Ghostbusters reboot

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Post by LOOT » Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:00 pm

i'm not racist


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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:02 pm

^ Like I said, it's just kinda stupid to me. I don't see it as necessary at all. Reminds me of how they made certain characters gay because "progression." Also it not being a full replacement for Spidey is what makes it not a big deal. It would be otherwise.[DOUBLEPOST=1422496958,1422496878][/DOUBLEPOST][QUOTE="Looto Brando, post: 1514892, member: 21459"]i'm not racist


You should look up the definition of racist. And probably most words you use.

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Post by LOOT » Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:05 pm

no see I'm really not racist I just hate the fact that there are more diverse heroes outside of white males because -farts uncontrollably and barfs all over-

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:10 pm

[QUOTE="Looto Brando, post: 1514898, member: 21459"]no see I'm really not racist I just hate the fact that there are more diverse heroes outside of white males because -farts uncontrollably and barfs all over-[/QUOTE]

I lol'd but you're still wrong as that turn at Albuquerque. There's plenty of non-white heroes and villains. If you want more then make them. Don't take Pete out of the picture and replace him with SJW copy-paste.

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Post by ZeldaGirl » Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:22 pm

It's funny how a lot of people will yell at so called "SJWs" or people who want more diversity in media by saying "oh yeah, then go make your own (movie/game/etc.)."

and then react with horror, outrage, and disdain when people do just that.

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:24 pm

[QUOTE="ZeldaGirl, post: 1514908, member: 21628"]It's funny how a lot of people will yell at so called "SJWs" or people who want more diversity in media by saying "oh yeah, then go make your own (movie/game/etc.)."

and then react with horror, outrage, and disdain when people do just that.[/QUOTE]

Disdain, sure. Don't gotta like it do we?

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:27 pm

You're right, we don't gotta like it. **** black people. Why should they be represented? **** Hispanic people too. **** gay people. **** trans people. **** Asians. **** anybody mixed. **** women, too while we're at it.

Let's just make everything like Shakespearean times when all the parts were played by white dudes.
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Post by LOOT » Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:29 pm


why not just have every part played by white males hm?

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:29 pm

^^ Lol. I think you just wanted to say that stuff.

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Post by ZeldaGirl » Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:30 pm

[QUOTE="I REALLY HATE POKEMON!, post: 1514909, member: 18119"]Disdain, sure. Don't gotta like it do we?[/QUOTE]

No, you don't. But that cuts both ways. Others don't have to like that the same story is told time and time again with the same type of character. :shrug:

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:33 pm

[QUOTE="Looto Brando, post: 1514912, member: 21459"]I'M JUST SAAAYIIIIING

why not just have every part played by white males hm?[/QUOTE]

Sure. That would make a lot of sense when watching slave movies.[DOUBLEPOST=1422498791,1422498666][/DOUBLEPOST][QUOTE="ZeldaGirl, post: 1514914, member: 21628"]No, you don't. But that cuts both ways. Others don't have to like that the same story is told time and time again with the same type of character. :shrug: [/QUOTE]

What's a different shade of skinn going to matter? Is that going to revolutionize Spider-Man? I know you'll throw that right back at me but you know I'm right, logically.

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Post by LOOT » Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:34 pm

what's a different shade of skin going to matter by the way that does not matter at all why I hate black Spiderman

what does gender matter but women Ghostbusters has killed all interest I would ever have

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:35 pm

[QUOTE="Looto Brando, post: 1514916, member: 21459"]what's a different shade of skin going to matter by the way that does not matter at all why I hate black Spiderman

what does gender matter but women Ghostbusters has killed all interest I would ever have[/QUOTE]

Spider-Man isn't black. Ghostbusters aren't women. Don't change iconic characters for no good reason.

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Post by ZeldaGirl » Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:37 pm

[QUOTE="I REALLY HATE POKEMON!, post: 1514915, member: 18119"]Sure. That would make a lot of sense when watching slave movies.[DOUBLEPOST=1422498791,1422498666][/DOUBLEPOST]

What's a different shade of skinn going to matter? Is that going to revolutionize Spider-Man? I know you'll throw that right back at me but you know I'm right, logically.[/QUOTE]

To young black boys who see themselves portrayed as an awesome superhero that is well-renowned, it very well might, because representation matters. And for the purposes of creative storytelling, absolutely. Comics have done this for decades - they will create a new character, with new background and motivations, to keep a hero "fresh." And often it's to great effect, too. So sure, why not have a black Spider Man? Does it detract from the hero? I would say no. It's just another piece of the lore.[DOUBLEPOST=1422499066][/DOUBLEPOST][QUOTE="I REALLY HATE POKEMON!, post: 1514918, member: 18119"]Spider-Man isn't black. Ghostbusters aren't women. Don't change iconic characters for no good reason.[/QUOTE]

