VGF's Most Watched Movies of July 2012-June 2013

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Post by Saria Dragon of the Rain Wilds » Wed Nov 28, 2012 1:13 am

I watched maybe ten minutes of The Avengers again before I fell asleep. Then we saw Skyfall. Man, I wish I could have "Skyfall" as a title. It's brilliant, such an evocative word.
Nonsense, I have not yet begun to defile myself.

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Post by Deepfake » Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:52 am

the Avengers
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Post by Bomby » Wed Nov 28, 2012 3:29 am

Freakonomics: Infotainment! Even Morgan Spurlock couldn't ruin this one. In fact, I actually rather enjoyed his segment about baby names.

I Think We're Alone Now: A really straightforward and engaging, if somewhat amateurish, look at obsessive fans and fan culture. Both of these fans of 1980's singer Tiffany have delusional ideas of their "relationship" with her: one who believes he is her best friend, and the other who believes she is destined to be with her. It got me thinking about modern fan culture and celebrity obsession, which means it achieved pretty much exactly what it aimed for.

Tiny Furniture: Having now shot and toiling away at the torturous process of editing a ****ey low budget movie myself, I really hate to ****e on a fellow ****e low budget film, but this movie is ****e. However, if ****e like this can get a Criterion release, it makes me think that my ****e don't stink like I thought it did. But roses really smell like boo boo. Roses really smell like boo boo-ooh-ooh.

But yeah, this movie was, like, so "rawr art student" it was like "ugh, more art student ****e." Written by, directed by, and starring the same person, Lena Dunham, when her character mentioned going to school in Ohio, I immediately thought of my sister's school, Oberlin. So it was no surprise to look at her Wikipedia article and discover that she went to Oberlin. Having spent a week in Oberlin visiting my sister and hanging around the campus over one of my spring breaks back in the day, this is the exact movie I would expect someone from that school to make.

I still haven't said much about the movie itself, have I? Well... it's about aimless twentysomethings being ****eheads and doing other aimless twentysomething ****e like smoking weed and popping pills. The girl can't even hold down a job without quitting after one week. Her mom is an artist who photographs peoples' feet and miniature furniture.

My apologies to Lena Dunham as I'm sure she went through quite a bit just to make this movie. I know how hard that is firsthand now. I hope she can one day make a good film that actually deserves the Criterion release, unlike this ****e.

You know what? No. No apologies. This ****e didn't deserve the Criterion treatment. This is even worse than my movie, and that's saying something.

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Post by CaptHayfever » Wed Nov 28, 2012 3:44 am

^^^The Elder Scrolls: Skyfall Sword. There's a title for ya.

I caught The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King on Encore with my brother a few nights ago. I forgot how many of the cool scenes are only in the extended edition until they weren't in this showing. I also forgot that there are literally 4 this-is-the-end-of-the-movie style fadeouts before it actually ends.

We also caught Liz & Dick on TV the other night. First time I've seen Lindsay Lohan since Mean Girls. She wasn't a horrible choice for the role, except that she has practically no control over her voice anymore. None of that mattered much, though, because the whole thing was basically a video plot-outline of the Taylor/Burton romance; things happened so quickly & scenes changed so abruptly that unless you were actually alive at the time & following the story in the papers as it happened, none of it carried any dramatic weight (or even made much sense).

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Post by Booyakasha » Fri Dec 14, 2012 12:47 pm

^^^^Do you mind sharing with a Bond flick and a rockin armour-bottomed dune buggy? Because, like, I concede accidental affiliation with the former might be troublesome, but it'd totally (read: not even remotely) be worth it for that crazy 'Blast Corps'-ass crowd. Man, dude.

You know, Chaplin has his critics. Some say he's overrated (he absolutely isn't), some say his movies are deliberately sentimental and heartstring-tugging (they absolutely are)...all I know is that every time I see 'The Kid' it gets better and better.

