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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Mon Jan 26, 2015 1:24 am

[USER=28941]@Mason[/USER]: I never heard of those. Are they relatively obscure?

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Post by Apollo the Just » Mon Jan 26, 2015 1:33 am

Reborn! It's an early 2000's anime. Hibari is prime husband material.


^ Steven Universe isn't super obscure, I don't think. It's airing on TV right now, it's an American cartoon. It's ridiculously, ridiculously pretty and uses colors really well and I've heard it's also an awesome show. Haven't watched enough to say myself
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Post by Booyakasha » Mon Jan 26, 2015 2:22 am

SU is really keen. I love the theme song.
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Post by Thanous » Mon Jan 26, 2015 2:45 am

[QUOTE="Mason, post: 1514234, member: 28941"]Last cartoon I watched was episode 38 of Steven Universe and the last anime I watched was episode 4 of Figure 17.[/QUOTE]
Ew and how is it respectively?

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Post by Puddin » Mon Jan 26, 2015 2:47 am

[QUOTE="I REALLY HATE POKEMON!, post: 1514255, member: 18119"][USER=28941]@Mason[/USER]: I never heard of those. Are they relatively obscure?[/QUOTE]
Steven Universe isn't obscure but it's new. It's currently running on Cartoon Network. As for Figure 17... I don't know. I'm kind of new to the anime scene (I have a MyAnimeList but I've only completed like 10 animes.) I don't know what counts as obscure and not obscure when it comes to anime. I really recommend both the cartoon Steven Universe and the anime Figure 17; they're awesome. Figure 17 is kind of short I think but the episodes are 40 minutes long instead of 20 minutes long. And Steven Universe episodes are only 10 minutes long.

[QUOTE="Thanous, post: 1514271, member: 38553"]Ew and how is it respectively?[/QUOTE]
What's wrong with Steven Universe?

As for Figure 17, I think it's cool... it's hard to explain what the plot is about but basically this alien dude who combines with this living goo to become an alien comes down fighting a monster and one of his living goos escapes and combines with this little girl and the show is about the little girl having to use the warrior form. And when the living goo separates from her it becomes a twin of her. Like I said I'm only 4 episodes in but if that sounds interesting to you, I'd say give it a shot.

[QUOTE="Booyakasha, post: 1514267, member: 17381"]SU is really keen. I love the theme song.[/QUOTE]
Agreed. And I love the theme song too. It's so short but it's really catchy and I can't get it out of my head. I wish there was an extended version.

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Post by Booyakasha » Mon Jan 26, 2015 3:48 am

Wuff. The theme song is so good and catchy. I can hardly believe they crammed it all into less than a half-minute, here. Like, as much as I like AT and RS (and 'Bravest Warriors', and 'Bee and Puppycat'), their songs don't once compare. ('Gravity Falls' is a strong contender.)

Amethyst is my favourite SU character. Not because she's necessarily absolute best-------more because I can relate (being kind of a bonehead screwball myself). Also, you know...I like her design. She's cute. I liked her dance in 'Giant Woman'-------she was killin it, homey.

I wonder what she looks like barefoot.
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Post by Puddin » Mon Jan 26, 2015 12:50 pm


I like AT (but I've only seen like 10 episodes) and I think I like RT (but I've only seen like 3 episodes) but I haven't seen Bravest Warriors or Bee and Puppycat. I love Gravity Falls and I think its theme song is so good that I think it beats my previous two favorite whistling theme songs (Ed Edd 'n Eddy and the Andy Griffith Show.)

Amethyst was my favorite gem when I first started watching SU but Pearl ended up being my favorite (actually after episode 38 Steven might be my favorite Gem...) I do think Amethyst is the cutest though.

As for the last thing you said... a quick search tells me Amethyst can be seen barefoot when they're playing volleyball in episode 18:

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Tue Jan 27, 2015 5:19 am

[USER=28941]@Mason[/USER]: I've got a huge list of anime for you being new to the scene. What kind you into?