Ok. Have fun not watching/reading. See how simple that is? :D

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:47 pm

[QUOTE="ZeldaGirl, post: 1514919, member: 21628"]To young black boys who see themselves portrayed as an awesome superhero that is well-renowned, it very well might, because representation matters. And for the purposes of creative storytelling, absolutely. Comics have done this for decades - they will create a new character, with new background and motivations, to keep a hero "fresh." And often it's to great effect, too. So sure, why not have a black Spider Man? Does it detract from the hero? I would say no. It's just another piece of the lore.[DOUBLEPOST=1422499066][/DOUBLEPOST]

Ok. Have fun not watching/reading. See how simple that is? :D [/QUOTE]

So we need a rainbow of Spider-Men, then? It's still ridiculous to me. And yes, it does detract. Spider-Man is Peter Parker and that's that. I didn't even like the new "Amazing Spider-Man" reboot movies because they made Spidey a douche instead of a nerd.

Characters lose what makes them iconic pretty easily. If they made Goku a woman or black I'd probably jump off a cliff.

Not reading/watching is indeed simple but something shouldn't be ruined in the first place to make me not read/watch.

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Post by LOOT » Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:58 pm

[QUOTE="I REALLY HATE POKEMON!, post: 1514922, member: 18119"]Not reading/watching is indeed simple but something shouldn't be ruined in the first place to make me not read/watch.[/QUOTE]



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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Wed Jan 28, 2015 11:00 pm


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Post by X-3 » Wed Jan 28, 2015 11:21 pm

Peter Parker is an established character, Spider-Man is an identity. Peter Parker may be the character who owns the identity most of the time, but nothing is stopping writers from saying "X is Spider-Man now."

Like Superior Spider-Man. Or Ben Reilly. Or Miguel O'Hara.

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Post by Deepfake » Thu Jan 29, 2015 12:30 pm

Venom is better/more interesting regardless. Dude wears an alien and argues with himself. Ben Reilly/Scarlet Spider was best Spider-Man, though.

I get the feeling IRHP doesn't into comics. They change the lead characters all the time, just slap a costume onto new people. Like, I get that time progressing sort of sucks in as many ways as it can, but the classic comics writers aren't even around anymore, a lot of them are tapped out. and honestly most of them were **** writers to boot. They just created such an endless flood of content and bought eachother out so much that they succeeded by way of tactical advantage. People have made over half a century of normal Spider-Man with dumb animal-themed villains, you can always go read those again. Start now and maybe I'll hear from you again sometime next year.

But anyway, I don't even care if they give the Ghostbusters a **** cartoon dog as long as the writing's funny and smart. I couldn't stand seeing the corpse of the franchise being made to dance for the sake of some **** Scary Movie Wayans Brothers Fart Gag Bonanza.
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Post by Booyakasha » Thu Jan 29, 2015 1:18 pm

I don't mind a new Ghostbusters flick starring all ladies. I mean, assuming it's in the continuity of the earlier projects, rather than yet another joyless nothing reboot. Like...all right, maybe this is dumb, but there was a GB tabletop role-playing game back in the day, wherein the players were members of a Ghostbusters franchise in a different city. Licensed under the GB 'brand', if you please, but operating elsewhere, the idea being that your Venkman-Stantz-Spengler-Zeddmore crew wouldn't quite have the resources to go bust ghosts in Tulsa on a moment's notice. An all-lady chapter sounds possible.

I can imagine the archetypes easily enough (hell, just take 'A League of Their Own', replace baseball with ghost-hunting-------boom. Done, innit. Regular girl, regular girl's tryhard little sister, tough girl, easy girl, shy girl who's secretly super-badass). Rick Moranis or Dan Ackroyd cameo (Bill Murray doesn't appear onscreen, he still has a legitimate career these days).

It could work, given a decent script and direction. Like, make it funny and good, regardless of character gender (race, creed, sexuality), and I firmly believe people will enjoy it.

The current (?) Ms. Marvel is an ethnic-Pakistani Moslem girl, and the trade I read of hers was phenomenal. I can be so on-board with changing things. Just give me a sensible narrative. Give me something that makes a lick of sense. Set up. Explain, you ink-stained son of a bitch. Don't just tell me 'okay, Nick Fury is Samuel L Jackson now, and you can f*cking like it or you're fired'. That dog don't hunt.
boo--------------a real american weirdo

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