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Post by [sage] » Thu Aug 05, 2004 7:29 pm

Since adventure is simple and only has one person in it, i'm going to run another rpg on the side. I do not plan on shutting Adventure down any time soon.

In this world, there exists a being of immense power. Yet, he is trapped, his power sealed away, into many people. This power manifests them at a young age. However, this power comes at a price. They're power inflicts on them a terrible curse. What the curse is varies by the person. Also with this curse, is the irresistable urge to free the sealed being from his prison. Once they realize their power they must set onto a journey to free him.

To join

Age: Can't be older than 18.

Major Power: There are many forms that the power takes. Choose one of the 16. You can take any level power you wish. Within the power, you have 6 skills. (assuming the power is broad enough to cover that)

Minor Power: A Minor power has to be of the same level or lower level than your major power. You can pick up to 3 skills.

curse: Your curse affects you more as you use your power. Find some curse types and examples below, or make one of your own up. It should have something to do with your power.

Stats: Split 30 between the two.
HP: How much damage you can take before dying.
MP: How much you can use your power while remaining resistant to the curse.

Split 5 between the three stats.
PA: Physical attack. It's multipled by the weapon's power to determine damage.
MA: Magical Attack. It's multiplied by the power of the spell to determine damage.
S: Speed. How fast you can act.

Lvl 1 Power types
-Magic: Lvl 1 magic is limited. It can do all sorts of impressive effect and dangerous ones too. It makes your life much much easier, but it's not all powerful.
-Illusions: You can create illusions, and have them do as you wish. Invisibilty is an illusion.
-Manipulation: Manipulation allows you to affect physical things. You can push and pull objects with this power, lift them off the ground, move them around. It's basically telekinses.
-Divination: You have the power to see and sense things from incredible distances, or even things that haven't happened yet. While useful, it doesn't contain the power to do anything about it, which is why it only a level 1 power.
-Enhancement: Enhancement allows you to magnify the qualities of things. You could make a weapon stronger, or make yourself faster. It's useful, but It can only go so far, so its a low level power.

Lvl 2 Powers
-Magic: Magic at this level is moderately powerful. It's more dangerous than lvl 1 magic (assuming you use it this way)
-Elemental Control: You have semi limited control over one element. The slashes represent the opposite. They are different elements. Lightning falls under the air category. Fire/Water, Air/earth, Light/dark.
-Summoning: You can summon and conjure anything from live beings to objects. Live beings have a resistance to this, but objects will come without question.
-Mobility: While not as quick and effective as the more powerful to make yourself move effectively in the manner of travel you wish, below teleporation. You can fly, You can travel up walls, etc.
-Animal Control: A more limited form of mind control, you can control the minds of those of lesser intelligence, mainly, animals.

Lv 3 Powers: Only a rare breed posseses these kinds of powers. While powerful, and capable of messing with other people, most beings have a natural resistance (mostly small for average beings) to these kinds of powers.
-Magic: Magic at this level is extremely powerful
-Mind Control: You can read thoughts, and basically control the thoughts of anyone at any time, to a limit. This is a pretty high limit, but its not an absolute power like the lvl 4 powers.
-Shape: You control the physical shape of any being. You can change the form of anything, including yourself. While powerful, everything has a resistance to this, besides yourself.
-Space: You can control space and distance. Effectively, it's teleporation. You can teleport yourself, others, and inanimate objects.

Lvl 4 Powers: Almost unknown. Lv4 powers can virtually shape the world as they will. However the curse affects them much faster and more powerfully than any others.
-Magic: You control the very essence of magic with your will. As a controller of magic, you can nullify any magic you wish, and create any sort of spell you wish. Spells can accomplish any sort of thing, even covered by other powers, but not as effectively. (i.e, you can cast a death spell, but it won't work every time, like a Life/Death power taking the life away from son
-Time: You can change time as you will. You can freeze it, travel it, slow it down, speed it up.
eone. However, aside from those kinds of things, you have absolute control over magic)
-Life/Death: You have the power to take life away from people and to give it back. You can heal all wounds and take life away in the blink of an eye.

Curse: The strength of the curse is directly related to the strength of the power. There are several types of curses. You can choose what exactly the curse does, but if I find it too soft for your level of power, I'll make it harder. All things under the types are examples. You don't have to pick one of them.

Physical: The curse can weaken physically in some way. It could make you slower, unhealthy, poison you, make you sick, make you tired.

Mental: The curse can weaken you mentally. It could make you go insane, become obsessive, become extremely emotional, It could make you forget thing.

Power: The curse directly affects your power. It could make it not work at certain times, It could make it backfire, It could make it inaccurate.

