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Post by b l a n k » Wed Feb 20, 2013 8:01 pm

Mr. Deeds with Adam Sandler. So he's been in a lot of crap lately, but this one spoke to me.

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Post by Deepfake » Thu Feb 21, 2013 11:09 am

Colonel KR wrote:So he's been in a lot of crap lately...
For the past 20 years is "lately" now? ;)

- - - Updated - - -
heh wrote:definitely, but it did lose a few things in the transition, i think. still a good movie
I agree, although to be honest I found the art direction of the books to be a bit underwhelming (those uniform panels are ugh), so visually I felt it was a step up. It covered a lot of the bases, although it was disappointing to see the meta comic thread cut out after reading the book, but I did see keeping it in as missing the point a bit. It would've been interesting to see the film go meta on superhero films, and for it to address racial intolerance, but those didn't seem like core threads overall. I think that, perhaps, it was just made a bit too late. The end of the cold war changed a lot of perspectives.
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Post by CaptHayfever » Thu Feb 21, 2013 4:58 pm

^The director's-cut brings back Bernard & Bernard & a lot more details, & they also did an animated Black Freighter DVD release. And there's an "ultimate cut" that splices the two together.

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Post by ThatDude100 » Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:49 pm

I know this will get me a kick in the nuts, but, I actually really enjoyed Matrix: Revolutions. Now now, i'm not saying it's great, it's not, the first one is still the best, the 2nd one though, total crap. A total waste of time from the beginning to the end. Anyway, Matrix: Revolutions isn't as bad as people say. It's got some good action, things are finally happening. I will say though, once you get to the end of it though, yeah, then get up and leave. A good movie until then.

Another movie I really enjoyed was Spiderman 3. Yes, I said, SPIDERMAN 3! I don't remember anything about the 2nd one other than something to do with Dr. Octopus, and that's it. The 3rd one was damn good. Yes, the first one is still the best, but, the 3rd one isn't this horrible turd that people like to say it is. I will admit, I don't know much about Spiderman, so, maybe people who were fans of the comics have a good reason to dislike it, but, I thought it was good. The whole scene with Sandman was great, Venom was done great, it was a good movie! I thought for sure the dude from That 70-'s show would crap it up, but no, he was really good, he was one of the better things about the movie actually! Is this movie perfect? Nooooooooooo, is it worth seeing? Yup!

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Post by Bomby » Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:59 pm

I admire Spiderman 3 for it's ballsiness. That **** took balls.

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Post by CaptHayfever » Tue Feb 26, 2013 4:55 pm

^^I liked Revolutions better than Reloaded, too.

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Tue Feb 26, 2013 5:48 pm

Reloaded was that bad...? Story, yeah, and chase scenes...but the fights were great.

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Post by ThatDude100 » Sat Mar 09, 2013 1:15 pm

I know i'll get a kick in the nuts for this, but, Street Fighter. I'm not saying it's great, it's stupid, but, it's a fun stupid. It's like Mortal Kombat. Plus, Raul Julia as M. Bison? That is the total opposite of fail! Blanka however...........yeeeeeeeeeeeah. Plus, it has one of the best quotes in movie history (you can probably guess what quote i'm talking about too).

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Sat Mar 09, 2013 1:21 pm

I think I legitimately like The Room. Like, there's no other way I could have seen it 20+ times in the past two years if I didn't​ like it.
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Post by Booyakasha » Sat Mar 09, 2013 4:44 pm

I've never understood people putting 'Revolutions' above 'Reloaded'. wanted a 'Matrix' sequel, right? Like, something like the first movie, aka featuring crazy wuxia fights, absurd action sequences replete with slow-mo camera goonery, semi-drunken 3 AM dorm commons-esque philosophy...well, that's 'Reloaded'. Why would you prefer the boring one with the retcons, the guys in robot exoskeletons shooting machine guns in the air while screaming forever, and especially that endless dogsh*t Superman IV-ass fight at the end? I don't understand this at all.

I think the National Treasure movies, the first two Brendan Fraser-ass Mummy flicks, and the Tomb Raider movies get rather an excessively bad rap. Not saying they're cinema gold or anything, but I still like them. (I groups em together because of clear derivation from Indiana Jones, incidentally.)
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Post by Calamity Panfan » Sat Mar 09, 2013 4:49 pm

^ I've never seen the Tomb Raider movies, but National Treasure is one of the few Nicolas Cage movies I like without a tinge of irony, and The Mummy and The Mummy Returns​ are really fun popcorn movies.
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Post by Tyler » Sat Mar 09, 2013 4:52 pm

Home Alone 2. When I was younger, it was a movie I used to watch all the time, and although there isn't too much hate, it has its fair share of criticisms.

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Post by ThatDude100 » Sat Mar 09, 2013 5:06 pm

Booyakasha, I don't speak for all the Revolution fans, but, it just seems to me like the second one was just going nowhere. It really does just feel like an in-between movie. The first one is obviously how Neo meets Morpheus and so on, the 3rd one is obviously the once that ends it,. The second movie just seems like it's just nothing more than the movie in the middle, it doesn't seem to move anything forward or anything. I haven't seen it in awhile, and I didn't enjoy it at all, so, maybe i'm missing something. It just seems like it goes nowhere. The only good part was that fight in one room with the swords and stuff. Beyond that, it was just boring. I will say, Revolutions was good until it got to the end. Then it just completely went *faaaaaaaaaaart8*.

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Post by b l a n k » Sat Mar 09, 2013 7:10 pm

Scorpio wrote:Home Alone 2. When I was younger, it was a movie I used to watch all the time, and although there isn't too much hate, it has its fair share of criticisms.
Me, too! While it rehashes many of the same plot points from its prequel, the bandit trap gags in this one were more exciting and funnier. It's as if it were a comic version of Die Hard, and I still laugh every time Marv turns into a skeleton when he gets electrocuted and wails like a banshee.

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Post by CaptHayfever » Sat Mar 09, 2013 7:37 pm

Panfan wrote:^ I've never seen the Tomb Raider movies, but National Treasure is one of the few Nicolas Cage movies I like without a tinge of irony.
Heck yeah, man. Strip out the painful romance dialogue (all 30 seconds of it), & National Treasure is great. :)

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Post by Booyakasha » Tue Mar 12, 2013 2:52 pm

So...'Batman and Robin'.

I know it isn't good. Like, it represents rather a complete disconnect from the dark, Burton-infused creepy gothic aesthetic of its predecessors into full-on goonball cartooniness, and the acting is really hammy and over-the-top...

...which lands it in much the same territory as that silly lovable old Adam West 'Batman' series (one of my favourite shows ever).
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Post by ThatDude100 » Tue Mar 12, 2013 3:26 pm

^ I used to love Batman and Robin, now I can't stand it. I don't mind the Adam West style Batman, but, this movie just sucked. I enjoyed the crap out of Batman Forever though, that was a good one.

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