, 2015 10:10 pm

Movies 5/40
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Jonathan Liebesman, 2014) - 1/2/15 - C-
The Equalizer (Antoine Fuqua, 2014) - 1/3/15 - C
Another Gay Movie (Todd Stephens, 2006) - 2/5/15 - F
Horns (Alexandre Aja, 2013) - 2/6/15 - C-
What We Do in the Shadows (Jemaine Clement & Taika Waititi, 2014) - 2/23/15 - B+

What We Do in the Shadows is a fairly standard vampire parody/mockumentary, but it's still really sharp on its humor. Though I'd expect nothing less from Jemaine Clement.
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Post by Thanous » Wed Feb 25, 2015 5:06 pm

Movies 33/40 (I think I counted correctly)
Movies with a dash in front are ones I've seen before.
into the woods - new years day - 8/10
-Scooby doo wrestlemania mystery - January 4th - 7maybe8/10
-School of rock - every day - infinity/10
it's such a beautiful day - January 5th, 8th, and 9th (took me a while to finish it XD) - IDon'tEvenKnowWhatToThink/10
-Bruce almighty - January 15th - 8/10
-Road to el dorado - January 16th - 9/10
-labyrinth - January 17th - 9/10
cool runnings (think that was the name) - January 17th - 7.5/10
-star trek ('09 I think)- January 24th - 8/10
-the amazing spider man - January 24th - wow I forgot how mediocre this film was XD 5/10
-Flushed away - January 26th - nostalgia omfg, and the movie is still really amazing and hilarious 9/10
-Harry potter and the goblet of fire - late January sometime, 27th maybbbbe - 7.9(idk why but an 8 feels wrong)/10 terrrrribly boring start but once it picks up damn does it pick up, and that graveyard scene was holy ****, but takes forever to get there.
Identity thief - somewhere between, maybe the same day as harry potter maybe the day after one of those 2 - 7.5/10 the acting was great, love both of the leads a tonnnn and it was pretty funny, but it did get annoying and the ending was quite predictable, and the logic was really reallly annoying most of all.
~(seen half before)Dodgeball underdog story (or something like that) - January 28th (right before the new sunny and man seeking woman B) ) - 6/10 idk theres something off about it, I appreciated it's humour but it was never llol (literally lol) funny.
The interview - January 29th - 9/10 this film was hilarious, in it too :tongue:
-the heat - late January sometime - still as funny as the day it came out 8/10
-Divergent - late January sometime - 3.5/10 whoa this movie is so boring, it's like trying to hard to top hunger games XD shoulda had Jennifer lawrence :tongue: (he says, everytime he sees a movie with Shailene Woodley in it lmao) and the plot was really hard to follow and confusing like omfg. Pretty tho, and I liked the characters names a lot.
-Agent cody banks - February 2nd - 8.5/10 whoa a lot of nostalgia
-little shop of horrors - February 2nd - haven't seen this in 2 years and still know it all by heart XD 10/10 best musical movie, and 2nd best musical overall (1st is into the woods) imo (unless you consider school of rock a musical, then that tops everything).
-superman/batman apacpolypse - February 2nd - 5/10 idk what it is about this one, I don't like it but I don't dislike it either it's just true neutral I guess XD
-the way way back - February 2nd-3rd (it went past midnight :tongue: ) - this movie is amazing, like idek why I like it so much just do 9.9/10 not perfect but very very very near.
Dukes of hazard - February 4th - 7/10 it was ight, logic was a bit ****ed tho idk
-In time - February 4th - 7.5/10 I reeeealy love the concept of this movie, but there are a lot of holes in the logic and unexplained annoyances, and it ends too fast.
-master of disguise - February 5th - forever one of my favorite movies 10/10
-agent Cody banks 2 - February 5th - love this movie, better than the original in every way and the original was pretty awesome 9/10
Hancock - February 5th- can't rate
Frank - February 6th - 8.5/10 this movie was pretty powerful like idek
-Kangaroo Jack - February 6th - a lot of nostalgia but ehhhh 6/10
-Wolf of Wall Street - February 10th - love this movie so much, hadn't seen it since the day it came out but it's still amazing 9/10
Alan partridge - February 12th - 5/10 nothing really above average at all, it was ok but eh.
-scooby doo frankencreepy - February 21st - 8.5/10 this was a pretty great one, a little different, and the ending omg
Scooby doo moon monster madness - February 23rd - finally arrived, this one had a different tone than most other of the modern scooby doo movies, it liked to drag a buncha scenes on, it was actually quite funny, the begining was way to abrupt, but I really love how they still had something in the plot they had to fix after they caught the baddie, and pretty good development on the side characters 8/10
Adventures in the sin bin - February 24th - 8/10 way different than I expected, and it's got Bo Burnham AND Michael Seater OMG it's like a dream omg
Fault in our stars - February 25th - This movie just like couldn't decide what it was, the first hour was laugh out loud hilarious, but then it was all like sad and dramatic, but then like even in the saddest scene Willem Dafoe had to make some stupid out of place joke and just this movie was so omg I hate it so much but 8/10 ALL THE FEELS

