American Horror Story

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American Horror Story


Post by Shady » Sat Nov 22, 2014 5:24 pm

I've only seen seasons 1 and 2 which I enjoyed but haven't watched it since as I only saw it because of Netflix and the other seasons arent on there yet.

Anyway I keep seeing articles all the time raving about the latest season, Freakshow.

Anyone watching that? I think I might get the season disc when it comes out if the price is right.

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Post by CaptHayfever » Sat Nov 22, 2014 5:38 pm

I haven't seen any. Am I correct in my perception that it's an entirely different story each season?

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Sat Nov 22, 2014 5:45 pm

[QUOTE="CaptHayfever, post: 1500721, member: 25169"]I haven't seen any. Am I correct in my perception that it's an entirely different story each season?

And remember, "I'm-a Luigi, number one!"[/QUOTE]

It is, though the cast often remains through every season and can repeat itself which has lended itself tosome criticism.

I haven't watched it because I hate Ryan Murphy after he pretty much turned Glee into the kind of TV show that it was initially parodying.
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Post by ZeldaGirl » Sun Nov 23, 2014 4:07 pm

^Your latter statement is exactly why I don't watch. I just can't stand Murphy and tend to think he ruins shows over time.

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Post by Thanous » Mon Nov 24, 2014 1:30 am

Is this show actually scary?
Do people like it for he scary ness or thhe plot?
I hate scary stuff, but if the plot is really that good, I might have to check it out.

On the topic of Ryan Murphy, idk why y'all dont like him, I mean I haven't seen this and only watched the first like up to when they graduated of glee, but the new normal was amazing, and nip tuck is great as well.

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Post by spooky scary bearatons » Tue Nov 25, 2014 11:19 pm

only good seasons are the first two, its not so much scary more than it is incredibly dark and gruesome. plot for those two is p good.
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Post by Calamity Panfan » Wed Nov 26, 2014 2:48 am

[QUOTE="RAJ, post: 1500909, member: 38553"]Is this show actually scary?
Do people like it for he scary ness or thhe plot?
I hate scary stuff, but if the plot is really that good, I might have to check it out.

On the topic of Ryan Murphy, idk why y'all dont like him, I mean I haven't seen this and only watched the first like up to when they graduated of glee, but the new normal was amazing, and nip tuck is great as well.[/QUOTE]

I watched an episode or two of The New Normal way back when and wasn't particularly blown away. Seemed like a relatively standard sitcom. Never watched Nip/Tuck but from what I've heard from fans it got BAD

But Glee. **** Glee. The first half of season one wasn't perfect, but it was a really good start to a promising show. The second half didn't live up to the first half's standards but it had some fine moments. There was a great balance of comedy and drama, and the songs were alright. It was somewhat of a satire of after-school specials and high school dramas like Degrassi while still having heart and tackling things like bullying, coming out of the closet, teen pregnancy, etc. Then season two happened and Glee started slowly becoming the things that it was initially parodying. Everything seemed like a Very Special Episode or a theme episode and it kept piling on until it became unbearable. Remember when Finn started like worshiping a grilled cheese sandwich but then not everything went his way so he stopped worshiping the grilled cheese sandwich and sang "Losing My Religion" in response (a song that has absolutely nothing to do with religion at all but you knoooooooow)? Holy **** that was bad.

Also I'm not sure if Ryan Murphy was a self-important asshat before Glee's success, but after the success came he really liked stressing just HOW IMPORTANT GLEE IS TO POP CULTURE, like telling Kings of Leon to **** themselves because they dared to not let Glee feature their music. Also not crediting Jonathan Coulton after blatantly using his arrangement of "Baby Got Back" was kiiiiiind of a dick move.
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Post by Galefore » Wed Nov 26, 2014 6:45 pm




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