Legends Battleclub

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Legends Battleclub


Post by [sage] » Sun Aug 22, 2004 8:41 pm

Legends Battleclub

Im killing curse off for a few reasons (too slow, lack of ideas to keep it going, etc. If you were surprised... well don't be I had two rpgs running at once.). Adventure is staying because its still easy to update.

There's no real story in this. It's a battleclub. You and others are fighting to become living legends and to become the best.

To join

The only stats are HP and EP. EP is bascially MP, except attacking and using magical items that have CP, requires it. When you get to 0EP, you are too exhausted to fight, and you lose the battle. You can split 700 between the two.

Weapon: Choose your weapon type. You will get the basic version of that weapon. can be anything, doesn't have to be a conventional weapon if you don't want it to.

Abilities: Make up as many abilities as you wish, can be anything. Order them as you wish to receive them, of if in categories, put a number in parenthesses after the name to order them. You will only start off with a few. I decide all stats.

Signature Move: This is slightly different from abilities. It's a powerful move, unique to your character. This is the one move you get to decide everything about it. Describe the move then put its stats in the following format. These moves are more powerful than abilities, and can be improved later while Abilities cannot.

You get 10 points to split.

Damage: How much damage it does. The more points the more damage.
Extras: Any extra affects it has besides damage. Describe them. Each point can either add another effect or increase the power of an effect on it.
Cost: The more points you put here the more you reduce the cost.

Equipment: You get 1000gp to spend as you please. You can choose to save it if you wish, since there will be some equipment available in the shops that aren't available now.

Armor: Limited to one body armor, one shield and one head armor.
Padded Clothing (Increases HP by 20) 100gp
Leather Armor (Increases HP + 50) 250gp
Robes (Lowers magical damage by 15) 75gp
Buckler (Actively defending Reduces the chance of getting hit by 50%. 10% otherwise) 50gp
Mirror Buckler (Actively defending reflects magic 50% of the time. 5% otherwise) 100gp
Hat (Lowers damage by 10.) 50gp

You may equip one of each type of accessory.

-Leather Gloves (Increases physical damage by 30) 60gp
-Quick Boots (Gains first turn in battle. Also gains 20% evasion) 250gp.
-Speed Bracers (Attack twice per round, at reduced damage on second strike) 250gp
-(HP/EP) Regeneration Bracelet (Recover 1/10 of your max HP or EP per turn. Choose on buying) 300gp
-Phoenix Amulet (Works once per fight. 50% chance of breaking on use. When you get to either 0hp or ep (lose) you recover 25% of your max on both) 500gp
-Lucky Charm (gives you incredibly good luck) 400gp

--Magical Items--

Magical items are special equipment used to help you in a fight. Magical items have their own endurance, called charge points. All magic items with CP cost 1EP to activate as well.

-Fire Rod: (CP: 100. Flame (10CP) Burns one opponent for 100 damage. Explosion (25CP) An explosion hits all enemies for 100 damage) 250gp

-Magic Glasses (CP: 20. Foresight: Shows you what an enemy is going to do, as a free action. 1CP. Perfect Vision: Guarentees you to hit. Counts as a free action. 10CP) 80gp

-Blast Wand: (CP: 500. Beam: Releases a concentrated beam of energy on one opponent. Deals CP used x 4. Blaster: Releases a big explosion of energy on all opponents. Deals CP used x 2 damage to all enemies) 600gp

-Healing Wand (CP: 300. Heal: Heals CP spent x3 HP. Recover: Recovers from all status effects. 25CP. Life: Recovers an ally from death. 100CP) 400gp

-Guardia Staff (CP: 500. Barrier: Makes a barrier that lowers damage by half and has 300hp. 100CP. Quick Barrier: Lowers damage from an attack by CP spent. Imprison: Makes a barrier around the enemy. They can't attack you until break free. Barrier has CP spent x 2HP.) 600gp

Gems are attached to weapons in order to enhance your fighting ability. Each weapon can only hold so many. Most first level weapons can only hold one gem.

