They made a movie out of Batman and it comes out this week. (The Dark Knight Rises)

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Post by Bomby » Sat Jul 28, 2012 2:24 pm

^ Ann Hathaway just officially became awesome to me.

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Post by ZeldaGirl » Sat Jul 28, 2012 4:48 pm

^I've always thought she was rather awesome.

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Post by CaptHayfever » Sat Jul 28, 2012 9:33 pm

That first sequence with her & the pearls & the window, I whispered to myself in a Joker voice, "Now there's a Catwoman."
There was no one around me for several seats in each direction (Tuesday matinee, baby), so I wasn't disrupting anybody.

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Post by Auron » Sat Jul 28, 2012 10:27 pm

^Well that's good. I can only imagine what some people would think if they heard me and my friends quoting stupid things like "helicopter" to ourselves at certain points in the movie. Luckily Regal plays their movies damn loud.

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:23 pm

it is taking so much effort not to highlight the black bars in this thread right now

hopefully seeing it tonight, if anything seeing it by tomorrow.
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Post by Bad Dragonite » Mon Jul 30, 2012 3:11 pm

Just imagine that they're long thin, tiny, versions of black holes that will tear your mouse pointer, your computer, and you to tiny, little, gory, panfanny shreds if you get to close to to touching/clicking them.
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Post by Calamity Panfan » Tue Jul 31, 2012 3:50 pm

First off, trailers: I would like to see trailers to things that I haven't seen the trailers to five bajillion times already. Looking at you, Total Recall and Bourne Legacy. Though the trailer for The Hobbit gets me pumped up every time I see it. And the Man of Steel trailer gives me hope that there might be a Superman movie that isn't a pool of piss.

Now down to business:
[spoiler]1. I don't know why I was skeptical about the villains in this movie, but I was. Bane ended up really good and his voice was on some Darth Vader level of sinister ****. Also Marion Cotillard is a ****ING LIAR WHO SAID SHE WASN'T PLAYING TALIA DAMN YOU FOREVER YOU LYING SHE-DEVIL.
2. Speaking of liars, I didn't know how to feel after the Blake/Robin reveal. Joseph Gordon-Levitt was awesome though. I would totally watch a JGL-starring Nightwing movie, though at the same time I hope it doesn't happen because Nolan would not approve of that ****.
3. Anne Hathaway was perfect as Catwoman. Catwoman is such a difficult character to get right, but I think Hathaway nailed it in this movie. (speaking of Anne Hathaway, is anyone else as ****ing psyched to see Les Mis as I am? I saw the trailer again while I was exiting the theater. **** gives me chills. If she's as good an Eponine as the trailer makes her seem, then she may tie Emma Stone as my favorite woman on earth)
4. While I didn't see some stuff coming (though that was mostly because THEY LIED AND SAID THEY WOUDLN'T HAPPEN), I predicted that Bane wasn't actually Ra's al Ghul's son, but instead he was the protector. Also figured that Wayne wasn't actually dead because that **** would make me cry too much and Christopher Nolan wouldn't make me cry. He's not a dick like Joss Whedon.
5. I didn't enjoy the movie on first watch as much as I did with The Dark Knight. Though I'm blaming some of that on the fact that I had to piss like a racehorse throughout the movie and had to leave multiple times. I think a second watch will fare better. Not sure if it would still be able to match TDK though.
6. I liked how it followed Knightfall, which I really should read again. I also got some Dark Knight Returns vibes, which were perfectly fine but I kinda hated them anyway just because I really don't like that graphic novel. (Like I understand its influence and all that but the comic itself has aged absolutely terribly)[/spoiler]
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Post by Marilink » Tue Jul 31, 2012 4:15 pm

^It was like a healthy mix of [spoiler]Knightfall and No-Man's Land.[/spoiler]
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Post by Calamity Panfan » Tue Jul 31, 2012 4:29 pm

^ [spoiler]Never actually read No Man's Land, I'll have to get on that ASAP.[/spoiler]
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Post by Deepfake » Wed Aug 01, 2012 9:37 am

Welp, saw it this past Toosday. I really liked it. You could say it really got a rise out of me.

You'd be scumbag if you did, though.
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Post by t3hDarkness » Wed Aug 01, 2012 11:08 am

Why did the South American guy speak in the voice of Sean Connery?

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Post by CaptHayfever » Wed Aug 01, 2012 12:20 pm

He's not South American in the movie; at least they don't specify him being such.

The one thing that really bugged me was that [spoiler]Bruce didn't realize that the rope was holding him back on his own while trying to climb out out the Pit. Seriously, we could SEE it go taut when he tried to make that last leap, & when the previous prisoners tried to make that last leap. The rope is clearly the reason why only Talia had ever escaped; with the rioting mob after her, she didn't have time to put it on before climbing. It had nothing to do with fear, only physics.
Besides, since Bruce didn't know about the riot mob or that the child had climbed without a rope, he might have been led to believe that the rope was mandatory.[/spoiler]

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Post by Auron » Wed Aug 01, 2012 12:55 pm

^[spoiler]And I know it's just a movie so it's really not trying to be realistic, but falling from a distance like that with a rope tied around your waist would probably snap a person in two.[/spoiler]

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