Man, I finished episode 15 of Parasyte just now. It gets sooo much better around episode 5. Glad I hung in there, it's among my favorite now.

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Post by Kil'jaeden » Tue Jan 27, 2015 5:21 am

I can make a better list for the new guy. A competing list.
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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Tue Jan 27, 2015 5:23 am

I believe it. You seem to be in the know regarding cool anime like Parasyte. I'll even take a peek at your list.

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Post by Kil'jaeden » Tue Jan 27, 2015 5:40 am

I have too many options. What sort would be best?
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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Tue Jan 27, 2015 5:46 am

Dunno what Mason's into but I love what I guess is called "shonen." DBZ, Yu Yu Hakusho, Bleach, ect. My problem is I watched most mainstream ones and I'm not good at digging through the less popular series.

Whatever your general favorites are would be interesting also.

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Post by Kil'jaeden » Tue Jan 27, 2015 6:17 am

Psycho-Pass. Definitely not shounen, but you would probably like it. It is more along the lines of seinen, I would say.

Seirei no Moribito. It is kind of obscure even though it is from about 8 years ago and was dubbed. You may have seen it. If you like action, it has that.

Darker Than Black. I did not really like it at the start, but it gets better. If you like action based things, it will work.

Black Lagoon. If you like action based things, then this is basically non-stop action. Definitely not shounen though. It is too cynical for that.

Basilisk. It is about ninjas with freakish powers fighting to the death. Really violent.

Michiko and Hatchin. Not strictly action, but it does have some. It was one of my favorite things to watch. Imagine a roadtrip through Brazil with an escaped convict hauling a kid around(that they broke out to get back), while dodging the police and angry gangsters. That does not really summarize the whole thing.

Pumpkin Scissors. Imagine an alternate universe Europe where something like the Holy Roman Empire still exists, and WWI or something like it just ended.

Claymore. Too bad the adaptation does not cover it all. Still, it is decent. Also has some of the most horrifying powerups imagineable, outside of alien parasites.

Tetsuwan Birdy/Birdy the Mighty. Available in English, and yet it seems obscure. I will recommend it though. Basically, aliens, cops, alien cops, super powers, posession by aliens, a male protagonist with a backbone despite being a normal human among powerful, scary aliens. Also, literal human aliens.

Hyougemono. I probably am going out on a limb here. It is obscure, and is not dubbed. But if you like samurai, tea, and Japanese art and aesthetics, then give it a try. I personally like those things, so I was happy to find it. It does have action of course. The only odd thing in watching it are some characters overreactions to cups and teapots, but it is also kind of funny. It is also historical, and alternates between being somewhat funny and very serious.

Haibane Renmei. Not actiony in the least, but I wanted to list one thing not geared toward the action loving audience.

Sword of the Stranger. If you like action, it has that. Lots of that.
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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Tue Jan 27, 2015 6:44 am

[QUOTE="Kil'jaeden, post: 1514512, member: 26719"]Psycho-Pass. Definitely not shounen, but you would probably like it. It is more along the lines of seinen, I would say.[/quote]

I actually watcched one episode but it didn't hook me. I think I'll give it another go, though.

[Quote=Kil'jaeden]Seirei no Moribito. It is kind of obscure even though it is from about 8 years ago and was dubbed. You may have seen it. If you like action, it has that.[/Quote]

Never heard of this one. Another for this list, then.

[Quote=Kil'jaeden]Darker Than Black. I did not really like it at the start, but it gets better. If you like action based things, it will work.[/quote]

I always hear good things about it. Not sure why I avoided it to begin with, really.

[Quote=Kil'jaeden]Black Lagoon. If you like action based things, then this is basically non-stop action. Definitely not shounen though. It is too cynical for that.[/Quote]

I did watch a bit of this. It really reminds me of Cowboy Bebop. I was admittedly biased against it because I just kept comparing the two. I should go into it with an open mind eventually...

[Quote=Kil'jaeden]Basilisk. It is about ninjas with freakish powers fighting to the death. Really violent.[/Quote]

Oh man, this is probably my favorite Ninja anime of all time. Nice pick, here.