-Edge of Tomorrow - February 27th - 9/10 love this movie so much omg
-Scooby-Doo - February 28th - 9.5/10 still one of my fav movies of all time

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Post by Spritedude » Wed Feb 25, 2015 10:34 pm

Movies 16/40

Italic/bold - First time viewing
Yellow - Watched in theaters (in 2015)
Rio 2 - 7/10
Taken 3 - 5/10
American Sniper - 8/10
Foxcatcher - 8/10
The Theory of Everything - 9/10
Edge of Tomorrow - 9/10
Godzilla (2014) - 9/10
Guardians of The Galaxy - 9.5/10
Project Almanac - 5.5/10
Jupiter Ascending - 6.5/10
Kingsman: The Secret Service - 10/10
The Interview - 6.5/10
The Fluffy Movie - 7/10
Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse - 6/10
The Fugitive - 8/10
Super - 7.5/10

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Sun Mar 01, 2015 12:37 pm

Movies 11/40
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Jonathan Liebesman, 2014) - 1/2/15 - C-
The Equalizer (Antoine Fuqua, 2014) - 1/3/15 - C
Another Gay Movie (Todd Stephens, 2006) - 2/5/15 - F
Horns (Alexandre Aja, 2013) - 2/6/15 - C-
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - 2/21/15 - C-
Avatar - 2/21/15 - C+
What We Do in the Shadows (Jemaine Clement & Taika Waititi, 2014) - 2/23/15 - B+
Whisper of the Heart (Yoshifumi Kondo, 1995) - 2/28/15 - B+
Edward Scissorhands (Tim Burton, 1990) - 2/28/15 - B
Lilo & Stitch (Chris Sanders & Dean DeBlois) - 2/28/15 - C+
Despicable Me 2 (Pierre Coffin & Chris Renaud) - 2/28/15 - B-

We decided to have a randomly-selected movie marathon last night. Whisper of the Heart was definitely worth it since it's a Studio Ghibli film that I haven't seen yet. Edward Scissorhands is a pretty good movie but I wouldn't rank it among Burton's best. Lilo & Stitch and Despicable Me 2 are alright but pretty much served as something colorful to enjoy while I was drinking.

Edit: remembered some movies i watched a week ago
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Post by Thanous » Sun Mar 01, 2015 6:04 pm

