I'm writing a CGI Mario movie for Disney

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I'm writing a CGI Mario movie for Disney


Post by IloveJeffDunham » Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:43 pm

It will be a big improvement over that other Mario movie from the 90s, what do you think of these ideas?

Mario-Mark Wahlberg (w/o Italian accent)
Luigi-Robin Williams (Read Mario)
Bowser-Gary Oldman
Peach-Amy Adams
Daisy-Natalie Portman
Toad-Seth Rogen
Yoshi-Dana Carvey
Wario-Jack Black (Read Mario)
Waluigi-Adam Sandler (Read Mario)
Professor E.Gadd-Jim Carrey w/German accent
Donkey Kong-Arnold Schwarzenegger
Diddy Kong-Chris Tucker
Kamek-Ray Liotta
Lakitu-Joe Pesci
Hammer Bro-Conan O'Brien
Sledge Bro-Jack Nicholson
Boomerang Bro-Jeff Dunham... and his friends
Fire Bro-Martin Scorsese
Ice Bro-James Woods
Bowser Jr-Justin Bieber
Toadsworth-John Hurt
with Angelina Jolie as Rosalina
and Robert De Niro as King Toadstool

King Toadstool is a ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom, he is also Peach's father

This will show how the Mario Bros and the Wario Bros ended up in the Mushroom Kingdom

It will mostly be family friendly, but it will contain dark and dramatic moments like Bowser kills Peach's mother in the beginning when she was 4, Bowser kills her father in the climax, Bowser kills Daisy's parents in a flashback when she was 6, Bowser's backstory will also be depressing, so will Daisy's backstory, and my ending

Boomerang Bro will have multiple personality disorder, he will constantly change voices, that means you'll also be hearing Walter, Jose, Peanut, Melvin, Achmed, Sweet Daddy Dee, and Bubba J do the voice of the Boomerang Bro

Bowser will be more entertaining and threatening than he was in the games (which by the way he wasn't either of those in the games)

This will be the first and only time Peach gets kidnapped,

It will not just be the Mario Bros who are rescuing Peach but also E.Gadd, Toad, Yoshi, Daisy, Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong (Nearing the end of the second act), and Wario and Waluigi (during the third act)

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Post by b l a n k » Sun Apr 21, 2013 2:19 pm

Oh my God.


You found me.

I don't know how, but you found me.

I came here to break free from my past and start anew, but what are the odds of my past catching up with me?

This is scary.

No, I'm not gonna bother. I'm just gonna stick to my own thread and give you peace. You can pretend you'll get all the all-star voice actors you want and that Disney will accept another dark and depressing Mario movie (both of which are unlikely going to happen, but you can dream). This is none of my business.

People of vgf.com: do not be alarmed. This guy and I were rivals once, but we have made peace.

Seriously, dude. Can't you just join IGN or something so we can each have our own thread on two separate sites and leave our history of being two guys with movie ideas for the same franchise on the same site in the past?

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Post by Booyakasha » Sun Apr 21, 2013 3:46 pm

what do you think of these ideas?
I don't think you'd like to know what I think.
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Post by DarkZero » Sun Apr 21, 2013 3:59 pm

There's... a lot of things to say about this, but I think I'll just go with a tip.

Maybe you should look into professional voice actors as opposed to the more A-list type of Hollywood actor. It's less expensive and having actors who are more familiar with voice work will give you a better product.
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Post by 1-up Salesman » Sun Apr 21, 2013 4:30 pm




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Post by LOOT » Sun Apr 21, 2013 4:44 pm

Nintendo is too busy with the Light of Courage movie, wait until they're done then contact one Joseph Cracker to help get this script underway.

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Post by IloveJeffDunham » Sun Apr 21, 2013 4:44 pm

Hello Colonel, what do you mean "Another"? There's another dark Mario movie? btw I am on IGN

- - - Updated - - -
Loot wrote:Nintendo is too busy with the Light of Courage movie, wait until they're done then contact one Joseph Cracker to help get this script underway.
Who's Joseph Cracker?

- - - Updated - - -
1-up Salesman wrote:I..


You what?

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Post by b l a n k » Sun Apr 21, 2013 5:00 pm

The first Mario movie was considered by many critics to be too dark and serious (have you not heard this before?). Not dark in a sad way but dark in a scary way. Actually, people say it was a hybrid between dark and scary vs. pie-in-the-face slapstick. Was it funny? Was it serious? We couldn't honestly say.