Goldangit. Especially starting right around 34:40 or so, when the authority shows up----it gets me every time. I'm weepin here, man. Like, if there exists a more emotionally-effective film, I'd like to know about it.
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Post by CaptHayfever » Sat Dec 15, 2012 2:20 am

A few days ago, in accordance with "Keeping the Han in Hanukkah", I watched Star Wars.

Just came back from The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. It was mostly good, but too long. There were a lot of padding shots, especially when Thorin's company is out of danger. The prologue & dinner party could've used a bit of trimming as well.

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Post by Deepfake » Sat Dec 15, 2012 7:53 am

Just saw that Bourne Legacy flic, I thought it was pretty good albeit rather limited in scope.It helps that Rachel Weisz is both a brilliant actress and also downright gorgeous to boot, and the sleeper cell theme was great. There were quite a few scenes (supposedly in Manila) with a slant that seemed like they were lifted straight out of Ghost in the Shell, including a near-identical baddie agent performing a chase after the heroes rather than the GitS getaway, motorbike included:
I muttered 'light as a board, stiff as a feather' for 2 days straight and now I've ascended, ;aughing at olympus and zeus is crying

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Post by Heroine of the Dragon » Mon Dec 31, 2012 3:49 am

Saw Wreck-It Ralph today!! :D
She lives in the clouds and talks to the birds...

Happiest faerie of VGF.

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Mon Dec 31, 2012 3:58 am

Moonrise Kingdom​. Simply astonishing.
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Post by CaptHayfever » Sun Jan 06, 2013 3:34 pm

I went & saw Les Miserables finally. I knew it would be long, but I didn't realize the first 30 minutes are basically nothing but Valjean, Javert, & Fantine. Sooooooooooooooo good, though. I actually got teary at the end; that's a rarity.

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Sun Jan 06, 2013 3:47 pm

Looper​ was badass, yo. also never mentioned in this thread that I went to see The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
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Post by Bomby » Wed Jan 16, 2013 11:57 pm

I just realized it's been a long time since I've posted my watchings... bad me. Very bad me.

The Hours: I liked this more than I expected to. I can't say it's a particularly fantastic movie, but it's solid middlebrow Oscarbaity quasi-bourgeoisploitation.

Ninotchka: Another masterwork from Ernst Lubitsch. A lot of fantastic quotes.

In Another Country: One of my favorite movies from Korean master Hong Sangsoo so far, perhaps because it reminds me of my own life so much. It's three different stories about a French woman (all played by Isabelle Huppert) visiting South Korea, and her interactions with Korean people.

Django: Much better than I remember it being. Corbucci's films are still nowhere near the level of Leone's, but come on, that's expecting way too much.

Love Letter: Having not seen this movie in a few years, I realize it takes a bit to really get started, though part of it might be the fact that I kept having to explain stuff to the friend of mine I was watching it with. Still, the reveal at the end - though hinted at a few times - is very satisfying.

Bringing Up Baby: Uh... where has this movie been all of my life and why did I take so damn long to see it? I need to watch more screwball comedies.[/b]

Something from Nothing: The Art of Rap. Really, a fantastic and thorough documentary by Ice-T, getting to 90% of the greatest rappers living today and getting into their creative processes. It's especially awesome to get to hear the originators still at the top of their game: Grandmaster Caz, Melle Mel, Rakim, etc.

2046: Some people have It's a Wonderful Life, others have A Christmas Story. My dorky Christmas Eve tradition is to watch this movie. New thing I noticed this year: Tony Leung looks like a Chinese Rhett Butler.

Django Unchained: I hate to sound sadistic, but damn, it's satisfying as hell to see racist slave owners get slaughtered. Not Tarantino's best, but god damn, I love it to death. I'm surprised I didn't make this movie myself. I remember hearing that Tarantino originally wanted Will Smith for this role, but honestly, I couldn't imagine him doing anywhere near as good of a job as what Jamie Foxx did.