Movies 35/40 (I think I counted correctly)
Movies with a dash in front are ones I've seen before.
into the woods - new years day - 8/10
-Scooby doo wrestlemania mystery - January 4th - 7maybe8/10
-School of rock - every day - infinity/10
it's such a beautiful day - January 5th, 8th, and 9th (took me a while to finish it XD) - IDon'tEvenKnowWhatToThink/10
-Bruce almighty - January 15th - 8/10
-Road to el dorado - January 16th - 9/10
-labyrinth - January 17th - 9/10
cool runnings (think that was the name) - January 17th - 7.5/10
-star trek ('09 I think)- January 24th - 8/10
-the amazing spider man - January 24th - wow I forgot how mediocre this film was XD 5/10
-Flushed away - January 26th - nostalgia omfg, and the movie is still really amazing and hilarious 9/10
-Harry potter and the goblet of fire - late January sometime, 27th maybbbbe - 7.9(idk why but an 8 feels wrong)/10 terrrrribly boring start but once it picks up damn does it pick up, and that graveyard scene was holy ****, but takes forever to get there.
Identity thief - somewhere between, maybe the same day as harry potter maybe the day after one of those 2 - 7.5/10 the acting was great, love both of the leads a tonnnn and it was pretty funny, but it did get annoying and the ending was quite predictable, and the logic was really reallly annoying most of all.
~(seen half before)Dodgeball underdog story (or something like that) - January 28th (right before the new sunny and man seeking woman B) ) - 6/10 idk theres something off about it, I appreciated it's humour but it was never llol (literally lol) funny.
The interview - January 29th - 9/10 this film was hilarious, in it too :tongue:
-the heat - late January sometime - still as funny as the day it came out 8/10
-Divergent - late January sometime - 3.5/10 whoa this movie is so boring, it's like trying to hard to top hunger games XD shoulda had Jennifer lawrence :tongue: (he says, everytime he sees a movie with Shailene Woodley in it lmao) and the plot was really hard to follow and confusing like omfg. Pretty tho, and I liked the characters names a lot.
-Agent cody banks - February 2nd - 8.5/10 whoa a lot of nostalgia
-little shop of horrors - February 2nd - haven't seen this in 2 years and still know it all by heart XD 10/10 best musical movie, and 2nd best musical overall (1st is into the woods) imo (unless you consider school of rock a musical, then that tops everything).
-superman/batman apacpolypse - February 2nd - 5/10 idk what it is about this one, I don't like it but I don't dislike it either it's just true neutral I guess XD
-the way way back - February 2nd-3rd (it went past midnight :tongue: ) - this movie is amazing, like idek why I like it so much just do 9.9/10 not perfect but very very very near.
Dukes of hazard - February 4th - 7/10 it was ight, logic was a bit ****ed tho idk
-In time - February 4th - 7.5/10 I reeeealy love the concept of this movie, but there are a lot of holes in the logic and unexplained annoyances, and it ends too fast.
-master of disguise - February 5th - forever one of my favorite movies 10/10
-agent Cody banks 2 - February 5th - love this movie, better than the original in every way and the original was pretty awesome 9/10
Hancock - February 5th- can't rate
Frank - February 6th - 8.5/10 this movie was pretty powerful like idek
-Kangaroo Jack - February 6th - a lot of nostalgia but ehhhh 6/10
-Wolf of Wall Street - February 10th - love this movie so much, hadn't seen it since the day it came out but it's still amazing 9/10
Alan partridge - February 12th - 5/10 nothing really above average at all, it was ok but eh.
-scooby doo frankencreepy - February 21st - 8.5/10 this was a pretty great one, a little different, and the ending omg
Scooby doo moon monster madness - February 23rd - finally arrived, this one had a different tone than most other of the modern scooby doo movies, it liked to drag a buncha scenes on, it was actually quite funny, the begining was way to abrupt, but I really love how they still had something in the plot they had to fix after they caught the baddie, and pretty good development on the side characters 8/10
Adventures in the sin bin - February 24th - 8/10 way different than I expected, and it's got Bo Burnham AND Michael Seater OMG it's like a dream omg
Fault in our stars - February 25th - This movie just like couldn't decide what it was, the first hour was laugh out loud hilarious, but then it was all like sad and dramatic, but then like even in the saddest scene Willem Dafoe had to make some stupid out of place joke and just this movie was so omg I hate it so much but 8/10 ALL THE FEELS

-Edge of Tomorrow - February 27th - 9/10 love this movie so much omg
-Scooby-Doo - February 28th - 9.5/10 still one of my fav movies of all time[DOUBLEPOST=1425247468,1425247358][/DOUBLEPOST][QUOTE="Spritedude, post: 1520284, member: 29348"]
The Fluffy Movie - 7/10[/QUOTE]
So was this an actual movie? xD

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Post by Spritedude » Sun Mar 01, 2015 8:41 pm

It was one of Gabriel Iglesias' comedy specials that was marketed as a movie and was released in theaters, so, I don't know, kind of? I honestly didn't think about it. It wasn't just his stand-up show, it had a few dramatized segments depicting parts of his childhood.