-Quick Gem A (Gain first strike in battle. Nulled if using a magic attack.) 100gp
-Vampire Gem A (Regain EP every time you attack, equal to 1/5 the damage you deal) 250gp
-Elemental Gem A (Gives the weapon 25% extra elemental damage of your choice. Must be -chosen when you buy a gem) 150gp
-Sharp Gem A (Causes bleeding. Dealing 10% of damage for the next 3 rounds) 100gp
-Stun Gem A (Stuns an enemy for one round, 10% of the time) 200gp

Small Meal: Recovers 200HP. 50gp
Small Drink: Recovers 100EP. 50gp
Small Charger: Recovers 25CP for a magical item. 50gp
Small bomb: Deals 150dmg to all enemies. Cannot miss. 100gp.
Small Whetstone: Improves weapon damage by 50 for one battle. 10gp
Invisibility Potion: Makes you invisibile until you attack. 99% evasion. Gives 100% chance to hit, and double damage. 100gp

[ August 22, 2004, 10:42 PM: Message edited by: Marth ]
Total slaughter, total slaughter. I won\'t leave a single man alive. La de da de die, genocide. La de da de dud, an ocean of blood. Let\'s begin the killing time.

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Post by KirbyBoy2000 » Mon Aug 23, 2004 12:07 am


Weapon- Staff

Signature Move- Spirit Absorption- Drains EP from an enemy. EP can be absorbed by Kagami or an ally in amounts based on effect.

Mirror- Blocks an attack. If magic it reflects it. If physical it makes the attacker unlucky. Only a limited amount can be made.
False Image- Creates an illusion of self or ally.
Soul Absorption- Drains HP from an enemy. HP can be used to heal either self or an ally.
Charge Mirror-Functions as a normal mirror, but absorbs magic attacks untill attacked or used again. When used again it deals the absorbed magical damage back at the enemy with extra damage.
Reflect Force- Deals back the damage of an attack to an enemy at slightly extra damage.
Mirror Image- Creates an illusion of self or an ally. Illusion has properties of the "Mirror" Spell.
Judgement Mirror- Deals damage to opponent based on how strong he/she is. Gains damage for every person defeated and Loses damage for every person helped/healed.

Healing Wand
Guardia Staff

Edit: Added some moves.

[ August 23, 2004, 03:02 PM: Message edited by: KirbyBoy2000 ]

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Post by [sage] » Mon Aug 23, 2004 5:17 pm

Level: 1
XP: 0
Rank: Newbie
Titles: None
Gifts: none


Weapon- Staff

Signature Move- Spirit Absorption- Drains EP from an enemy. EP can be absorbed by Kagami or an ally in amounts based on effect.
Power-5 (Drains 300EP)
Effect-3 (Absorbs 200EP)
Cost-2 (Costs 120EP)

Mirror- Blocks an attack. If magic it reflects it. If physical it makes the attacker unlucky. Only a limited amount can be made. 50EP

False Image- Creates an illusion of self or ally. If hit, the illusion vanishes. 25EP

Soul Absorption- Drains HP from an enemy. HP can be used to heal either self or an ally. Drains EP spent x 2, max 1/3 of EP

(Level 3) Charge Mirror-Functions as a normal mirror, but absorbs magic attacks untill attacked or used again. When used again it deals the absorbed magical damage back at the enemy with extra damage.
(Level 5) Reflect Force- Deals back the damage of an attack to an enemy at slightly extra damage.
(Lvl 7) Mirror Image:- Creates an illusion of self or an ally. Illusion has properties of the "Mirror" Spell.
(Lvl 10)Judgement Mirror- Deals damage to opponent based on how strong he/she is. Gains damage for every person defeated and Loses damage for every person helped/healed.

W: Quarterstaff (Damage: 60/EP: -2/gems: 0/1)
S: N/A
H: None
B: None
No accessories

Money: 0

Healing Wand (CP: 300/300)
Guardia Staff (CP: 500/500)
Total slaughter, total slaughter. I won\'t leave a single man alive. La de da de die, genocide. La de da de dud, an ocean of blood. Let\'s begin the killing time.

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Post by ZIPPYDIPPY19 » Tue Aug 24, 2004 9:25 pm

Name: Bluetooth
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Weapon: Trident
HP: 340
EP: 360

Riptide: Blocks one attack, be it magical or physical
Harpoon: Attacks one foe with a magical harpoon
Poseidon's Rage: Causes a massive quake that uproots boulders and hurls them at enemies.
Sacred Wave: Water attack that hits all enemies
High Tide: Raises Bluetooth's attack
Low Tide: Lower an opponent's attack
Lost at Sea: Drowns foe in boiling waters, inflicting damage over several rounds

Signature Move:
Gone Fishin'- wraps one opponent in magical fishing wire, leaving them defenseless as a team of sharks tear at their body

Damage: 5
Extras: 2-the opponent is bound with fishing wire
Cost: 3

Hat x 1
Leather Armor x 1
Buckler x 1

Leather Gloves x 1
Speed bracers x 1

Water elemental Gem x 1

Small whetstone x 2

Still don\'t care.

