I'm writing a CGI Mario movie for Disney

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b l a n k
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Post by b l a n k » Sun Apr 21, 2013 8:59 pm

Scorpio wrote:It....it just can't happen.
*BZZT,* What is: the movie written by IloveJeffDunham (formerly known as supermariofan)?

That said, is there anyone here actually named Alex?

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Post by IloveJeffDunham » Sun Apr 21, 2013 9:11 pm

Remember when Bowser has little to no personality? That's about to change

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Post by Random User » Sun Apr 21, 2013 9:18 pm

Um what.

I think you mean Mario, friend.

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Post by heh » Sun Apr 21, 2013 9:26 pm

IloveJeffDunham wrote:Oh...voice actors...as in people who don't show up on screen, don't get paid much, not as recognizable, don't walk the red carpet or get an Oscar nomination
yes, voice actors aren't recognizable and don't walk the read carpet. i can tell you are a movie producer because you know so much about the industry.

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Post by Bomby » Sun Apr 21, 2013 9:34 pm

No, you aren't.

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Post by Rainbow Dash » Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:23 pm

your username gives away your terrible ideas of humor and writing

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Post by IloveJeffDunham » Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:25 pm

Rainbow Dash wrote:your username gives away your terrible ideas of humor and writing
Why do you not like Jeff Dunham?

- - - Updated - - -
heh wrote:yes, voice actors aren't recognizable and don't walk the read carpet. i can tell you are a movie producer because you know so much about the industry.
King Bomby is right, I'm not a producer, I'm just a writer

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:38 pm

Interesting choice of cast.
and that's the waaaaaaaaaay the news goes

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Post by IloveJeffDunham » Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:48 pm

Panfan wrote:Interesting choice of cast.
Thank you

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Post by The Flattest Pancake » Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:50 pm

IloveJeffDunham wrote:Thank you
Not too sure if it was a compliment, but truth be told, it is quite the interesting cast.
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Post by Bomby » Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:55 pm

Disney doesn't own the rights to produce a Mario movie.

In fact, even just for using Bowser in Wreck-It-Ralph, DiXar had to painstakingly receive directions from Nintendo on how they would be allowed to use the character.

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Post by b l a n k » Sun Apr 21, 2013 11:18 pm

IloveJeffDunham wrote:Thank you
Dude, you need to learn to detect sarcasm like really badly.

- - - Updated - - -
IloveJeffDunham wrote:Remember when Bowser has little to no personality? That's about to change
ARE YOU SERIOUS!? HAVE YOU NEVER PLAYED A MARIO RPG!?!?!? A lot of fans agree that Bowser has more personality than all the other characters combined. He's an attention-craving, power-hungry beast who fumbles around and even has a hidden soft side. And we love him for it. And he says stuff like "Dude!" and "Awesome!" which makes him all the more lovable.

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Sun Apr 21, 2013 11:31 pm

I wasn't being sarcastic, it really is an interesting car choice

Though that doesn't really mean "good"
and that's the waaaaaaaaaay the news goes

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Post by b l a n k » Sun Apr 21, 2013 11:32 pm

I get what you mean, Panfan, considering that Robin Williams is clearly older and fatter than Mark Whalberg, so it's a little odd that one would want to cast him as the younger Mario brother.

I forgot to mention: ILJD, when you take that definition for being realistic, and you simply said that's what you are, there's a small problem with that: you're saying that you are what you want us to think you are just so we'll shut up and leave you alone without explaining the details as to WHY you're being realistic. Not a great plan if you expect to win an argument simply by contradiction.

Because of your somewhat overly optimistic casting choice and plot structure that seems to interest only yourself, we are here to make jokes about you, but we're also trying to stop you from embarrassing yourself in front of Hollywood. Your first post shows you have very little experience with how the movie industry works, and we're genuinely concerned because you don't know how much trouble you're getting yourself into. Clear your mind and listen to what we have to say; you may find it's rather intelligent.

Remember: Not everyone agrees that Mario and Luigi should be non-Italian, not everyone agrees that Bowser should be British and die at the end, and not everyone agrees that a Mario movie should have the ultimate bait-and-switch ending wherein the Bros. go home to NYC without any memories of the Mushroom Kingdom. Until you accept that some people will disagree with you, you can't expect to get far in life.