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Mon Mar 02, 2015 1:44 am

Movies 12/40
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Jonathan Liebesman, 2014) - 1/2/15 - C-
The Equalizer (Antoine Fuqua, 2014) - 1/3/15 - C
Another Gay Movie (Todd Stephens, 2006) - 2/5/15 - F
Horns (Alexandre Aja, 2013) - 2/6/15 - C-
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - 2/21/15 - C-
Avatar - 2/21/15 - C+
What We Do in the Shadows (Jemaine Clement & Taika Waititi, 2014) - 2/23/15 - B+
Whisper of the Heart (Yoshifumi Kondo, 1995) - 2/28/15 - B+
Edward Scissorhands (Tim Burton, 1990) - 2/28/15 - B
Lilo & Stitch (Chris Sanders & Dean DeBlois, 2002) - 2/28/15 - C+
Despicable Me 2 (Pierre Coffin & Chris Renaud, 2013) - 2/28/15 - B-
Teen Witch (Dorian Walker, 1989) - 3/1/15 - A+++++++
and that's the waaaaaaaaaay the news goes

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Post by Bomby » Thu Mar 05, 2015 1:37 am

Movies with an asterisk in front are ones I've seen before.
1. * Election (Alexander Payne, 1999) - January 1 - Late 90s comedy classic. Love it.
2. Himizu (Sion Sono, 2011) - January 2 - Great film, but not quite as great as everyone says.
3. I Saw the Devil (Kim Jee-woon, 2010) - January 3 - Most disturbing movie I've ever seen. I still liked it though.
4. For the Love of Movies: The Story of American Film Criticism (Gerald Peary, 2009) - January 5 - Decent documentary. Nothing mind-blowing.
5. The French Connection (William Friedkin, 1971) - January 15 - Not necessarily the best, but still a great example of why the 1970s is my favorite decade of American cinema.
6. Inherent Vice (Paul Thomas Anderson, 2014) - January 17 - The scenes of Joanna Newsom delivering the narration didn't work out as well, but other than that, this movie is **** fantastic. Can't wait to see it again.
7. Chinatown (Roman Polanski, 1974) - January 22 - Not the movie I was expecting it to be. Not better or worse than I expected, really, but just different. Good movie though.
8. Kingdom of Dreams and Madness - (Mami Sunada, 2013) - January 23 - Great look inside Studio Ghibli. Kind of makes me want to do more animation... which I haven't done in like 5 years now though.
9. * The Departed (Martin Scorsese, 2006) - February 5 - Leave it to Scorsese to do a remake of a foreign movie that actually almost reaches the quality of the original.
10. * Frances Ha (Noah Baumbach, 2012) - February 7 - I love this movie so much that any praise I give it will sound hyperbolic. But yeah. I relate to Greta Gerwig's eponymous character so much.
11.His Royal Slyness (Hal Roach, 1920) - February 13 - Not my favorite Harold Lloyd movie, but a solid film nonetheless.
12. * Infernal Affairs (Andrew Lau and Alan Mak, 2002) - February 15 - The movie The Departed was a remake of. As much as I like the remake, the original still edges it out.
13. * Happy End - (Jung Ji-woo, 1999) - February 20 - A landmark film of the beginning of the Korean Wave in cinema, it really bothered me to see such a great film advertised as some smutty sex romp on Amazon Prime and Hulu. Yes, there are a few sex scenes (which are cut significantly shorter in the Amazon Prime version to boot), but Happy End is a great film for its compelling drama, along with the performances of Jeon Do-yeon and Choi Min-sik. Also, for some odd reason even though Jeon's character is incredibly unsympathetic, I found myself liking her simply because she was played by Jeon Do-yeon, which was also kind of my reaction when I saw it the first time back in school. Probably not the most common reaction.
14. Boyhood - (Richard Linklater, 2014) - February 21 - Incredible. I wanted it to keep going. Along with The Tale of Princess Kaguya, one of the most astounding films from 2014 I've seen.
15. 3 Women - (Robert Altman, 1977) - February 25 - Surreal. Trippy. I liked it, and I feel like I'm definitely going to be watching this one again sometime in the near future.
16. Russian Ark - (Alexander Sokurov, 2002) - March 4 - I think I respect this movie more than I like it. Which isn't to say that I didn't like it, though. From a craft point of view, it's one of the most ambitious and impressive films I've seen, so I feel kind of bad saying that overall I just kind of mildly enjoyed it.