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Post by [sage] » Wed Aug 25, 2004 9:19 pm

Name: Bluetooth
Age: 19
Sex: Male

Lvl: 1
XP: 0/100
Rank: Newbie
Titles: None
Gifts: None

HP: 340 (390)
EP: 360

Riptide: Blocks one attack, be it magical or physical. 35ep
Harpoon: Attacks one foe with a magical harpoon. Deals 220 damage. 60ep
Poseidon's Rage: Causes a massive quake that uproots boulders and hurls them at enemies.
3-7 boulders (randomly), each with a 50% chance of hitting. Each boulder deals 50 damage. 60ep.
(lvl: 3) Sacred Wave: Water attack that hits all enemies. Deals 250 damage to all enemies. 120ep.
(lvl: 5) High Tide: Raises Bluetooth's attack. Lasts for 5 rounds. (doubles physical damage) 100ep
(lvl: 7) Low Tide: Lower an opponent's attack. Lasts for 5 rounds (halves physical damage) 100ep
(lvl: 8) Lost at Sea: Drowns foe in boiling waters, inflicting 150 damage for 3 rounds. 250ep

Signature Move:
Gone Fishin'- wraps one opponent in magical fishing wire, leaving them defenseless as a team of sharks tear at their body

Damage: 5 (2-8 sharks attack opponent. Each one deals 100 damage, and each have a 50% chance of hitting.
Extras: 2-Paraylzes for 2 rounds, and every round they have a 50% chance of breaking free.
Cost: 3 (245ep)

W: Short Trident (110 damage, EP: -4/0/1 gems)
S: Buckler x 1 (10% evade, 50% if actively defending)
H: Hat (dmg - 10)
B: Leather Armor (hp +50)
Gl: Leather Gloves x 1 (+30dmg)
Br: Speed bracers x 1 (2 times per round)

Water elemental Gem (+25% water damage)
Small whetstone x2 (increase damage by 50 for one battle)
Total slaughter, total slaughter. I won\'t leave a single man alive. La de da de die, genocide. La de da de dud, an ocean of blood. Let\'s begin the killing time.

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Post by Prince Toad » Thu Aug 26, 2004 8:31 pm

Name: Rethia
Age: 21
Sex: Female
HP: 400
MP: 300
Weapon: Dagger
Life Thief-- Drains HP from opponent and gives it to Rethia.
Will Thief-- Drains EP from opponent and gives it to Rethia.
Master Thief-- Steals 1-3 items from opponent and gives them to Rethia.
Distraction-- High chance to prevent enemy from going at all.
Poison the Body-- Both a physical and magical attack. Deals moderate damage to an opponent each turn.
Poison the Mind-- Both a physical and magical attack. Destroys a moderate amount of the opponent's EP each turn.
Poison the Soul-- Both a physical and magical attack. Takes away a moderate amount of opponent's EP and HP each turn.
Psychic Binding-- Decent chance to paralyze enemy for three turns. When the spell ends, enemy takes a fairly large amount of damage.
Rogue's Speed-- Goes first for the next five turns.
Counter Block-- Automatic. Counters are completely non-effective vs. Rethia.
Signature Move:
Damage: 0
Effect: 6 (one for the effect, the rest in the chance to insta-kill)
Cost: 4
Soul Stealer-- Chance to kill an opponent. If successful, Rethia is healed for twice their maximum HP, in HP, and their maximum EP, in EP.
Mirror Buckler
Quick Boots
Speed Bracers
Vampire Gem
Invisibility Potion
Prince Toad, the shroom-o-doom

^Proud member of the Circum-flex Revolution!

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Post by Cornell J » Thu Aug 26, 2004 11:11 pm

Name: Crimson Jelly
Age: 21
Sex: Male

Hp: 375
Otherp: 325

Weapon: Sword OF Jelly

Basic Punch- What do you think, not all too powerful
Ivy Jam- Poisons enemy 15% of the time, not too powerful, high accuracy though
Grape Beam (6)- Medium level damage with medium level accuracy
Sandwhich ( 8) - Attacks opponent from both sides, hitting with double damage, high attack, low chances of both sides hitting very effectively
Rampage (11)- Three round attack, medium damage given

Signature Move: Crimson Tide
Giant wave of jam nails opponent, maybe even flinching the opponent, the opponent may lie stiff in jelly too.