Magical: The curse could affect you magically. It could cast any number of status affects, directly damage you, or any number of things.

Luck: With this curse, you have extremely bad luck (well depending on how high your power is) You might miss at critical times, become a great klutz, or whatever.

Misc: anything that you can thing of that I couldn't.

[ August 05, 2004, 07:49 PM: Message edited by: Marth ]
Total slaughter, total slaughter. I won\'t leave a single man alive. La de da de die, genocide. La de da de dud, an ocean of blood. Let\'s begin the killing time.

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Post by ZIPPYDIPPY19 » Thu Aug 05, 2004 9:29 pm

Name: Domino
Age: 18
Sex: male

Major Power: Life/Death
- Death (Black ray that kills living creatures)
- Life (White ray that brings creatures back to life and hurts undead)
- Heal (Heals all wounds a creature has)
- Plague (drains an opponents stats)
- Sever (severs the bond tying the soul and body together, making the person a lifeless drone)
- Endless (Protects one person from attacks for a set duration)

Minor Power: Mobility
-Wall Walking (can walk on walls and ceilings)
-Shadow Step (steps into shadow, appears out of another nearby shadow)
-Water walk (can run over water for a set amount of time

curse: Toxin- Chance to drain my hp dramatically/ kill me outright

Stats: Split 30 between the two.
HP: 15
MP: 15

Split 5 between the three stats.
PA: 1
MA: 1
S: 3

Tell me if somethings wrong, and I will edit

[ August 05, 2004, 08:48 PM: Message edited by: Zippy ]

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Post by KirbyBoy2000 » Thu Aug 05, 2004 9:35 pm

Power: Mobility(major), Divination(minor)
Curse: Luck- Makes her Clumsy.

Major Power- Mobility
Flight-Enables flight for a long period of time.
Feather Land- Instantly slows descent when falling, so that it doesn't hurt.
High Speed- Increases speed in battle and dodging ability.
Ghost- Move through items/walls/people/anything really.
Loft-Makes you light as a feather, makes you able to jump higher, and increases/decreases speed depending on the direction of the wind.
Wall Cling- Enables you to stick to walls/ceilings.

Minor Power- Divination
Foresight- Shows a glimpse of what will happen in a short while.
Clairvoyance- Shows what someone is doing/where someone is within a somewhat large radius.
Guidance- Points towards a certain object, person, or area(name something and it points to it). Fairly innaccurate from far away.

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Post by Prince Toad » Thu Aug 05, 2004 11:19 pm

Name: Keor
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Major Power: Space
Minor Power: Illusion
Curse: Insanity (if overused, may drive Keor insane due to his continuous warping of reality)
HP: 10
MP: 20
PA: 2
MA: 0
S: 3
Space Spells:
Memorium-- Teleports Keor to any place he can remember.
Continuum-- Changes distance from where Keor is standing to a chosen point, as long as he can see it. Can make the distance longer or shorter.
Embassy-- Keor gains a mental map of the building he is currently in. He can silently teleport to any room in the building, even if he has not been there.
Conclusion-- Keor teleports above an enemy, attacks, then teleports behind the enemy and attacks.
Dismissal-- Keor teleports one person, creature, or item to anywhere within five miles.
Beckoning-- Keor teleports one person, creature, or item from anywhere within five miles to directly in front of him.
Illusion Spells:
Distortion-- Makes a distance appear shorter or longer than it is, but doesn't actually alter it.
Ruse-- Makes a copy of Keor appear wherever he wants it to. It can do whatever he wants, but will disappear if struck.
Chameleon-- Turns Keor invisible.

[ August 05, 2004, 10:46 PM: Message edited by: Prince Toad ]
Prince Toad, the shroom-o-doom

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Post by Parrakarry » Sun Aug 08, 2004 12:00 pm

Name: Bobbo
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Major Power: Time
Minor Power: Mind Control
Curse: Mental. He can't remember who he is or where he's from, except for his first name, and, while he's gotten incredibly intelligent, is also driven slightly more loony with each passing moment.
HP: 15
MP: 15
PA: 1
MA: 2
S: 2

Major power: Time

-Stop Time: Freezes time.
-Fast Forward: Make time go faster.
-Rewind: Make time go in reverse.
-Bullet Time: Slow time down.
-Restart: Restarts a battle, or event, or something along those lines.
-Eradicate: Erase someone from the time-space continuum.

Minor power: Mind Control

-Dominate: Take over the mind of someone.
-Mind Blast: Deals damage directly to an opponent's mind during battle.
-Read: Read the mind of someone.
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