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Thu Mar 05, 2015 1:50 am

Movies 14/40
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Jonathan Liebesman, 2014) - 1/2/15 - C-
The Equalizer (Antoine Fuqua, 2014) - 1/3/15 - C
Another Gay Movie (Todd Stephens, 2006) - 2/5/15 - F
Horns (Alexandre Aja, 2013) - 2/6/15 - C-
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - 2/21/15 - C-
Avatar - 2/21/15 - C+
What We Do in the Shadows (Jemaine Clement & Taika Waititi, 2014) - 2/23/15 - B+
Whisper of the Heart (Yoshifumi Kondo, 1995) - 2/28/15 - B+
Edward Scissorhands (Tim Burton, 1990) - 2/28/15 - B
Lilo & Stitch (Chris Sanders & Dean DeBlois, 2002) - 2/28/15 - C+
Despicable Me 2 (Pierre Coffin & Chris Renaud, 2013) - 2/28/15 - B-
Teen Witch (Dorian Walker, 1989) - 3/1/15 - A+++++++
Mac and Devin Go to High School (Dylan Brown, 2012) - 3/3/15 - D-
Twilight (Catherine Hardwicke, 2008 ) - 3/4/15 - D+

Mac and Devin Go to High School is such a bad movie that it doesn't even deserve an F. It's the laziest, easiest stoner "comedy" I've ever seen. If you smoke weed, do not watch this movie while doing it. Watch Half Baked. Watch Up in Smoke. Watch Dazed and Confused. Watch Harold and Kumar. Watch Friday. Watch How High. Anything but this.

meanwhile this is the first time I've seen Twilight all the way through and man oh man is it worse than i thought
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Post by Thanous » Thu Mar 05, 2015 12:55 pm

Movies 38/40
Movies with a dash in front are ones I've seen before.
into the woods - new years day - 8/10
-Scooby doo wrestlemania mystery - January 4th - 7maybe8/10
-School of rock - every day - infinity/10
it's such a beautiful day - January 5th, 8th, and 9th (took me a while to finish it XD) - IDon'tEvenKnowWhatToThink/10
-Bruce almighty - January 15th - 8/10
-Road to el dorado - January 16th - 9/10
-labyrinth - January 17th - 9/10
cool runnings (think that was the name) - January 17th - 7.5/10
-star trek ('09 I think)- January 24th - 8/10
-the amazing spider man - January 24th - wow I forgot how mediocre this film was XD 5/10
-Flushed away - January 26th - nostalgia omfg, and the movie is still really amazing and hilarious 9/10
-Harry potter and the goblet of fire - late January sometime, 27th maybbbbe - 7.9(idk why but an 8 feels wrong)/10 terrrrribly boring start but once it picks up damn does it pick up, and that graveyard scene was holy ****, but takes forever to get there.
Identity thief - somewhere between, maybe the same day as harry potter maybe the day after one of those 2 - 7.5/10 the acting was great, love both of the leads a tonnnn and it was pretty funny, but it did get annoying and the ending was quite predictable, and the logic was really reallly annoying most of all.
~(seen half before)Dodgeball underdog story (or something like that) - January 28th (right before the new sunny and man seeking woman B) ) - 6/10 idk theres something off about it, I appreciated it's humour but it was never llol (literally lol) funny.
The interview - January 29th - 9/10 this film was hilarious, in it too :tongue:
-the heat - late January sometime - still as funny as the day it came out 8/10
-Divergent - late January sometime - 3.5/10 whoa this movie is so boring, it's like trying to hard to top hunger games XD shoulda had Jennifer lawrence :tongue: (he says, everytime he sees a movie with Shailene Woodley in it lmao) and the plot was really hard to follow and confusing like omfg. Pretty tho, and I liked the characters names a lot.
-Agent cody banks - February 2nd - 8.5/10 whoa a lot of nostalgia
-little shop of horrors - February 2nd - haven't seen this in 2 years and still know it all by heart XD 10/10 best musical movie, and 2nd best musical overall (1st is into the woods) imo (unless you consider school of rock a musical, then that tops everything).
-superman/batman apacpolypse - February 2nd - 5/10 idk what it is about this one, I don't like it but I don't dislike it either it's just true neutral I guess XD
-the way way back - February 2nd-3rd (it went past midnight :tongue: ) - this movie is amazing, like idek why I like it so much just do 9.9/10 not perfect but very very very near.
Dukes of hazard - February 4th - 7/10 it was ight, logic was a bit ****ed tho idk
-In time - February 4th - 7.5/10 I reeeealy love the concept of this movie, but there are a lot of holes in the logic and unexplained annoyances, and it ends too fast.
-master of disguise - February 5th - forever one of my favorite movies 10/10
-agent Cody banks 2 - February 5th - love this movie, better than the original in every way and the original was pretty awesome 9/10
Hancock - February 5th- can't rate
Frank - February 6th - 8.5/10 this movie was pretty powerful like idek
-Kangaroo Jack - February 6th - a lot of nostalgia but ehhhh 6/10
-Wolf of Wall Street - February 10th - love this movie so much, hadn't seen it since the day it came out but it's still amazing 9/10
Alan partridge - February 12th - 5/10 nothing really above average at all, it was ok but eh.
-scooby doo frankencreepy - February 21st - 8.5/10 this was a pretty great one, a little different, and the ending omg
Scooby doo moon monster madness - February 23rd - finally arrived, this one had a different tone than most other of the modern scooby doo movies, it liked to drag a buncha scenes on, it was actually quite funny, the begining was way to abrupt, but I really love how they still had something in the plot they had to fix after they caught the baddie, and pretty good development on the side characters 8/10
Adventures in the sin bin - February 24th - 8/10 way different than I expected, and it's got Bo Burnham AND Michael Seater OMG it's like a dream omg
Fault in our stars - February 25th - This movie just like couldn't decide what it was, the first hour was laugh out loud hilarious, but then it was all like sad and dramatic, but then like even in the saddest scene Willem Dafoe had to make some stupid out of place joke and just this movie was so omg I hate it so much but 8/10 ALL THE FEELS
-Edge of Tomorrow - February 27th - 9/10 love this movie so much omg
-Scooby-Doo - February 28th - 9.5/10 still one of my fav movies of all time