You get 10 points to split.

Damage: 8
Extras: 1
Cost: 1

Equipment: None

Leather Armor

You may equip one of each type of accessory.

-Leather Gloves (Increases physical damage by 30) 60gp

--Magical Items--
-Healing Wand (CP: 300. Heal: Heals CP spent x3 HP. Recover: Recovers from all status effects. 25CP. Life: Recovers an ally from death. 100CP) 400gp


Invisibility Potion: Makes you invisibile until you attack. 99% evasion. Gives 100% chance to hit, and double damage. 100gp

Dont ya love the theme?
CJ\'s sig:
Keeping Tikal\'s Dollar since 2/5/05

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Post by ZIPPYDIPPY19 » Sun Aug 29, 2004 7:18 pm

So is this one killed off too :confused:

Still don\'t care.

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Post by [sage] » Sun Aug 29, 2004 8:40 pm

what makes you think that? I'm just a little slow at updating right now. I was gone most of the weekend and I've been playing Tales of symphonia most of today.
Total slaughter, total slaughter. I won\'t leave a single man alive. La de da de die, genocide. La de da de dud, an ocean of blood. Let\'s begin the killing time.

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Post by ZIPPYDIPPY19 » Sun Aug 29, 2004 8:48 pm

well I was just wondering because you hadn't clarified PT and The HeadMasters characters

Still don\'t care.

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Post by Rubber Band Man » Mon Aug 30, 2004 5:53 pm

Name: Dark Matter
Age: 201
Sex: Male

HP: 500/500
EP: 200/200

Weapon: Blade

Psychic Fist- Psychic fist created by mind, average power and speed.
Psychic Blade- Psychic version of the blade, a little more powerful and quicker
Little- Attack lowers, and defense lowers slightly, but evasion increases dramatically
Mind Over Matter- Reverses any projectile attack thrown at DM
Psychic Disk- Projectile Disk Doesn't do a great deal of damage, but almost never misses.
Spread and Attack- Dark Matter splits into 3, attack lowers ion each by 1/2, speed is increased, along with defense and evasion, 50% sucsess rate
Big- Dark Matter grows, his attack is doubled, and defense is increased slightly, but evasion lowers by about 1/2
Dark Wave- Nuetralizes any stat modifier opponent may have

Signature Move:
Spreading Giant Wave Of Darkness
Combining three previous moves, Spread and attack, Dark Wave, and Big,
Dark Matter grows, (status effects), Splits in three (enter status effects), and releases a dark mave that inflicts little damage, but effects remain until "Little" is used, or DM runs out of MP/EP

You get 10 points to split.

Damage: 4
Extras: 6 (See above)
Cost: 0

Armor: Limited to one body armor, one shield and one head armor.
Leather Armor (Increases HP + 50) 250gp

You may equip one of each type of accessory.
-Quick Boots (Gains first turn in battle. Also gains 20% evasion) 250gp.

Invisibility Potion: Makes you invisibile until you attack. 99% evasion. Gives 100% chance to hit, and double damage. 100gp

400gp left
The Virginian Goat Farmers- Season 1 coming soon

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Post by [sage] » Mon Aug 30, 2004 9:10 pm

Name: Rethia
Age: 21
Sex: Female
Lvl: 1
XP: 0
Rank: Newbie
Titles: none
Gifts: none

HP: 400
MP: 300


Life Thief-- Drains 150 HP from opponent and gives it to Rethia. 75EP
Will Thief-- Drains 150 EP from opponent and gives it to Rethia. 75EP
Master Thief-- Steals 1-3 (50% chance for each item) items from opponent and gives them to Rethia. 20EP

(Lvl 2) Distraction-- High chance to prevent enemy from going at all.
(Lvl 5) Poison the Body-- Both a physical and magical attack. Deals moderate damage to an opponent each turn.
(Lvl 6) Poison the Mind-- Both a physical and magical attack. Destroys a moderate amount of the opponent's EP each turn.
(Lvl 9) Poison the Soul-- Both a physical and magical attack. Takes away a moderate amount of opponent's EP and HP each turn.
(Lvl 10) Psychic Binding-- Decent chance to paralyze enemy for three turns. When the spell ends, enemy takes a fairly large amount of damage.
(lvl 12) Rogue's Speed-- Goes first for the next five turns.
(lvl 15) Counter Block-- Automatic. Counters are completely non-effective vs. Rethia.

