P.E. Class of WACKINESS: Part 6

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Post by DarkZero » Tue Jul 22, 2014 2:48 pm

Don't let Misanthropy see that
shane nuked my best posts

b l a n k
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Post by b l a n k » Tue Jul 22, 2014 3:31 pm

^Yeah, I guess I wouldn't be happy either if I were a Shy Guy who taught a class where stuff like this happened.

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Post by Auron » Wed Jul 23, 2014 12:47 am

If that's what she's getting at, then her aim is a little off.

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Post by Antisocial » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:26 pm

Alright, this next comic is actually--oh wait it's over.

Not to get all sappy on you guys, but I wanted to take this time to thank you all for enjoying my work after six threads of this. Despite my comics being exclusively posted on this forum with the potential to garner a wider audience with another site, I still feel accomplished entertaining the small audience I have. While I still have no desire to host these anywhere else yet, you guys are enough so far to make all the times I've forced my lazy ass to draw content worthwhile. So thanks to those for reading, bigger thanks to those still reading, and the biggest thanks to HotD for still being my main incentive to draw. Couldn't have gone this far without you.

See you all later.

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Post by Auron » Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:09 pm

So, you're totally just talking about the end of the thread, right? RIGHT?

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Post by X-3 » Thu Jul 24, 2014 11:29 pm

Antisocial's Comic: The After Years (Part 1 of 153)
Those three girls that played the video games played more of the video games.
What Langston discovered that her name came from renowned explorer and archaeologist, What A. Wuuuuuut. She was unable to find out why anyone would have that name.
Shoemi never scored.
Misanthropy continued to teach anime girls pain. Eventually, he served as a coach for an Olympics-winning team. The world was shocked and outraged by his violent behavior, and utterly confused by the fact that Dodging Bullets on a Rooftop with a Dragon and a Baby was actually an Olympic sport.
Bomb had no choice but to seal his good looks away, and begin wearing a giant animal suit. This decision was widely misinterpreted.
Xingo invented a regenerating potato, and then wolfed it down.
Antisocial discovered that his immortality was because he was in fact a vampire. He then burnt up in the sun's rays, which still didn't kill him because of ancient Aztec magic. It still hurt though.
Monroe continued to be a character.
Sum Budee died while saving the school from sure destruction. Everyone attended her funeral, and talked about how they missed Sum Budee and how cool she was. Her sacrifice will never be forgotten.

b l a n k
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Post by b l a n k » Fri Jul 25, 2014 1:09 am

Whoa...so this comic is now, like, over!?

Eh, I figured this would be the last one. I finished reading through all the previous threads a few months ago (it was a lot of work, but it was worth it), and it seems this one took the longest time to complete, so...well, there you go.

I guess AS feels it's time to move on to bigger and better things, and I support his decision if he thinks it's the right thing to do.

Well played, AS. Well played. *Bangs fist against chestplate.*

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Post by LOOT » Fri Jul 25, 2014 1:49 am

It's not over until I riff on it.

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Post by Valigarmander » Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:24 am

