Live Action Adaptations of animu

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Live Action Adaptations of animu


Post by Apollo the Just » Sun Sep 08, 2013 7:57 pm

Have you seen any? Was it....

-Surprisingly decent?
-Extremely, takes-everything-literally accurate?
-So horrible that you couldn't watch it even if you wanted to?
-Not as sparkly as the anime was?
-Just as sparkly as the anime was?
-Actually incredibly badass?
-Super different from the source material?
-Kinda better than the source material?
-Filled with craptastic CG?
-Filled with very obviously hidden wire ninja moves?

I've actually seen quite a few... I'll start with Live Action Sailor Moon!

Unfortunately it wasn't quite as sparkly as the anime was, but it made up for that with being overly literal and filled to the brim with horrible, horrible CG. It was.. essentially Power Rangers. It remains one of my favorite things just because of hilarity.
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Post by Deepfake » Mon Sep 09, 2013 2:14 am

Isn't Animu a word for anime-alikes made in the US?

I've seen a lot of amateur productions, but none of them that seemed to actually have any consistent planning that would've guaranteed effective sfx or a confident cast. Mostly for games, though, not for anime.
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Post by LOOT » Mon Sep 09, 2013 2:59 am

I saw the live action movie of Fist of the North Star. It was really awful. Kenshiro looks like a parody in how he uses Hokuto Shinken by lightly punching people (Even in the anime "pressure point hitting" was still punching really ****ing hard). Also Bat dies which is hilariously never-happens ever.

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Post by Apollo the Just » Tue Sep 10, 2013 3:03 am

^^ Is it really? W E L P

Also, speaking of live actions, I also saw the Rurouni Kenshin movie.

I'm pretty sure it was so much better than the anime that I'll probably just never watch the anime again
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Post by Booyakasha » Tue Sep 10, 2013 6:41 am

A friend of mine has live-action iterations of 'Cutey Honey', 'Lupin III' and 'Phoenix Wright' on DVD. Haven't watched any of them myself, but he's recommended the CH and PW to me (guess the Lupin one must not be too great).

I did see 'The Last Airbender'. Let me assure you, it's every bit as good as you've all been led to believe.

That live-action Hollywood remake of 'Akira' starring Robert Pattinson has apparently been cancelled. Haven't heard a whisper of it in years and years. Oh dear, bread and beer---what a pity. I know I was hyped.
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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Tue Sep 10, 2013 9:00 pm

Dragon Ball Evolution and some other even somehow worse Dragon Ball film.

I heard Bleach is being made as well as an American take on Death Note, so I am hoping they are good.

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Post by Apollo the Just » Wed Sep 11, 2013 1:13 am

^^ Oh my god, the Phoenix Wright live action is brilliant.

Like... it's absolutely ridiculous and... ridiculous, and everyone looks stupidly anime, and it's brilliant. It's just so literal about everything that it's fantastic. 988849900449849094/10. gold star

I've been watching the Ouran High School Host Club live action, recently, and THAT is also glorious. It's unfortunately not as ridiculously literally anime as the phoenix wright adaptation is, but it's still great and spot-on about 90% of the time. They preserved most of the sparkles and flower petals, too. It's wonderful.

[however, it's so ridiculous and hilarious that it doesn't pull off the actual serious parts that the anime could, but eh, it's still extremely amusing to watch]
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Post by Jenocide » Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:02 pm

I've seen a few.

I remember I watched the 2007 Hanazakari no Kimitachi e Drama a little while ago. And it was pretty similar to the manga. I actually liked the way they portrayed some of the characters more than the way they did in the manga in some instances.

I also watched one episode of the 2011 one, but I really hated it because it was too weird.

I also watched most of the Nodame Cantabile drama when I was in college. I've never seen the anime, but I was reading the manga at the time. I thought it was a really true adaptation. It surprised me how anime-like some of the scenes were. Like the sparklies... and when they hit each other it's VERY over-dramatic and exaggerated.

I saw the Death Note movie too and it was fine for what it was, but not totally rememberable for me.

I REALLY WANNA SEE THE KENSHIN MOVIE. And the Phoenix Wright movie. Must make time...

A friend of mine has the Cromartie High School movie that I'm probably going to see at some point too.

[strike]Does Speed Racer count? What about Astro Boy?[/strike]

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:50 pm

^ Oh yeah, Speed Racer. Not bad for what they had to work with. Just doesn't make sense to do it instead of something like Gundam...

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Post by Apollo the Just » Thu Sep 12, 2013 2:50 am

^^ definitely definitely watch kenshin and phoenix wright, the latter ESPECIALLY if youve played ace attorney because oh my god it's perfect
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Post by 1-up Salesman » Fri Sep 13, 2013 6:28 pm

There's a Casshern movie that's supposed to be kind of ehhh. I haven't seen it, though. I've seen a bit of Speed Racer and it was fine- the CGI was more than a tad excessive, but I'm willing to give the movie a chance if the opportunity arises. I just wish it was on Netflix.

My sister and I watched the Phoenix Wright movie and dug the crap out of it. It's pretty fantastic.

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