As for Joseph Cracker, I'll let you figure that one out on your own. :lol:

Regarding your voice actor comment, Dizzy, I'll tell you up front that this guy doesn't always value others' input. He sticks to his ideas and often doesn't let anyone toy with them. Trust me: I know this guy, and he's a very complicated individual. While I admire his fighting spirit, work ethic, and optimism, he seems driven primarily by his naïveté. I'm now quite curious as to what other sites he's on. By being on multiple sites, he's clearly trying to prove something...but what is it?

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Post by spooky scary bearatons » Sun Apr 21, 2013 5:16 pm

IloveJeffDunham wrote:It will be a big improvement over that other Mario movie from the 90s, what do you think of these ideas?

Mario-Mark Wahlberg (w/o Italian accent)
Luigi-Robin Williams (Read Mario)
Bowser-Gary Oldman
Peach-Amy Adams
Daisy-Natalie Portman
Toad-Seth Rogen
Yoshi-Dana Carvey
Wario-Jack Black (Read Mario)
Waluigi-Adam Sandler (Read Mario)
Professor E.Gadd-Jim Carrey w/German accent
Donkey Kong-Arnold Schwarzenegger
Diddy Kong-Chris Tucker
Kamek-Ray Liotta
Lakitu-Joe Pesci
Hammer Bro-Conan O'Brien
Sledge Bro-Jack Nicholson
Boomerang Bro-Jeff Dunham... and his friends
Fire Bro-Martin Scorsese
Ice Bro-James Woods
Bowser Jr-Justin Bieber
Toadsworth-John Hurt
with Angelina Jolie as Rosalina
and Robert De Niro as King Toadstool

King Toadstool is a ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom, he is also Peach's father

This will show how the Mario Bros and the Wario Bros ended up in the Mushroom Kingdom

It will mostly be family friendly, but it will contain dark and dramatic moments like Bowser kills Peach's mother in the beginning when she was 4, Bowser kills her father in the climax, Bowser kills Daisy's parents in a flashback when she was 6, Bowser's backstory will also be depressing, so will Daisy's backstory, and my ending

Boomerang Bro will have multiple personality disorder, he will constantly change voices, that means you'll also be hearing Walter, Jose, Peanut, Melvin, Achmed, Sweet Daddy Dee, and Bubba J do the voice of the Boomerang Bro

Bowser will be more entertaining and threatening than he was in the games (which by the way he wasn't either of those in the games)

This will be the first and only time Peach gets kidnapped,

It will not just be the Mario Bros who are rescuing Peach but also E.Gadd, Toad, Yoshi, Daisy, Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong (Nearing the end of the second act), and Wario and Waluigi (during the third act)
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Post by The Flattest Pancake » Sun Apr 21, 2013 5:34 pm

As good as a new CGI/animated Mario movie would be...

Robin Williams as Luigi?

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Post by VG_Addict » Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:23 pm

I think Dee Bradley Baker would be a good Yoshi.

I also think either Jim Cummings or John DiMaggio would be a good choice for Wario.

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Post by IloveJeffDunham » Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:27 pm

VG_Addict wrote:I think Dee Bradley Baker would be a good Yoshi.

I also think either Jim Cummings or John DiMaggio would be a good choice for Wario.
Never heard of any of them

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Post by DarkZero » Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:28 pm

I envision a Mark Hamill Wario. But what do I know.
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Post by VG_Addict » Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:28 pm

Maybe Richard Horvitz could voice Bowser Jr.

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Post by IloveJeffDunham » Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:31 pm

VG_Addict wrote:Maybe Richard Horvitz could voice Bowser Jr.
Never heard of him either

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Post by VG_Addict » Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:32 pm

Look them up on IMDB.

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Post by IloveJeffDunham » Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:35 pm

Oh...voice actors...as in people who don't show up on screen, don't get paid much, not as recognizable, don't walk the red carpet or get an Oscar nomination

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Post by VG_Addict » Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:36 pm

They could work for a Mario animated series.

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Post by X-3 » Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:37 pm

Sounds good, but [strike]Ray[/strike] James Earl Jones should voice Yoshi.

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Post by DarkZero » Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:38 pm

IloveJeffDunham wrote:Oh...voice actors...as in people who don't show up on screen, don't get paid much, not as recognizable, don't walk the red carpet or get an Oscar nomination
Pity, isn't it?
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