Big Brother Canada Epic Finale

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Big Brother Canada Epic Finale


Post by Shane » Sat May 04, 2013 4:56 pm


Across dozens of seasons of Survivor and Big Brother, I've never seen anyone incapable of understanding the voting rules. In the end, the person who played the better game won, and karma beat a jury overcome by bitterness.
To me, you are the teacher in the Charlie Brown cartoon.

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Sim Kid
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Post by Sim Kid » Sat May 04, 2013 9:52 pm

I still think both of them deserved it in some different way, but if I were on the jury, I'd have voted for Jillian.

Gary got what, two weeks away from the game, and a chance to suck up to the jury. Jillian was in the game from day one and didn't get any twists or production meddling to help her out when things went awry. *cough*RACHEL*cough* Sorry buddy, part of the reason you were there was just dumb luck. You still do deserve a second chance at all stars though. Even if I was mad at Jillian, she still got there without bailouts by Production.

Overall... I liked this season, but there were so many instances where production messed up. >..<; Not only did they effectively sabotage whoever won HoH, which happened to be Topaz (come on, at least have the courtesy to bloody TELL her you're broadcasting whatever she says to the house - Topaz should have just punched Andrew in the face because it was pretty clear she was gonna go out anyways.) And as for Gary returning to the game... why in the hell did you do it that late?!? BBUS at least does the "Return to the game" when there's 9 or 10 people left so the returnee doesn't get to schmooze the jury. >.<; Bad idea to do it that late. Hopefully if they try it again, they'll not do it that late. I do hope they do another BBCAN and learn from their mistakes.

I hope BB15 doesn't have any obvious BS... Just what they did last year was bad enough, but at least it wasn't like that mess two years ago.

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Post by Shane » Tue May 07, 2013 6:51 pm

Not only did they do it that late, but they also did not sequester them, giving him weeks to influence and learn from the jury, an additional unfair advantage. Bad twist and a sad attempt to try to give the fans the winner they want. If it's just going to be a popularity contest, why not switch over to the UK format and be done with it?

I don't trust the producers of the US version to not screw it up. Every year I say they suck, though every year I still watch.
To me, you are the teacher in the Charlie Brown cartoon.

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Post by Sim Kid » Fri May 10, 2013 10:31 am

Honestly, the BB Production crew is always more concerned about ratings and don't always have much respect for the actual gameplay. I mean, we learned that from BB13. (The only season I literally stopped watching... that's saying a lot since I sat through BB9.) Even if BB14 didn't have as much obvious BS, there was still so many attempts to meddle with things.

Honestly I really really wish they wouldn't do that stuff. It's disrespectful to the thousands of people who apply to the show, especially those who have done so every year since 2001. [and I actually know plenty who have - they didn't apply to BB14 because they didn't want to be cast as an extra for some egotist they couldn't trust to win an All Stars season. They won't be applying this year, either.] Same with those snap evictions / "lol you don't even get to play" twists. (Hello Jodi.)

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