The Joneses - March 2nd - idek what to think of this, feels like it shoulda been longer,concept was kinda cool, Duchovny is amazing as always, 6.5/10
-Mrs. Doubtfire - March 4th - all the nostalgia, films a bit disturbing tho lmao 8/10
-robots - March 5th - This movie is so clever omg, still amazing omg 9.5/10
The 40-year-old virgin - March 5th - watched this just bc of the cast but really enjoyed it XD 8.5/10
Pacific rim - March 7th - eh, the Charlie day side of the story was pretty amazing, but the other side was boring and the action kinda really dragged, 5.5/10

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Post by CaptHayfever » Thu Mar 05, 2015 1:57 pm

Movies: 13/40

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2/3 Mar) - 7/10
The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (3 Mar) - 8/10

And remember, "I'm-a Luigi, number one!"

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Sat Mar 07, 2015 3:33 pm

Movies 17/40
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Jonathan Liebesman, 2014) - 1/2/15 - C-
The Equalizer (Antoine Fuqua, 2014) - 1/3/15 - C
Another Gay Movie (Todd Stephens, 2006) - 2/5/15 - F
Horns (Alexandre Aja, 2013) - 2/6/15 - C-
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - 2/21/15 - C-
Avatar - 2/21/15 - C+
What We Do in the Shadows (Jemaine Clement & Taika Waititi, 2014) - 2/23/15 - B+
Whisper of the Heart (Yoshifumi Kondo, 1995) - 2/28/15 - B+
Edward Scissorhands (Tim Burton, 1990) - 2/28/15 - B
Lilo & Stitch (Chris Sanders & Dean DeBlois, 2002) - 2/28/15 - C+
Despicable Me 2 (Pierre Coffin & Chris Renaud, 2013) - 2/28/15 - B-
Teen Witch (Dorian Walker, 1989) - 3/1/15 - A+++++++
Mac and Devin Go to High School (Dylan Brown, 2012) - 3/3/15 - D-
Twilight (Catherine Hardwicke, 2008 ) - 3/4/15 - D+
Ratatouille (Brad Bird, 2007) - 3/6/15 - A-
Big Hero 6 (Don Hall & Chris Williams, 2014) - 3/6/15 - A-
Guardians of the Galaxy (James Gunn, 2014) - 3/7/15 - A
and that's the waaaaaaaaaay the news goes

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Post by Thanous » Mon Mar 09, 2015 4:04 pm

Thanous wins lmao

On mobile so don't wanna type out that whole shtick, I'll edit this post when I go on my comp but:
-Daddy day care 10/10, admission 5/10, -grown ups 10/10, -are we there yet 4/10

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Post by Booyakasha » Thu Mar 12, 2015 3:43 am

Movies 4/40-----------

Big Hero 6 - 01/01/15 - 10/10
The Birdman - 01/04/15 - 10+/10
The Grand Budapest Hotel - 01/21/15 - 10/10
Margot the Furnace - 03/12/15 - 7/10

First feature-length project from one of my favourite YouTube channels. Sort of a low-budget quirky post-apocalyptic western sci-fi thing. Pretty impressive, all things considered. The things that work really work, and the things that don't work so well are forgiveable. There's some blossoming talent at work, here.
boo--------------a real american weirdo

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Post by Bomby » Thu Mar 12, 2015 12:48 pm


For the sake of saving space from excessive scrolling and making this thread look more clean, if you have a long list of films, please put movies you've mentioned in previous posts in a quote box.