Signature Move:
Damage: 0 (Deals 0 damage)
Effect: 6 30% chance to kill opponent)
Cost: 4 100ep
Soul Stealer-- Chance to kill an opponent. If successful, Rethia is healed for twice their maximum HP, in HP, and their maximum EP, in EP.

W: Lt. Knife (Dmg: 30, up to two attacks per round, -1ep per attack)
S: Mirror Buckler (5% magic reflect, 50% if actively defending)
H: Hat (lowers physical damage by 10)

A1: Quick Boots (First attack in battle, 20% evade)
A2: Speed Bracers (attack 2x per round, reduced damage on 2nd strike)

Money: 0gp

Vampire Gem
Invisibility Potion


Name: Crimson Jelly
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Lvl: 1
XP: 0
Rank: Newbie
Titles: none
Gifts: none

Hp: 375
Ep: 325

Basic Punch- Deals 100 damage. 50ep
Ivy Jam- Deals 75 damage. Poisons enemy 15% (1/10 max hp/rd) 50ep.

(lvl 6)Grape Beam- Deals 300 damage. 150ep
(lvl 8) Sandwhich- Attacks opponent from both sides, hitting with double damage, high attack, low chances of both sides hitting very effectively
(lvl 11)Rampage - Three round attack, medium damage given

Signature Move: Crimson Tide
Giant wave of jam nails opponent, maybe even flinching the opponent, the opponent may lie stiff in jelly too.

You get 10 points to split.

Damage: 8 (400 damage)
Extras: 1 (10% chance of cancelling evasion due to covering in jelly)
Cost: 1 (200ep)


W: Short Sword of jelly (Dmg: 100, Ep: -3)
S: Buckler (evade: 10%, 50% if actively defending)
H: none
B: Leather Armor (HP: +50)
A1: Leather Gloves (Increases physical damage by 30) 60gp

Healing Wand (CP: 300. Heal: Heals CP spent x3 HP. Recover: Recovers from all status effects. 25CP. Life: Recovers an ally from death. 100CP) 400gp

Invisibility Potion: Makes you invisibile until you attack. 99% evasion. Gives 100% chance to hit, and double damage. 100gp

Name: Dark Matter
Age: 201
Sex: Male
Lvl: 1
XP: 0
Rank: newbie
Titles: none
Gifts: none

HP: 500/500
EP: 200/200

Weapon: Blade

Psychic Fist- Deals 100dmg. 50ep
Psychic Blade- Deals 200dmg. 100ep
Little- Lowers damage dealt by enemy by 75%, damage dealt to enemy is doubled. However, their evasion is increased by 50%, to a max of 95%

(lvl 5) Mind Over Matter- Reverses any projectile attack thrown at DM
(lvl 6) Psychic Disk- Projectile Disk Doesn't do a great deal of damage, but almost never misses.
(lvl 10) Spread and Attack- Dark Matter splits into 3, attack lowers ion each by 1/2, speed is increased, along with defense and evasion, 50% sucsess rate
(lvl 12) Big- Dark Matter grows, his attack is doubled, and defense is increased slightly, but evasion lowers by about 1/2
(lvl 15) Dark Wave- Nuetralizes any stat modifier opponent may have

Signature Move:
Spreading Giant Wave Of Darkness
Combining three previous moves, Spread and attack, Dark Wave, and Big,
Dark Matter grows, (2x dmg, damage is lowered to 80% and evasion is halved), Splits in three (enter status effects), and releases a dark mave that inflicts little damage, but effects remain until "Little" is used, or DM runs out of MP/EP

You get 10 points to split.

Damage: 4
Extras: 6 (See above)
Cost: 0

Leather Armor (Increases HP + 50) 250gp

You may equip one of each type of accessory.
-Quick Boots (Gains first turn in battle. Also gains 20% evasion) 250gp.

Invisibility Potion: Makes you invisibile until you attack. 99% evasion. Gives 100% chance to hit, and double damage. 100gp

400gp left
Total slaughter, total slaughter. I won\'t leave a single man alive. La de da de die, genocide. La de da de dud, an ocean of blood. Let\'s begin the killing time.