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Post by IloveJeffDunham » Sun Apr 21, 2013 11:51 pm

Colonel KR wrote:I get what you mean, Panfan, considering that Robin Williams is clearly older and fatter than Mark Whalberg, so it's a little odd that one would want to cast him as the younger Mario brother.

I forgot to mention: ILJD, when you take that definition for being realistic, and you simply said that's what you are, there's a small problem with that: you're saying that you are what you want us to think you are just so we'll shut up and leave you alone without explaining the details as to WHY you're being realistic. Not a great plan if you expect to win an argument simply by contradiction.

Because of your somewhat overly optimistic casting choice and plot structure that seems to interest only yourself, we are here to make jokes about you, but we're also trying to stop you from embarrassing yourself in front of Hollywood. Your first post shows you have very little experience with how the movie industry works, and we're genuinely concerned because you don't know how much trouble you're getting yourself into. Clear your mind and listen to what we have to say; you may find it's rather intelligent.

Remember: Not everyone agrees that Mario and Luigi should be non-Italian, not everyone agrees that Bowser should be British and die at the end, and not everyone agrees that a Mario movie should have the ultimate bait-and-switch ending wherein the Bros. go home to NYC without any memories of the Mushroom Kingdom. Until you accept that some people will disagree with you, you can't expect to get far in life.
Actually it's Brooklyn, and by the way some movies can have pre-release criticism but actually do well, take Rocky 6 for example, before that movie was released people criticised it because Stallone is too old and they killed off Adrian, but when it was released, it actually released to positive reviews, sure people may not call it the best Rocky movie ever made, but they said it was decent, and who knows maybe it could happen to this movie too, I'm not saying it will, but who knows

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Post by 1-up Salesman » Mon Apr 22, 2013 12:07 am

I suggest you let a snippet of the script out to make it so that it will be a bit more fair for people to make any judgement of your project. I'm interested in seeing it, at least.

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Post by b l a n k » Mon Apr 22, 2013 12:17 am

IloveJeffDunham wrote:Actually it's Brooklyn, and by the way, some movies can have pre-release criticism but actually do well. Take Rocky 6 for example. Before that movie was released, people criticized it because Stallone is too old and they killed off Adrian, but when it was released, it actually released to positive reviews. Sure, people may not call it the best Rocky movie ever made, but they said it was decent. And who knows? Maybe it could happen to this movie too. I'm not saying it will, but who knows?
I meant Brooklyn when I said NYC. Gosh, you're so literal. And you're so prone to using run-on sentences, so I fixed your post to make it sound like people-speak.

At least you have some level of being indefinite. Now I see where you get your optimism from, and it's not even a movie based on a video game (if it were a movie based on a video game, I'd believe you even more). Overall, impressive argument, but still not enough to grant me the faith in your project that you have.

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Post by CaptHayfever » Mon Apr 22, 2013 12:25 am

Colonel KR wrote:That said, is there anyone here actually named Alex?
Yeah, we have a long-time vet named Alex. He hasn't been here in a couple years, though.

And remember, "I'm-a Luigi, number one!"

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Post by Deku Tree » Mon Apr 22, 2013 12:47 am

Any chance you could throw together a trailer or something? Maybe just a youtube video where you flip through some crude drawings and do some of the voices yourself?

b l a n k
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Post by b l a n k » Mon Apr 22, 2013 12:52 am

He says he doesn't think of himself as a good artist, but I do wonder what he'd put together if he could.

I know what I'd put together, though: We start with the movie trailer cliché music, Karl Orff's O Fortuna.


CHORUS: Ooooooooo For-tu-na!

TITLE CARD: They gave their best shot at the box office...one in Japan, and once worldwide.

CHORUS: Veeeeeeee-lut Lu-na!

TITLE CARD: Both were campy by any stretch of the imagination.

CHORUS: Staaaaaaa-tu ve-ri-a-bi-liiiiiiiiiiiis!

TITLE CARD: Let's look back at them.

CHORUS: (First verse of O Fortuna)


Series of clips from the 1986 Japanese Mario movie.

CHORUS: (Second verse of O Fortuna)


Series of clips from the 1993 movie.



Series of clips involving the Mario Bros. fighting monsters and encountering strange wonders.


As we hear the final series of trumpets, we see some more action-packed shots, culminating in a series of enemy close-ups with Bowser ROARING like a big cat and breathing fire at the camera, which causes the whole scene to fade out to white.


O Fortuna ends, and the SMB theme begins.

TITLE CARD: Jumping Into Theaters Summer 2030.
