Shows you once hated before realizing that they are amazing, and vice versa

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Shows you once hated before realizing that they are amazing, and vice versa


Post by Apollo the Just » Tue Apr 23, 2013 2:53 am

When Ouran High School Host Club first became a thing, I hated it because I was like oh my god it's one of those ****ty dumb yaoi things that girls like for no reason, ew

....the satire went completely and utterly over my head, flying like a majestic creature-- whoosh-- until this past year when I watched it and realized that it IS BEAUTIFUL


on the other hand I used to watch a lot of Cartoon Network shows that I now realize are just


I know there are some but none are coming to me right now.... I also liked Pretear when I was littler and now, I wasn't even able to get through an episode because it was just so... meh

[[pretty opening though]]
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Post by Booyakasha » Tue Apr 23, 2013 3:39 am

When 'Avatar' was first on, I saw odd bits of it here and there. Didn't really get what was going on, and sort of dismissed it out-of-hand as kiddy garbage. Then I actually gave it a fair shake up at camp a few years later---turns out it was super rad all along. Crown me fool.

On the flipside of that is most of the actiony toy-based cartoons I watched lots as a kid. Like, a couple of them (e.g. 'GI JOE', 'Transformers', 'COPS', 'BraveStarr') still hold up alright, but, like, there's sort of no reason to watch 'He-Man' or 'Thundercats', or most of those dang things.

'Real Ghostbusters' rather flipped the most. I loved the movies (and still do), I wanted to be a Ghostbuster (...and still do), and so I watched the cartoon religiously. Caught a couple episodes in syndication recently---you know, it aged really badly. Humor and scares were toothless, action was boring, and Slimer can go die in a fire with Orko and Snarf.
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Post by Apollo the Just » Tue Apr 23, 2013 5:01 am

yeah i feel you

You basically have to just stop watching it because it's actually really painful and then just let it keep that special place in your heart, because at one point you loved it, even if you really shouldn't have.
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Post by Kil'jaeden » Tue Apr 23, 2013 10:07 am

Yu-Gi-Oh. Remember that? Recently, I was over at my (deceased as of last year) grandmother's house, where my uncle and his youngest daughter, around 5, were watching it on DVD's from the video store. He gets her the free ones from the kid's section when he goes. She immediately pounces on me whenever she spots me, so I ended up watching it. After all the years since it ran, I can say that it is funner to watch. It's hilariously bad, and watching the over reacting, the awful puns, the dubbing, the premise, and just everything about it. Though I would not count this is as "realizing it is amazing", but it turns out it does have entertainment value.
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Post by Valigarmander » Tue Apr 23, 2013 12:58 pm

Booyakasha wrote:When 'Avatar' was first on, I saw odd bits of it here and there. Didn't really get what was going on, and sort of dismissed it out-of-hand as kiddy garbage. Then I actually gave it a fair shake up at camp a few years later---turns out it was super rad all along. Crown me fool.

I kind of brushed off El Tigre when it first came out, but when I finally gave it a chance it ended up being my favorite cartoon from the past decade.

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Post by DarkZero » Tue Apr 23, 2013 2:32 pm

When I was much younger (3rd grade at the oldest), I very much hated Harry Potter, even though I hadn't seen/read it.

Now, though, I find the movies quite enjoyable.
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Post by The Flattest Pancake » Tue Apr 23, 2013 3:14 pm

Booyakasha wrote: Slimer can go die in a fire with Orko and Snarf.
That is the funniest thing I've read all day.
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Post by Booyakasha » Wed Apr 24, 2013 7:45 am

^We aim to please.

By the way, speaking of 'Real Ghostbusters', does anyone know why the cartoon version of Ray looked more like Bill Murray than Dan Ackroyd, and vice versa for Venkman? Like, I've been wondering about this on and off since I was a horrible little boy. They didn't screw up any of the other character models that badly (aside from inexplicable white hair on Egon, that is). It's kind of weird.
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Post by ThatDude100 » Wed Apr 24, 2013 12:27 pm

I used to hate Dragon Ball Z, but, I finally gave it another chance awhile back, and it's not bad. It's still not great, but, it's definitely damn good.