[Quote=Kil'jaeden]Michiko and Hatchin. Not strictly action, but it does have some. It was one of my favorite things to watch. Imagine a roadtrip through Brazil with an escaped convict hauling a kid around(that they broke out to get back), while dodging the police and angry gangsters. That does not really summarize the whole thing.[/Quote]

Sounds like a real adventure, I'll give this a go first.

[Quote=Kil'jaeden]Pumpkin Scissors. Imagine an alternate universe Europe where something like the Holy Roman Empire still exists, and WWI or something like it just ended.[/Quote]

Though I never watched it I have always been strangely fond of the name. Pumpkin Scissors.

[Quote=Kil'jaeden]Claymore. Too bad the adaptation does not cover it all. Still, it is decent. Also has some of the most horrifying powerups imagineable, outside of alien parasites.[/Quote]

I watched all the episodes available I could find and read a ton of the manga years back. I vegged out on it for a while, it was pretty cool.

[Quote=Kil'jaeden]Tetsuwan Birdy/Birdy the Mighty. Available in English, and yet it seems obscure. I will recommend it though. Basically, aliens, cops, alien cops, super powers, posession by aliens, a male protagonist with a backbone despite being a nomral human among powerful, scary aliens. Also, literal human aliens.[/Quote]

It's about time they make a normal human character who doesn't piss himself around everyone. Automatic points for that.

Actually, I thought Parasyte was going to stay that way, glad it didn't.

[Quote=Kil'jaeden]Hyougemono. I probably am going out on a limb here. It is obscure, and is not dubbed. But if you like samurai, tea, and Japanese art and aesthetics, then give it a try. I personally like those things, so I was happy to find it. It does have action of course. The only odd thing in watching it are some characters overreactions to cups and teapots, but it is also kind of funny. It is also historical, and alternates between being somewhat funny and very serious.[/Quote]

I know I'll like this one. Lack of dub is painful but I'll still get to it.

[Quote=Kil'jaeden]Haibane Renmei. Not actiony in the least, but I wanted to list one thing not geared toward the action loving audience.[/Quote]

Not sure what to think of this one, I'll Google it.

[Quote=Kil'jaeden]Sword of the Stranger. If you like action, it has that. Lots of that.[/QUOTE]

Love the name, sounds epic.

Nice list, great input.

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Post by Puddin » Tue Jan 27, 2015 12:36 pm

[USER=18119]@I REALLY HATE POKEMON![/USER] I don't know if it's okay for me to post my MAL here but [link]. What I've watched without dropping should give a pretty good idea as to what I'm into. Comedy and Action are my favorite genres but unless the action is really good, or the show is nostalgic, I prefer comedy. (Although nostalgia didn't help with Cardcaptors... I couldn't get past the first episode.) My favorites so far have been Madoka, Death Note, DBZ, Squidgirl, and what I've seen of Detective Conan and Bleach. [spoiler]And I guess this is blasphemy but I enjoyed Angel Beats and Elfen Lied too.[/spoiler]

[USER=26719]@Kil'jaeden[/USER] Thanks for the recommendations. I'll add them to my the Plan to Watch section of my MAL later and I'll try to give them a shot.

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Post by Thanous » Tue Jan 27, 2015 12:55 pm

[QUOTE="Kil'jaeden, post: 1514512, member: 26719"]Psycho-Pass. Definitely not shounen, but you would probably like it. It is more along the lines of seinen, I would say.

Seirei no Moribito. It is kind of obscure even though it is from about 8 years ago and was dubbed. You may have seen it. If you like action, it has that.

Darker Than Black. I did not really like it at the start, but it gets better. If you like action based things, it will work.

Black Lagoon. If you like action based things, then this is basically non-stop action. Definitely not shounen though. It is too cynical for that.

Basilisk. It is about ninjas with freakish powers fighting to the death. Really violent.

Michiko and Hatchin. Not strictly action, but it does have some. It was one of my favorite things to watch. Imagine a roadtrip through Brazil with an escaped convict hauling a kid around(that they broke out to get back), while dodging the police and angry gangsters. That does not really summarize the whole thing.