Thank you,
The Management

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Post by CaptHayfever » Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:02 pm

Movies: 15/40

UHF (13 Mar) - 10/10
Wimbledon (13 Mar) - 7/10

And remember, "I'm-a Luigi, number one!"

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Mon Mar 16, 2015 10:20 pm

Movies 22/40
[QUOTE="Wu-Tang Panfan, post: 1522284, member: 29448"]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Jonathan Liebesman, 2014) - 1/2/15 - C-
The Equalizer (Antoine Fuqua, 2014) - 1/3/15 - C
Another Gay Movie (Todd Stephens, 2006) - 2/5/15 - F
Horns (Alexandre Aja, 2013) - 2/6/15 - C-
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (Gore Verbinski, 2006) - 2/21/15 - C-
Avatar (James Cameron, 2009) - 2/21/15 - C+
What We Do in the Shadows (Jemaine Clement & Taika Waititi, 2014) - 2/23/15 - B+
Whisper of the Heart (Yoshifumi Kondo, 1995) - 2/28/15 - B+
Edward Scissorhands (Tim Burton, 1990) - 2/28/15 - B
Lilo & Stitch (Chris Sanders & Dean DeBlois, 2002) - 2/28/15 - C+
Despicable Me 2 (Pierre Coffin & Chris Renaud, 2013) - 2/28/15 - B-
Teen Witch (Dorian Walker, 1989) - 3/1/15 - A+++++++
Mac and Devin Go to High School (Dylan Brown, 2012) - 3/3/15 - D-
Twilight (Catherine Hardwicke, 2008 ) - 3/4/15 - D+
Ratatouille (Brad Bird, 2007) - 3/6/15 - A-
Big Hero 6 (Don Hall & Chris Williams, 2014) - 3/6/15 - A-
Guardians of the Galaxy (James Gunn, 2014) - 3/7/15 - A
The Princess Bride (Rob Reiner, 1987) - 3/8/15 - A+
My Big Fat Greek Wedding (Joel Zwick, 2002) - 3/12/15 - C+
How to Train Your Dragon (Chris Sanders & Dean DeBlois, 2010) - 3/15/15 - A
How to Train Your Dragon 2 (Dean DeBlois, 2014) - 3/15/15 - A
What a Girl Wants (Dennie Gordon, 2013) - 3/16/15 - D
and that's the waaaaaaaaaay the news goes

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Post by CaptHayfever » Fri Mar 20, 2015 11:30 am

Movies: 16/40

The Producers [2005] (18 Mar) - 7/10
Despite their chemistry, Broderick & Lane are coming from two completely different schools of acting here. The fourth-wall design is a nice novelty, though it puts unnecessary limits on the camera in the most-used set (Bialystock's office). And the whole-movie recap wedged into "Betrayed" grinds things to a halt.

And remember, "I'm-a Luigi, number one!"

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Post by Spritedude » Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:56 am

Movies 22/40

Italic/bold - First time viewing
Yellow - Watched in theaters (in 2015)
Rio 2 - 7/10
Taken 3 - 5/10
American Sniper - 8/10
Foxcatcher - 8/10
The Theory of Everything - 9/10
Edge of Tomorrow - 9/10
Godzilla (2014) - 9/10
Guardians of The Galaxy - 9.5/10
Project Almanac - 5.5/10
Jupiter Ascending - 6.5/10
Kingsman: The Secret Service - 10/10
The Interview - 6.5/10
The Fluffy Movie - 7/10
Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse - 6/10
The Fugitive - 8/10
Super - 7.5/10
Chappie - 7.5/10
Southern Comfort (2001) - 7/10
The Raid 2 - 9/10
Run All Night - 6.5/10
Snowpiercer - 9/10
Insurgent - 7/10

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