Cloud Atlas: Maybe 30-40 minutes into the film's nearly 3 hour running time, my eyes began to well up with tears, and they remained like that for the rest of the film. I left the theater confident that I had just watched a misunderstood masterpiece. It's been polarizing so far, but time will be kind to this one. If not for The Master, this would easily rank as my favorite film of 2012.

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Post by Booyakasha » Thu Jan 17, 2013 9:22 am

Man, 'Bringing Up Baby' is so great.
boo--------------a real american weirdo

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Thu Jan 24, 2013 6:48 pm

Taken 2: The first Taken was surprisingly a fun action movie. This is more of the same thing. Really boring and mediocre.

The Grey: It was a night full of Neeson at my friend's house, and this was the second 2012 Neeson action-thriller we saw. This one wasn't the "I AM LIAM NEESON I WILL PROTECT MY FAMILY BY WRECKING YOUR ****" movie that he's been doing lately. It was a legitimately exciting thriller about survivors of a plane crash trying to survive as they're followed by a pack of wolves. I was even more shocked to find out the directors two previous films were (The A-Team and Smokin' Aces), which are on the other end of the action-movie spectrum.

Pitch Perfect: Add this to my guilty pleasures list. I finally got to see the movie through, and I really liked it. It's cheesy and predictable, but I had a good time. Plus, I'm a sucker for all things a capella, and I'm especially a sucker for Anna Kendrick rapping Dr. Dre's verse from the Blackstreet classic "No Diggity".
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Post by ThatDude100 » Sat Mar 09, 2013 12:24 pm

What Is The Last Movie You Watched?

I watched Ghidorah: The Three Headed Monster the other night. As a Godzilla fan, I definitely had to check that out, he's the Bowser of the Godzilla universe, he's Godzillas greatest fight. It is kind of funny to see how the Godzilla movies have changed compared to that one. I think anyone that's ever seen a Godzilla movie (except for 98 Godzilla and beyond) would definitely think "cheesy". The movie looks cheesy as crap (I think it was made in the 60's), but, it was still a great movie. One thing I miss now that's not in the newer movies with King Ghidorah is that weird noise he makes. I don't even know what to call it. A taunt? At least Godzilla roars, I don't know what the heck King FFGhidorah is doing. ANyway, not a bad movie at all. If you like Godzilla movies, or just cheesy monster movies, you should give this a try.

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Post by Bomby » Sat Mar 09, 2013 1:22 pm

Ayyo, GG!

That thread is acting as our "last movie you watched" thread because I was going to attempt to find what the most commonly watched movies were in that 12 month period.

Not that many people are actually posting in it, but hopefully I'll have a large enough data pool to work with by the end of June.

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Sat Mar 09, 2013 1:25 pm

Safety Not Guaranteed: An interesting romantic comedy with a great cast. Aubrey Plaza is my dream girl.
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Post by CaptHayfever » Sat Mar 09, 2013 2:55 pm

I saw Hanna for the first time a couple weeks ago. That was freaking intense, man.

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Post by ThatDude100 » Tue Mar 12, 2013 1:21 pm

I started watching the new Red Dawn last night. Haven't finished it yet, but, not a bad remake so far. SO far, it's what I expected as a remake of the original. I keep hoping to see any of the original cast do a cameo in it. There's only been one part in it I thought was just stupid. I forgot what the line was, but, I remember Jed saying something and I just, "That's the dumbest ass thing i've ever heard in my life." Other than that though, it's been really good so far. Definitely worth watching so far.

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Post by Bomby » Wed Mar 13, 2013 3:36 am

I've neglected this thread for a while:

Just One Look
The Day He Arrives
Gregory Crewdson: Brief Encounters
Blue Velvet
Django Unchained
Love Exposure
Woman is the Future of Man
All About Eve
Only Yesterday
The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
The Seaside Village
My Neighbor Totoro
Oh! Soojung
Porco Rosso

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