Pumpkin Scissors. Imagine an alternate universe Europe where something like the Holy Roman Empire still exists, and WWI or something like it just ended.

Claymore. Too bad the adaptation does not cover it all. Still, it is decent. Also has some of the most horrifying powerups imagineable, outside of alien parasites.

Tetsuwan Birdy/Birdy the Mighty. Available in English, and yet it seems obscure. I will recommend it though. Basically, aliens, cops, alien cops, super powers, posession by aliens, a male protagonist with a backbone despite being a normal human among powerful, scary aliens. Also, literal human aliens.

Hyougemono. I probably am going out on a limb here. It is obscure, and is not dubbed. But if you like samurai, tea, and Japanese art and aesthetics, then give it a try. I personally like those things, so I was happy to find it. It does have action of course. The only odd thing in watching it are some characters overreactions to cups and teapots, but it is also kind of funny. It is also historical, and alternates between being somewhat funny and very serious.

Haibane Renmei. Not actiony in the least, but I wanted to list one thing not geared toward the action loving audience.

Sword of the Stranger. If you like action, it has that. Lots of that.[/QUOTE]
Watch NieA_7 too

Pumpkin scissors is pretty hella amazing too

I'll have to check out some of those others too XD[DOUBLEPOST=1422377748,1422377709][/DOUBLEPOST][QUOTE="Mason, post: 1514273, member: 28941"]Steven Universe isn't obscure but it's new. It's currently running on Cartoon Network. As for Figure 17... I don't know. I'm kind of new to the anime scene (I have a MyAnimeList but I've only completed like 10 animes.) I don't know what counts as obscure and not obscure when it comes to anime. I really recommend both the cartoon Steven Universe and the anime Figure 17; they're awesome. Figure 17 is kind of short I think but the episodes are 40 minutes long instead of 20 minutes long. And Steven Universe episodes are only 10 minutes long.

What's wrong with Steven Universe?

As for Figure 17, I think it's cool... it's hard to explain what the plot is about but basically this alien dude who combines with this living goo to become an alien comes down fighting a monster and one of his living goos escapes and combines with this little girl and the show is about the little girl having to use the warrior form. And when the living goo separates from her it becomes a twin of her. Like I said I'm only 4 episodes in but if that sounds interesting to you, I'd say give it a shot.

Agreed. And I love the theme song too. It's so short but it's really catchy and I can't get it out of my head. I wish there was an extended version.[/QUOTE]

And thanks :D I'll have to check that out :P

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Post by Puddin » Tue Jan 27, 2015 12:59 pm

[USER=38553]@Thanous[/USER] I'm assuming the "eh" is directed at Steven Universe and the "thanks I'll have to check it out" is directed at Figure 17? Different strokes, different folks. :P I have a friend who's really big into anime (he has over 500 animes on his MAL) and I saw Figure 17 was one of the ones he scored the highest, so that's why I checked it out. The action is great and the background music is really nice too. There's a lot of Slice of Life -esque stuff in it (somehow) which is a genre I don't care for but the story and the action make up for it. Plus I guess it helps me get to know the character.

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Post by Booyakasha » Tue Feb 10, 2015 3:54 am

Been playing a bit of catch-up with SU-----specifically eps. 'Alone Together', 'Lion 3: Straight to Video' and 'Watermelon Steven'.

I really, really like this show.
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Post by Booyakasha » Thu Mar 05, 2015 5:10 am

Man. Rewatched SU-----'The Test' earlier.

I love the writing in this episode. It's really, really clever. [spoiler]The mere devising of the test for Steven in fact being a much greater test of the other Gems. Steven kind of letting them 'win', much as the tests they made were designed to let him win. Much as they were willing to let him win retroactively at the start after he found the sea spire statue. It's all real nice, and interesting.[/SPOILER]
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Post by United Nations » Thu Mar 05, 2015 10:25 am

I've been watching a lot of Venture Bros lately.

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