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Post by b l a n k » Wed Apr 24, 2013 11:59 pm

SpongeBob Squarepants. I did like this show as a kid, but now, it just seems to have lost its edge without Stephen Hillenberg at the head. It's kind of watered-down (pun intended) humor now. Everything about that show has gotten louder, whinier, and more aggressively irritating. Still, I like to reminisce on the first three seasons and the way things were before Hillenberg left and SpongeBob started sounding more like that annoying blue monster from that Disney cartoon.

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Post by LOOT » Thu Apr 25, 2013 12:11 am

You know, I used to love Scrubs, just watching it after school and getting the seasons on DVD, watching them way more than intended... and recently I kinda can't really think of too many notable episodes. Now don't get me wrong, My Lunch is such a tragic episode I watched it a few days ago and nearly broke down, but even that episode... the ending has such a mood lash, you see the Janitor cringing at The Todd over his absurd innuendo reaching a new low, then suddenly "Step one you say we need to talk" OH **** THE FRAY IS PLAYING

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Post by Apollo the Just » Thu Apr 25, 2013 2:51 am

I feel like I should re-watch Spongebob because I hated it when I was a kid but I feel like it has a very good chance of being something that I would actually really like. The early episodes, at any rate, from what I've heard. Such remains to be seen.

[[also i too have recently uncovered the true entertainment factor of Yu-Gi-Oh and let me tell you it's golden]]
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Post by Deku Tree » Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:04 am

I tried to watch an episode of Doctor Who for the first time when they rebooted it with the 9th doctor, and I just thought it was the stupidest thing. It's one of my favorite shows now.

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Thu Apr 25, 2013 9:13 am

Dunno if this counts but High School of the Dead was the coolest anime ever. Like, for one or two episodes. Then it was garbage-esque. First time through I think I suppressed how bad it got just because of how strong it started out.

I used to hate Naruto, then I kinda liked it somewhat. Oh, and I used to like Beast Wars but my nephew was watching it and it crushed my memories of how perfect it was. I mean, it's still good, but like, for kids good.

I don't think I'm doing this right.

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Post by Deepfake » Mon Apr 29, 2013 1:55 am

I can't think of any shows that I wrote off that weren't inherently bad IMO. I tend not to write stuff off without some exposure to them. I didn't think very highly of the lame Harry Potter fandom stuff when I was younger, and wouldn't have given the franchise the time of day, not whatsoever. It didn't really get better for me, though, so much as I realized how much worse stuff there is and if I wanted to waste time watching top quality fantasy flicks made any time recently, the choice was either WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA or taking the hobbits to isengard.
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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Mon Apr 29, 2013 2:00 am

My friend will let me borrow Harry Potter books but I'm not sure what I'll do if I end up liking it. Cry, I suppose.

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Post by Apollo the Just » Mon Apr 29, 2013 2:01 am

^^ you shut your face about the hobbits the hobbits the hobbits the hobbits

I dunno, in my case I tend to discover that I had a lot of really bad opinions when I was little that have kept with me until I decided to try them again. Generally when jokes went over my head or there was an absence of pretty or cute girls. In my early youth, a show was deemed unwatchable if there weren't pretty and/or cute girls that I could want to be like in the show.

I've since gained slightly more informed opinions about things I like to think
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Post by The Missing Link » Mon Apr 29, 2013 2:03 am

I was ho-hum on Avatar: The Last Airbender for four episodes before finally getting it in Ep. 5. So glad I hung with the series.

I finally liked Gummi Bears about two weeks before Disney took it off the air. :(
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Post by DarkZero » Mon Apr 29, 2013 2:05 am

I found ATLA boring during it's run but then I watched it again a few weeks ago and I thought it was pretty good and started watching more.
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Post by The Flattest Pancake » Mon Apr 29, 2013 6:42 am

Dizzy wrote:I found ATLA boring during it's run but then I watched it again a few weeks ago and I thought it was pretty good and started watching more.
Don't watch the M. Night Shyamalan movie.

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